Exemplo n.º 1
void CodeEditor::repaintLineNumberArea()
    QRect lineNumberAreaRect(lineNumberArea->x(), lineNumberArea->y(),
                             lineNumberArea->width(), lineNumberArea->height());
    emit updateRequest(lineNumberAreaRect, 0);
// returns the width of the line number area
int HighlightingItemDelegate::drawLineNumber(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
                                             const QRect &rect,
                                             const QModelIndex &index) const
    static const int lineNumberAreaHorizontalPadding = 4;
    const int lineNumber = index.model()->data(index, int(HighlightingItemRole::LineNumber)).toInt();
    if (lineNumber < 1)
        return 0;
    const bool isSelected = option.state & QStyle::State_Selected;
    const QString lineText = QString::number(lineNumber);
    const int minimumLineNumberDigits = qMax(kMinimumLineNumberDigits, lineText.count());
    const int fontWidth =
        painter->fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(QString(minimumLineNumberDigits, '0'));
    const int lineNumberAreaWidth = lineNumberAreaHorizontalPadding + fontWidth
                                    + lineNumberAreaHorizontalPadding;
    QRect lineNumberAreaRect(rect);

    QPalette::ColorGroup cg = QPalette::Normal;
    if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_Active))
        cg = QPalette::Inactive;
    else if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled))
        cg = QPalette::Disabled;

    painter->fillRect(lineNumberAreaRect, QBrush(isSelected ?
        option.palette.brush(cg, QPalette::Highlight) :
        option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Base).darker(111)));

    QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
    opt.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
    opt.palette.setColor(cg, QPalette::Text, Qt::darkGray);

    const QStyle *style = QApplication::style();
    const int textMargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin, nullptr, nullptr) + 1;

    const QRect rowRect
            = lineNumberAreaRect.adjusted(-textMargin, 0,
                                          textMargin - lineNumberAreaHorizontalPadding, 0);
    QItemDelegate::drawDisplay(painter, opt, rowRect, lineText);

    return lineNumberAreaWidth;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CodeEditor::updateDebugLine(int number)
    //number > 0 => highlight line
    //number == -1 => exit from debug mode
    //number == -2 => does not highlight any line, but does not exit from debug mode
    //last case for waiting program stops on next instruction or breakpoint
    if (number == -1)
    if (number != -2)
        currentDebugLine = number;

    //create rectangle of line number area and highlight debug line throw updateRequest()
    QRect lineNumberAreaRect(lineNumberArea->x(), lineNumberArea->y(),
                             lineNumberArea->width(), lineNumberArea->height());
    emit updateRequest(lineNumberAreaRect, 0);
