Exemplo n.º 1
int writeMoon (double jd, struct ln_lnlat_posn obs) {

  struct ln_equ_posn equ;	// equatorial moon position
  struct ln_hrz_posn hrz;	// horiz alt/az
  double lum;			// luminance, best guess
  double discSize;		// solar disc size from libnova
  double adjAlt;		// altitude adjustment
  float lunPos[3],lunC[3];
  double phase,discFrac,limb;

  // set lunar color (slightly brownish)
  lunC[0] = 1.05;
  lunC[1] = 1.00;
  lunC[2] = 0.85;
  // should really modify this near the horizon!

  // get moon position
  ln_get_lunar_equ_coords (jd, &equ);
  ln_get_hrz_from_equ (&equ, &obs, jd, &hrz);
  // 360 deg azimuth is due South, 270 is due East

  // position in vector format
  lunPos[0] = -sin(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  lunPos[1] = -cos(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  lunPos[2] = sin(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);

  fprintf(stdout,"\n# Lunar altitude %7.3f deg, azimuth %7.3f deg\n",hrz.alt,hrz.az);
  if (hrz.alt < -5.0) {

  // get phase and fraction illuminated
  phase = ln_get_lunar_phase(jd);
  discFrac = ln_get_lunar_disk(jd);

  // get disc size
  discSize = 2.*ln_get_lunar_sdiam(jd)/3600.0;

  fprintf(stdout,"# lunar phase %7.3f, disc illum fraction %7.3f, disc size %6.2f deg\n",phase,discFrac,discSize);
  // phase 0/360 is full, 180 is new

  // get phase details -- later
  // limb = ln_get_lunar_bright_limb(jd);

  // get altitude adjustment due to refraction (altitude, p in millibars, temp in C)
  adjAlt = ln_get_refraction_adj (hrz.alt,1010.,10.);

  // luminance is 1/449000 of full bright sun
  // and scaled by fraction visible
  lum = 15.6 * pow(discFrac,2);

  // moon is a source, like the sun
  fprintf(stdout,"void light lunar\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n3 %g %g %g\n",lum*lunC[0],lum*lunC[1],lum*lunC[2]);

  // complete the moon
  fprintf(stdout,"lunar source moon\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n4 %g %g %g %.3f\n",lunPos[0],lunPos[1],lunPos[2],discSize);

Exemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
	double JD;
	struct ln_rect_posn moon;
	struct ln_equ_posn equ;
	struct ln_lnlat_posn ecl;
	struct ln_lnlat_posn observer;
	struct ln_rst_time rst;
	struct ln_zonedate rise, transit, set;
	/* observers location (Edinburgh), used to calc rst */
	observer.lat = 55.92; /* 55.92 N */
	observer.lng = -3.18; /* 3.18 W */
	/* get the julian day from the local system time */
	JD = ln_get_julian_from_sys();
	printf ("JD %f\n",JD);
	/* get the lunar geopcentric position in km, earth is at 0,0,0 */
	ln_get_lunar_geo_posn (JD, &moon, 0);
	printf ("lunar x %f  y %f  z %f\n",moon.X, moon.Y, moon.Z);
	/* Long Lat */
	ln_get_lunar_ecl_coords (JD, &ecl, 0);
	printf ("lunar long %f  lat %f\n",ecl.lng, ecl.lat);
	/* RA, DEC */
	ln_get_lunar_equ_coords (JD, &equ);
	printf ("lunar RA %f  Dec %f\n",equ.ra, equ.dec);
	/* moon earth distance */
	printf ("lunar distance km %f\n", ln_get_lunar_earth_dist(JD));
	/* lunar disk, phase and bright limb */
	printf ("lunar disk %f\n", ln_get_lunar_disk(JD));
	printf ("lunar phase %f\n", ln_get_lunar_phase(JD));
	printf ("lunar bright limb %f\n", ln_get_lunar_bright_limb(JD));
	/* rise, set and transit time */
	if (ln_get_lunar_rst (JD, &observer, &rst) == 1) 
		printf ("Moon is circumpolar\n");
	else {
		ln_get_local_date (rst.rise, &rise);
		ln_get_local_date (rst.transit, &transit);
		ln_get_local_date (rst.set, &set);
		print_date ("Rise", &rise);
		print_date ("Transit", &transit);
		print_date ("Set", &set);
	/* rise, set and transit time */
	if (ln_get_lunar_rst (JD - 24, &observer, &rst) == 1) 
		printf ("Moon is circumpolar\n");
	else {
		ln_get_local_date (rst.rise, &rise);
		ln_get_local_date (rst.transit, &transit);
		ln_get_local_date (rst.set, &set);
		print_date ("Rise", &rise);
		print_date ("Transit", &transit);
		print_date ("Set", &set);
	/* rise, set and transit time */
	if (ln_get_lunar_rst (JD - 25, &observer, &rst) == 1) 
		printf ("Moon is circumpolar\n");
	else {
		ln_get_local_date (rst.rise, &rise);
		ln_get_local_date (rst.transit, &transit);
		ln_get_local_date (rst.set, &set);
		print_date ("Rise", &rise);
		print_date ("Transit", &transit);
		print_date ("Set", &set);
	return 0;