/** This method should be reimplemeted if this is to be a import filter. It is * called to load the map data * @param url The url of the file to be loaded * @return 0 , The file was loaded without problems * -1 , Could not open the file * -2 , If the file is corrupt * -4 , Wrong version */ int CMapFileFilterXML::loadData(QString filename) { KZip zip(filename); if ( !zip.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { return -1; } int result = -1; const KArchiveDirectory* dir = zip.directory(); const KArchiveEntry *e = dir->entry("map.xml"); if (e->isFile()) { const KArchiveFile* mapFile = (KArchiveFile*)e; if (mapFile) { QByteArray arr( mapFile->data() ); result = loadXMLData(arr); } } zip.close(); return result; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void Device::loadXML(string dir) { OFAPPLOG->begin("Device::loadXML()"); ofxXmlSettings settings; string pathFile = getPathXML(dir); if ( settings.loadFile(pathFile) ) { OFAPPLOG->println("Device, loaded "+pathFile); loadXMLData(settings); } else{ OFAPPLOG->println("Device, error loading "+pathFile); } OFAPPLOG->end(); }