Exemplo n.º 1
Scene2D::Scene2D(const std::string& tmx_file)
: collision()
, layers()
, width_in_tile(0)
, height_in_tile(0)
, tile_size(0)
, tilesetName()
, m_correctly_load(false)
	std::auto_ptr<TMX::Map> tmx_map = TMX::Loader::LoadFromFile(tmx_file);

	width_in_tile  = tmx_map->width;
	height_in_tile = tmx_map->height;
	tile_size      = tmx_map->tileWidth;

	if(tmx_map->tileWidth != tmx_map->tileHeight)
		printf("tilemap %s hasn't square tile\n",tmx_file.c_str());

	std::vector<int> firstGIDList;

	if(!loadingTileset(tmx_map.get(),firstGIDList)) return;

	if(!loadingLayer(tmx_map.get(),firstGIDList)) return;

	m_correctly_load = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
   Read map layers from project file

   @returns \code QPair< bool, QList<QDomNode> > \endcode
        bool is true if function worked; else is false.
     list contains nodes corresponding to layers that couldn't be loaded

   @note XML of form:

   <maplayer type="vector">
               <outlinecolor red="85" green="0" blue="255" />
               <fillcolor red="0" green="170" blue="255" />
         <label text="Label" field="" />
         <family name="Sans Serif" field="" />
         <size value="12" units="pt" field="" />
         <bold on="0" field="" />
         <italic on="0" field="" />
         <underline on="0" field="" />
         <color red="0" green="0" blue="0" field="" />
         <x field="" />
         <y field="" />
         <offset  units="pt" x="0" xfield="" y="0" yfield="" />
         <angle value="0" field="" />
         <alignment value="center" field="" />
QPair< bool, QList<QDomNode> > QgsProject::_getMapLayers( QDomDocument const &doc )
  // Layer order is set by the restoring the legend settings from project file.
  // This is done on the 'readProject( ... )' signal

  QDomNodeList nl = doc.elementsByTagName( "maplayer" );

  // XXX what is this used for? QString layerCount( QString::number(nl.count()) );

  QString wk;

  QList<QDomNode> brokenNodes; // a list of Dom nodes corresponding to layers
  // that we were unable to load; this could be
  // because the layers were removed or
  // re-located after the project was last saved

  // process the map layer nodes

  if ( 0 == nl.count() )      // if we have no layers to process, bail
    return qMakePair( true, brokenNodes ); // Decided to return "true" since it's
    // possible for there to be a project with no
    // layers; but also, more imporantly, this
    // would cause the tests/qgsproject to fail
    // since the test suite doesn't currently
    // support test layers

  bool returnStatus = true;

  emit layerLoaded( 0, nl.count() );

  //Collect vector layers with joins.
  //They need to refresh join caches and symbology infos after all layers are loaded
  QList< QPair< QgsVectorLayer*, QDomElement > > vLayerList;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++ )
    QDomNode node = nl.item( i );
    QDomElement element = node.toElement();

    QString name = node.namedItem( "layername" ).toElement().text();
    if ( !name.isNull() )
      emit loadingLayer( tr( "Loading layer %1" ).arg( name ) );

    if ( element.attribute( "embedded" ) == "1" )
      createEmbeddedLayer( element.attribute( "id" ), readPath( element.attribute( "project" ) ), brokenNodes, vLayerList );
      if ( !addLayer( element, brokenNodes, vLayerList ) )
        returnStatus = false;
    emit layerLoaded( i + 1, nl.count() );

  //Update field map of layers with joins and create join caches if necessary
  //Needs to be done here once all dependent layers are loaded
  QList< QPair< QgsVectorLayer*, QDomElement > >::iterator vIt = vLayerList.begin();
  for ( ; vIt != vLayerList.end(); ++vIt )

  return qMakePair( returnStatus, brokenNodes );

} // _getMapLayers