Exemplo n.º 1
//load texture image
GLubyte *makeTexImage( char *loadfile )
   int i, j, c, width, height;
   GLubyte *texImage;
     Only works for .png or .tif images.  NULL is returned if errors occurred.
     loadImageRGA() is from imageio library downloaded from Internet.
   texImage = loadImageRGBA( (char *) loadfile, &width, &height);	
   texImageWidth = width;
   texImageHeight = height;

   return texImage;
// main entry point
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	printf("imagenet-console\n  args (%i):  ", argc);
	for( int i=0; i < argc; i++ )
		printf("%i [%s]  ", i, argv[i]);
	// retrieve filename argument
	if( argc < 2 )
		printf("imagenet-console:   input image filename required\n");
		return 0;
	const char* imgFilename = argv[1];

	// create imageNet
	imageNet* net = imageNet::Create(argc, argv);

	if( !net )
		printf("imagenet-console:   failed to initialize imageNet\n");
		return 0;
	// load image from file on disk
	float* imgCPU    = NULL;
	float* imgCUDA   = NULL;
	int    imgWidth  = 0;
	int    imgHeight = 0;
	if( !loadImageRGBA(imgFilename, (float4**)&imgCPU, (float4**)&imgCUDA, &imgWidth, &imgHeight) )
		printf("failed to load image '%s'\n", imgFilename);
		return 0;

	float confidence = 0.0f;
	// classify image
	const int img_class = net->Classify(imgCUDA, imgWidth, imgHeight, &confidence);
	if( img_class >= 0 )
		printf("imagenet-console:  '%s' -> %2.5f%% class #%i (%s)\n", imgFilename, confidence * 100.0f, img_class, net->GetClassDesc(img_class));
		if( argc > 2 )
			const char* outputFilename = argv[2];
			// overlay the classification on the image
			cudaFont* font = cudaFont::Create();
			if( font != NULL )
				char str[512];
				sprintf(str, "%2.3f%% %s", confidence * 100.0f, net->GetClassDesc(img_class));

				const int overlay_x = 10;
				const int overlay_y = 10;
				const int px_offset = overlay_y * imgWidth * 4 + overlay_x * 4;

				// if the image has a white background, use black text (otherwise, white)
				const float white_cutoff = 225.0f;
				bool white_background = false;

				if( imgCPU[px_offset] > white_cutoff && imgCPU[px_offset + 1] > white_cutoff && imgCPU[px_offset + 2] > white_cutoff )
					white_background = true;

				// overlay the text on the image
				font->RenderOverlay((float4*)imgCUDA, (float4*)imgCUDA, imgWidth, imgHeight, (const char*)str, 10, 10,
								white_background ? make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f) : make_float4(255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f));
			printf("imagenet-console:  attempting to save output image to '%s'\n", outputFilename);
			if( !saveImageRGBA(outputFilename, (float4*)imgCPU, imgWidth, imgHeight) )
				printf("imagenet-console:  failed to save output image to '%s'\n", outputFilename);
				printf("imagenet-console:  completed saving '%s'\n", outputFilename);
		printf("imagenet-console:  failed to classify '%s'  (result=%i)\n", imgFilename, img_class);
	printf("\nshutting down...\n");
	delete net;
	return 0;