Exemplo n.º 1
/* kills the data */
static void stream_send_bytearr(liChunkQueue *out, guint8 type, guint16 requestid, GByteArray *data) {
	if (data->len > G_MAXUINT16) {
		stream_send_data(out, type, requestid, (const gchar*) data->data, data->len);
		g_byte_array_free(data, TRUE);
	} else {
		guint8 padlen = stream_send_fcgi_record(out, type, requestid, data->len);
		append_padding(data, padlen);
		li_chunkqueue_append_bytearr(out, data);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void fastcgi_send_begin(fastcgi_connection *fcon) {
	GByteArray *buf = g_byte_array_sized_new(16);
	guint16 w;

	stream_build_fcgi_record(buf, FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST, fcon->requestid, 8);
	w = htons(FCGI_RESPONDER);
	g_byte_array_append(buf, (const guint8*) &w, sizeof(w));
	l_byte_array_append_c(buf, 0); /* TODO: FCGI_KEEP_CONN */
	append_padding(buf, 5);
	li_chunkqueue_append_bytearr(fcon->fcgi_out, buf);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void stream_send_data(liChunkQueue *out, guint8 type, guint16 requestid, const gchar *data, size_t datalen) {
	while (datalen > 0) {
		guint16 tosend = (datalen > G_MAXUINT16) ? G_MAXUINT16 : datalen;
		guint8 padlen = stream_send_fcgi_record(out, type, requestid, tosend);
		GByteArray *tmpa = g_byte_array_sized_new(tosend + padlen);
		g_byte_array_append(tmpa, (const guint8*) data, tosend);
		append_padding(tmpa, padlen);
		li_chunkqueue_append_bytearr(out, tmpa);
		data += tosend;
		datalen -= tosend;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* len != 0 */
static void http_chunk_append_len(liChunkQueue *cq, size_t len) {
	size_t i, olen = len, j;
	GByteArray *a;

	a = g_byte_array_sized_new(sizeof(len) * 2 + 2);

	for (i = 0; i < 8 && len; i++) {
		len >>= 4;

	/* i is the number of hex digits we have */
	g_byte_array_set_size(a, i);

	for (j = i, len = olen; j-- > 0; ) {
		a->data[j] = (len & 0xf) + (((len & 0xf) <= 9) ? '0' : 'a' - 10);
		len >>= 4;
	g_byte_array_append(a, CONST_USTR_LEN("\r\n"));

	li_chunkqueue_append_bytearr(cq, a);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* returns padding length */
static guint8 stream_send_fcgi_record(liChunkQueue *out, guint8 type, guint16 requestid, guint16 datalen) {
	GByteArray *record = g_byte_array_sized_new(FCGI_HEADER_LEN);
	guint8 padlen = stream_build_fcgi_record(record, type, requestid, datalen);
	li_chunkqueue_append_bytearr(out, record);
	return padlen;