Exemplo n.º 1
char * get_xy(list * ontology, int x, int y) {
	list * row = list_get_list(ontology, y);
	if(!row) return 0;
	list * cell = list_get_list(row, x);
	if(!cell) return 0;
	return list_get_token(cell, 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* This function tests the first word in the rule and checks if it
 * matches any of the initials in the list. */
int init_test(list * rule, list * initial) {
	/* First, find the word that we need to check. (unless there is a
	 * constituent first) */
	int i;
	list * lit = 0;
	for(i = 1; i <= rule->length; i++) {
		lit = list_get_list(rule, i);
		char * iname = list_get_token(lit, 1);
		if(!strcmp(iname, "into")) iname = list_get_token(lit, 3);
		if(!strcmp(iname, "constituent")) return 0;
		if(!strcmp(iname, "lit")) break;
	lit = list_find_list(rule, "lit");
	if(!lit) return 0;
	char * morph = list_get_token(lit, 2);
	/* Then check if it starts with the right initial */
	char * test;

	for(i = 1; i <= initial->length; i++) {
		test = list_get_token(initial, i);
		if(!partial_strcmp(morph, test)) {
			return 1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int checkrule(list * input, list * ontology) {
	int i, j;
	list * command;
	for(i = 1; i <= input->length; i++) {
		command = list_get_list(input, i);
		if(!command) continue;
		char * cname = list_get_token(command, 1);
		if(!cname) continue;
		if(strcmp(cname, "seme")) continue;
		for(j = 2; j <= command->length; j++) {
			list * varl = list_get_list(command, j);
			if(varl) {
				int retval = varcheckt(varl, ontology);
				if(!retval) continue;
				if(retval == 1) 
					fprintf(stderr,"\tThe \"%s\" variable is not a recognised category in the ontology!\n", list_get_token(varl, 1));
				if(retval == 2) 
					fprintf(stderr,"\tThe \"%s\" category does not have the feature \"%s\".\n", list_get_token(varl, 1), list_get_token(varl, 2));
				if(retval == 3) {
					fprintf(stderr,"\tHow can I bind (seme (%s %s))", list_get_token(varl, 1), list_get_token(varl, 2));
			char * vart = list_get_token(command, j);
			if(vart) {
				int retval = varcheckb(vart, ontology);
				if(retval == 1)
					fprintf(stderr,"\tThe \"%s\" variable is not a recognised category in the ontology!\n", vart);
				if(retval == 2)
					fprintf(stderr,"\tThe \"%s\" variable is not something that can be bound negative!\n", vart);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void check_ontology(list * output) {
	int i;
	char * dir = getenv("PANINI");
	char * fn = malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen("ontology.csv")+1);
	strcat(fn, "ontology.csv");
	list * ontology = csvloader(fn);
	for(i = 1; i<= output->length; i++) {
		int j;
		list * definitions = list_get_list(output, i);
		if(!definitions) continue;
		for(j = 2; j <= definitions->length; j++) {
			list * def = list_get_list(definitions, j);
				checkrule(def, ontology);
Exemplo n.º 5
int sandhi_initial(list * command, list * input, list * output) {
	list * initial = list_get_list(command, 2);
	list * sandhi = list_get_list(command, 3);
	int i;
	int j;
	/* This piece of code crawls through all of the rules and calls the 
	 * functions up there on each one. */
	for(i = 1; i <= output->length; i++) {
		list * rules = list_get_list(output, i);
		if(!rules) continue;
		for(j = 1; j<=rules->length; j++) {
			list * rule = list_get_list(rules, j);
			if(!rule) continue;
//			if(list_contains(rule, "sandhi"))
				if(init_test(rule, initial))
					add_sandhi(rule, sandhi);
	return 0;