Exemplo n.º 1
char* getAltazFromName(char* objStr) {
	char* auxStr = malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);
	struct ln_equ_posn equ;
	int encontrado = 0;
	double ra, dec;

	// Extraigo la fecha en formato JD
	double JD = ln_get_julian_from_sys();

	// Probamos con el sol
	sprintf(auxStr, "sol");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_solar_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "sol  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con la luna
	sprintf(auxStr, "luna");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_lunar_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "luna  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con mercurio
	sprintf(auxStr, "mercurio");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_mercury_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "mercurio  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con venus
	sprintf(auxStr, "venus");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_venus_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "venus  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con marte
	sprintf(auxStr, "marte");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_mars_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "marte  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con jupiter
	sprintf(auxStr, "jupiter");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_jupiter_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "jupiter  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con saturno
	sprintf(auxStr, "saturno");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_saturn_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "saturno  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con urano
	sprintf(auxStr, "urano");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_uranus_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "urano  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con neptuno
	sprintf(auxStr, "neptuno");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_neptune_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "neptuno  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Probamos con pluton
	sprintf(auxStr, "pluton");
	if (strcmp(objStr, auxStr) == 0) {
		ln_get_pluto_equ_coords(JD, &equ);
		fprintf(stdout, "pluton  RA %f  Dec %f\n", equ.ra, equ.dec);
		encontrado = 1;

	// Si encontré algo
	if (encontrado == 1) {
		// Creo la cadena y la devuelvo
	    struct ln_hrz_posn objAltAz = getAltazFromRadecInDate(equ, JD);
	    char* strResp = traduceCoordenadasString(objAltAz);
	    return strResp;
		char* strResp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 40);
		sprintf(strResp, "{\"resp\":\"ko','msg':'Objeto desconocido'}");
	    return strResp;
Exemplo n.º 2
void writePlanets (double jd, struct ln_lnlat_posn obs) {

  struct ln_equ_posn equ;	// equatorial moon position
  struct ln_hrz_posn hrz;	// horiz alt/az
  float pos[3],col[3],mars_col[3],jup_col[3];
  double lum;			// luminance, best guess
  double discSize;

  // white
  col[0] = 1.0;
  col[1] = 1.0;
  col[2] = 1.0;

  // martian red
  mars_col[0] = 1.2;
  mars_col[1] = 0.8;
  mars_col[2] = 0.4;

  // jupiter brown
  jup_col[0] = 1.1;
  jup_col[1] = 0.8;
  jup_col[2] = 0.5;

  // Venus
  ln_get_venus_equ_coords (jd, &equ);
  ln_get_hrz_from_equ (&equ, &obs, jd, &hrz);
  pos[0] = -sin(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  pos[1] = -cos(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  pos[2] = sin(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  // disc size should be 10-66 arcseconds
  discSize = 2.*ln_get_venus_sdiam(jd)/3600.0;
  // apparent magnitude
  lum = ln_get_venus_magnitude(jd);
  fprintf(stdout,"\n# Venus at alt %7.3f deg, az %7.3f deg, magnitude %7.3f, disc %6.2f asec\n",hrz.alt,hrz.az,lum,3600*discSize);
  if (hrz.alt > -5.0) {
    // convert to luminance
    lum = 0.000142*exp(-0.921*lum);
    fprintf(stdout,"void light venusian\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n3 %g %g %g\n",lum*col[0],lum*col[1],lum*col[2]);
    fprintf(stdout,"venusian source venus\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n4 %g %g %g %.3f\n",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],discSize);

  // Jupiter
  ln_get_jupiter_equ_coords (jd, &equ);
  ln_get_hrz_from_equ (&equ, &obs, jd, &hrz);
  pos[0] = -sin(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  pos[1] = -cos(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  pos[2] = sin(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  // disc size 30-49 arcseconds
  discSize = sqrt(ln_get_jupiter_equ_sdiam(jd)*ln_get_jupiter_pol_sdiam(jd));
  discSize = 2.*discSize/3600.0;
  // apparent magnitude
  lum = ln_get_jupiter_magnitude(jd);
  fprintf(stdout,"\n# Jupiter at alt %7.3f deg, az %7.3f deg, magnitude %7.3f, disc %6.2f asec\n",hrz.alt,hrz.az,lum,3600*discSize);
  if (hrz.alt > -5.0) {
    // convert to luminance
    lum = 0.000142*exp(-0.921*lum);
    fprintf(stdout,"void light jovian\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n3 %g %g %g\n",lum*jup_col[0],lum*jup_col[1],lum*jup_col[2]);
    fprintf(stdout,"jovian source jupiter\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n4 %g %g %g %.3f\n",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],discSize);

  // Mars
  ln_get_mars_equ_coords (jd, &equ);
  ln_get_hrz_from_equ (&equ, &obs, jd, &hrz);
  pos[0] = -sin(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  pos[1] = -cos(hrz.az*DEGTORAD)*cos(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  pos[2] = sin(hrz.alt*DEGTORAD);
  // disc size 30-49 arcseconds
  discSize = 2.*ln_get_mars_sdiam(jd)/3600.0;
  // apparent magnitude
  lum = ln_get_mars_magnitude(jd);
  fprintf(stdout,"\n# Mars at alt %7.3f deg, az %7.3f deg, magnitude %7.3f, disc %6.2f asec\n",hrz.alt,hrz.az,lum,3600*discSize);
  if (hrz.alt > -5.0) {
    // convert to luminance
    lum = 0.000142*exp(-0.921*lum);
    fprintf(stdout,"void light martian\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n3 %g %g %g\n",lum*mars_col[0],lum*mars_col[1],lum*mars_col[2]);
    fprintf(stdout,"martian source mars\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"0\n0\n4 %g %g %g %.3f\n",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],discSize);

  // no other plants are ever brighter than Mars (really?)