Exemplo n.º 1
static int
test_single_directory_impl (const tr_tracker_info * trackers,
                            const size_t            trackerCount,
                            const void           ** payloads,
                            const size_t          * payloadSizes,
                            const size_t            payloadCount,
                            const char            * comment,
                            const bool              isPrivate)
  char* sandbox;
  char* torrent_file;
  tr_metainfo_builder* builder;
  tr_ctor * ctor;
  tr_parse_result parse_result;
  tr_info inf;
  char * top;
  char ** files;
  size_t totalSize;
  size_t i;
  char* tmpstr;

  /* set up our local test sandbox */
  sandbox = libtest_sandbox_create();

  /* create the top temp directory */
  top = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "folder.XXXXXX", NULL);
  tr_sys_dir_create_temp (top, NULL);

  /* build the payload files that go into the top temp directory */
  files = tr_new (char*, payloadCount);
  totalSize = 0;
  for (i=0; i<payloadCount; i++)
      char tmpl[16];
      tr_snprintf (tmpl, sizeof(tmpl), "file.%04zu%s", i, "XXXXXX");
      files[i] = tr_buildPath (top, tmpl, NULL);
      libtest_create_tmpfile_with_contents (files[i], payloads[i], payloadSizes[i]);
      totalSize += payloadSizes[i];
  libttest_sync ();

  /* init the builder */
  builder = tr_metaInfoBuilderCreate (top);
  check (!builder->abortFlag);
  check_streq (top, builder->top);
  check_int_eq (payloadCount, builder->fileCount);
  check_int_eq (totalSize, builder->totalSize);
  check (builder->isFolder);
  for (i=0; i<builder->fileCount; i++)
      check_streq (files[i], builder->files[i].filename);
      check_int_eq (payloadSizes[i], builder->files[i].size);

  /* call tr_makeMetaInfo() to build the .torrent file */
  torrent_file = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.torrent", top);
  tr_makeMetaInfo (builder, torrent_file, trackers, trackerCount, comment, isPrivate);
  check (isPrivate == builder->isPrivate);
  check_streq (torrent_file, builder->outputFile);
  check_streq (comment, builder->comment);
  check_int_eq (trackerCount, builder->trackerCount);
  while (!builder->isDone)
    tr_wait_msec (100);

  /* now let's check our work: parse the  .torrent file */
  ctor = tr_ctorNew (NULL);
  libttest_sync ();
  tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile (ctor, torrent_file);
  parse_result = tr_torrentParse (ctor, &inf);
  check_int_eq (TR_PARSE_OK, parse_result);

  /* quick check of some of the parsed metainfo */
  check_int_eq (totalSize, inf.totalSize);
  tmpstr = tr_sys_path_basename (top, NULL);
  check_streq (tmpstr, inf.name);
  tr_free (tmpstr);
  check_streq (comment, inf.comment);
  check_int_eq (payloadCount, inf.fileCount);
  check_int_eq (isPrivate, inf.isPrivate);
  check_int_eq (builder->isFolder, inf.isFolder);
  check_int_eq (trackerCount, inf.trackerCount);

  /* cleanup */
  tr_free (torrent_file);
  tr_ctorFree (ctor);
  tr_metainfoFree (&inf);
  tr_metaInfoBuilderFree (builder);
  for (i=0; i<payloadCount; i++)
    tr_free (files[i]);
  tr_free (files);
  libtest_sandbox_destroy (sandbox);
  tr_free (sandbox);
  tr_free (top);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
test_single_file_impl (const tr_tracker_info * trackers,
                       const size_t            trackerCount,
                       const void            * payload,
                       const size_t            payloadSize,
                       const char            * comment,
                       bool                    isPrivate)
  char* sandbox;
  char* input_file;
  char* torrent_file;
  tr_metainfo_builder* builder;
  tr_ctor * ctor;
  tr_parse_result parse_result;
  tr_info inf;
  char * tmpstr;

  /* set up our local test sandbox */
  sandbox = libtest_sandbox_create();

  /* create a single input file */
  input_file = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "test.XXXXXX", NULL);
  libtest_create_tmpfile_with_contents (input_file, payload, payloadSize);
  builder = tr_metaInfoBuilderCreate (input_file);
  check_streq (input_file, builder->top);
  check_int_eq (1, builder->fileCount);
  check_streq (input_file, builder->files[0].filename);
  check_int_eq (payloadSize, builder->files[0].size);
  check_int_eq (payloadSize, builder->totalSize);
  check (!builder->isFolder);
  check (!builder->abortFlag);

  /* have tr_makeMetaInfo() build the .torrent file */
  torrent_file = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.torrent", input_file);
  tr_makeMetaInfo (builder, torrent_file, trackers, trackerCount, comment, isPrivate);
  check (isPrivate == builder->isPrivate);
  check_streq (torrent_file, builder->outputFile);
  check_streq (comment, builder->comment);
  check_int_eq (trackerCount, builder->trackerCount);
  while (!builder->isDone)
    tr_wait_msec (100);

  /* now let's check our work: parse the  .torrent file */
  ctor = tr_ctorNew (NULL);
  libttest_sync ();
  tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile (ctor, torrent_file);
  parse_result = tr_torrentParse (ctor, &inf);
  check_int_eq (TR_PARSE_OK, parse_result);

  /* quick check of some of the parsed metainfo */
  check_int_eq (payloadSize, inf.totalSize);
  tmpstr = tr_sys_path_basename (input_file, NULL);
  check_streq (tmpstr, inf.name);
  tr_free (tmpstr);
  check_streq (comment, inf.comment);
  check_int_eq (1, inf.fileCount);
  check_int_eq (isPrivate, inf.isPrivate);
  check (!inf.isFolder);
  check_int_eq (trackerCount, inf.trackerCount);

  /* cleanup */
  tr_free (torrent_file);
  tr_free (input_file);
  tr_ctorFree (ctor);
  tr_metainfoFree (&inf);
  tr_metaInfoBuilderFree (builder);
  libtest_sandbox_destroy (sandbox);
  tr_free (sandbox);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
tr_session *
libttest_session_init (tr_variant * settings)
  size_t len;
  const char * str;
  char * sandbox;
  char * path;
  tr_quark q;
  static bool formatters_inited = false;
  tr_session * session;
  tr_variant local_settings;

  tr_variantInitDict (&local_settings, 10);

  if (settings == NULL)
    settings = &local_settings;

  sandbox = libtest_sandbox_create ();

  if (!formatters_inited)
      formatters_inited = true;
      tr_formatter_mem_init (MEM_K, MEM_K_STR, MEM_M_STR, MEM_G_STR, MEM_T_STR);
      tr_formatter_size_init (DISK_K,DISK_K_STR, DISK_M_STR, DISK_G_STR, DISK_T_STR);
      tr_formatter_speed_init (SPEED_K, SPEED_K_STR, SPEED_M_STR, SPEED_G_STR, SPEED_T_STR);

  /* download dir */
  q = TR_KEY_download_dir;
  if (tr_variantDictFindStr (settings, q, &str, &len))
    path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s/%*.*s", sandbox, (int)len, (int)len, str);
    path = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "Downloads", NULL);
  tr_mkdirp (path, 0700);
  tr_variantDictAddStr (settings, q, path);
  tr_free (path);

  /* incomplete dir */
  q = TR_KEY_incomplete_dir;
  if (tr_variantDictFindStr (settings, q, &str, &len))
    path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s/%*.*s", sandbox, (int)len, (int)len, str);
    path = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "Incomplete", NULL);
  tr_variantDictAddStr (settings, q, path);
  tr_free (path);

  path = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "blocklists", NULL);
  tr_mkdirp (path, 0700);
  tr_free (path);

  q = TR_KEY_port_forwarding_enabled;
  if (!tr_variantDictFind (settings, q))
    tr_variantDictAddBool (settings, q, false);

  q = TR_KEY_dht_enabled;
  if (!tr_variantDictFind (settings, q))
    tr_variantDictAddBool (settings, q, false);

  q = TR_KEY_message_level;
  if (!tr_variantDictFind (settings, q))
    tr_variantDictAddInt (settings, q, verbose ? TR_LOG_DEBUG : TR_LOG_ERROR);

  session = tr_sessionInit ("libtransmission-test", sandbox, !verbose, settings);

  tr_free (sandbox);
  tr_variantFree (&local_settings);
  return session;