Exemplo n.º 1
/// CChanceTreeHistoryArtist::paintTable
/// @description     This function paints all the nodes to the screen.
/// @pre             None
/// @post            All the nodes are drawn to the screen.
/// @param painter:  This is a pointer to the painter to use.  If no value is
///                  passed, create a painter to use.
/// @limitations     None
void CChanceTreeHistoryArtist::paintTable( QPainter *painter )
    //Make sure the pointer to the model has been initialized.
    if (m_model == NULL)
    //Make sure the root node of the tree isn't NULL, then call the
    //paintModelHelper function to pain the model.
    if ( m_model->getRootNode() == NULL )

    //This variable is used for painting to the canvas if no painter was
    QPainter localPainter( m_canvas );

    //Check if the calling function did not pass a painter and use
    //the local one in that case.
    if ( painter == NULL )
        painter = &localPainter;

    //Create the QPainter object to paint the model.
    painter->setPen( m_style->getPen() );
    painter->setBrush( m_style->getBrush() );
    painter->setFont( m_style->getFont() );
    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

    HistoryTable historyTable = m_model->getHistoryTable();
    HistoryTable::const_iterator i = historyTable.constBegin();
    QRect cellRect( painter->boundingRect( 0,0,0,0,0,"WW-WW" ) );
    cellRect.adjust( -4,-4,4,4 );
    cellRect.moveTopLeft( m_model->getHistoryPosition() );

    while ( i != historyTable.constEnd() )
        painter->drawRect( cellRect );
        painter->drawText( cellRect, Qt::AlignCenter,
                           moveName(i->first) );
        cellRect.moveTopLeft( cellRect.bottomLeft() );
        painter->drawRect( cellRect );
        painter->drawText( cellRect, Qt::AlignCenter, 
                           QString::number(i->second) );
        cellRect.moveBottomLeft( cellRect.topRight() );
Exemplo n.º 2
/// CPuzzleSpanArtist::paintModel
/// @description   This function paints all the spans to the screen.
/// @pre           None
/// @post          All the spans are drawn to the screen.
/// @limitations   None
void CPuzzleSpanArtist::paintModel( QPainter *painter )
    if (m_model != NULL)
        //This variable is used for painting to the canvas if no painter was
        QPainter localPainter( m_canvas );

        //Check if the calling function did not pass a painter and use
        //the local one in that case.
        if ( painter == NULL )
            painter = &localPainter;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_model->getSpanCount(); i++)
            paintSpan( m_model->getSpanAt(i), painter );
Exemplo n.º 3
QUuid	PixmapJUPOCObject::addPart(QPixmap& srcPixmap,const QRect& srcRect)
	if (srcPixmap.isNull())
		return QUuid();
	//proper clipped rect, please
	QRect csrcRect = (srcRect.isEmpty() ? srcPixmap.rect() : srcRect.intersect(srcPixmap.rect()));
	QRect targetRect = findSpace(csrcRect.size());
	if (targetRect.isEmpty())
		//couldn't find space
		return QUuid();
	//copy in
	QPainter localPainter(pm);
	QUuid nUid = QUuid::createUuid();
	m_parts[nUid] = targetRect;
	return nUid;
Exemplo n.º 4
PixmapJUPOCRefObject * PixmapJUPOCObject::transfer(PixmapJUPOCObject * p_jupoc,PixmapObject * p_src)
	if ((p_jupoc == 0) || (p_src == 0))
		return 0;

	QRect targetRect = p_jupoc->findSpace(p_src->size());
	if (targetRect.isEmpty())
		//no space...
		return 0;

	//copy in
	QPainter localPainter(p_jupoc->pm);
	QUuid nUid = QUuid::createUuid();
	p_jupoc->m_parts[nUid] = targetRect;

	//TODO: dispose properly
	delete p_src;
	return new PixmapJUPOCRefObject(*p_jupoc,nUid,targetRect);