Exemplo n.º 1
void EntityResourceManager::loadResource(const std::string filepath)
	//open up the file
	std::filebuf fb;
	fb.open(filepath, std::ios::in);

	//try to parse it
	Json::Value root;
	Json::Reader reader;
	bool parseSuccessful = reader.parse(std::istream(&fb), root);
	//now we have it parsed we can close it

		std::cerr << "Unable to load entity: " << filepath << std::endl;
		std::cerr << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages() << std::endl;

	Entity *entityPtr = loadType(root);
	if(entityPtr == NULL)
		std::cerr << "Invalid type in entity file " << filepath << std::endl;

	loadGenerics(*entityPtr, root);
	loadDamagingEntity(*entityPtr, root);
	loadCharacter(*entityPtr, root);

	std::string behaviour = root.get("behaviour", "").asString();
		loadBehaviour(*entityPtr, root);

	Json::Value animations = root["animations"];
	if(animations.size() > 0)
		loadAnimations(*entityPtr, root);

	Json::Value abilities = root["abilities"];
	if(abilities.size() > 0)
		loadAbilities(*entityPtr, root);

	resourceMap[filepath] = entityPtr;
Exemplo n.º 2
void init(int argc, char *argv[])
    OSG::osgInit(argc, argv);

    g = new GlobalVars;

    int glutWinId = setupGLUT(&argc, argv);

    g->win = OSG::GLUTWindow::create();

    g->mgr = OSG::SimpleSceneManager::create();

    g->rootN = OSG::makeCoredNode<OSG::Group>();
    g->mgr->getHeadlight()->setDiffuse (0.7f, 0.7f, 0.5f, 1.f);
    g->mgr->getHeadlight()->setAmbient (0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f);
    g->mgr->getHeadlight()->setSpecular(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f);

    g->charState     = CharIdle;
    g->prevCharState = CharIdle;

    g->angle      = 0.f;
    g->angleVel   = idleAngleVel;
    g->renderMode = OSG::SkinnedGeometry::RMSkinnedCPU;

    loadCharacter ();
    loadTextures  ();

    initFloor     ();
    initShader    ();

Exemplo n.º 3
BdfFont *BdfFont::loadFont(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
	BdfFontData font;
	memset(&font, 0, sizeof(font));
	font.ascent = -1;
	font.defaultCharacter = -1;

	// We only load the first 256 characters
	font.numCharacters = 256;
	byte **bitmaps = new byte *[font.numCharacters];
	memset(bitmaps, 0, sizeof(byte *) * font.numCharacters);
	byte *advances = new byte[font.numCharacters];
	BdfBoundingBox *boxes = new BdfBoundingBox[font.numCharacters];

	int descent = -1;

	Common::String line;
	while (true) {
		line = stream.readLine();
		if (stream.err() || stream.eos()) {
			warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Premature end of file");
			freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
			delete[] bitmaps;
			delete[] advances;
			delete[] boxes;
			return 0;

		// Only parse and handle declarations we actually need
		if (line.hasPrefix("FONTBOUNDINGBOX ")) {
			int width, height, xOffset, yOffset;
			if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d",
			           &width, &height, &xOffset, &yOffset) != 4) {
				warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Invalid FONTBOUNDINGBOX");
				freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
				delete[] bitmaps;
				delete[] advances;
				delete[] boxes;
				return 0;

			font.defaultBox.width = width;
			font.defaultBox.height = height;
			font.defaultBox.xOffset = xOffset;
			font.defaultBox.yOffset = yOffset;
		} else if (line.hasPrefix("FONT_ASCENT ")) {
			if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "FONT_ASCENT %d", &font.ascent) != 1) {
				warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Invalid FONT_ASCENT");
				freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
				delete[] bitmaps;
				delete[] advances;
				delete[] boxes;
				return 0;
		} else if (line.hasPrefix("FONT_DESCENT ")) {
			if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "FONT_DESCENT %d", &descent) != 1) {
				warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Invalid FONT_DESCENT");
				freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
				delete[] bitmaps;
				delete[] advances;
				delete[] boxes;
				return 0;
		} else if (line.hasPrefix("DEFAULT_CHAR ")) {
			if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "DEFAULT_CHAR %d", &font.defaultCharacter) != 1) {
				warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Invalid DEFAULT_CHAR");
				freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
				delete[] bitmaps;
				delete[] advances;
				delete[] boxes;
				return 0;
		} else if (line.hasPrefix("STARTCHAR ")) {
			BdfBoundingBox box = font.defaultBox;
			int encoding = -1;
			int advance = -1;
			byte *bitmap = loadCharacter(stream, encoding, advance, box);

			// Ignore all characters above 255.
			if (encoding < -1 || encoding >= font.numCharacters) {
				delete[] bitmap;
				encoding = -1;

			// Calculate the max advance
			if (encoding != -1 && advance > font.maxAdvance)
				font.maxAdvance = advance;

			if (!bitmap && encoding != -1) {
				warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Character %d invalid", encoding);
				freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
				delete[] bitmaps;
				delete[] advances;
				delete[] boxes;
				return 0;

			if (encoding != -1) {
				bitmaps[encoding] = bitmap;
				advances[encoding] = advance;
				boxes[encoding] = box;
		} else if (line == "ENDFONT") {

	if (font.ascent < 0 || descent < 0) {
		warning("BdfFont::loadFont: Invalid ascent or descent");
		freeBitmaps(bitmaps, font.numCharacters);
		delete[] bitmaps;
		delete[] advances;
		delete[] boxes;
		return 0;

	font.height = font.ascent + descent;

	font.bitmaps = bitmaps;
	font.advances = advances;
	font.boxes = boxes;

	int firstCharacter = font.numCharacters;
	int lastCharacter = -1;
	bool hasFixedBBox = true;
	bool hasFixedAdvance = true;

	for (int i = 0; i < font.numCharacters; ++i) {
		if (!font.bitmaps[i])

		if (i < firstCharacter)
			firstCharacter = i;

		if (i > lastCharacter)
			lastCharacter = i;

		if (font.advances[i] != font.maxAdvance)
			hasFixedAdvance = false;

		const BdfBoundingBox &bbox = font.boxes[i];
		if (bbox.width != font.defaultBox.width
		    || bbox.height != font.defaultBox.height
		    || bbox.xOffset != font.defaultBox.xOffset
		    || bbox.yOffset != font.defaultBox.yOffset)
			hasFixedBBox = false;

	if (lastCharacter == -1) {
		warning("BdfFont::loadFont: No glyphs found");
		delete[] font.bitmaps;
		delete[] font.advances;
		delete[] font.boxes;
		return 0;

	// Free the advance table, in case all glyphs use the same advance
	if (hasFixedAdvance) {
		delete[] font.advances;
		font.advances = 0;

	// Free the box table, in case all glyphs use the same box
	if (hasFixedBBox) {
		delete[] font.boxes;
		font.boxes = 0;

	// Adapt for the fact that we never use encoding 0.
	if (font.defaultCharacter < firstCharacter
	    || font.defaultCharacter > lastCharacter)
		font.defaultCharacter = -1;

	font.firstCharacter = firstCharacter;

	const int charsAvailable = lastCharacter - firstCharacter + 1;
	// Try to compact the tables
	if (charsAvailable < font.numCharacters) {
		byte **newBitmaps = new byte *[charsAvailable];
		boxes = 0;
		advances = 0;
		if (!hasFixedBBox)
			boxes = new BdfBoundingBox[charsAvailable];
		if (!hasFixedAdvance)
			advances = new byte[charsAvailable];

		for (int i = 0; i < charsAvailable; ++i) {
			const int encoding = i + firstCharacter;
			if (font.bitmaps[encoding]) {
				newBitmaps[i] = bitmaps[encoding];

				if (!hasFixedBBox)
					boxes[i] = font.boxes[encoding];
				if (!hasFixedAdvance)
					advances[i] = font.advances[encoding];
			} else {
				newBitmaps[i] = 0;

		delete[] font.bitmaps;
		font.bitmaps = newBitmaps;
		delete[] font.advances;
		font.advances = advances;
		delete[] font.boxes;
		font.boxes = boxes;

		font.numCharacters = charsAvailable;

	return new BdfFont(font, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
Exemplo n.º 4
Creature::Creature(const Common::UString &bic, bool local) : Object(kObjectTypeCreature) {

	loadCharacter(bic, local);