Exemplo n.º 1
struct psl *mirrorLmPsl(struct psl *psl, struct lm *lm)
/* Reflect a psl into local memory. */
struct psl *p = lmCloneMem(lm, psl, sizeof(*psl));
p->qNumInsert = psl->tNumInsert;
p->tNumInsert = psl->qNumInsert;
p->qBaseInsert = psl->tBaseInsert;
p->tBaseInsert = psl->qBaseInsert;
p->qName = lmCloneString(lm, psl->tName);
p->tName = lmCloneString(lm, psl->qName);
p->qSize = psl->tSize;
p->tSize = psl->qSize;
p->qStart = psl->tStart;
p->tStart = psl->qStart;
p->qEnd = psl->tEnd;
p->tEnd = psl->qEnd;
p->blockSizes = lmCloneMem(lm, psl->blockSizes, psl->blockCount*sizeof(psl->blockSizes[0]));
p->qStarts = lmCloneMem(lm, psl->tStarts, psl->blockCount*sizeof(psl->tStarts[0]));
p->tStarts = lmCloneMem(lm, psl->qStarts, psl->blockCount*sizeof(psl->tStarts[0]));
if (p->strand[0] == '-')
    reverseStartList(psl->qStarts, p->tStarts, p->blockSizes, p->blockCount, p->tSize);
    reverseStartList(psl->tStarts, p->qStarts, p->blockSizes, p->blockCount, p->qSize);
    reverseSizeList(psl->blockSizes, p->blockSizes, p->blockCount);
return p;
Exemplo n.º 2
void joinTwoInfo(char *spec1, char *spec2)
/* joinTwoInfo - Look at two columns in two tables in mySQL and see how joinable they look.. */
char *s1[4], *s2[4];
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
int partCount = chopByChar(lmCloneString(lm, spec1), '.', s1, ArraySize(s1));
if (partCount != 3)
partCount = chopByChar(lmCloneString(lm, spec2), '.', s2, ArraySize(s2));
if (partCount != 3)

struct slName *list1 = getColumn(s1[0], s1[1], s1[2], lm);
struct hash *uniq1 = uniqHash(list1);
struct slName *list2 = getColumn(s2[0], s2[1], s2[2], lm);
struct hash *uniq2 = uniqHash(list2);
int countOneInTwo = countInHash(list1, uniq2);
int countTwoInOne = countInHash(list2, uniq1);
int countUniqOneInTwo = countUniqInHash(list1, uniq2);
int countUniqTwoInOne = countUniqInHash(list2, uniq1);
printf("%s: %d items, %d unique items, %d items (%d unique) in %s\n",
	spec1, slCount(list1), uniq1->elCount, countOneInTwo, countUniqOneInTwo, spec2);
printf("%s: %d items, %d unique items, %d items (%d unique) in %s\n",
	spec2, slCount(list2), uniq2->elCount, countTwoInOne, countUniqTwoInOne, spec1);

Exemplo n.º 3
static void addFilteredBedsOnRegion(char *fileName, struct region *region,
	char *table, struct asFilter *filter, struct lm *bedLm, struct bed **pBedList,
	struct hash *idHash, int *pMaxOut)
/* Add relevant beds in reverse order to pBedList */
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
struct samAlignment *sam, *samList = bamFetchSamAlignment(fileName, region->chrom,
    	region->start, region->end, lm);
char numBuf[BAM_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
for (sam = samList; sam != NULL; sam = sam->next)
    samAlignmentToRow(sam, numBuf, row);
    if (asFilterOnRow(filter, row))
	if ((idHash != NULL) && (hashLookup(idHash, sam->qName) == NULL))

	struct bed *bed;
	lmAllocVar(bedLm, bed);
	bed->chrom = lmCloneString(bedLm, sam->rName);
	bed->chromStart = sam->pos - 1;
	bed->chromEnd = bed->chromStart + cigarWidth(sam->cigar, strlen(sam->cigar));
	bed->name = lmCloneString(bedLm, sam->qName);
	slAddHead(pBedList, bed);
    if (*pMaxOut <= 0)
void mgcStatusTblAdd(struct mgcStatusTbl *mst, unsigned imageId,
                     struct mgcStatusType *status, char *acc,
                     char *organism, char* geneName)
/* Add an entry to the table. acc maybe NULL */
struct mgcStatus *ms;
lmAllocVar(mst->lm, ms);
ms->imageId = imageId;
ms->status = status;
if ((acc != NULL) && (acc[0] != '\0'))
    ms->acc = lmCloneString(mst->lm, acc);
    ms->acc = NULL;
safef(ms->organism, sizeof(ms->organism), "%s", organism);
if ((geneName != NULL) && (geneName[0] != '\0'))
    ms->geneName = lmCloneString(mst->lm, geneName);
    ms->geneName = NULL;
if (mst->imageIdHash != NULL)
    char key[64];
    makeKey(imageId, key);
    hashAdd(mst->imageIdHash, key, ms);
if ((mst->accHash != NULL) && (acc != NULL))
    hashAdd(mst->accHash, ms->acc, ms);

Exemplo n.º 5
struct variant *variantNew(char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned numAlleles,
			   char *slashSepAlleles, char *refAllele, struct lm *lm)
/* Create a variant from basic information that is easy to extract from most other variant
 * formats: coords, allele count, string of slash-separated alleles and reference allele. */
struct variant *variant;

// We have a new variant!
lmAllocVar(lm, variant);
variant->chrom = lmCloneString(lm, chrom);
variant->chromStart = start;
variant->chromEnd = end;
variant->numAlleles = numAlleles;

// get the alleles.
char *nextAlleleString = lmCloneString(lm, slashSepAlleles);
int alleleNumber = 0;
for( ; alleleNumber < numAlleles; alleleNumber++)
    if (nextAlleleString == NULL)
	errAbort("number of alleles in /-separated string doesn't match numAlleles");
    char *thisAlleleString = nextAlleleString;

    // advance pointer to next variant string
    // probably there's some kent routine to do this behind the curtain
    nextAlleleString = strchr(thisAlleleString, '/');
    if (nextAlleleString)	 // null out '/' and move to next char
	*nextAlleleString = 0;

    boolean isRefAllele = (sameWord(thisAlleleString, refAllele) ||
			   (isEmpty(refAllele) && sameString(thisAlleleString, "-")));
    int alleleStringLength = strlen(thisAlleleString);
    if (isDash(thisAlleleString))
	alleleStringLength = 0;
	thisAlleleString[0] = '\0';

    // we have a new allele!
    struct allele *allele;
    slAddHead(&variant->alleles, allele);
    allele->variant = variant;
    allele->length = alleleStringLength; 
    allele->sequence = lmCloneString(lm, thisAlleleString);
    allele->isReference = isRefAllele;


return variant;
Exemplo n.º 6
struct raField *raFieldNew(char *name, char *val, struct lm *lm)
/* Return new raField. */
struct raField *field;
lmAllocVar(lm, field);
field->name = lmCloneString(lm, name);
val = emptyForNull(skipLeadingSpaces(val));
field->val = lmCloneString(lm, val);
return field;
Exemplo n.º 7
char *raFoldInOneRetName(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *hashOfHash)
/* Fold in one record from ra file into hashOfHash. 
 * This will add ra's and ra fields to whatever already
 * exists in the hashOfHash,  overriding fields of the
 * same name if they exist already. */
char *word, *line, *name;
struct hash *ra;
struct hashEl *hel;

/* Get first nonempty non-comment line and make sure
 * it contains name. */
if (!lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
    return NULL;
word = nextWord(&line);
if (!sameString(word, "name"))
    errAbort("Expecting 'name' line %d of %s, got %s", 
    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName, word);
name = nextWord(&line);
if (name == NULL)
    errAbort("Short name field line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);

/* Find ra hash associated with name, making up a new
 * one if need be. */
if ((ra = hashFindVal(hashOfHash, name)) == NULL)
    ra = newHash(7);
    hashAdd(hashOfHash, name, ra);
    hashAdd(ra, "name", lmCloneString(ra->lm, name));

/* Fill in fields of ra hash with data up to next
 * blank line or end of file. */
for (;;)
    if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    line = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
    if (line[0] == 0)
    if (line[0] == '#')
    word = nextWord(&line);
    line = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
    if (line == NULL)
        line = "";
    hel = hashLookup(ra, word);
    if (hel == NULL)
        hel = hashAdd(ra, word, lmCloneString(ra->lm, line));
        hel->val = lmCloneString(ra->lm, line);
return hashFindVal(ra, "name");
Exemplo n.º 8
struct slPair *tagStanzaAppend(struct tagStorm *tagStorm, struct tagStanza *stanza, 
    char *tag, char *val)
/* Add tag with given value to stanza */
struct lm *lm = tagStorm->lm;
struct slPair *pair;
lmAllocVar(lm, pair);
pair->name = lmCloneString(lm, tag);
pair->val = lmCloneString(lm, val);
slAddTail(&stanza->tagList, pair);
return pair;
struct geneLoc* geneLocNew(struct lm *lm, char *name, char *chrom,
                           char *strand, int start, int end)
/* Create a new geneLoc object */
struct geneLoc *geneLoc;
lmAllocVar(lm, geneLoc);
geneLoc->name = lmCloneString(lm, name);
geneLoc->chrom = lmCloneString(lm, chrom);
strcpy(geneLoc->strand, strand);
geneLoc->start = start;
geneLoc->end = end;
return geneLoc;
struct raFile *raFileRead(char *fileName, struct raLevel *level, struct lm *lm)
/* Read in file */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
struct raFile *raFile;
lmAllocVar(lm, raFile);
raFile->name = lmCloneString(lm, fileName);
raFile->recordList = readRecordsFromFile(raFile, dy, lm);
raFile->endSpace = lmCloneString(lm, dy->string);
raFile->level = level;
return raFile;
Exemplo n.º 11
static void addBedElement(struct bed **bedList, char *chrom,
	unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned count, struct lm *lm)
struct bed *bed;
char name[128];

lmAllocVar(lm, bed);
bed->chrom = lmCloneString(lm, chrom);
bed->chromStart = start;
bed->chromEnd = end;
safef(name,ArraySize(name), "%s.%u", bed->chrom, count);
bed->name = lmCloneString(lm, name);
slAddHead(bedList, bed);
Exemplo n.º 12
struct gpFx *gpFxNew(char *allele, char *transcript, enum soTerm soNumber,
		     enum detailType detailType, struct lm *lm)
/* Fill in the common members of gpFx; leave soTerm-specific members for caller to fill in. */
struct gpFx *effect;
lmAllocVar(lm, effect);
effect->allele = collapseDashes(lmCloneString(lm, allele));
if (isAllNt(effect->allele, strlen(effect->allele)))
effect->transcript = lmCloneString(lm, transcript);
effect->soNumber = soNumber;
effect->detailType = detailType;
return effect;
Exemplo n.º 13
int bamAddOneSamAlignment(const bam1_t *bam, void *data, bam_hdr_t *header)
/* bam_fetch() calls this on each bam alignment retrieved.  Translate each bam
 * into a samAlignment. */
struct bamToSamHelper *helper = (struct bamToSamHelper *)data;
struct lm *lm = helper->lm;
struct samAlignment *sam;
lmAllocVar(lm, sam);
const bam1_core_t *core = &bam->core;
struct dyString *dy = helper->dy;
sam->qName = lmCloneString(lm, bam1_qname(bam));
sam->flag = core->flag;
if (helper->chrom != NULL)
    sam->rName = helper->chrom;
    sam->rName = lmCloneString(lm, header->target_name[core->tid]);
sam->pos = core->pos + 1;
sam->mapQ = core->qual;
bamUnpackCigar(bam, dy);
sam->cigar = lmCloneStringZ(lm, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
if (core->mtid >= 0)
    if (core->tid == core->mtid)
	sam->rNext = "=";
	sam->rNext = lmCloneString(lm, header->target_name[core->mtid]);
    sam->rNext = "*";
sam->pNext = core->mpos + 1;
sam->tLen = core->isize;
sam->seq = lmAlloc(lm, core->l_qseq + 1);
bamUnpackQuerySequence(bam, FALSE, sam->seq);
char *bamQual = (char *)bam1_qual(bam);
if (isAllSameChar(bamQual, core->l_qseq, -1))
    sam->qual = "*";
    sam->qual = lmCloneStringZ(lm, bamQual, core->l_qseq);
    addToChars(sam->qual, core->l_qseq, 33);
bamUnpackAux(bam, dy);
sam->tagTypeVals = lmCloneStringZ(lm, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
slAddHead(&helper->samList, sam);
return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
struct dnaSeq *genePredToGenomicSequence(struct genePred *pred, char *chromSeq, struct lm *lm)
/* Return concatenated genomic sequence of exons of pred. */
int txLen = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i < pred->exonCount; i++)
    txLen += (pred->exonEnds[i] - pred->exonStarts[i]);
char *seq = lmAlloc(lm, txLen + 1);
int offset = 0;
for (i=0; i < pred->exonCount; i++)
    int blockStart = pred->exonStarts[i];
    int blockSize = pred->exonEnds[i] - blockStart;
    memcpy(seq+offset, chromSeq+blockStart, blockSize*sizeof(*seq));
    offset += blockSize;
if(pred->strand[0] == '-')
    reverseComplement(seq, txLen);
struct dnaSeq *txSeq = NULL;
lmAllocVar(lm, txSeq);
txSeq->name = lmCloneString(lm, pred->name);
txSeq->dna = seq;
txSeq->size = txLen;
return txSeq;
Exemplo n.º 15
static char *uintToString(struct lm *lm, uint num)
char buffer[10];

safef(buffer,sizeof buffer, "%d", num);
return lmCloneString(lm, buffer);
Exemplo n.º 16
static void addPrimaryIdsToHash(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct hash *hash,
				char *idField, struct slName *tableList,
				struct lm *lm, char *extraWhere)
/* For each table in tableList, query all idField values and add to hash,
 * id -> uppercased id for case-insensitive matching. */
struct slName *table;
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
for (table = tableList;  table != NULL;  table = table->next)
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select %s from %s", idField, table->name);
    if (extraWhere != NULL)
	dyStringPrintf(query, " where %s", extraWhere);
    sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	if (isNotEmpty(row[0]))
	    char *origCase = lmCloneString(lm, row[0]);
	    hashAdd(hash, row[0], origCase);
Exemplo n.º 17
static void addMiscDiff(int iDiff, char *subField, char *val)
/* add a misc diff to kvt, subField can be empty */
char name[256];
safef(name, sizeof(name), "mdiff.%d%s", iDiff, subField);
kvtAdd(kvt, lmCloneString(kvtMem, name), val);
Exemplo n.º 18
void peakClusterMakerAddFromSource(struct peakClusterMaker *maker, struct peakSource *source)
/* Read through data source and add items to it to rangeTrees in maker */
struct hash *chromHash = maker->chromHash;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(source->dataSource, TRUE);
struct lm *lm = chromHash->lm;	/* Local memory pool - share with hash */
char *row[source->minColCount];
struct peakItem *item;
char *line;
while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
    char *asciiLine = lmCloneString(lm, line);
    int wordCount = chopByWhite(line, row, source->minColCount);
    lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, source->minColCount, wordCount);
    char *chrom = row[source->chromColIx];
    struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(chromHash, chrom);
    if (hel == NULL)
	struct rbTree *tree = rangeTreeNewDetailed(lm, maker->stack);
	hel = hashAdd(chromHash, chrom, tree);
    struct rbTree *tree = hel->val;
    lmAllocVar(lm, item);
    item->chrom = hel->name;
    item->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[source->startColIx]);
    item->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[source->endColIx]);
    item->score = sqlDouble(row[source->scoreColIx]) * source->normFactor;
    if (item->score > 1000) item->score = 1000;
    item->source = source;
    item->asciiLine = asciiLine;
    rangeTreeAddValList(tree, item->chromStart, item->chromEnd, item);
Exemplo n.º 19
struct exonFrames *cdsExonAddFrames(struct cdsExon *exon,
                                    int qStart, int qEnd, char qStrand,
                                    char *tName, int tStart, int tEnd,
                                    char frame, char geneStrand, int cdsOff)
/* allocate a new mafFrames object and link it exon */
struct orgGenes *genes = exon->gene->genes;
struct exonFrames *ef;
lmAllocVar(genes->memPool, ef);
ef->exon = exon;

/* fill in query part */
ef->mf.src = genes->srcDb;
ef->srcStart = qStart;
ef->srcEnd = qEnd;
ef->srcStrand = qStrand;
ef->cdsStart = cdsOff;
ef->cdsEnd = cdsOff + (qEnd - qStart);

/* fill in mafFrames part */
ef->mf.chrom = lmCloneString(genes->memPool, tName);
ef->mf.chromStart = tStart;
ef->mf.chromEnd = tEnd;
ef->mf.frame = frame;
ef->mf.strand[0] = geneStrand;
ef->mf.name = exon->gene->name;
ef->mf.prevFramePos = -1;
ef->mf.nextFramePos = -1;

slAddHead(&exon->frames, ef);
return ef;
Exemplo n.º 20
static char *chromStrAlloc(struct orgGenes *genes, char *chrom)
/* allocated a chrom name from the pool, caching the last allocated */
if ((genes->curChrom == NULL) || !sameString(chrom, genes->curChrom))
    genes->curChrom = lmCloneString(genes->memPool, chrom);
return genes->curChrom;
Exemplo n.º 21
struct hash *raFromString(char *string)
/* Return hash of key/value pairs from string.
 * As above freeHash this when done. */
char *dupe = cloneString(string);
char *s = dupe, *lineEnd;
struct hash *hash = newHash(7);
char *key, *val;

for (;;)
    s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
    if (s == NULL || s[0] == 0)
    lineEnd = strchr(s, '\n');
    if (lineEnd != NULL)
        *lineEnd++ = 0;
    key = nextWord(&s);
    val = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
    s = lineEnd;
    val = lmCloneString(hash->lm, val);
    hashAdd(hash, key, val);
return hash;
Exemplo n.º 22
static char *gpFxModifyCodingSequence(char *oldCodingSeq, struct genePred *pred,
				      int startInCds, int endInCds, struct allele *allele,
				      int *retCdsBasesAdded, struct lm *lm)
/* Return a new coding sequence that is oldCodingSeq with allele applied. */
boolean isRc = (pred->strand[0] == '-');
char *newAlleleSeq = allele->sequence;
int newAlLen = strlen(newAlleleSeq);
if (! isAllNt(newAlleleSeq, newAlLen))
    // symbolic -- may be deletion or insertion, but we can't tell. :(
    newAlleleSeq = "";
    newAlLen = 0;
if (isRc && newAlLen > 0)
    newAlleleSeq = lmCloneString(lm, newAlleleSeq);
    reverseComplement(newAlleleSeq, newAlLen);
int variantSizeOnCds = endInCds - startInCds;
if (variantSizeOnCds < 0)
    errAbort("gpFx: endInCds (%d) < startInCds (%d)", endInCds, startInCds);
char *newCodingSeq = mergeAllele(oldCodingSeq, startInCds, variantSizeOnCds,
				 newAlleleSeq, newAlLen, lm);
// If newCodingSequence has an early stop, truncate there:
int variantSizeOnRef = allele->variant->chromEnd - allele->variant->chromStart;
if (retCdsBasesAdded)
    *retCdsBasesAdded = allele->length - variantSizeOnRef;
return newCodingSeq;
Exemplo n.º 23
static char * mergeAllele(char *transcript, int offset, int variantWidth,
			  char *newAlleleSeq, int alleleLength, struct lm *lm)
/* merge a variant into an allele */
char *newTranscript = NULL;
//#*** This will be incorrect for an MNV that spans exon boundary --
//#*** so we should also clip allele to cds portion(s?!) before calling this.
if (variantWidth == alleleLength)
    newTranscript = lmCloneString(lm, transcript);
    memcpy(&newTranscript[offset], newAlleleSeq, alleleLength);
    int insertionSize = alleleLength - variantWidth;
    int newLength = strlen(transcript) + insertionSize;
    newTranscript = lmAlloc(lm, newLength + 1);
    char *restOfTranscript = &transcript[offset + variantWidth];

    // copy over the part before the variant
    memcpy(newTranscript, transcript, offset);

    // copy in the new allele
    memcpy(&newTranscript[offset], newAlleleSeq, alleleLength);

    // copy in the part after the variant
    memcpy(&newTranscript[offset + alleleLength], restOfTranscript, 
	strlen(restOfTranscript) + 1);

return newTranscript;
Exemplo n.º 24
static void addFilteredBedsOnRegion(char *fileName, struct region *region, char *table,
				    struct asFilter *filter, struct lm *bedLm,
				    struct bed **pBedList, struct hash *idHash, int *pMaxOut,
				    boolean isTabix)
/* Add relevant beds in reverse order to pBedList */
struct vcfFile *vcff;
if (isTabix)
    vcff = vcfTabixFileMayOpen(fileName, region->chrom, region->start, region->end,
			       100, *pMaxOut);
    vcff = vcfFileMayOpen(fileName, region->chrom, region->start, region->end,
			  100, *pMaxOut, TRUE);
if (vcff == NULL)
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
char numBuf[VCF_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
// Temporary storage for row-ification:
struct dyString *dyAlt = newDyString(1024);
struct dyString *dyFilter = newDyString(1024);
struct dyString *dyInfo = newDyString(1024);
struct dyString *dyGt = newDyString(1024);
struct vcfRecord *rec;
for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
    vcfRecordToRow(rec, region->chrom, numBuf, dyAlt, dyFilter, dyInfo, dyGt, row);
    if (asFilterOnRow(filter, row))
	if ((idHash != NULL) && (hashLookup(idHash, rec->name) == NULL))
	struct bed *bed;
	lmAllocVar(bedLm, bed);
	bed->chrom = lmCloneString(bedLm, region->chrom);
	bed->chromStart = rec->chromStart;
	bed->chromEnd = rec->chromEnd;
	bed->name = lmCloneString(bedLm, rec->name);
	slAddHead(pBedList, bed);
    if (*pMaxOut <= 0)
dyStringFree(&dyAlt);  dyStringFree(&dyFilter);  dyStringFree(&dyInfo);  dyStringFree(&dyGt);
void mgcStatusSetAcc(struct mgcStatusTbl *mst, struct mgcStatus *ms, char *acc)
/* Change the accession on entry to the table. acc maybe NULL */
if ((acc != NULL) && (acc[0] != '\0'))
    ms->acc = lmCloneString(mst->lm, acc);
    ms->acc = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 26
struct annoRow *annoRowFromStringArray(char *chrom, uint start, uint end, boolean rightJoinFail,
				       char **wordsIn, int numCols, struct lm *lm)
/* Allocate & return an annoRow with words cloned from wordsIn. */
struct annoRow *aRow;
lmAllocVar(lm, aRow);
aRow->chrom = lmCloneString(lm, chrom);
aRow->start = start;
aRow->end = end;
aRow->rightJoinFail = rightJoinFail;
char **words;
lmAllocArray(lm, words, numCols);
int i;
for (i = 0;  i < numCols;  i++)
    words[i] = lmCloneString(lm, wordsIn[i]);
aRow->data = words;
return aRow;
Exemplo n.º 27
struct tagStorm *tagStormNew(char *name)
/* Create a new, empty, tagStorm. */
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
struct tagStorm *tagStorm = lmAlloc(lm, sizeof(*tagStorm));
tagStorm->lm = lm;
tagStorm->fileName = lmCloneString(lm, name);
return tagStorm;
Exemplo n.º 28
char *lmCloneFirstWord(struct lm *lm, char *line)
/* Clone first word in line */
char *startFirstWord = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
if (startFirstWord == NULL)
    return NULL;
char *endFirstWord = skipToSpaces(startFirstWord);
if (endFirstWord == NULL)
    return lmCloneString(lm, startFirstWord);
    return lmCloneStringZ(lm, startFirstWord, endFirstWord - startFirstWord);
Exemplo n.º 29
void tagStormUpdateTag(struct tagStorm *tagStorm, struct tagStanza *stanza, char *tag, char *val)
/* Add tag to stanza in storm, replacing existing tag if any. If tag is added it's added to
 * end. */
struct lm *lm = tagStorm->lm;

/* First loop through to replace an existing tag. */
struct slPair *pair;
for (pair = stanza->tagList; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
    if (sameString(pair->name, tag))
       pair->val = lmCloneString(lm, val);
/* If didn't make it then add new tag (at end) */
lmAllocVar(lm, pair);
pair->name = lmCloneString(lm, tag);
pair->val = lmCloneString(lm, val);
slAddTail(&stanza->tagList, pair);
Exemplo n.º 30
void loadCdsFile(char *cdsFile)
/* read a CDS file into the global hash */
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(cdsFile, TRUE);
    char *row[2];

    gCdsTable = hashNew(20);
    while (lineFileNextRowTab(lf, row, 2))
        hashAdd(gCdsTable, row[0],
                lmCloneString(gCdsTable->lm, row[1]));
