Exemplo n.º 1
static le_result_t DcsNetSetDNS
    bool isIpv6,                     ///< [IN] it's of type IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false)
    char *dns1Addr,                  ///< [IN] 1st DNS IP addr to be installed
    char *dns2Addr,                  ///< [IN] 2nd DNS IP addr to be installed
    int dnsAddrSize                  ///< [IN] array length of the DNS IP addresses to be installed
    le_result_t ret = pa_dcs_SetDnsNameServers(dns1Addr, dns2Addr);
    if (ret != LE_OK)
        LE_ERROR("Failed to set DNS addresses %s and %s", dns1Addr, dns2Addr);
        return ret;

    if (isIpv6)
        le_utf8_Copy(NetConfigBackup.newDnsIPv6[0], dns1Addr, dnsAddrSize, NULL);
        le_utf8_Copy(NetConfigBackup.newDnsIPv6[1], dns2Addr, dnsAddrSize, NULL);
        le_utf8_Copy(NetConfigBackup.newDnsIPv4[0], dns1Addr, dnsAddrSize, NULL);
        le_utf8_Copy(NetConfigBackup.newDnsIPv4[1], dns2Addr, dnsAddrSize, NULL);

    LE_INFO("Succeeded to set DNS addresses %s and %s", dns1Addr, dns2Addr);
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void StartMonitoringDirectorySocket
    Service_t*  servicePtr
    le_event_FdHandlerRef_t handlerRef;

    char name[128];
    size_t bytes;
    le_utf8_Copy(name, le_msg_GetProtocolIdStr(servicePtr->id.protocolRef), sizeof(name), &bytes);
    le_utf8_Copy(name + bytes, servicePtr->id.name, sizeof(name) - bytes, NULL);

    servicePtr->fdMonitorRef = le_event_CreateFdMonitor(name, servicePtr->directorySocketFd);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);
Exemplo n.º 3
void allParameters
    common_EnumExample_t a,
    uint32_t* bPtr,
    const uint32_t* dataPtr,
    size_t dataNumElements,
    uint32_t* outputPtr,
    size_t* outputNumElementsPtr,
    const char* label,
    char* response,
    size_t responseNumElements,
    char* more,
    size_t moreNumElements
    int i;

    // Print out received values
    LE_PRINT_VALUE("%i", a);
    LE_PRINT_VALUE("%s", label);
    LE_PRINT_ARRAY("%i", dataNumElements, dataPtr);

    // Generate return values
    *bPtr = a;

    for (i=0; i<*outputNumElementsPtr; i++)
        outputPtr[i] = i*a;

    le_utf8_Copy(response, "response string", responseNumElements, NULL);
    le_utf8_Copy(more, "more info", moreNumElements, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
void msgService_SendServiceId
    le_msg_ServiceRef_t serviceRef, ///< [in] Pointer to the service whose ID is to be sent.
    int                 socketFd    ///< [in] File descriptor of the connected socket to send on.
    svcdir_ServiceId_t serviceId;

    memset(&serviceId, 0, sizeof(serviceId));

    serviceId.maxProtocolMsgSize = le_msg_GetProtocolMaxMsgSize(serviceRef->id.protocolRef);



    le_result_t result = unixSocket_SendDataMsg(socketFd, &serviceId, sizeof(serviceId));
    if (result != LE_OK)
        LE_FATAL("Failed to send. Result = %d (%s)", result, LE_RESULT_TXT(result));
    // NOTE: This is only done when the socket is newly opened, so this shouldn't ever
    //       return LE_NO_MEMORY to indicate send buffers being full.
Exemplo n.º 5
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc
    le_mrc_ScanInformation_Ref_t scanInformationRef,    ///< [IN] Scan information reference
    char                        *mccPtr,                ///< [OUT] Mobile Country Code
    size_t                       mccPtrSize,            ///< [IN] mccPtr buffer size
    char                        *mncPtr,                ///< [OUT] Mobile Network Code
    size_t                       mncPtrSize             ///< [IN] mncPtr buffer size
    pa_mrc_MobileCode_t mobileCode = { {0} };
    pa_mrc_ScanInformation_t* scanInformationPtr = le_ref_Lookup(ScanInformationRefMap,

    if (scanInformationPtr == NULL)
        LE_KILL_CLIENT("Invalid reference (%p) provided!", scanInformationRef);
        return LE_FAULT;

    if (mccPtr == NULL)
        LE_KILL_CLIENT("mccPtr is NULL");
        return LE_FAULT;

    if (mncPtr == NULL)
        LE_KILL_CLIENT("mncPtr is NULL");
        return LE_FAULT;

    if ( pa_mrc_GetScanInformationCode(scanInformationPtr,&mobileCode) != LE_OK)
        LE_WARN("Could not get scan information mobile code");
        return LE_NOT_POSSIBLE;

    if ( le_utf8_Copy(mccPtr,mobileCode.mcc,mccPtrSize,NULL) != LE_OK )
        LE_WARN("Could not copy all mcc");
        return LE_OVERFLOW;

    if ( le_utf8_Copy(mncPtr,mobileCode.mnc,mncPtrSize,NULL) != LE_OK )
        LE_WARN("Could not copy all mnc");
        return LE_OVERFLOW;

    return LE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 6
properties_Iter_Ref_t properties_CreateIter
    const char* fileNamePtr                 ///< [IN] File name of the .properties file.
    // Open the .properties file.
    FILE* filePtr;

        filePtr = fopen(fileNamePtr, "r");
    while ( (filePtr == NULL) && (errno == EINTR) );

    if (filePtr == NULL)
        LE_ERROR("File '%s' could not be opened.  %m.", fileNamePtr);
        return NULL;

    // Create the iterator.
    PropertiesIter_t* iterPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(PropertiesIterPool);

    iterPtr->streamPtr = filePtr;
    iterPtr->propertyBuf[0] = '\0';
    iterPtr->keyPtr = NULL;
    iterPtr->valuePtr = NULL;

    // The stored file name is only used for debug log messages so it is fine if the file name gets
    // truncated.  No need to check the return value.
    le_utf8_Copy(iterPtr->fileName, fileNamePtr, LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES, NULL);

    return iterPtr;
Exemplo n.º 7
proc_Ref_t proc_Create
    const char* cfgPathRootPtr,     ///< [IN] The path in the config tree for this process.
    app_Ref_t appRef                ///< [IN] Reference to the app that we are part of.
    Process_t* procPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(ProcessPool);

    // Copy the config path.
    if (le_utf8_Copy(procPtr->cfgPathRoot,
                     NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW)
        LE_ERROR("Config path '%s' is too long.", cfgPathRootPtr);

        return NULL;

    procPtr->name = le_path_GetBasenamePtr(procPtr->cfgPathRoot, "/");

    procPtr->appRef = appRef;
    procPtr->faultTime = 0;
    procPtr->paused = false;
    procPtr->pid = -1;  // Processes that are not running are assigned -1 as its pid.
    procPtr->cmdKill = false;

    return procPtr;
Exemplo n.º 8
static le_result_t ParseCommandLineArgs
    const int argc,
    const char* argv[]
    le_result_t result = LE_OK;

    LE_INFO("Parsing Command Line Arguments");
    if (argc != 2)
        LE_INFO("Invalid Command Line Argument, argc = [%d]", argc);
        return LE_BAD_PARAMETER;

    // Extract the Server's IP address
    le_utf8_Copy(NetworkSocketIpAddress, argv[0], sizeof(NetworkSocketIpAddress), NULL);
    LE_INFO("Setting Network Socket IP Address [%s]", NetworkSocketIpAddress);

    // Extract the Server's TCP Listening port
    int portNumber = atoi(argv[1]);

    // Verify the TCP Port range
    if (portNumber > 0xffff)
        return LE_BAD_PARAMETER;
    NetworkSocketTCPListeningPort = portNumber;
    LE_INFO("Setting Network Socket TCP Port [%" PRIu16 "]",

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
le_result_t le_utf8_Append
    char* destStr,          ///< [IN] The destination string.
    const char* srcStr,     ///< [IN] The UTF-8 source string.
    const size_t destSize,  ///< [IN] Size of the destination buffer in bytes.
    size_t* destStrLenPtr   ///< [OUT] The number of bytes in the resultant destination string (not
                            ///        including the NULL-terminator).  This parameter can be set to
                            ///        NULL if the destination string size is not needed.
    // Check parameters.
    LE_ASSERT( (destStr != NULL) && (srcStr != NULL) && (destSize > 0) );

    size_t destStrSize = strlen(destStr);
    le_result_t result = le_utf8_Copy(&(destStr[destStrSize]),
                                      destSize - destStrSize,

    if (destStrLenPtr)
        *destStrLenPtr += destStrSize;

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
static le_result_t GetJsonStrField
    json_t *srcJsonPtr,                    ///<[IN]  Json source object.
    const char *keyName,                   ///<[IN]  Key in json object.
    char *const destStr,                   ///<[OUT] Destination where json value will be stored.
    size_t destLen                         ///<[IN]  Max allowed length of destination string.
    // Get key value.
    const char *srcJsonStr = json_string_value(json_object_get(srcJsonPtr, keyName));
    if (srcJsonStr == NULL)
       LE_WARN("Field: %s is missing in item", keyName);
       // No need to deallocate via le_mem_Release(), Delete method will take care of it.
       return LE_FAULT;

    if (le_utf8_Copy(destStr, srcJsonStr, destLen, NULL) != LE_OK)
       // sizeof(destStr)-1 because last one reserved for null char.
       LE_ERROR("Item field(%s:%s) too long, Allowed: %zd B",
                destLen - 1);

       return LE_FAULT;
    return LE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 11
le_result_t le_info_GetImei
    char*            imeiPtr,  ///< [OUT] The IMEI string.
    size_t           len       ///< [IN] The length of IMEI string.
    pa_info_Imei_t imei;

    if (imeiPtr == NULL)
        LE_KILL_CLIENT("imeiPtr is NULL !");
        return LE_FAULT;

    if(pa_info_GetIMEI(imei) != LE_OK)
        LE_ERROR("Failed to get the IMEI");
        imeiPtr[0] = '\0';
        return LE_FAULT;
        return (le_utf8_Copy(imeiPtr, imei, len, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 12
le_result_t pa_mdc_GetInterfaceName
    uint32_t profileIndex,                    ///< [IN] The profile to use
    char*  interfaceNameStr,                ///< [OUT] The name of the network interface
    size_t interfaceNameStrSize             ///< [IN] The size in bytes of the name buffer
    // The interface name will always be of the form pppX, where X is an integer starting at zero.
    // Only one network interface is currently supported, thus X is 0, so hard-code the name.
    const char pppInterfaceNameStr[] = "ppp0";

    le_mdc_ConState_t sessionState;
    le_result_t result;

    result = pa_mdc_GetSessionState(profileIndex, &sessionState);
    if ( (result != LE_OK) || (sessionState != LE_MDC_CONNECTED) )
        return LE_FAULT;

    if (le_utf8_Copy(interfaceNameStr,
                        pppInterfaceNameStr, interfaceNameStrSize, NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW )
        LE_ERROR("Interface name '%s' is too long", pppInterfaceNameStr);
        return LE_OVERFLOW;

    return LE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 13
void dstr_CopyFromCstr
    dstr_Ref_t destStrRef,    ///< [OUT] The dynamic string to copy to.
    const char* sourceStrPtr  ///< [IN]  The C-style string to copy from.
    le_result_t result;
    dstr_Ref_t destSegmentRef = NewOrFirstSegmentRef(destStrRef);

        size_t bytesCopied = 0;

        result = le_utf8_Copy(destSegmentRef->body.value,

        sourceStrPtr += bytesCopied;

        if (result == LE_OVERFLOW)
            destSegmentRef = NewOrNextSegmentRef(destStrRef, destSegmentRef);
    while (result == LE_OVERFLOW);

    FreeAnyAfter(destStrRef, destSegmentRef);
Exemplo n.º 14
le_sem_Ref_t CreateSemaphore
    const char* nameStr,
    int         initialCount,
    bool        isTraceable
    // Allocate a semaphore object and initialize it.
    Semaphore_t* semaphorePtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(SemaphorePoolRef);
    semaphorePtr->semaphoreListLink = LE_DLS_LINK_INIT;
    semaphorePtr->waitingList = LE_DLS_LIST_INIT;
    pthread_mutex_init(&semaphorePtr->waitingListMutex, NULL);  // Default attributes = Fast mutex.
    semaphorePtr->isTraceable = isTraceable;
    if (le_utf8_Copy(semaphorePtr->nameStr, nameStr, sizeof(semaphorePtr->nameStr), NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW)
        LE_WARN("Semaphore name '%s' truncated to '%s'.", nameStr, semaphorePtr->nameStr);

    // Initialize the underlying POSIX semaphore shared between thread.
    int result = sem_init(&semaphorePtr->semaphore,0, initialCount);
    if (result != 0)
        LE_FATAL("Failed to set the semaphore . errno = %d (%m).", errno);

    // Add the semaphore to the process's Semaphore List.
    le_dls_Queue(&SemaphoreList, &semaphorePtr->semaphoreListLink);

    return semaphorePtr;
Exemplo n.º 15
static Service_t* GetService
    le_msg_ProtocolRef_t    protocolRef,
    const char*             serviceName
    ServiceId_t id;

    id.protocolRef = protocolRef;
    LE_FATAL_IF(le_utf8_Copy(id.name, serviceName, sizeof(id.name), NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW,
                "Service ID '%s' too long (should only be %zu bytes total).",

    Service_t* servicePtr = le_hashmap_Get(ServiceMapRef, &id);
    if (servicePtr == NULL)
        servicePtr = CreateService(protocolRef, serviceName);

    return servicePtr;
Exemplo n.º 16
static void StartMonitoringDirectorySocket
    Service_t*  servicePtr
    le_event_FdHandlerRef_t handlerRef;

    char* destPtr = name;
    size_t spaceLeft = sizeof(name);
    size_t bytesCopied;
    le_utf8_Copy(destPtr, servicePtr->id.name, spaceLeft, &bytesCopied);
    destPtr += bytesCopied;
    spaceLeft -= bytesCopied;
    le_utf8_Copy(destPtr, ":", spaceLeft, &bytesCopied);
    destPtr += bytesCopied;
    spaceLeft -= bytesCopied;
    le_utf8_Copy(destPtr, le_msg_GetProtocolIdStr(servicePtr->id.protocolRef), spaceLeft, NULL);

    servicePtr->fdMonitorRef = le_event_CreateFdMonitor(name, servicePtr->directorySocketFd);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);

    handlerRef = le_event_SetFdHandler(servicePtr->fdMonitorRef,
    le_event_SetFdHandlerContextPtr(handlerRef, servicePtr);
Exemplo n.º 17
le_result_t pa_sim_GetSubscriberPhoneNumber
    char        *phoneNumberStr,    ///< [OUT] The phone Number
    size_t       phoneNumberStrSize ///< [IN]  Size of phoneNumberStr
    return le_utf8_Copy(phoneNumberStr,"",phoneNumberStrSize, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 18
// todo: This function may eventually replace all usage of UnpackString() above.
//       Maybe there should also be a PackDataString() function as well?
// Unused attribute is needed because this function may not always get used
__attribute__((unused)) static void* UnpackDataString(void* msgBufPtr, void* dataPtr, size_t dataSize)
    // Number of bytes copied from msg buffer, not including null terminator
    size_t numBytes;

    // todo: For now, assume the string will always fit in the buffer. This may not always be true.
    le_utf8_Copy( dataPtr, msgBufPtr, dataSize, &numBytes );
    return ( msgBufPtr + (numBytes + 1) );
Exemplo n.º 19
le_event_FdMonitorRef_t le_event_CreateFdMonitor
    const char*     name,       ///< [in] Name of the object (for diagnostics).
    int             fd          ///< [in] File descriptor to be monitored for events.
    // Get a pointer to the thread-specific event loop data record.
    event_PerThreadRec_t* perThreadRecPtr = thread_GetEventRecPtr();

    // Allocate the object.
    FdMonitor_t* fdMonitorPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(FdMonitorPool);

    // Initialize the object.
    fdMonitorPtr->link = LE_DLS_LINK_INIT;
    fdMonitorPtr->fd = fd;
    fdMonitorPtr->threadRecPtr = perThreadRecPtr;
    memset(fdMonitorPtr->handlerArray, 0, sizeof(fdMonitorPtr->handlerArray));

    // To start with, no events are in the set to be monitored.  They will be added as handlers
    // are registered for them. (Although, EPOLLHUP and EPOLLERR will always be monitored
    // regardless of what flags we specify).  We use epoll in "level-triggered mode".
    fdMonitorPtr->epollEvents = 0;

    // Assume that the event should wake up the system; can be changed later.
    fdMonitorPtr->wakeUp = true;

    // Copy the name into it.
    if (le_utf8_Copy(fdMonitorPtr->name, name, sizeof(fdMonitorPtr->name), NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW)
        LE_WARN("FD Monitor object name '%s' truncated to '%s'.", name, fdMonitorPtr->name);


    // Create a safe reference for the object.
    fdMonitorPtr->safeRef = le_ref_CreateRef(FdMonitorRefMap, fdMonitorPtr);

    // Add it to the thread's FD Monitor list.
    le_dls_Queue(&perThreadRecPtr->fdMonitorList, &fdMonitorPtr->link);

    // Tell epoll(7) to start monitoring this fd.
    struct epoll_event ev;
    ev.events = fdMonitorPtr->epollEvents;
    ev.data.ptr = fdMonitorPtr->safeRef;
    if (epoll_ctl(perThreadRecPtr->epollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) == -1)
        LE_FATAL("epoll_ctl(ADD) failed for fd %d. errno = %d (%m)", fd, errno);


    return fdMonitorPtr->safeRef;
Exemplo n.º 20
static ThreadObj_t* CreateThread
    const char*             name,       ///< [in] Name of the thread.
    le_thread_MainFunc_t    mainFunc,   ///< [in] The thread's main function.
    void*                   context     ///< [in] Value to pass to mainFunc when it is called.
    // Create a new thread object.
    ThreadObj_t* threadPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(ThreadPool);

    // Copy the name.  We will make the names unique by adding the thread ID later so we allow any
    // string as the name.
    LE_WARN_IF(le_utf8_Copy(threadPtr->name, name, sizeof(threadPtr->name), NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW,
               "Thread name '%s' has been truncated to '%s'.",

    // Initialize the pthreads attribute structure.
    LE_ASSERT(pthread_attr_init(&(threadPtr->attr)) == 0);

    // Make sure when we create the thread it takes it attributes from the attribute object,
    // as opposed to inheriting them from its parent thread.
    if (pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&(threadPtr->attr), PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED) != 0)
        LE_CRIT("Could not set scheduling policy inheritance for thread '%s'.", name);

    // By default, Legato threads are not joinable (they are detached).
    if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&(threadPtr->attr), PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0)
        LE_CRIT("Could not set the detached state for thread '%s'.", name);

    threadPtr->isJoinable = false;
    threadPtr->isStarted = false;
    threadPtr->mainFunc = mainFunc;
    threadPtr->context = context;
    threadPtr->destructorList = LE_SLS_LIST_INIT;
    threadPtr->threadHandle = 0;

    memset(&threadPtr->mutexRec, 0, sizeof(threadPtr->mutexRec));
    memset(&threadPtr->semaphoreRec, 0, sizeof(threadPtr->semaphoreRec));
    memset(&threadPtr->eventRec, 0, sizeof(threadPtr->eventRec));
    memset(&threadPtr->timerRec, 0, sizeof(threadPtr->timerRec));

    // Create a safe reference for this object.
    threadPtr->safeRef = le_ref_CreateRef(ThreadRefMap, threadPtr);

    return threadPtr;
Exemplo n.º 21
le_result_t pa_mrc_GetCurrentNetwork
    char       *nameStr,               ///< [OUT] the home network Name
    size_t      nameStrSize,           ///< [IN]  the nameStr size
    char       *mccStr,                ///< [OUT] the mobile country code
    size_t      mccStrNumElements,     ///< [IN]  the mccStr size
    char       *mncStr,                ///< [OUT] the mobile network code
    size_t      mncStrNumElements      ///< [IN]  the mncStr size
    le_result_t res = LE_OK;

    if (RadioPower != LE_ON)
        *nameStr = '\0';
        return LE_NOT_POSSIBLE;

    if (nameStr != NULL)
        res = le_utf8_Copy(nameStr, PA_SIMU_MRC_DEFAULT_NAME, nameStrSize, NULL);
        if (res != LE_OK)
            return res;

    if (mccStr != NULL)
        res = le_utf8_Copy(mccStr, PA_SIMU_MRC_DEFAULT_MCC, mccStrNumElements, NULL);
        if (res != LE_OK)
            return res;

    if (mncStr != NULL)
        res = le_utf8_Copy(mncStr, PA_SIMU_MRC_DEFAULT_MNC, mncStrNumElements, NULL);

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 22
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static tu_UserRef_t CreateUserInfo
    uid_t userId,          ///< [IN] The linux Id of the user in question.
    const char* userName,  ///< [IN] The name of the user.
    const char* treeName   ///< [IN] The name of the default tree for this user.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    tu_UserRef_t userRef = le_mem_ForceAlloc(UserPoolRef);

    userRef->userId = userId;
    LE_ASSERT(le_utf8_Copy(userRef->userName, userName, sizeof(userRef->userName), NULL) == LE_OK);
    LE_ASSERT(le_utf8_Copy(userRef->treeName, treeName, sizeof(userRef->treeName), NULL) == LE_OK);

    LE_ASSERT(le_hashmap_Put(UserCollectionRef, &userRef->userId, userRef) == NULL);

    LE_DEBUG("** Allocated new user object <%p>: '%s', %u with default tree, '%s'.",

    return userRef;
Exemplo n.º 23
le_result_t le_mem_GetName
    le_mem_PoolRef_t    pool,       ///< [IN] The memory pool.
    char*               namePtr,    ///< [OUT] Buffer to store the name of memory pool.
    size_t              bufSize     ///< [IN] Size of the buffer namePtr points to.
    LE_ASSERT(pool != NULL);

    le_result_t result = le_utf8_Copy(namePtr, pool->name, bufSize, NULL);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 24
static le_result_t GetProcessNameFromPid
    pid_t pId,      ///< [IN] The pid of the process whose name to find
    char* name,     ///< [OUT] A buffer to receive the name of the app
    size_t length   ///< [IN] The size of the buffer that receives the name
    char pathStr[LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES] = "";
    char procPathStr[LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES] = "";

    if (name != NULL)

        // on linux, /proc/[pid]/cmdline contains the command and arguments separated by '\0's
        int result = snprintf(pathStr, sizeof(pathStr), "/proc/%d/cmdline", pId);
        if (result < 0 || result >= LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES)
            return LE_NOT_FOUND;

        int fd = open(pathStr, O_RDONLY);
        if (fd)
            result = read (fd, procPathStr, LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES);
            if (result == 0)
                return LE_FAULT;
            else if (strnlen(procPathStr, LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES) ==  LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES)
                // We need the first parameter of the command line, which is path to a process.
                // This shouldn't be longer than LIMIT_MAX_PATH_BYTES.
                return LE_OVERFLOW;
            // strip the path
            char* procNamePtr = le_path_GetBasenamePtr(procPathStr, "/");

            return le_utf8_Copy(name, procNamePtr, length, NULL);
        return LE_FAULT;
    return LE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 25
void StartClient
    const char* serviceInstanceName
        ///< [IN]
    // The instance name must not be an empty string
    if ( serviceInstanceName[0] == '\0' )
        LE_FATAL("Service instance name is empty");

    // If this is not the first time this function is called, compare against stored instance name.
    if ( GlobalServiceInstanceName[0] != '\0' )
        if ( strcmp(GlobalServiceInstanceName, serviceInstanceName) == 0 )
            LE_DEBUG("Called with duplicate name");
            // This is an error because the user application is likely not connecting to the
            // service that they expect.
            LE_ERROR("Service instance name cannot be changed from '%s' to '%s'",

        // Since the function was called before, there is nothing further to do.

    // This is the first time the function is called.  Store the instance name and init the client.
                             NULL) == LE_OVERFLOW,
                "Service ID '%s' too long (should only be %zu bytes total).",

    LE_DEBUG("======= Starting Client %s ========", serviceInstanceName);

    // Although InitClientThreadData() returns a value, it is not needed here.
Exemplo n.º 26
le_result_t dstr_CopyToCstr
    char* destStrPtr,               ///< [OUT] The destiniation string buffer.
    size_t destStrMax,              ///< [IN]  The maximum string the buffer can handle.
    const dstr_Ref_t sourceStrRef,  ///< [IN]  The dynamic string to copy to said buffer.
    size_t* totalCopied             ///< [IN]  If supplied, this is the total number of bytes copied
                                    ///<       to the target string buffer.
    dstr_Ref_t segmentRef = NULL;

    if (totalCopied)
        *totalCopied = 0;

    for (segmentRef = FirstSegmentRef(sourceStrRef);
         segmentRef != NULL;
         segmentRef = NextSegmentRef(sourceStrRef, segmentRef))
        size_t bytesCopied = 0;
        le_result_t result = le_utf8_Copy(destStrPtr,

        if (totalCopied)
            *totalCopied += bytesCopied;

        if (result == LE_OVERFLOW)
            return LE_OVERFLOW;

        LE_FATAL_IF(result != LE_OK, "Unexpected result code returned, %s.", LE_RESULT_TXT(result));

        destStrMax -= bytesCopied;
        destStrPtr += bytesCopied;


    return LE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 27
le_result_t ni_GetNodeValueString
    ni_IteratorRef_t iteratorRef,  ///< The iterator object to access.
    const char* pathPtr,           ///< Optional path to another node in the tree.
    char* destBufferPtr,           ///< The buffer to copy string data into.
    size_t bufferMax,              ///< The maximum size of the string buffer.
    const char* defaultPtr         ///< If the value can not be found, use this one instead.
    tdb_NodeRef_t nodeRef = ni_GetNode(iteratorRef, pathPtr);

    if (nodeRef == NULL)
        return le_utf8_Copy(destBufferPtr, defaultPtr, bufferMax, NULL);

    return tdb_GetValueAsString(nodeRef, destBufferPtr, bufferMax, defaultPtr);
Exemplo n.º 28
le_result_t pa_mrc_GetScanInformationName
    pa_mrc_ScanInformation_t *scanInformationPtr,   ///< [IN] The scan information
    char *namePtr, ///< [OUT] Name of operator
    size_t nameSize ///< [IN] The size in bytes of the namePtr buffer
    if ((!scanInformationPtr) || (!namePtr))
        return LE_NOT_POSSIBLE;

    // @TODO Handle other names than default SIM MCC/MNC
    if ( (0 == strcmp(scanInformationPtr->mobileCode.mcc, PA_SIMU_SIM_DEFAULT_MCC)) &&
         (0 == strcmp(scanInformationPtr->mobileCode.mnc, PA_SIMU_SIM_DEFAULT_MNC)) )
        return le_utf8_Copy(namePtr, PA_SIMU_MRC_DEFAULT_NAME, nameSize, NULL);

    return LE_NOT_POSSIBLE;
Exemplo n.º 29
le_result_t properties_GetValueForKey
    const char* fileNamePtr,                ///< [IN] File name of the .properties file.
    const char* keyPtr,                     ///< [IN] Key to get the value for.
    char* bufPtr,                           ///< [OUT] Buffer to hold the value string.
    size_t bufSize                          ///< [IN] Size of the buffer.
    // Get an iterator to the app's info.properties file.
    properties_Iter_Ref_t iter = properties_CreateIter(fileNamePtr);

    if (iter == NULL)
        return LE_FAULT;

    // Look through the name value pairs to find the key.
    while (1)
        le_result_t result = properties_NextNode(iter);

        if (result == LE_OK)
            // Get the key.
            if (strcmp(properties_GetKey(iter), keyPtr) == 0)
                // Get and return the value.
                le_result_t r = le_utf8_Copy(bufPtr, properties_GetValue(iter), bufSize, NULL);

                return r;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 30
static Service_t* CreateService
    le_msg_ProtocolRef_t    protocolRef,
    const char*             serviceName
    Service_t* servicePtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(ServicePoolRef);
    servicePtr->id.protocolRef = protocolRef;
    le_result_t result = le_utf8_Copy(servicePtr->id.name,
    LE_FATAL_IF(result != LE_OK,
                "Service ID '%s' too long (should only be %zu bytes total).",

    servicePtr->state = LE_MSG_SERVICE_HIDDEN;

    servicePtr->directorySocketFd = -1;
    servicePtr->fdMonitorRef = NULL;
    servicePtr->serverThread = NULL;    // NULL indicates no server in this process.

    servicePtr->sessionList = LE_DLS_LIST_INIT;

    servicePtr->recvHandler = NULL;
    servicePtr->recvContextPtr = NULL;

    // Initialize the close handlers dls
    servicePtr->closeListPtr = LE_DLS_LIST_INIT;

    // Initialize the open handlers dls
    servicePtr->openListPtr = LE_DLS_LIST_INIT;

    le_hashmap_Put(ServiceMapRef, &servicePtr->id, servicePtr);

    return servicePtr;