fz_error pdf_loadfont(pdf_fontdesc **fontdescp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *rdb, fz_obj *dict) { fz_error error; char *subtype; fz_obj *dfonts; fz_obj *charprocs; if ((*fontdescp = pdf_finditem(xref->store, pdf_dropfont, dict))) { pdf_keepfont(*fontdescp); return fz_okay; } subtype = fz_toname(fz_dictgets(dict, "Subtype")); dfonts = fz_dictgets(dict, "DescendantFonts"); charprocs = fz_dictgets(dict, "CharProcs"); if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "Type0")) error = loadtype0(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "Type1")) error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "MMType1")) error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "TrueType")) error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "Type3")) error = pdf_loadtype3font(fontdescp, xref, rdb, dict); else if (charprocs) { fz_warn("unknown font format, guessing type3."); error = pdf_loadtype3font(fontdescp, xref, rdb, dict); } else if (dfonts) { fz_warn("unknown font format, guessing type0."); error = loadtype0(fontdescp, xref, dict); } else { fz_warn("unknown font format, guessing type1 or truetype."); error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); } if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load font (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(dict), fz_togen(dict)); /* Save the widths to stretch non-CJK substitute fonts */ if ((*fontdescp)->font->ftsubstitute && !(*fontdescp)->tottfcmap) pdf_makewidthtable(*fontdescp); /* SumatraPDF: this font renders wrong without hinting */ if (strstr((*fontdescp)->font->name, "MingLiU")) (*fontdescp)->font->fthint = 1; pdf_storeitem(xref->store, pdf_keepfont, pdf_dropfont, dict, *fontdescp); return fz_okay; }
fz_error pdf_loadfont(pdf_fontdesc **fontdescp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *rdb, fz_obj *dict) { fz_error error; char *subtype; fz_obj *dfonts; fz_obj *charprocs; if ((*fontdescp = pdf_finditem(xref->store, PDF_KFONT, dict))) { pdf_keepfont(*fontdescp); return fz_okay; } subtype = fz_toname(fz_dictgets(dict, "Subtype")); dfonts = fz_dictgets(dict, "DescendantFonts"); charprocs = fz_dictgets(dict, "CharProcs"); if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "Type0")) error = loadtype0(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "Type1")) error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "MMType1")) error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "TrueType")) error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); else if (subtype && !strcmp(subtype, "Type3")) error = pdf_loadtype3font(fontdescp, xref, rdb, dict); else if (charprocs) { fz_warn("unknown font format, guessing type3."); error = pdf_loadtype3font(fontdescp, xref, rdb, dict); } else if (dfonts) { fz_warn("unknown font format, guessing type0."); error = loadtype0(fontdescp, xref, dict); } else { fz_warn("unknown font format, guessing type1 or truetype."); error = loadsimplefont(fontdescp, xref, dict); } if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load font"); error = pdf_storeitem(xref->store, PDF_KFONT, dict, *fontdescp); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot store font resource"); return fz_okay; }
fz_error * pdf_loadfont(pdf_font **fontp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *dict, fz_obj *ref) { fz_error *error; char *subtype; if ((*fontp = pdf_finditem(xref->store, PDF_KFONT, ref))) { fz_keepfont((fz_font*)*fontp); return fz_okay; } subtype = fz_toname(fz_dictgets(dict, "Subtype")); if (!strcmp(subtype, "Type0")) error = loadtype0(fontp, xref, dict, ref); else if (!strcmp(subtype, "Type1") || !strcmp(subtype, "MMType1")) error = loadsimplefont(fontp, xref, dict, ref); else if (!strcmp(subtype, "TrueType")) error = loadsimplefont(fontp, xref, dict, ref); else if (!strcmp(subtype, "Type3")) error = pdf_loadtype3font(fontp, xref, dict, ref); else return fz_throw("cannot recognize font format %s", subtype); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load font"); error = pdf_storeitem(xref->store, PDF_KFONT, ref, *fontp); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot store font resource"); return fz_okay; }