Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::string filename = "atic_uwuw_zip.h5m";

  // load the pyne nuclear data

  // new material library
  std::map<std::string,pyne::Material> material_library;

  material_library = load_materials(filename);
  std::map<int,G4Isotope*> g4_isotopes;
  g4_isotopes = get_g4isotopes(material_library);

  // generate an element for each isotopes, this is so we need only create 
  // one element for each nuclide, this makes making G4 materials much easier
  std::map<int,G4Element*> g4_elements;
  g4_elements = get_g4elements(g4_isotopes);

  // from the element map, now generate G4Materials
  std::map<std::string,G4Material*> g4_materials;
  g4_materials = get_g4materials( g4_elements, material_library );

  // can now take the map of materials and as each dag volume is discovered,
  // discover the properties and then assign the appropriate volume

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
vx_object_t * vxo_objmtl(const char * obj_filename)
    int  texture_flag = 0;

    FILE * fp_obj = fopen(obj_filename, "r");
    if (fp_obj == NULL)
        return NULL;

    #define LNSZ 1024
    char line_buffer[LNSZ];

    // Store 3D vertices by value
    zarray_t * vertices = zarray_create(sizeof(float)*3);
    zarray_t * textures = zarray_create(sizeof(float)*3);
    zarray_t * normals = zarray_create(sizeof(float)*3);

    wav_group_t * cur_group = NULL;
    zarray_t * group_list = zarray_create(sizeof(wav_group_t*));

    zhash_t * mtl_map = NULL; // created on reading mtllib entry
    //zhash_t * obj_map = zhash_create(sizeof(char*), sizeof(vx_object_t*), zhash_str_hash, zhash_str_equals);

    // Read in the entire file, save vertices, and indices for later processing.
    while (1) {
        int eof = fgets(line_buffer, LNSZ, fp_obj) == NULL;

        char * line = str_trim(line_buffer);

        // If possible, batch process the last group
        if (str_starts_with(line, "g ") || eof) {
            if (cur_group != NULL) {
                assert(cur_group->group_idx != NULL);

                zarray_add(group_list, &cur_group);
                cur_group = NULL;

        if (eof)

        if (str_starts_with(line, "#") || strlen(line) == 0 || !strcmp(line,"\r"))

        if (str_starts_with(line, "g ")) {
            assert(mtl_map != NULL);

            char obj_name[LNSZ];
            sscanf(line, "g %s", obj_name);

            cur_group = calloc(1, sizeof(wav_group_t));
            cur_group->group_idx = zarray_create(sizeof(tri_idx_t));

        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "v ")) {
            float vertex[3];
            sscanf(line, "v %f %f %f", &vertex[0], &vertex[1], &vertex[2]);
            zarray_add(vertices, &vertex);
        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "vn ")) {
            float normal[3];
            sscanf(line, "vn %f %f %f", &normal[0], &normal[1], &normal[2]);
            zarray_add(normals, &normal);
        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "vt ")) {
            texture_flag = 1;
            float texture[3];
            sscanf(line, "vt %f %f %f", &texture[0], &texture[1], &texture[2]);
            zarray_add(textures, &texture);
        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "f ")) {
            tri_idx_t idxs;

            if (texture_flag) {
                sscanf(line, "f %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d",
                       &idxs.vIdxs[0], &idxs.tIdxs[0], &idxs.nIdxs[0],
                       &idxs.vIdxs[1], &idxs.tIdxs[1], &idxs.nIdxs[1],
                       &idxs.vIdxs[2], &idxs.tIdxs[2], &idxs.nIdxs[2]);
            else {
                sscanf(line, "f %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d",
                       &idxs.vIdxs[0], &idxs.nIdxs[0],
                       &idxs.vIdxs[1], &idxs.nIdxs[1],
                       &idxs.vIdxs[2], &idxs.nIdxs[2]);

            zarray_add(cur_group->group_idx, &idxs);

        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "usemtl ")) {
            char *mname = calloc(1, sizeof(char)*1024);
            sscanf(line, "usemtl %s", mname);
            zhash_get(mtl_map, &mname, &cur_group->material);
        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "s ")) {
            // No idea what to do with smoothing instructions
        } else if (str_starts_with(line, "mtllib ")) {
            char * cur_path = strdup(obj_filename);
            const char * dir_name = dirname(cur_path);

            char mtl_basename[LNSZ];
            sscanf(line, "mtllib %s", mtl_basename);

            char mtl_filename[LNSZ];
            sprintf(mtl_filename,"%s/%s", dir_name, mtl_basename);

            mtl_map = load_materials(mtl_filename);
            if (mtl_map == NULL) {
                return NULL; // XXX cleanup!
        } else {
            printf("Did not parse: %s\n", line);

            for (int i = 0; i < strlen(line); i++) {
                printf("0x%x ", (int)line[i]);

    if (1) // useful to enable when compensating for model scale

    // Process the model sections in two passes -- first add all the
    // objects which are not transparent. Then render transparent
    // objects after

    vx_object_t * vchain = vxo_chain_create();

    zarray_t * sorted_groups = zarray_create(sizeof(wav_group_t*));
    for (int i = 0, sz = zarray_size(group_list); i < sz; i++) {
        wav_group_t * group = NULL;
        zarray_get(group_list, i, &group);

        // add to front if solid
        if (group->material.d == 1.0f) {
            zarray_insert(sorted_groups, 0, &group);
        } else { // add to back if transparent
            zarray_add(sorted_groups, &group);

    int total_triangles = 0;
    for (int i = 0, sz = zarray_size(sorted_groups); i < sz; i++) {
        wav_group_t * group = NULL;
        zarray_get(sorted_groups, i, &group);

        int ntri =  zarray_size(group->group_idx);

        vx_resc_t * vert_resc = vx_resc_createf(ntri*9);
        vx_resc_t * norm_resc = vx_resc_createf(ntri*9);

        for (int j = 0; j < ntri; j++) {
            tri_idx_t idxs;
            zarray_get(group->group_idx, j, &idxs);

            for (int  i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                zarray_get(vertices, idxs.vIdxs[i]-1, &((float*)vert_resc->res)[9*j + i*3]);
                zarray_get(normals,  idxs.nIdxs[i]-1, &((float*)norm_resc->res)[9*j + i*3]);

        vx_style_t * sty = vxo_mesh_style_fancy(group->material.Ka, group->material.Kd, group->material.Ks, group->material.d, group->material.Ns, group->material.illum);
        vxo_chain_add(vchain, vxo_mesh(vert_resc, ntri*3, norm_resc, GL_TRIANGLES, sty));

        total_triangles += ntri;

    // 1. Materials, names are by reference, but materials are by value
    zhash_vmap_keys(mtl_map, free);

    // 2. Geometry
    zarray_destroy(vertices); // stored by value
    zarray_destroy(normals); // stored by value

    // 2b wav_group_t are stored by reference

    zarray_vmap(group_list, wav_group_destroy);
    zarray_destroy(sorted_groups); // duplicate list, so don't need to free


    return vchain;