Exemplo n.º 1
void MainWindow::OnCommonOpenDICOMDIR(wxCommandEvent&)
	wxFileDialog_Ptr dialog = construct_open_dialog(this, "Open DICOMDIR", "DICOMDIR Files|DICOMDIR");
	if(dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
		std::string path = wxString_to_string(dialog->GetPath());

			// Display a volume chooser dialog to allow the user to choose which volume to load.
			VolumeChooserDialog dialog(path);

				load_volume(dialog.dicomdir(), *dialog.volume_choice());
		catch(std::exception& e)
			wxMessageBox(string_to_wxString(e.what()), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR|wxCENTRE, this);
Exemplo n.º 2
//#################### PRIVATE METHODS ####################
void MainWindow::load_saved_volume_choice(const std::string& volumeChoiceFilename)
	DICOMVolumeChoice volumeChoice = VolumeChoiceFile::load(volumeChoiceFilename);
catch(std::exception& e)
	wxMessageBox(string_to_wxString(e.what()), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR|wxCENTRE, this);
Exemplo n.º 3
void load_volume_node(tinyxml2::XMLElement *elem, Scene &scene, std::stack<Transform> &transform_stack, const std::string &file){
	if (!elem->Attribute("name")){
		std::cout << "Scene error: Volume nodes require a name" << std::endl;
	std::string name = elem->Attribute("name");
	Transform t;
	read_transform(elem, t);
	t = transform_stack.top() * t;
	Volume *vol = load_volume(elem->FirstChildElement("volume"), scene.get_volume_cache(), file);
	if (!vol){
		std::cout << "Scene error: could not load volume attached to volume node " << name << std::endl;
	if (scene.get_volume_root() == nullptr){
		scene.set_volume_root(std::make_unique<VolumeNode>(vol, t, name));
	else {
		auto &children = scene.get_volume_root()->get_children();
		children.push_back(std::make_unique<VolumeNode>(vol, t, name));
Exemplo n.º 4
void MainWindow::load_volume(const DICOMVolumeChoice& volumeChoice)
	DICOMDirectory_CPtr dicomdir = DICOMDIRFile::load(volumeChoice.dicomdirFilename);
	load_volume(dicomdir, volumeChoice);
Exemplo n.º 5
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	char		ecatspec[MAXL], ecatname[MAXL];
	char		imgroot[MAXL], imgname[MAXL];
	FILE		*fptr;
	struct Matval	matval;
	MatrixFile	*mptr;
	MatrixData	*matrix;
	MatDirNode	*entry, **entries;
	Image_subheader	*ih;

	float		global_max, global_min;
	int		volume, plane, line, nframes, iframe, jframe, matnum, *missing, nmissing;
	float		scale_factor, calibration_factor/*, scan_time*/;
	int		cubic = CUBIC;

	float		*img;
	short		*ecat;
	int		i, j, k;
	char		string[MAXL], *ptr, c;
	char		control = '\0';
	int		isbig;

	IFH		ifh;
	setprog (program, argv);

	for (j = 0, i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	if (*argv[i] == '-')
		strncpy (string, argv[i], MAXL); ptr = string;
		while (c = *ptr++) switch (c)
			case '@': control = *ptr++; *ptr = '\0'; break;
	else switch (j)
		case 0: strncpy (ecatspec, argv[i], MAXL);	j++; break;
		case 1: getroot (argv[i], imgroot);		j++; break;
	if (j != 2)
		fprintf (stderr, "Usage:\t%s <ecat> <(4dfp)image>\n", program);
		fprintf (stderr, "\t-@<b|l>\toutput big or little endian (default input endian)\n");
		exit (1);

/******** Get filenames and open ********/
	matspec (ecatspec, ecatname, &matnum);	/* matnum is unused */
	if (!(mptr = matrix_open (ecatname, MAT_READ_ONLY, MAT_UNKNOWN_FTYPE)))
		fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open %s as an ECAT image file\n", program, ecatname);
		exit (-1);
	if (mptr->mhptr->file_type != InterfileImage
	 && mptr->mhptr->file_type != PetImage
	 && mptr->mhptr->file_type != PetVolume
	 && mptr->mhptr->file_type != ByteImage
	 && mptr->mhptr->file_type != ByteVolume)
		fprintf (stderr, "%s: filetype not supported\n", program);
		exit (-1);
	sprintf (imgname, "%s.4dfp.img", imgroot);
	if (!(fptr = fopen (imgname, "w"))) errw (program, imgname);
	if (!control) control = (CPU_is_bigendian ()) ? 'b' : 'l';
	calibration_factor = mptr->mhptr->calibration_factor;
	fprintf (stdout, "Calibration Factor := %10e\n", calibration_factor);

	if (!(missing = (int *)         calloc (mptr->mhptr->num_frames,  sizeof (int)))
	 || !(entries = (MatDirNode **) malloc (mptr->mhptr->num_frames * sizeof (MatDirNode *)))) errm (program);

	sprintf (string, "%s.4dfp.img.rec", imgroot);
	startrece (string, argc, argv, rcsid, control);
	printrec ("Frame     \t    Length\t  Midpoint\t     Start\t Frame_Min\t Frame_Max\t Decay_Fac\tEcat_Frame\n");

	for (nframes = 0, entry = mptr->dirlist->first; entry; entry = entry->next) entries[nframes++] = entry;
	qsort (entries, nframes, sizeof (MatDirNode *), frame_cmp);

	for (iframe = 1, jframe = 0, nmissing = 0/*, scan_time = 0*/; jframe < nframes; iframe++, jframe++)
		entry = entries[jframe];
		mat_numdoc (entry->matnum, &matval);
		while (iframe < matval.frame) {
			fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s frame %d not included\n", program, ecatname, iframe);
			missing[nmissing++] = iframe++;
		if (!(matrix = load_volume (mptr, matval.frame, cubic)))
			fprintf (stderr, "%s: ecat frame %d not found\n", program, matval.frame);
			exit (-1);
		if ( matrix->data_type != SunShort && matrix->data_type != VAX_Ix2)
			fprintf (stderr, "%s: only integer 2 images are currently supported\n", program);

		scale_factor = matrix->scale_factor * calibration_factor;
/*		fprintf (stdout, "Scale Factor := %10e\tTotal Factor := %10e\n", matrix->scale_factor, scale_factor);
		if (jframe == 0)
			ifh.scaling_factor[0] = ifh.scaling_factor[1] = 10 * matrix->pixel_size;
			ifh.scaling_factor[2] = 10 * matrix->z_size;
			ifh.matrix_size[0] = matrix->xdim;
			ifh.matrix_size[1] = matrix->ydim;
			ifh.matrix_size[2] = matrix->zdim;
			line   = ifh.matrix_size[0];
			plane  = ifh.matrix_size[1] * line;
			volume = ifh.matrix_size[2] * plane;
			if (!(img = (float *) malloc (volume * sizeof (float)))) errm (program);
			global_min = matrix->data_min;
			global_max = matrix->data_max;
			if (matrix->data_min < global_min) global_min = matrix->data_min;
			if (matrix->data_max > global_max) global_max = matrix->data_max;

/******** Flip Z, and write to output file ********/
		ecat = (short *) matrix->data_ptr;
		for (i = volume-plane; i >= 0;     i -= plane)
/*		for (j = 0;            j <  plane; j += line)
		for (k = 0;            k <  line;  k++, ecat++) img[i+j+k] = (*ecat) * scale_factor;
*/		for (j = 0;            j <  plane; j++, ecat++) img[i+j] = (*ecat) * scale_factor;
		if (ewrite (img, volume, control, fptr)) errw (program, imgname);

		ih = (Image_subheader*) matrix->shptr;
		sprintf (string, "Frame_%-4d\t%10d\t%10.2f\t%10d\t%10d\t%10d\t%10.5f\t%10d\n", jframe+1,
			(ih->frame_start_time + ih->frame_duration / 2.0) / 1000/*scan_time += ih->frame_duration / 1000*/,
		printrec (string);
	sprintf (string, "%s Missing Frames:", ecatname);
	printrec (string);
	for (i = 0; i < nmissing; i++)
		sprintf (string, " %d", missing[i]);
		printrec (string);
	printrec ("\n");
	endrec ();

/******** Write ifh, hdr, and rec files ********/
	ifh.matrix_size[3]    = nframes;
	ifh.orientation       = TRANSVERSE;
	sprintf (string, "%s.4dfp.ifh", imgroot);
	if (writeifhe (program, string, ifh.matrix_size, ifh.scaling_factor, ifh.orientation, control)) errw (program, string);

	sprintf (string,  "ifh2hdr %s -r%fto%f",  imgroot, global_min, global_max);
	system (string);
/******** Free, close and quit ********/
	matrix_close (mptr);
	fclose (fptr);
	free (img);
	exit (0);