bool CSceneAmpCoder::DeCode_Ver_D( const CDataChunk& inData,OBJ_HANDLE handle ) { CSceneManagerClient* pScene = (CSceneManagerClient*)handle; CPkgFile& File = *((CPkgFile*)inData.GetBuffer()); DeCoder_Com_B_D(File,handle); size_t size = 0, ajenctsize= 0;, sizeof(size_t)); if( size == 0 ) return true; else { locale loc = locale::global(locale("")); uint32 dwNameLen = 0; char szBuf[256]; for( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { RegionsInfo *pRgnInfo = new RegionsInfo; if( !pRgnInfo ) return false; ///scene>lightParam.globalAmbient.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalAmbient.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalAmbient.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.B, sizeof(uint8)); #ifndef AMBIENT_SHADOW_COLOR>lightParam.globalShadow.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalShadow.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalShadow.B, sizeof(uint8)); #else uint8 dummy;, sizeof(uint8));, sizeof(uint8));, sizeof(uint8)); #endif>lightParam.fogColor.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.fogColor.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.fogColor.B, sizeof(uint8)); ///player>lightParam.playerAmbient.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerAmbient.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerAmbient.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.B, sizeof(uint8));>uFogMode, sizeof(pRgnInfo->uFogMode));>lightParam.fogStart, sizeof(float));>lightParam.fogEnd, sizeof(float));>lightParam.fogDensity, sizeof(float)); ///music name File.Read(&dwNameLen,sizeof(dwNameLen)); File.Read(szBuf, sizeof(char)*dwNameLen); pRgnInfo->strMusicName = szBuf; pScene->m_RgnsList.push_back(pRgnInfo); } locale::global(loc);//恢复全局locale } return true; }
int QWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 23) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 23; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isModal(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< Qt::WindowModality*>(_v) = windowModality(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isEnabled(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v) = geometry(); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v) = frameGeometry(); break; case 5: *reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v) = normalGeometry(); break; case 6: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = x(); break; case 7: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = y(); break; case 8: *reinterpret_cast< QPoint*>(_v) = pos(); break; case 9: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = frameSize(); break; case 10: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = size(); break; case 11: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = width(); break; case 12: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = height(); break; case 13: *reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v) = rect(); break; case 14: *reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v) = childrenRect(); break; case 15: *reinterpret_cast< QRegion*>(_v) = childrenRegion(); break; case 16: *reinterpret_cast< QSizePolicy*>(_v) = sizePolicy(); break; case 17: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = minimumSize(); break; case 18: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = maximumSize(); break; case 19: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = minimumWidth(); break; case 20: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = minimumHeight(); break; case 21: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = maximumWidth(); break; case 22: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = maximumHeight(); break; case 23: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = sizeIncrement(); break; case 24: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = baseSize(); break; case 25: *reinterpret_cast< QPalette*>(_v) = palette(); break; case 26: *reinterpret_cast< QFont*>(_v) = font(); break; case 27: *reinterpret_cast< QCursor*>(_v) = cursor(); break; case 28: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = hasMouseTracking(); break; case 29: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isActiveWindow(); break; case 30: *reinterpret_cast< Qt::FocusPolicy*>(_v) = focusPolicy(); break; case 31: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = hasFocus(); break; case 32: *reinterpret_cast< Qt::ContextMenuPolicy*>(_v) = contextMenuPolicy(); break; case 33: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = updatesEnabled(); break; case 34: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isVisible(); break; case 35: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isMinimized(); break; case 36: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isMaximized(); break; case 37: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isFullScreen(); break; case 38: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = sizeHint(); break; case 39: *reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v) = minimumSizeHint(); break; case 40: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = acceptDrops(); break; case 41: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = windowTitle(); break; case 42: *reinterpret_cast< QIcon*>(_v) = windowIcon(); break; case 43: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = windowIconText(); break; case 44: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = windowOpacity(); break; case 45: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isWindowModified(); break; case 46: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = toolTip(); break; case 47: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = statusTip(); break; case 48: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = whatsThis(); break; case 49: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = accessibleName(); break; case 50: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = accessibleDescription(); break; case 51: *reinterpret_cast< Qt::LayoutDirection*>(_v) = layoutDirection(); break; case 52: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = autoFillBackground(); break; case 53: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = styleSheet(); break; case 54: *reinterpret_cast< QLocale*>(_v) = locale(); break; case 55: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = windowFilePath(); break; case 56: *reinterpret_cast< Qt::InputMethodHints*>(_v) = inputMethodHints(); break; } _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 1: setWindowModality(*reinterpret_cast< Qt::WindowModality*>(_v)); break; case 2: setEnabled(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 3: setGeometry(*reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v)); break; case 8: move(*reinterpret_cast< QPoint*>(_v)); break; case 10: resize(*reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v)); break; case 16: setSizePolicy(*reinterpret_cast< QSizePolicy*>(_v)); break; case 17: setMinimumSize(*reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v)); break; case 18: setMaximumSize(*reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v)); break; case 19: setMinimumWidth(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 20: setMinimumHeight(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 21: setMaximumWidth(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 22: setMaximumHeight(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 23: setSizeIncrement(*reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v)); break; case 24: setBaseSize(*reinterpret_cast< QSize*>(_v)); break; case 25: setPalette(*reinterpret_cast< QPalette*>(_v)); break; case 26: setFont(*reinterpret_cast< QFont*>(_v)); break; case 27: setCursor(*reinterpret_cast< QCursor*>(_v)); break; case 28: setMouseTracking(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 30: setFocusPolicy(*reinterpret_cast< Qt::FocusPolicy*>(_v)); break; case 32: setContextMenuPolicy(*reinterpret_cast< Qt::ContextMenuPolicy*>(_v)); break; case 33: setUpdatesEnabled(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 34: setVisible(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 40: setAcceptDrops(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 41: setWindowTitle(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 42: setWindowIcon(*reinterpret_cast< QIcon*>(_v)); break; case 43: setWindowIconText(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 44: setWindowOpacity(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 45: setWindowModified(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 46: setToolTip(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 47: setStatusTip(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 48: setWhatsThis(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 49: setAccessibleName(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 50: setAccessibleDescription(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 51: setLayoutDirection(*reinterpret_cast< Qt::LayoutDirection*>(_v)); break; case 52: setAutoFillBackground(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 53: setStyleSheet(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 54: setLocale(*reinterpret_cast< QLocale*>(_v)); break; case 55: setWindowFilePath(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 56: setInputMethodHints(*reinterpret_cast< Qt::InputMethodHints*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { switch (_id) { case 27: unsetCursor(); break; case 51: unsetLayoutDirection(); break; case 54: unsetLocale(); break; } _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { bool *_b = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_a[0]); switch (_id) { case 41: *_b = isWindow(); break; case 42: *_b = isWindow(); break; case 43: *_b = isWindow(); break; case 44: *_b = isWindow(); break; case 45: *_b = isWindow(); break; case 55: *_b = isWindow(); break; } _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 57; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 57; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
void pTranslationDialog::init( pTranslationManager* translationManager ) { if ( mTranslationManager == translationManager ) { return; } mTranslationManager = translationManager; mOriginalLocale = mTranslationManager ? mTranslationManager->currentLocale().name() : locale().name(); if ( !ui ) { ui = new Ui::pTranslationDialog; ui->setupUi( this ); } ui->tbReload->click(); localeChanged(); }
//! [10] void Window::createGeneralOptionsGroupBox() { generalOptionsGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("General Options")); localeCombo = new QComboBox; int curLocaleIndex = -1; int index = 0; for (int _lang = QLocale::C; _lang <= QLocale::LastLanguage; ++_lang) { QLocale::Language lang = static_cast<QLocale::Language>(_lang); QList<QLocale::Country> countries = QLocale::countriesForLanguage(lang); for (int i = 0; i < countries.count(); ++i) { QLocale::Country country =; QString label = QLocale::languageToString(lang); label += QLatin1Char('/'); label += QLocale::countryToString(country); QLocale locale(lang, country); if (this->locale().language() == lang && this->locale().country() == country) curLocaleIndex = index; localeCombo->addItem(label, locale); ++index; } } if (curLocaleIndex != -1) localeCombo->setCurrentIndex(curLocaleIndex); localeLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Locale")); localeLabel->setBuddy(localeCombo); firstDayCombo = new QComboBox; firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Sunday"), Qt::Sunday); firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Monday"), Qt::Monday); firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Tuesday"), Qt::Tuesday); firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Wednesday"), Qt::Wednesday); firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Thursday"), Qt::Thursday); firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Friday"), Qt::Friday); firstDayCombo->addItem(tr("Saturday"), Qt::Saturday); firstDayLabel = new QLabel(tr("Wee&k starts on:")); firstDayLabel->setBuddy(firstDayCombo); //! [10] selectionModeCombo = new QComboBox; selectionModeCombo->addItem(tr("Single selection"), QCalendarWidget::SingleSelection); selectionModeCombo->addItem(tr("None"), QCalendarWidget::NoSelection); selectionModeLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Selection mode:")); selectionModeLabel->setBuddy(selectionModeCombo); gridCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Grid")); gridCheckBox->setChecked(calendar->isGridVisible()); navigationCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Navigation bar")); navigationCheckBox->setChecked(true); horizontalHeaderCombo = new QComboBox; horizontalHeaderCombo->addItem(tr("Single letter day names"), QCalendarWidget::SingleLetterDayNames); horizontalHeaderCombo->addItem(tr("Short day names"), QCalendarWidget::ShortDayNames); horizontalHeaderCombo->addItem(tr("None"), QCalendarWidget::NoHorizontalHeader); horizontalHeaderCombo->setCurrentIndex(1); horizontalHeaderLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Horizontal header:")); horizontalHeaderLabel->setBuddy(horizontalHeaderCombo); verticalHeaderCombo = new QComboBox; verticalHeaderCombo->addItem(tr("ISO week numbers"), QCalendarWidget::ISOWeekNumbers); verticalHeaderCombo->addItem(tr("None"), QCalendarWidget::NoVerticalHeader); verticalHeaderLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Vertical header:")); verticalHeaderLabel->setBuddy(verticalHeaderCombo); //! [11] connect(localeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(localeChanged(int))); connect(firstDayCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(firstDayChanged(int))); connect(selectionModeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectionModeChanged(int))); connect(gridCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), calendar, SLOT(setGridVisible(bool))); connect(navigationCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), calendar, SLOT(setNavigationBarVisible(bool))); connect(horizontalHeaderCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horizontalHeaderChanged(int))); connect(verticalHeaderCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(verticalHeaderChanged(int))); //! [11] QHBoxLayout *checkBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout; checkBoxLayout->addWidget(gridCheckBox); checkBoxLayout->addStretch(); checkBoxLayout->addWidget(navigationCheckBox); QGridLayout *outerLayout = new QGridLayout; outerLayout->addWidget(localeLabel, 0, 0); outerLayout->addWidget(localeCombo, 0, 1); outerLayout->addWidget(firstDayLabel, 1, 0); outerLayout->addWidget(firstDayCombo, 1, 1); outerLayout->addWidget(selectionModeLabel, 2, 0); outerLayout->addWidget(selectionModeCombo, 2, 1); outerLayout->addLayout(checkBoxLayout, 3, 0, 1, 2); outerLayout->addWidget(horizontalHeaderLabel, 4, 0); outerLayout->addWidget(horizontalHeaderCombo, 4, 1); outerLayout->addWidget(verticalHeaderLabel, 5, 0); outerLayout->addWidget(verticalHeaderCombo, 5, 1); generalOptionsGroupBox->setLayout(outerLayout); //! [12] firstDayChanged(firstDayCombo->currentIndex()); selectionModeChanged(selectionModeCombo->currentIndex()); horizontalHeaderChanged(horizontalHeaderCombo->currentIndex()); verticalHeaderChanged(verticalHeaderCombo->currentIndex()); }
void StringCaseTest::TestCasingImpl(const UnicodeString &input, const UnicodeString &output, int32_t whichCase, void *iter, const char *localeID, uint32_t options) { // UnicodeString UnicodeString result; const char *name; Locale locale(localeID); result=input; switch(whichCase) { case TEST_LOWER: name="toLower"; result.toLower(locale); break; case TEST_UPPER: name="toUpper"; result.toUpper(locale); break; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION case TEST_TITLE: name="toTitle"; result.toTitle((BreakIterator *)iter, locale, options); break; #endif case TEST_FOLD: name="foldCase"; result.foldCase(options); break; default: name=""; break; // won't happen } if(result!=output) { dataerrln("error: UnicodeString.%s() got a wrong result for a test case from casing.res", name); } #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE && options==0) { result=input; result.toTitle((BreakIterator *)iter, locale); if(result!=output) { dataerrln("error: UnicodeString.toTitle(options=0) got a wrong result for a test case from casing.res"); } } #endif // UTF-8 char utf8In[100], utf8Out[100]; int32_t utf8InLength, utf8OutLength, resultLength; UChar *buffer; IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCasingImpl"); LocalUCaseMapPointer csm(ucasemap_open(localeID, options, errorCode)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION if(iter!=NULL) { // Clone the break iterator so that the UCaseMap can safely adopt it. UBreakIterator *clone=ubrk_safeClone((UBreakIterator *)iter, NULL, NULL, errorCode); ucasemap_setBreakIterator(csm.getAlias(), clone, errorCode); } #endif u_strToUTF8(utf8In, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8In), &utf8InLength, input.getBuffer(), input.length(), errorCode); switch(whichCase) { case TEST_LOWER: name="ucasemap_utf8ToLower"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToLower(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; case TEST_UPPER: name="ucasemap_utf8ToUpper"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION case TEST_TITLE: name="ucasemap_utf8ToTitle"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; #endif case TEST_FOLD: name="ucasemap_utf8FoldCase"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8FoldCase(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; default: name=""; utf8OutLength=0; break; // won't happen } buffer=result.getBuffer(utf8OutLength); u_strFromUTF8(buffer, result.getCapacity(), &resultLength, utf8Out, utf8OutLength, errorCode); result.releaseBuffer(errorCode.isSuccess() ? resultLength : 0); if(errorCode.isFailure()) { errcheckln(errorCode, "error: %s() got an error for a test case from casing.res - %s", name, u_errorName(errorCode)); errorCode.reset(); } else if(result!=output) { errln("error: %s() got a wrong result for a test case from casing.res", name); errln("expected \"" + output + "\" got \"" + result + "\"" ); } }
// This method sets the requested language, based on wxLanguage id and an optional 'confirmation' // canonical code. If the canonical code is provided, it is used to confirm that the ID matches // the intended language/dialect. If the ID and canonical do not match, this method will use // wx's FindLAnguageInfo to provide a "best guess" canonical match (usually relying on the user's // operating system default). // // Rationale: wxWidgets language IDs are just simple enums, and not especially unique. Future // versions of PCSX2 may have language ID changes if built against new/different versions of wx. // To prevent PCSX2 from selecting a completely wrong language when upgraded, we double-check // the wxLanguage code against the canonical name. We can't simply use canonical names either // because those are not unique (dialects of chinese, for example), and wx returns the generic // form over a specific dialect, when given a choice. Thus a two-tier check is required. // // wxLanguage for specific dialect, and canonical as a fallback/safeguard in case the wxLanguage // id appears to be out of date. // // bool i18n_SetLanguage( wxLanguage wxLangId, const wxString& langCode ) { const wxLanguageInfo* info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(wxLangId); // Check if you can load a similar language in case the current one is not yet provided if (info) { wxLanguage LangId_fallback = i18n_FallbackToAnotherLang((wxLanguage)info->Language); if (LangId_fallback != (wxLanguage)info->Language) info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(LangId_fallback); } // note: language canonical name mismatch probably means wxWidgets version changed since // the user's ini file was provided. Missing/invalid ID probably means the same thing. // If either is true, and the caller provided a canonical name, then let wx do a best // match based on the canonical name. if (!info || (!langCode.IsEmpty() && (langCode.CmpNoCase(info->CanonicalName) != 0))) { if (!info) Console.Warning( "Invalid language identifier (wxID=%d)", wxLangId ); if (!langCode.IsEmpty() && (langCode.CmpNoCase(L"default")!=0)) { info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(langCode); if (!info) Console.Warning( "Unrecognized language canonical name '%ls'", WX_STR(langCode) ); } } if (!info) return false; if (wxGetLocale() && (info->Language == wxGetLocale()->GetLanguage())) return true; ScopedPtr<wxLocale> locale( new wxLocale(info->Language) ); if( !locale->IsOk() ) { Console.Warning( L"SetLanguage: '%s' [%s] is not supported by the operating system", WX_STR(i18n_GetBetterLanguageName(info)), WX_STR(locale->GetCanonicalName()) ); return false; } wxLangId = (wxLanguage)locale->GetLanguage(); if (wxLangId == wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN) { Console.WriteLn("System-default language is unknown? Defaulting back to English/US."); wxLangId = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US; } // English/US is built in, so no need to load MO/PO files. if( pxIsEnglish(wxLangId) ) { locale.DetachPtr(); return true; } Console.WriteLn( L"Loading language translation databases for '%s' [%s]", WX_STR(i18n_GetBetterLanguageName(info)), WX_STR(locale->GetCanonicalName()) ); static const wxChar* dictFiles[] = { L"pcsx2_Main", L"pcsx2_Iconized" }; bool foundone = false; for (uint i=0; i<ArraySize(dictFiles); ++i) { if (!dictFiles[i]) continue; if (!locale->AddCatalog(dictFiles[i])) Console.Indent().WriteLn(Color_StrongYellow, "%ls not found -- translation dictionary may be incomplete.", dictFiles[i]); else foundone = true; } if (!foundone) { Console.Warning("SetLanguage: Requested translation is not implemented yet."); return false; } locale.DetachPtr(); return true; }
void DDateTable::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { // the KDatePicker only reacts on mouse press events: return; } if (!isEnabled()) { QApplication::beep(); return; } int row, col, pos; QPoint mouseCoord = e->pos(); row = mouseCoord.y() * d->numWeekRows / height(); if (layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) { col = d->numDayColumns - (mouseCoord.x() * d->numDayColumns / width()) - 1; } else { col = mouseCoord.x() * d->numDayColumns / width(); } if (row < 1 || col < 0) { // the user clicked on the frame of the table return; } // Rows and columns are zero indexed. The (row - 1) below is to avoid counting // the row with the days of the week in the calculation. // new position and date pos = (d->numDayColumns * (row - 1)) + col; QDate clickedDate = dateFromPos(pos); // set the new date. If it is in the previous or next month, the month will // automatically be changed, no need to do that manually... // validity checking done inside setDate setDate(clickedDate); // This could be optimized to only call update over the regions // of old and new cell, but 99% of times there is also a call to // setDate that already calls update() so no need to optimize that // much here update(); emit tableClicked(); if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton && d->popupMenuEnabled) { QMenu* const menu = new QMenu(); menu->addSection(locale().toString(d->date)); emit aboutToShowContextMenu(menu, clickedDate); menu->popup(e->globalPos()); } }
String SubmitInputType::defaultValue() const { return locale().queryString(blink::WebLocalizedString::SubmitButtonDefaultLabel); }
void LLFloaterTools::refresh() { const S32 INFO_WIDTH = getRect().getWidth(); const S32 INFO_HEIGHT = 384; LLRect object_info_rect(0, 0, INFO_WIDTH, -INFO_HEIGHT); BOOL all_volume = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionAllPCode( LL_PCODE_VOLUME ); S32 idx_features = mTab->getPanelIndexByTitle(PANEL_NAMES[PANEL_FEATURES]); S32 idx_face = mTab->getPanelIndexByTitle(PANEL_NAMES[PANEL_FACE]); S32 idx_contents = mTab->getPanelIndexByTitle(PANEL_NAMES[PANEL_CONTENTS]); S32 selected_index = mTab->getCurrentPanelIndex(); if (!all_volume && (selected_index == idx_features || selected_index == idx_face || selected_index == idx_contents)) { mTab->selectFirstTab(); } mTab->enableTabButton(idx_features, all_volume); mTab->enableTabButton(idx_face, all_volume); mTab->enableTabButton(idx_contents, all_volume); // Refresh object and prim count labels LLLocale locale(LLLocale::USER_LOCALE); // Added in Link Num value -HgB S32 object_count = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getRootObjectCount(); S32 prim_count = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getEditSelection()->getObjectCount(); std::string value_string; std::string desc_string; if ((gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts"))&&(prim_count == 1)) //Selecting a single prim in "Edit Linked" mode, show link number { desc_string = "Link number:"; LLViewerObject* selected = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstObject(); if (selected && selected->getRootEdit()) { LLViewerObject::child_list_t children = selected->getRootEdit()->getChildren(); if (children.empty()) { value_string = "0"; // An unlinked prim is "link 0". } else { children.push_front(selected->getRootEdit()); // need root in the list too S32 index = 0; for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { index++; if ((*iter)->isSelected()) { LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString(value_string, index); break; } } } } } else { desc_string = "Selected objects:"; LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString(value_string, object_count); } childSetTextArg("link_num_obj_count", "[DESC]", desc_string); childSetTextArg("link_num_obj_count", "[NUM]", value_string); std::string prim_count_string; LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString(prim_count_string, LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount()); childSetTextArg("prim_count", "[COUNT]", prim_count_string); // Refresh child tabs mPanelPermissions->refresh(); mPanelObject->refresh(); mPanelVolume->refresh(); mPanelFace->refresh(); mPanelContents->refresh(); mPanelLandInfo->refresh(); }
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent, DIALOGWINDOWHINTS), ui(new Ui::OptionsDialog), model(0), mapper(0), fRestartWarningDisplayed_Proxy(false), fRestartWarningDisplayed_Tor(false), fRestartWarningDisplayed_Lang(false), fRestartWarningDisplayed_URL(false), fProxyIpValid(true), fTorIpValid(true) { ui->setupUi(this); /* Network elements init */ ui->proxyIp->setEnabled(false); ui->proxyPort->setEnabled(false); ui->proxyPort->setValidator(new QIntValidator(1, 65535, this)); ui->torIp->setEnabled(false); ui->torPort->setEnabled(false); ui->torPort->setValidator(new QIntValidator(1, 65535, this)); ui->TorOnly->setEnabled(false); ui->torName->setEnabled(false); ui->socksVersion->setEnabled(false); ui->socksVersion->addItem("5", 5); ui->socksVersion->addItem("4", 4); ui->socksVersion->setCurrentIndex(0); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->proxyIp, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->proxyPort, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->socksVersion, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(showRestartWarning_Proxy())); connect(ui->connectTor, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(showRestartWarning_Tor())); connect(ui->connectTor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->torIp, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectTor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->torPort, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectTor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->TorOnly, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectTor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->torName, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->TorOnly, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->connectSocks, SLOT(setDisabled(bool))); ui->proxyIp->installEventFilter(this); ui->torIp->installEventFilter(this); /* Window elements init */ #ifdef Q_OS_MAC ui->tabWindow->setVisible(false); #endif /* Display elements init */ QDir translations(":translations"); ui->lang->addItem(QString("(") + tr("default") + QString(")"), QVariant("")); foreach(const QString &langStr, translations.entryList()) { QLocale locale(langStr); /** check if the locale name consists of 2 parts (language_country) */ if(langStr.contains("_")) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 /** display language strings as "native language - native country (locale name)", e.g. "Deutsch - Deutschland (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(locale.nativeLanguageName() + QString(" - ") + locale.nativeCountryName() + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #else /** display language strings as "language - country (locale name)", e.g. "German - Germany (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()) + QString(" - ") + QLocale::countryToString( + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #endif } else { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 /** display language strings as "native language (locale name)", e.g. "Deutsch (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(locale.nativeLanguageName() + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #else /** display language strings as "language (locale name)", e.g. "German (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()) + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #endif } } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 ui->thirdPartyTxUrls->setPlaceholderText(""); #endif ui->unit->setModel(new BitcoinUnits(this)); /* Widget-to-option mapper */ mapper = new MonitoredDataMapper(this); mapper->setSubmitPolicy(QDataWidgetMapper::ManualSubmit); mapper->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); /* enable apply button when data modified */ connect(mapper, SIGNAL(viewModified()), this, SLOT(enableApplyButton())); /* disable apply button when new data loaded */ connect(mapper, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(disableApplyButton())); /* setup/change UI elements when proxy IP is invalid/valid */ connect(this, SIGNAL(proxyIpValid(QValidatedLineEdit *, bool)), this, SLOT(handleProxyIpValid(QValidatedLineEdit *, bool))); /* setup/change UI elements when Tor IP is invalid/valid */ connect(this, SIGNAL(torIpValid(QValidatedLineEdit *, bool)), this, SLOT(handleTorIpValid(QValidatedLineEdit *, bool))); }
void GroupedIconView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) { // This code was adapted from QListView::paintEvent(), changed to use the // visualRect() of items, and to draw headers. QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option(viewOptions()); if (isWrapping()) option.features = QStyleOptionViewItemV2::WrapText; option.locale = locale(); option.locale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator); option.widget = this; QPainter painter(viewport()); const QRect viewport_rect(e->rect().translated(horizontalOffset(), verticalOffset())); QVector<QModelIndex> toBeRendered = IntersectingItems(viewport_rect); const QModelIndex current = currentIndex(); const QAbstractItemModel *itemModel = model(); const QItemSelectionModel *selections = selectionModel(); const bool focus = (hasFocus() || viewport()->hasFocus()) && current.isValid(); const QStyle::State state = option.state; const QAbstractItemView::State viewState = this->state(); const bool enabled = (state & QStyle::State_Enabled) != 0; int maxSize = (flow() == TopToBottom) ? viewport()->size().width() - 2 * spacing() : viewport()->size().height() - 2 * spacing(); QVector<QModelIndex>::const_iterator end = toBeRendered.constEnd(); for (QVector<QModelIndex>::const_iterator it = toBeRendered.constBegin(); it != end; ++it) { if (!it->isValid()) { continue; } option.rect = visualRect(*it); if (flow() == TopToBottom) option.rect.setWidth(qMin(maxSize, option.rect.width())); else option.rect.setHeight(qMin(maxSize, option.rect.height())); option.state = state; if (selections && selections->isSelected(*it)) option.state |= QStyle::State_Selected; if (enabled) { QPalette::ColorGroup cg; if ((itemModel->flags(*it) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) == 0) { option.state &= ~QStyle::State_Enabled; cg = QPalette::Disabled; } else { cg = QPalette::Normal; } option.palette.setCurrentColorGroup(cg); } if (focus && current == *it) { option.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus; if (viewState == EditingState) option.state |= QStyle::State_Editing; } itemDelegate()->paint(&painter, option, *it); } // Draw headers foreach (const Header& header, headers_) { const QRect header_rect = QRect( header_indent_, header.y, viewport()->width() - header_indent_ * 2, header_height()); // Is this header contained in the area we're drawing? if (!header_rect.intersects(viewport_rect)) { continue; } // Draw the header DrawHeader(model()->index(header.first_row, 0), header_rect.translated(-horizontalOffset(), -verticalOffset()), &painter); } }
void PlanTJScheduler::run() { if ( m_haltScheduling ) { deleteLater(); return; } if ( m_stopScheduling ) { return; } setMaxProgress( PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE ); { // mutex --> m_projectMutex.lock(); m_managerMutex.lock(); m_project = new Project(); loadProject( m_project, m_pdoc ); m_project->setName( "Schedule: " + m_project->name() ); //Debug m_project->stopcalculation = false; m_manager = m_project->scheduleManager( m_mainmanagerId ); Q_CHECK_PTR( m_manager ); Q_ASSERT( m_manager->expected() ); Q_ASSERT( m_manager != m_mainmanager ); Q_ASSERT( m_manager->scheduleId() == m_mainmanager->scheduleId() ); Q_ASSERT( m_manager->expected() != m_mainmanager->expected() ); m_manager->setName( "Schedule: " + m_manager->name() ); //Debug m_schedule = m_manager->expected(); bool x = connect(m_manager, SIGNAL(sigLogAdded(Schedule::Log)), this, SLOT(slotAddLog(Schedule::Log))); Q_ASSERT( x ); m_project->initiateCalculation( *m_schedule ); m_project->initiateCalculationLists( *m_schedule ); m_usePert = m_manager->usePert(); m_recalculate = m_manager->recalculate(); if ( m_recalculate ) { m_backward = false; } else { m_backward = m_manager->schedulingDirection(); } m_project->setCurrentSchedule( m_manager->expected()->id() ); m_schedule->setPhaseName( 0, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Init" ) ); if ( ! m_backward && locale() ) { logDebug( m_project, 0, QString( "Schedule project using TJ Scheduler, starting at %1, granularity %2" ).arg( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() ).arg( locale()->formatDuration( m_granularity ) ), 0 ); if ( m_recalculate ) { logInfo( m_project, 0, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Re-calculate project from start time: %1", locale()->formatDateTime( m_project->constraintStartTime() ) ), 0 ); } else { logInfo( m_project, 0, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Schedule project from start time: %1", locale()->formatDateTime( m_project->constraintStartTime() ) ), 0 ); } logInfo( m_project, 0, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Project target finish time: %1", locale()->formatDateTime( m_project->constraintEndTime() ) ), 0 ); } if ( m_backward && locale() ) { logDebug( m_project, 0, QString( "Schedule project backward using TJ Scheduler, starting at %1, granularity %2" ).arg( locale()->formatDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ).arg( locale()->formatDuration( m_granularity ) ), 0 ); logInfo( m_project, 0, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Schedule project from end time: %1", locale()->formatDateTime( m_project->constraintEndTime() ) ), 0 ); } m_managerMutex.unlock(); m_projectMutex.unlock(); } // <--- mutex setProgress( 2 ); if ( ! kplatoToTJ() ) { result = 1; setProgress( PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE ); return; } setMaxProgress( PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE ); connect(m_tjProject, SIGNAL(updateProgressBar(int,int)), this, SLOT(setProgress(int))); m_schedule->setPhaseName( 1, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Schedule" ) ); logInfo( m_project, 0, "Start scheduling", 1 ); bool r = solve(); if ( ! r ) { kDebug(planDbg())<<"Scheduling failed"; result = 2; logError( m_project, 0, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Failed to schedule project" ) ); setProgress( PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE ); return; } if ( m_haltScheduling ) { kDebug(planDbg())<<"Scheduling halted"; logInfo( m_project, 0, "Scheduling halted" ); deleteLater(); return; } m_schedule->setPhaseName( 2, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Update" ) ); logInfo( m_project, 0, "Scheduling finished, update project", 2 ); if ( ! kplatoFromTJ() ) { logError( m_project, 0, "Project update failed" ); } setProgress( PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE ); m_schedule->setPhaseName( 3, i18nc( "@info/plain" , "Finish" ) ); }
bool sqr::CSceneAmpCoder::DeCode_Ver_H( const CDataChunk& inData,OBJ_HANDLE handle ) { CSceneManagerClient* pScene = (CSceneManagerClient*)handle; CPkgFile& File = *((CPkgFile*)inData.GetBuffer()); DeCoder_Com_B_D(File,handle); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //read specular parameter 无效数据 uint32 uColor = 0; float fPower = 0.0f; File.Read(&uColor, sizeof(uColor)); File.Read(&uColor, sizeof(uColor)); File.Read(&fPower, sizeof(fPower)); File.Read(&fPower, sizeof(fPower)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// locale loc = locale::global(locale("")); uint32 dwNameLen = 0; char szBuf[256]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //region ambient fx name SVector<SString> ambientFxNameList; size_t size = 0;, sizeof(size_t)); for ( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { SString strEffectName = ""; // File.Read(&dwNameLen,sizeof(dwNameLen)); // File.Read(szBuf, sizeof(char)*dwNameLen); // szBuf[dwNameLen] = 0; // strEffectFileName = szBuf; File.Read(&dwNameLen,sizeof(dwNameLen)); File.Read(szBuf, sizeof(char)*dwNameLen); szBuf[dwNameLen] = 0; strEffectName = szBuf; // strEffectFileName = "fx\\setting\\mapfx_ambient_yb\\" + strEffectName + ".efx"; ambientFxNameList.push_back(strEffectName); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size = 0;, sizeof(size_t)); if( size == 0 ) return true; else { for( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { RegionsInfo *pRgnInfo = new RegionsInfo; if( !pRgnInfo ) return false; ///scene>lightParam.globalAmbient.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalAmbient.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalAmbient.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalSpecular.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalSpecular.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalSpecular.B, sizeof(uint8)); #ifndef AMBIENT_SHADOW_COLOR>lightParam.globalShadow.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalShadow.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalShadow.B, sizeof(uint8)); #else uint8 dummy;, sizeof(uint8));, sizeof(uint8));, sizeof(uint8)); #endif>lightParam.fogColor.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.fogColor.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.fogColor.B, sizeof(uint8)); ///player>lightParam.playerAmbient.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerAmbient.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerAmbient.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerSpecular.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerSpecular.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerSpecular.B, sizeof(uint8));>uFogMode, sizeof(pRgnInfo->uFogMode));>lightParam.fogStart, sizeof(float));>lightParam.fogEnd, sizeof(float));>lightParam.fogDensity, sizeof(float)); ///music name File.Read(&dwNameLen,sizeof(dwNameLen)); File.Read(szBuf, sizeof(char)*dwNameLen); pRgnInfo->strMusicName = szBuf; ///ambient effect size_t ambientFxSize = 0;, sizeof(ambientFxSize)); for ( size_t m = 0; m < ambientFxSize; ++m ) { int nIndex = 0;, sizeof(nIndex)); DWORD dwPlayMin = 0;, sizeof(dwPlayMin)); DWORD dwPlayMax = 0;, sizeof(dwPlayMax)); DWORD dwIntervalMin = 0;, sizeof(dwIntervalMin)); DWORD dwIntervalMax = 0;, sizeof(dwIntervalMax)); SString strEffectName = ambientFxNameList[nIndex]; //SVector<CRgnAmbientFxInfo*> rgnAmbientFxList; CRgnAmbientFxInfo *pTemp = new CRgnAmbientFxInfo; pTemp->szFxName = strEffectName; pTemp->nPlayMax = dwPlayMax; pTemp->nPlayMin = dwPlayMin; pTemp->nIntervalMax = dwIntervalMax; pTemp->nIntervalMin = dwIntervalMin; pRgnInfo->rgnAmbientFxList.push_back(pTemp); } pScene->m_RgnsList.push_back(pRgnInfo); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 读取摄像机轨迹动画信息 uint32 uAnimCount = 0; &uAnimCount, sizeof(uint32) ); pScene->m_vecCamPath.resize(uAnimCount, NULL); for ( uint i=0; i<uAnimCount; ++i ) { int pc = 0; &pc, sizeof(int) ); if ( pc != NULL ) { CCameraPath *pNewPath = new CCameraPath; pScene->m_vecCamPath[i] = pNewPath; uint32 uKeyCount = 0; &uKeyCount, sizeof(uint32) ); CVector3f data; float time; for ( uint32 i=0; i<uKeyCount; ++i ) { // 读取 摄像机位置帧 &data, sizeof(CVector3f) ); &time, sizeof(float) ); pNewPath->AddPositionKey( data, time ); // 读取 摄像机观察点帧 &data, sizeof(CVector3f) ); &time, sizeof(float) ); pNewPath->AddTargetkey( data, time ); // 读取 摄像机视角帧 &data, sizeof(CVector3f) ); &time, sizeof(float) ); pNewPath->AddFovKey( data, time ); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IsTileVisiable CMetaGridMgr& GridMgr = *pScene->m_pGridMgr; UINT Size = pScene->m_uWidth*pScene->m_uHeight; bool tileVisible = true; URegionID ID; for(size_t i = 0; i<Size; ++i) { ID.X = i % pScene->m_uWidth; ID.Z = i / pScene->m_uWidth; &tileVisible, sizeof(tileVisible) ); GridMgr.SetRenderTileVisibleMark(ID, tileVisible); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } locale::global(loc);//恢复全局locale return true; }
bool sqr::CSceneAmpCoder::DeCode_Ver_F( const CDataChunk& inData,OBJ_HANDLE handle ) { CSceneManagerClient* pScene = (CSceneManagerClient*)handle; CPkgFile& File = *((CPkgFile*)inData.GetBuffer()); DeCoder_Com_B_D(File,handle); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //read specular parameter 无效数据 uint32 uColor = 0; float fPower = 0.0f; File.Read(&uColor, sizeof(uColor)); File.Read(&uColor, sizeof(uColor)); File.Read(&fPower, sizeof(fPower)); File.Read(&fPower, sizeof(fPower)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t size = 0;, sizeof(size_t)); if( size == 0 ) return true; else { locale loc = locale::global(locale("")); uint32 dwNameLen = 0; char szBuf[256]; for( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { RegionsInfo *pRgnInfo = new RegionsInfo; if( !pRgnInfo ) return false; ///scene>lightParam.globalAmbient.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalAmbient.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalAmbient.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalDiffuse.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalSpecular.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalSpecular.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalSpecular.B, sizeof(uint8)); #ifndef AMBIENT_SHADOW_COLOR>lightParam.globalShadow.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalShadow.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.globalShadow.B, sizeof(uint8)); #else uint8 dummy;, sizeof(uint8));, sizeof(uint8));, sizeof(uint8)); #endif>lightParam.fogColor.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.fogColor.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.fogColor.B, sizeof(uint8)); ///player>lightParam.playerAmbient.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerAmbient.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerAmbient.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerDiffuse.B, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerSpecular.R, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerSpecular.G, sizeof(uint8));>lightParam.playerSpecular.B, sizeof(uint8));>uFogMode, sizeof(pRgnInfo->uFogMode));>lightParam.fogStart, sizeof(float));>lightParam.fogEnd, sizeof(float));>lightParam.fogDensity, sizeof(float)); ///music name File.Read(&dwNameLen,sizeof(dwNameLen)); File.Read(szBuf, sizeof(char)*dwNameLen); pRgnInfo->strMusicName = szBuf; pScene->m_RgnsList.push_back(pRgnInfo); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 读取摄像机轨迹动画信息 uint32 uAnimCount = 0; &uAnimCount, sizeof(uint32) ); pScene->m_vecCamPath.resize(uAnimCount, NULL); for ( uint i=0; i<uAnimCount; ++i ) { int pc = 0; &pc, sizeof(int) ); if ( pc != NULL ) { CCameraPath *pNewPath = new CCameraPath; pScene->m_vecCamPath[i] = pNewPath; uint32 uKeyCount = 0; &uKeyCount, sizeof(uint32) ); CVector3f data; float time; for ( uint32 i=0; i<uKeyCount; ++i ) { // 读取 摄像机位置帧 &data, sizeof(CVector3f) ); &time, sizeof(float) ); pNewPath->AddPositionKey( data, time ); // 读取 摄像机观察点帧 &data, sizeof(CVector3f) ); &time, sizeof(float) ); pNewPath->AddTargetkey( data, time ); // 读取 摄像机视角帧 &data, sizeof(CVector3f) ); &time, sizeof(float) ); pNewPath->AddFovKey( data, time ); } } } locale::global(loc);//恢复全局locale } return true; }
int main() { wcin.imbue(locale("korean")); wcout.imbue(locale("korean")); typedef enum { MOVIE_MANAGER = 1, SCHEDULE_MANAGER, PRICE_MANAGER, } ManageApplicationFunction; if (FUNCTION_SUCCESS == DBHelper::connectDB()) { for(;;) { system("cls"); cout << "극장 관리 시스템\n\n" "1. 영화 정보 관리\n" "2. 상영 일정 관리\n" "3. 가격 정보 관리\n" "0. 종료\n\n" "선택: "; int32_t function = 0; switch (inputPositiveInteger(function)) { case FUNCTION_CANCEL: return 0; case FUNCTION_SUCCESS: switch (function) { case MOVIE_MANAGER: { MovieManager movieManger; continue; } case SCHEDULE_MANAGER: { ScheduleManager scheduleManager; continue; } case PRICE_MANAGER: { PriceManager priceManager; continue; } } case FUNCTION_ERROR: cout << "\n잘못된 입력입니다.\n"; system("pause"); } } } else { cout << "데이터베이스 접근에 실패했습니다.\n"; system("pause"); } DBHelper::closeDB(); return 0; }
bool parseAricoinURI(const QUrl &uri, SendCoinsRecipient *out) { // return if URI is not valid or is no aricoin: URI if(!uri.isValid() || uri.scheme() != QString("aricoin")) return false; SendCoinsRecipient rv; QStringList addressParts = uri.path().split("/", QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive); rv.address = addressParts.isEmpty() ? "" : addressParts.first(); rv.amount = 0; #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 QList<QPair<QString, QString> > items = uri.queryItems(); #else QUrlQuery uriQuery(uri); QList<QPair<QString, QString> > items = uriQuery.queryItems(); #endif for (QList<QPair<QString, QString> >::iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); i++) { bool fShouldReturnFalse = false; if (i->first.startsWith("req-")) { i->first.remove(0, 4); fShouldReturnFalse = true; } if (i->first == "label") { rv.label = i->second; fShouldReturnFalse = false; } if (i->first == "message") { rv.message = i->second; fShouldReturnFalse = false; } else if (i->first == "amount") { if(!i->second.isEmpty()) { // Parse amount in C locale with no number separators QLocale locale(QLocale::c()); locale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator | QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator); if(!AricoinUnits::parse(AricoinUnits::ARI, i->second, &rv.amount, locale)) { return false; } } fShouldReturnFalse = false; } if (fShouldReturnFalse) return false; } if(out) { *out = rv; } return true; }
int OctreeServer::civetwebRequestHandler(struct mg_connection* connection) { const struct mg_request_info* ri = mg_get_request_info(connection); OctreeServer* theServer = GetInstance(); #ifdef FORCE_CRASH if (strcmp(ri->uri, "/force_crash") == 0 && strcmp(ri->request_method, "GET") == 0) { qDebug() << "About to force a crash!\n"; int foo; int* forceCrash = &foo; mg_printf(connection, "%s", "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "forcing a crash....\r\n"); delete[] forceCrash; mg_printf(connection, "%s", "did it crash....\r\n"); return 1; } #endif bool showStats = false; if (strcmp(ri->uri, "/") == 0 && strcmp(ri->request_method, "GET") == 0) { showStats = true; } if (strcmp(ri->uri, "/resetStats") == 0 && strcmp(ri->request_method, "GET") == 0) { theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->resetStats(); showStats = true; } if (showStats) { uint64_t checkSum; // return a 200 mg_printf(connection, "%s", "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "<html><doc>\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "<pre>\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "<b>Your %s Server is running... <a href='/'>[RELOAD]</a></b>\r\n", theServer->getMyServerName()); tm* localtm = localtime(&theServer->_started); const int MAX_TIME_LENGTH = 128; char buffer[MAX_TIME_LENGTH]; strftime(buffer, MAX_TIME_LENGTH, "%m/%d/%Y %X", localtm); mg_printf(connection, "Running since: %s", buffer); // Convert now to tm struct for UTC tm* gmtm = gmtime(&theServer->_started); if (gmtm != NULL) { strftime(buffer, MAX_TIME_LENGTH, "%m/%d/%Y %X", gmtm); mg_printf(connection, " [%s UTM] ", buffer); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); uint64_t now = usecTimestampNow(); const int USECS_PER_MSEC = 1000; uint64_t msecsElapsed = (now - theServer->_startedUSecs) / USECS_PER_MSEC; const int MSECS_PER_SEC = 1000; const int SECS_PER_MIN = 60; const int MIN_PER_HOUR = 60; const int MSECS_PER_MIN = MSECS_PER_SEC * SECS_PER_MIN; float seconds = (msecsElapsed % MSECS_PER_MIN)/(float)MSECS_PER_SEC; int minutes = (msecsElapsed/(MSECS_PER_MIN)) % MIN_PER_HOUR; int hours = (msecsElapsed/(MSECS_PER_MIN * MIN_PER_HOUR)); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "Uptime: "); if (hours > 0) { mg_printf(connection, "%d hour%s ", hours, (hours > 1) ? "s" : "" ); } if (minutes > 0) { mg_printf(connection, "%d minute%s ", minutes, (minutes > 1) ? "s" : ""); } if (seconds > 0) { mg_printf(connection, "%.3f seconds ", seconds); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // display voxel file load time if (theServer->isInitialLoadComplete()) { time_t* loadCompleted = theServer->getLoadCompleted(); if (loadCompleted) { tm* voxelsLoadedAtLocal = localtime(loadCompleted); const int MAX_TIME_LENGTH = 128; char buffer[MAX_TIME_LENGTH]; strftime(buffer, MAX_TIME_LENGTH, "%m/%d/%Y %X", voxelsLoadedAtLocal); mg_printf(connection, "%s File Loaded At: %s", theServer->getMyServerName(), buffer); // Convert now to tm struct for UTC tm* voxelsLoadedAtUTM = gmtime(theServer->getLoadCompleted()); if (gmtm != NULL) { strftime(buffer, MAX_TIME_LENGTH, "%m/%d/%Y %X", voxelsLoadedAtUTM); mg_printf(connection, " [%s UTM] ", buffer); } } else { mg_printf(connection, "%s File Persist Disabled...\r\n", theServer->getMyServerName()); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); uint64_t msecsElapsed = theServer->getLoadElapsedTime() / USECS_PER_MSEC;; float seconds = (msecsElapsed % MSECS_PER_MIN)/(float)MSECS_PER_SEC; int minutes = (msecsElapsed/(MSECS_PER_MIN)) % MIN_PER_HOUR; int hours = (msecsElapsed/(MSECS_PER_MIN * MIN_PER_HOUR)); mg_printf(connection, "%s File Load Took: ", theServer->getMyServerName()); if (hours > 0) { mg_printf(connection, "%d hour%s ", hours, (hours > 1) ? "s" : "" ); } if (minutes > 0) { mg_printf(connection, "%d minute%s ", minutes, (minutes > 1) ? "s" : ""); } if (seconds >= 0) { mg_printf(connection, "%.3f seconds", seconds); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); } else { mg_printf(connection, "%s", "Voxels not yet loaded...\r\n"); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "<b>Configuration:</b>\r\n"); for (int i = 1; i < theServer->_argc; i++) { mg_printf(connection, "%s ", theServer->_argv[i]); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // one to end the config line mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // two more for spacing mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // display scene stats unsigned long nodeCount = OctreeElement::getNodeCount(); unsigned long internalNodeCount = OctreeElement::getInternalNodeCount(); unsigned long leafNodeCount = OctreeElement::getLeafNodeCount(); QLocale locale(QLocale::English); const float AS_PERCENT = 100.0; mg_printf(connection, "%s", "<b>Current Nodes in scene:</b>\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, " Total Nodes: %s nodes\r\n", locale.toString((uint)nodeCount).rightJustified(16, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Internal Nodes: %s nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", locale.toString((uint)internalNodeCount).rightJustified(16, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData(), ((float)internalNodeCount / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Leaf Nodes: %s nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", locale.toString((uint)leafNodeCount).rightJustified(16, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData(), ((float)leafNodeCount / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // display outbound packet stats mg_printf(connection, "<b>%s Outbound Packet Statistics...</b>\r\n", theServer->getMyServerName()); uint64_t totalOutboundPackets = OctreeSendThread::_totalPackets; uint64_t totalOutboundBytes = OctreeSendThread::_totalBytes; uint64_t totalWastedBytes = OctreeSendThread::_totalWastedBytes; uint64_t totalBytesOfOctalCodes = OctreePacketData::getTotalBytesOfOctalCodes(); uint64_t totalBytesOfBitMasks = OctreePacketData::getTotalBytesOfBitMasks(); uint64_t totalBytesOfColor = OctreePacketData::getTotalBytesOfColor(); const int COLUMN_WIDTH = 10; mg_printf(connection, " Total Outbound Packets: %s packets\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalOutboundPackets).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Total Outbound Bytes: %s bytes\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalOutboundBytes).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Total Wasted Bytes: %s bytes\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalWastedBytes).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Total OctalCode Bytes: %s bytes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalBytesOfOctalCodes).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData(), ((float)totalBytesOfOctalCodes / (float)totalOutboundBytes) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Total BitMasks Bytes: %s bytes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalBytesOfBitMasks).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData(), ((float)totalBytesOfBitMasks / (float)totalOutboundBytes) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Total Color Bytes: %s bytes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalBytesOfColor).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData(), ((float)totalBytesOfColor / (float)totalOutboundBytes) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // display inbound packet stats mg_printf(connection, "<b>%s Edit Statistics... <a href='/resetStats'>[RESET]</a></b>\r\n", theServer->getMyServerName()); uint64_t averageTransitTimePerPacket = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getAverageTransitTimePerPacket(); uint64_t averageProcessTimePerPacket = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getAverageProcessTimePerPacket(); uint64_t averageLockWaitTimePerPacket = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getAverageLockWaitTimePerPacket(); uint64_t averageProcessTimePerElement = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getAverageProcessTimePerElement(); uint64_t averageLockWaitTimePerElement = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getAverageLockWaitTimePerElement(); uint64_t totalElementsProcessed = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getTotalElementsProcessed(); uint64_t totalPacketsProcessed = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getTotalPacketsProcessed(); float averageElementsPerPacket = totalPacketsProcessed == 0 ? 0 : totalElementsProcessed / totalPacketsProcessed; mg_printf(connection, " Total Inbound Packets: %s packets\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalPacketsProcessed).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Total Inbound Elements: %s elements\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalElementsProcessed).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Inbound Elements/Packet: %f elements/packet\r\n", averageElementsPerPacket); mg_printf(connection, " Average Transit Time/Packet: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageTransitTimePerPacket).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Process Time/Packet: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageProcessTimePerPacket).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Wait Lock Time/Packet: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageLockWaitTimePerPacket).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Process Time/Element: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageProcessTimePerElement).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Wait Lock Time/Element: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageLockWaitTimePerElement).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); int senderNumber = 0; NodeToSenderStatsMap& allSenderStats = theServer->_octreeInboundPacketProcessor->getSingleSenderStats(); for (NodeToSenderStatsMapIterator i = allSenderStats.begin(); i != allSenderStats.end(); i++) { senderNumber++; QUuid senderID = i->first; SingleSenderStats& senderStats = i->second; mg_printf(connection, "\r\n Stats for sender %d uuid: %s\r\n", senderNumber, senderID.toString().toLocal8Bit().constData()); averageTransitTimePerPacket = senderStats.getAverageTransitTimePerPacket(); averageProcessTimePerPacket = senderStats.getAverageProcessTimePerPacket(); averageLockWaitTimePerPacket = senderStats.getAverageLockWaitTimePerPacket(); averageProcessTimePerElement = senderStats.getAverageProcessTimePerElement(); averageLockWaitTimePerElement = senderStats.getAverageLockWaitTimePerElement(); totalElementsProcessed = senderStats.getTotalElementsProcessed(); totalPacketsProcessed = senderStats.getTotalPacketsProcessed(); averageElementsPerPacket = totalPacketsProcessed == 0 ? 0 : totalElementsProcessed / totalPacketsProcessed; mg_printf(connection, " Total Inbound Packets: %s packets\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalPacketsProcessed).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Total Inbound Elements: %s elements\r\n", locale.toString((uint)totalElementsProcessed).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Inbound Elements/Packet: %f elements/packet\r\n", averageElementsPerPacket); mg_printf(connection, " Average Transit Time/Packet: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageTransitTimePerPacket).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Process Time/Packet: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageProcessTimePerPacket).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Wait Lock Time/Packet: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageLockWaitTimePerPacket).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Process Time/Element: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageProcessTimePerElement).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); mg_printf(connection, " Average Wait Lock Time/Element: %s usecs\r\n", locale.toString((uint)averageLockWaitTimePerElement).rightJustified(COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); // display memory usage stats mg_printf(connection, "%s", "<b>Current Memory Usage Statistics</b>\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "\r\nOctreeElement size... %ld bytes\r\n", sizeof(OctreeElement)); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); const char* memoryScaleLabel; const float MEGABYTES = 1000000.f; const float GIGABYTES = 1000000000.f; float memoryScale; if (OctreeElement::getTotalMemoryUsage() / MEGABYTES < 1000.0f) { memoryScaleLabel = "MB"; memoryScale = MEGABYTES; } else { memoryScaleLabel = "GB"; memoryScale = GIGABYTES; } mg_printf(connection, "Element Node Memory Usage: %8.2f %s\r\n", OctreeElement::getVoxelMemoryUsage() / memoryScale, memoryScaleLabel); mg_printf(connection, "Octcode Memory Usage: %8.2f %s\r\n", OctreeElement::getOctcodeMemoryUsage() / memoryScale, memoryScaleLabel); mg_printf(connection, "External Children Memory Usage: %8.2f %s\r\n", OctreeElement::getExternalChildrenMemoryUsage() / memoryScale, memoryScaleLabel); mg_printf(connection, "%s", " -----------\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, " Total: %8.2f %s\r\n", OctreeElement::getTotalMemoryUsage() / memoryScale, memoryScaleLabel); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "OctreeElement Children Population Statistics...\r\n"); checkSum = 0; for (int i=0; i <= NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN; i++) { checkSum += OctreeElement::getChildrenCount(i); mg_printf(connection, " Nodes with %d children: %s nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", i, locale.toString((uint)OctreeElement::getChildrenCount(i)).rightJustified(16, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData(), ((float)OctreeElement::getChildrenCount(i) / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); } mg_printf(connection, "%s", " ----------------------\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, " Total: %s nodes\r\n", locale.toString((uint)checkSum).rightJustified(16, ' ').toLocal8Bit().constData()); #ifdef BLENDED_UNION_CHILDREN mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "OctreeElement Children Encoding Statistics...\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, " Single or No Children: %10.llu nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", OctreeElement::getSingleChildrenCount(), ((float)OctreeElement::getSingleChildrenCount() / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Two Children as Offset: %10.llu nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", OctreeElement::getTwoChildrenOffsetCount(), ((float)OctreeElement::getTwoChildrenOffsetCount() / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Two Children as External: %10.llu nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", OctreeElement::getTwoChildrenExternalCount(), ((float)OctreeElement::getTwoChildrenExternalCount() / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Three Children as Offset: %10.llu nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", OctreeElement::getThreeChildrenOffsetCount(), ((float)OctreeElement::getThreeChildrenOffsetCount() / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Three Children as External: %10.llu nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", OctreeElement::getThreeChildrenExternalCount(), ((float)OctreeElement::getThreeChildrenExternalCount() / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); mg_printf(connection, " Children as External Array: %10.llu nodes (%5.2f%%)\r\n", OctreeElement::getExternalChildrenCount(), ((float)OctreeElement::getExternalChildrenCount() / (float)nodeCount) * AS_PERCENT); checkSum = OctreeElement::getSingleChildrenCount() + OctreeElement::getTwoChildrenOffsetCount() + OctreeElement::getTwoChildrenExternalCount() + OctreeElement::getThreeChildrenOffsetCount() + OctreeElement::getThreeChildrenExternalCount() + OctreeElement::getExternalChildrenCount(); mg_printf(connection, "%s", " ----------------\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, " Total: %10.llu nodes\r\n", checkSum); mg_printf(connection, " Expected: nodes\r\n", nodeCount); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "In other news....\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "could store 4 children internally: %10.llu nodes\r\n", OctreeElement::getCouldStoreFourChildrenInternally()); mg_printf(connection, "could NOT store 4 children internally: %10.llu nodes\r\n", OctreeElement::getCouldNotStoreFourChildrenInternally()); #endif mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "</pre>\r\n"); mg_printf(connection, "%s", "</doc></html>"); return 1; } else { // have mongoose process this request from the document_root return 0; } }
IIRfilter1stOrder::IIRfilter1stOrder(LockBox *parent, unsigned int configOffset, int a0shift, bool alwaysOn, QStringList *filterTypes, int labelSize, int widgetSize) : QWidget(0), parent(parent), configOffset(configOffset), alwaysOn(alwaysOn), SETTING_WIDGETS_FROM_CONFIG(false), SETTING_WIDGETS_VISIBLE(false), SETTING_COEFFICIENTS_FROM_PARAMETERS(false), SETTING_PARAMETERS_FROM_COEFFICIENTS(false) { QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); a0 = 0x1LL << a0shift; gainMultiplier = 1.0; // Filter on/off and type { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); FilterOnCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("IIR filter 1:")); FilterTypeComboBox = new QComboBox(); FilterOnCheckBox->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); FilterOnCheckBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); if (alwaysOn) { FilterOnCheckBox->setChecked(true); FilterOnCheckBox->setEnabled(false); } for (int i = 0; i < filterTypes->length(); i ++) { FilterTypeComboBox->addItem(filterTypes->value(i)); } FilterTypeComboBox->setMinimumSize(widgetSize, 0); FilterTypeComboBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hLayout->addWidget(FilterOnCheckBox); hLayout->addWidget(FilterTypeComboBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // Corner frequency spin box { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); freqLabel = new QLabel(tr("Corner freq:")); freqSpinBox = new VariableDoubleSpinBox(); freqLabel->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); freqLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); freqSpinBox->setSuffix(tr(" Hz")); freqSpinBox->setDecimals(0); freqSpinBox->setSingleStep(10); freqSpinBox->setMinimumSize(widgetSize, 0); freqSpinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hLayout->addWidget(freqLabel); hLayout->addWidget(freqSpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // Gain { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); gainLabel = new QLabel(tr("Gain:")); gainSpinBox = new VariableDoubleSpinBox(); gainLabel->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); gainLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); gainSpinBox->setSuffix(tr(" dB")); gainSpinBox->setDecimals(1); gainSpinBox->setSingleStep(1); hLayout->addWidget(gainLabel); hLayout->addWidget(gainSpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // Gain limit { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); gainLimitLabel = new QLabel(tr("Gain limit:")); gainLimitSpinBox = new VariableDoubleSpinBox(); gainLimitLabel->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); gainLimitLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); gainLimitSpinBox->setSuffix(tr(" dB")); gainLimitSpinBox->setDecimals(0); gainLimitSpinBox->setSingleStep(5); hLayout->addWidget(gainLimitLabel); hLayout->addWidget(gainLimitSpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // a0 spin box { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); a0Label = new QLabel(tr("a0:")); a0SpinBox = new QLabel("2<sup>" + locale().toString(a0shift) + "</sup>"); a0Label->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); a0Label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); a0SpinBox->setMinimumSize(widgetSize, 0); a0SpinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hLayout->addWidget(a0Label); hLayout->addWidget(a0SpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // a1 spin box { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); a1Label = new QLabel(tr("a1:")); a1SpinBox = new VariableLongLongSpinBox(); a1Label->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); a1Label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); a1SpinBox->setRange(-17179869184, 17179869183); a1SpinBox->setSingleStep(1); a1SpinBox->setValue(0); a1SpinBox->setMinimumSize(widgetSize, 0); a1SpinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hLayout->addWidget(a1Label); hLayout->addWidget(a1SpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // b0 spin box { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); b0Label = new QLabel(tr("b0:")); b0SpinBox = new VariableLongLongSpinBox(); b0Label->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); b0Label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); b0SpinBox->setRange(-17179869184, 17179869183); b0SpinBox->setSingleStep(1); b0SpinBox->setValue(0); b0SpinBox->setMinimumSize(widgetSize, 0); b0SpinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hLayout->addWidget(b0Label); hLayout->addWidget(b0SpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // b1 spin box { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); b1Label = new QLabel(tr("b1:")); b1SpinBox = new VariableLongLongSpinBox(); b1Label->setMinimumSize(labelSize, 0); b1Label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); b1SpinBox->setRange(-17179869184, 17179869183); b1SpinBox->setSingleStep(1); b1SpinBox->setValue(0); b1SpinBox->setMinimumSize(widgetSize, 0); b1SpinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hLayout->addWidget(b1Label); hLayout->addWidget(b1SpinBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); } // Hook up on_FilterTypeChanged QObject::connect(FilterOnCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(on_FilterTypeChanged())); QObject::connect(FilterTypeComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_FilterTypeChanged())); // Hook up on_FilterParametersChanged QObject::connect(freqSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(on_FilterParametersChanged())); QObject::connect(gainSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(on_FilterParametersChanged())); QObject::connect(gainLimitSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(on_FilterParametersChanged())); // Hook up on_CoefficientsChanged QObject::connect(a1SpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT(on_CoefficientsChanged())); QObject::connect(b0SpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT(on_CoefficientsChanged())); QObject::connect(b1SpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT(on_CoefficientsChanged())); }
void DDateTable::paintCell(QPainter* painter, int row, int col) { double w = (width() / (double) d->numDayColumns) - 1; double h = (height() / (double) d->numWeekRows) - 1; QRectF cell = QRectF(0, 0, w, h); QString cellText; QPen pen; QColor cellBackgroundColor, cellTextColor; QFont cellFont = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont); bool workingDay = false; int cellWeekDay, pos; //Calculate the position of the cell in the grid pos = d->numDayColumns * (row - 1) + col; //Calculate what day of the week the cell is if (col + locale().firstDayOfWeek() <= d->numDayColumns) { cellWeekDay = col + locale().firstDayOfWeek(); } else { cellWeekDay = col + locale().firstDayOfWeek() - d->numDayColumns; } //FIXME This is wrong if the widget is not using the global! //See if cell day is normally a working day if (locale().weekdays().first() <= locale().weekdays().last()) { if (cellWeekDay >= locale().weekdays().first() && cellWeekDay <= locale().weekdays().last()) { workingDay = true; } } else { if (cellWeekDay >= locale().weekdays().first() || cellWeekDay <= locale().weekdays().last()) { workingDay = true; } } if (row == 0) { //We are drawing a header cell //If not a normal working day, then use "do not work today" color if (workingDay) { cellTextColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText); } else { cellTextColor = Qt::darkRed; } cellBackgroundColor = palette().color(QPalette::Window); //Set the text to the short day name and bold it cellFont.setBold(true); cellText = locale().dayName(cellWeekDay, QLocale::ShortFormat); } else { //We are drawing a day cell //Calculate the date the cell represents QDate cellDate = dateFromPos(pos); bool validDay = cellDate.isValid(); // Draw the day number in the cell, if the date is not valid then we don't want to show it if (validDay) { cellText = QString::number(; } else { cellText = QLatin1String(""); } if (! validDay || cellDate.month() != d->date.month()) { // we are either // ° painting an invalid day // ° painting a day of the previous month or // ° painting a day of the following month or cellBackgroundColor = palette().color(backgroundRole()); cellTextColor = palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text); } else { //Paint a day of the current month // Background Colour priorities will be (high-to-low): // * Selected Day Background Colour // * Customized Day Background Colour // * Normal Day Background Colour // Background Shape priorities will be (high-to-low): // * Customized Day Shape // * Normal Day Shape // Text Colour priorities will be (high-to-low): // * Customized Day Colour // * Day of Pray Colour (Red letter) // * Selected Day Colour // * Normal Day Colour //Determine various characteristics of the cell date bool selectedDay = (cellDate == date()); bool currentDay = (cellDate == QDate::currentDate()); bool dayOfPray = (cellDate.dayOfWeek() == Qt::Sunday); // TODO: Uncomment if QLocale ever gets the feature... //bool dayOfPray = ( cellDate.dayOfWeek() == locale().dayOfPray() ); bool customDay = (d->useCustomColors && d->customPaintingModes.contains(cellDate.toJulianDay())); //Default values for a normal cell cellBackgroundColor = palette().color(backgroundRole()); cellTextColor = palette().color(foregroundRole()); // If we are drawing the current date, then draw it bold and active if (currentDay) { cellFont.setBold(true); cellTextColor = palette().color(QPalette::LinkVisited); } // if we are drawing the day cell currently selected in the table if (selectedDay) { // set the background to highlighted cellBackgroundColor = palette().color(QPalette::Highlight); cellTextColor = palette().color(QPalette::HighlightedText); } //If custom colors or shape are required for this date if (customDay) { Private::DatePaintingMode mode = d->customPaintingModes[cellDate.toJulianDay()]; if (mode.bgMode != NoBgMode) { if (!selectedDay) { cellBackgroundColor = mode.bgColor; } } cellTextColor = mode.fgColor; } //If the cell day is the day of religious observance, then always color text red unless Custom overrides if (! customDay && dayOfPray) { cellTextColor = Qt::darkRed; } } } //Draw the background if (row == 0) { painter->setPen(cellBackgroundColor); painter->setBrush(cellBackgroundColor); painter->drawRect(cell); } else if (cellBackgroundColor != palette().color(backgroundRole()) || pos == d->hoveredPos) { QStyleOptionViewItem opt; opt.initFrom(this); opt.rect = cell.toRect(); if (cellBackgroundColor != palette().color(backgroundRole())) { opt.palette.setBrush(QPalette::Highlight, cellBackgroundColor); opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected; } if (pos == d->hoveredPos && opt.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) { opt.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver; } else { opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver; } opt.showDecorationSelected = true; opt.viewItemPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::OnlyOne; style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, this); } //Draw the text painter->setPen(cellTextColor); painter->setFont(cellFont); painter->drawText(cell, Qt::AlignCenter, cellText, &cell); //Draw the base line if (row == 0) { painter->setPen(palette().color(foregroundRole())); painter->drawLine(QPointF(0, h), QPointF(w, h)); } // If the day cell we just drew is bigger than the current max cell sizes, // then adjust the max to the current cell if (cell.width() > d->maxCell.width()) { d->maxCell.setWidth(cell.width()); } if (cell.height() > d->maxCell.height()) { d->maxCell.setHeight(cell.height()); } }
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::OptionsDialog), model(0), mapper(0), fProxyIpValid(true) { ui->setupUi(this); GUIUtil::restoreWindowGeometry("nOptionsDialogWindow", this->size(), this); /* Main elements init */ ui->databaseCache->setMinimum(nMinDbCache); ui->databaseCache->setMaximum(nMaxDbCache); ui->threadsScriptVerif->setMinimum(-(int)boost::thread::hardware_concurrency()); ui->threadsScriptVerif->setMaximum(MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS); /* Network elements init */ #ifndef USE_UPNP ui->mapPortUpnp->setEnabled(false); #endif ui->proxyIp->setEnabled(false); ui->proxyPort->setEnabled(false); ui->proxyPort->setValidator(new QIntValidator(1, 65535, this)); /** SOCKS version is only selectable for default proxy and is always 5 for IPv6 and Tor */ ui->socksVersion->setEnabled(false); ui->socksVersion->addItem("5", 5); ui->socksVersion->addItem("4", 4); ui->socksVersion->setCurrentIndex(0); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->proxyIp, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->proxyPort, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->socksVersion, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); ui->proxyIp->installEventFilter(this); /* Window elements init */ #ifdef Q_OS_MAC /* remove Window tab on Mac */ ui->tabWidget->removeTab(ui->tabWidget->indexOf(ui->tabWindow)); #endif /* Display elements init */ QDir translations(":translations"); ui->lang->addItem(QString("(") + tr("default") + QString(")"), QVariant("")); foreach(const QString &langStr, translations.entryList()) { QLocale locale(langStr); /** check if the locale name consists of 2 parts (language_country) */ if(langStr.contains("_")) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 /** display language strings as "native language - native country (locale name)", e.g. "Deutsch - Deutschland (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(locale.nativeLanguageName() + QString(" - ") + locale.nativeCountryName() + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #else /** display language strings as "language - country (locale name)", e.g. "German - Germany (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()) + QString(" - ") + QLocale::countryToString( + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #endif } else { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 /** display language strings as "native language (locale name)", e.g. "Deutsch (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(locale.nativeLanguageName() + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #else /** display language strings as "language (locale name)", e.g. "German (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()) + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #endif } } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 ui->thirdPartyTxUrls->setPlaceholderText(""); #endif ui->unit->setModel(new BitmarkUnits(this)); ui->transactionFee->setSingleStep(CTransaction::nMinTxFee); /* Widget-to-option mapper */ mapper = new MonitoredDataMapper(this); mapper->setSubmitPolicy(QDataWidgetMapper::ManualSubmit); mapper->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); /* setup/change UI elements when proxy IP is invalid/valid */ connect(this, SIGNAL(proxyIpChecks(QValidatedLineEdit *, int)), this, SLOT(doProxyIpChecks(QValidatedLineEdit *, int))); }
void DateTimeChooserImpl::writeDocument(WebCore::SharedBuffer* data) { String stepString = String::number(m_parameters.step); String stepBaseString = String::number(m_parameters.stepBase, 11, WTF::TruncateTrailingZeros); IntRect anchorRectInScreen = m_chromeClient->rootViewToScreen(m_parameters.anchorRectInRootView); String todayLabelString; String otherDateLabelString; if (m_parameters.type == WebCore::InputTypeNames::month) { todayLabelString = locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::ThisMonthButtonLabel); otherDateLabelString = locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::OtherMonthLabel); } else if (m_parameters.type == WebCore::InputTypeNames::week) { todayLabelString = locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::ThisWeekButtonLabel); otherDateLabelString = locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::OtherWeekLabel); } else { todayLabelString = locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::CalendarToday); otherDateLabelString = locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::OtherDateLabel); } addString("<!DOCTYPE html><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><style>\n", data); data->append(pickerCommonCss, sizeof(pickerCommonCss)); data->append(pickerButtonCss, sizeof(pickerButtonCss)); data->append(suggestionPickerCss, sizeof(suggestionPickerCss)); data->append(calendarPickerCss, sizeof(calendarPickerCss)); addString("</style></head><body><div id=main>Loading...</div><script>\n" "window.dialogArguments = {\n", data); addProperty("anchorRectInScreen", anchorRectInScreen, data); addProperty("min", valueToDateTimeString(m_parameters.minimum, m_parameters.type), data); addProperty("max", valueToDateTimeString(m_parameters.maximum, m_parameters.type), data); addProperty("step", stepString, data); addProperty("stepBase", stepBaseString, data); addProperty("required", m_parameters.required, data); addProperty("currentValue", valueToDateTimeString(m_parameters.doubleValue, m_parameters.type), data); addProperty("locale", m_parameters.locale.string(), data); addProperty("todayLabel", todayLabelString, data); addProperty("clearLabel", locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::CalendarClear), data); addProperty("weekLabel", locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::WeekNumberLabel), data); addProperty("weekStartDay", m_locale->firstDayOfWeek(), data); addProperty("shortMonthLabels", m_locale->shortMonthLabels(), data); addProperty("dayLabels", m_locale->weekDayShortLabels(), data); addProperty("isLocaleRTL", m_locale->isRTL(), data); addProperty("isRTL", m_parameters.isAnchorElementRTL, data); addProperty("mode", m_parameters.type.string(), data); if (m_parameters.suggestions.size()) { Vector<String> suggestionValues; Vector<String> localizedSuggestionValues; Vector<String> suggestionLabels; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parameters.suggestions.size(); i++) { suggestionValues.append(valueToDateTimeString(m_parameters.suggestions[i].value, m_parameters.type)); localizedSuggestionValues.append(m_parameters.suggestions[i].localizedValue); suggestionLabels.append(m_parameters.suggestions[i].label); } addProperty("suggestionValues", suggestionValues, data); addProperty("localizedSuggestionValues", localizedSuggestionValues, data); addProperty("suggestionLabels", suggestionLabels, data); addProperty("inputWidth", static_cast<unsigned>(m_parameters.anchorRectInRootView.width()), data); addProperty("showOtherDateEntry", WebCore::RenderTheme::theme().supportsCalendarPicker(m_parameters.type), data); addProperty("otherDateLabel", otherDateLabelString, data); addProperty("suggestionHighlightColor", WebCore::RenderTheme::theme().activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor().serialized(), data); addProperty("suggestionHighlightTextColor", WebCore::RenderTheme::theme().activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor().serialized(), data); } addString("}\n", data); data->append(pickerCommonJs, sizeof(pickerCommonJs)); data->append(suggestionPickerJs, sizeof(suggestionPickerJs)); data->append(calendarPickerJs, sizeof(calendarPickerJs)); addString("</script></body>\n", data); }
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { time_t startTime = time(0); time_t currentTime; unsigned long long sec; #ifndef MACOSX locale::global(locale("en_US.UTF-8")); #else //This points to the file, where lowercase versions for diacritisised characters can be found. The version of GCC that Xcode uses has broken locale system. #ifdef DATA_DIR string uml = DATA_DIR; #else string uml = "/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/software/TreeTester all"; #endif uml += "/umlauts.txt"; buildLowercasingTable(uml); #endif //#ifdef MACOSX /* chudInitialize(); chudMarkPID(getpid(),1); chudAcquireRemoteAccess(); chudStartRemotePerfMonitor("testthetester");*/ wcout << "DATA_SET: " << DATA_SET << endl; wifstream input; wifstream internal; wofstream output; bool files_loaded = false; if (argc > 1 && argc != 4 && argc != 3) { wcout << "Incorrect number of arguments: " << (argc - 1) << "! Usage:\n " << argv[0] << " [input [internal] output]\n"; exit(1); } else if (argc == 4 || argc == 3) { files_loaded = true;[1]); if (argc == 4)[2]);[argc - 1]); } if (!files_loaded) { if (1) { //HomeCenter data // } else if (DATA_SET == "HomeCentre") { // NonTerminal::idBase.reset(500); //"/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/data/HomeCentre/new_manual.txt"); //English-Spanish data // } else if (DATA_SET == "en-sp") { //"/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/data/en-sp/pairs.txt"); //English-German data // } else if (DATA_SET == "en-de") { //"/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/data/en-de/10k/pairs.txt"); //German News data } else if (DATA_SET == "de-news") {"/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/data/de-news/weaver/");"/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/data/de-news/");"/Users/ventzi/Desktop/курсове - университет/ATTEMPT/data/de-news/"); } else { exit(15); } } // exit(66); if ( { wcout << "!!!Cannot open the pairs file!!!" << endl; exit(1); } if ( { wcout << "!!!Cannot open the internals file!!!" << endl; exit(1); } DOPTree tree; int counter = 1; // PCFGRulesMap PCFGRules; output.unsetf(ios::fixed); output.precision(16); // currentTime = time(0); // DOPTree::internalOnlyLabels = wstringSet(); if (internal.is_open()) while (!internal.eof()) { wstring label; internal >> label; DOPTree::internalOnlyLabels.insert(label); wcout << "Got internalOnlyLabel " << label << endl; } // internalOnlyLabels.insert(L"#EOS#"); tree = L"(NP (D the)(NPadj (Adj green)(N house)))"; tree.collectPCFGRules(wcout); tree = L"(NP (D the)(NPadj (Adj small)(N house)))"; tree.collectPCFGRules(wcout); int treeNo = 10; while (0 && !input.eof()) { input >> tree; if (tree.sentLength() > 0) { ++counter; // if (counter <= treeNo) continue; // wcout << "Tree №" << counter - 1 << ":" << endl; // treePair.printXML(); // wcout << tree; wcout << "."; tree.collectPCFGRules(output); // wcout << endl; // treePair.removeExtraNodes(); // treePair.printTaggedSentences(); // treePair.printSentences(); // treePair.freezeLinks(); // treePair.printBracketed(); // wcout << endl; if (counter > treeNo) break; } else { wcout << "Tree №" << counter << ": !!!ERROR!!!" << endl; } } wcout << endl; input.close(); DOPTree::outputPCFGRules(wcout); /* for (PCFGRulesMap::const_iterator it = PCFGRules.begin(); it != PCFGRules.end(); ++it) { for (PCFGRulesMap::value_type::second_type::second_type::const_iterator rit = it->second.second.begin(); rit != it->second.second.end(); ++rit) { wcout << it->first << "\t" << rit->first << "\t" << ((1.0*rit->second)/it->second.first) << endl; // output << it->first << "\t" << rit->first << "\t" << ((1.0*rit->second)/it->second.first) << endl; } }*/ output.close(); /* chudStopRemotePerfMonitor(); chudReleaseRemoteAccess();*/ currentTime = time(0); tm* local = localtime(¤tTime); sec = difftime(currentTime, startTime); wcout << endl << "Elapsed: " << sec << "sec" << endl; wcout << "Finished at " << asctime(local); return 0; }
unsigned __stdcall tcpEchod(void *pArguments) { CBlockingSocket *cs = (CBlockingSocket *)pArguments; CBlockingSocket ClientSocket = *cs;//用局部变量保存线程传进来的地址传递的参数,防止主线程中socket被改写。 //1. The client sends a request to the server to ask for the size of a specific file. char filename[FPL] = {0}; char buffer[12+FPL] = {0}; ClientSocket.Recv(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); Message msg;; memcpy(filename, msg.getData(), msg.getTotalLength()-12); cout << " File requested from the client: " << filename << endl; fstream fs; locale::global(locale(""));//将全局区域设为操作系统默认区域 //setlocale(LC_ALL,"Chinese-simplified");//设置中文环境, ios::in|ios::binary); locale::global(locale("C"));//还原全局区域设定 //setlocale(LC_ALL,"C");//还原 if(!fs) { cout << " " << filename << " does not exist." << endl; msg.setSize(-1); msg.write(buffer); ClientSocket.Send(buffer,msg.getTotalLength()); } else { //2. The server sends back a reply with the size of the file if file exists. fs.seekg(0,ios::end); int filelen = fs.tellg(); fs.seekg(0,ios::beg); msg.setSize(filelen); msg.write(buffer); ClientSocket.Send(buffer,msg.getTotalLength()); //3. The client creates a separate thread, and send request for the file data (optional implementation: the // client may create 2 or more threads for downloading, each thread for a part of the file in a separate // connection). ClientSocket.Recv(buffer,sizeof(buffer));; //4. The server accepts the data download request, and starts a new thread to send the file to the client // (if the client uses more than 1 thread for downloading, the server should start more than 1 thread // for the corresponding connection request). char buffer2[BDP] = {0}; char *buffer3 = new char[12+BDP]; if(filelen <= BDP) {,filelen); msg.setTotalLength(12+filelen); msg.setData(buffer2); msg.write(buffer3); ClientSocket.Send(buffer3,12+filelen); } else { int count = 0; for(int block=0; block<filelen/BDP; ++block) {, BDP); msg.setTotalLength(12+(unsigned short)BDP); msg.setPosition(count); count += BDP; msg.setSize(BDP); msg.setData(buffer2); msg.write(buffer3); ClientSocket.Send(buffer3,12+BDP); }, filelen%BDP); msg.setTotalLength(12+(unsigned short)filelen%BDP); msg.setPosition(count); msg.setSize(BDP); msg.setData(buffer2); msg.write(buffer3); ClientSocket.Send(buffer3,12+filelen%BDP); } //msg.setSize(0); //msg.setData(NULL); //msg.write(buffer3); //ClientSocket.Send(buffer3,12); cout << " Sent file back to the client: " << filename << endl; delete[] buffer3; } fs.close(); ClientSocket.Close(); return 0; }
void LLManip::renderTickValue(const LLVector3& pos, F32 value, const std::string& suffix, const LLColor4 &color) { LLLocale locale(LLLocale::USER_LOCALE); const LLFontGL* big_fontp = LLResMgr::getInstance()->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF ); const LLFontGL* small_fontp = LLResMgr::getInstance()->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL ); std::string val_string; std::string fraction_string; F32 val_to_print = llround(value, 0.001f); S32 fractional_portion = llround(fmodf(llabs(val_to_print), 1.f) * 100.f); if (val_to_print < 0.f) { if (fractional_portion == 0) { val_string = llformat("-%d%s", lltrunc(llabs(val_to_print)), suffix.c_str()); } else { val_string = llformat("-%d", lltrunc(llabs(val_to_print))); } } else { if (fractional_portion == 0) { val_string = llformat("%d%s", lltrunc(llabs(val_to_print)), suffix.c_str()); } else { val_string = llformat("%d", lltrunc(val_to_print)); } } BOOL hud_selection = mObjectSelection->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); LLVector3 render_pos = pos; if (hud_selection) { F32 zoom_amt = gAgent.mHUDCurZoom; F32 inv_zoom_amt = 1.f / zoom_amt; // scale text back up to counter-act zoom level render_pos = pos * zoom_amt; glScalef(inv_zoom_amt, inv_zoom_amt, inv_zoom_amt); } LLColor4 shadow_color = LLColor4::black; shadow_color.mV[VALPHA] = color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.5f; if (fractional_portion != 0) { fraction_string = llformat("%c%02d%s", LLResMgr::getInstance()->getDecimalPoint(), fractional_portion, suffix.c_str()); gViewerWindow->setupViewport(1, -1); hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, -1.f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, shadow_color, hud_selection); hud_render_utf8text(fraction_string, render_pos, *small_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, 1.f, 3.f, shadow_color, hud_selection); gViewerWindow->setupViewport(); hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, -1.f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, color, hud_selection); hud_render_utf8text(fraction_string, render_pos, *small_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, 1.f, 3.f, color, hud_selection); } else { gViewerWindow->setupViewport(1, -1); hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, -0.5f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, shadow_color, hud_selection); gViewerWindow->setupViewport(); hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, -0.5f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, color, hud_selection); } glPopMatrix(); }
void LootState::Init(const std::string& cmdLineGame) { // Do some preliminary locale / UTF-8 support setup here, in case the settings file reading requires it. //Boost.Locale initialisation: Specify location of language dictionaries. boost::locale::generator gen; gen.add_messages_path(g_path_l10n.string()); gen.add_messages_domain("loot"); //Boost.Locale initialisation: Generate and imbue locales. locale::global(gen(Language(Language::english).Locale() + ".UTF-8")); boost::filesystem::path::imbue(locale()); // Check if the LOOT local app data folder exists, and create it if not. if (!fs::exists(g_path_local)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Local app data LOOT folder doesn't exist, creating it."; try { fs::create_directory(g_path_local); } catch (exception& e) { _initErrors.push_back((format(translate("Error: Could not create LOOT settings file. %1%")) % e.what()).str()); } } if (fs::exists(g_path_settings)) { try { loot::ifstream in(g_path_settings); _settings = YAML::Load(in); in.close(); } catch (exception& e) { _initErrors.push_back((format(translate("Error: Settings parsing failed. %1%")) % e.what()).str()); } } // Check if the settings are valid (or if they don't exist). if (!AreSettingsValid()) { _settings = GetDefaultSettings(); } //Set up logging. boost::log::add_file_log( boost::log::keywords::file_name = g_path_log.string().c_str(), boost::log::keywords::auto_flush = true, boost::log::keywords::format = ( boost::log::expressions::stream << "[" << boost::log::expressions::format_date_time< boost::posix_time::ptime >("TimeStamp", "%H:%M:%S") << "]" << " [" << boost::log::trivial::severity << "]: " << boost::log::expressions::smessage ) ); boost::log::add_common_attributes(); bool enableDebugLogging = false; if (_settings["enableDebugLogging"]) { enableDebugLogging = _settings["enableDebugLogging"].as<bool>(); } if (enableDebugLogging) boost::log::core::get()->set_logging_enabled(true); else boost::log::core::get()->set_logging_enabled(false); // Log some useful info. BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "LOOT Version: " << g_version_major << "." << g_version_minor << "." << g_version_patch; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "LOOT Build Revision: " << g_build_revision; #ifdef _WIN32 // Check if LOOT is being run through Mod Organiser. bool runFromMO = GetModuleHandle(ToWinWide("hook.dll").c_str()) != NULL; if (runFromMO) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "LOOT is being run through Mod Organiser."; } #endif // The CEF debug log is appended to, not overwritten, so it gets really long. // Delete the current CEF debug log. fs::remove(g_path_local / "CEFDebugLog.txt"); // Now that settings have been loaded, set the locale again to handle translations. if (_settings["language"] && _settings["language"].as<string>() != Language(Language::english).Locale()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Initialising language settings."; loot::Language lang(_settings["language"].as<string>()); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Selected language: " << lang.Name(); //Boost.Locale initialisation: Generate and imbue locales. locale::global(gen(lang.Locale() + ".UTF-8")); boost::filesystem::path::imbue(locale()); } // Detect games & select startup game //----------------------------------- //Detect installed games. BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Detecting installed games."; try { _games = ToGames(GetGameSettings(_settings)); } catch (YAML::Exception& e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Games' settings parsing failed. " << e.what(); _initErrors.push_back((format(translate("Error: Games' settings parsing failed. %1%")) % e.what()).str()); // Now redo, but with no games settings, so only the hardcoded defaults get loaded. It means the user can // at least still then edit them. _games = ToGames(GetGameSettings(YAML::Node())); } try { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Selecting game."; SelectGame(cmdLineGame); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Initialising game-specific settings."; _currentGame->Init(true); // Update game path in settings object. _settings["games"] = ToGameSettings(_games); } catch (loot::error &e) { if (e.code() == loot::error::no_game_detected) { _initErrors.push_back(e.what()); } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Game-specific settings could not be initialised. " << e.what(); _initErrors.push_back((format(translate("Error: Game-specific settings could not be initialised. %1%")) % e.what()).str()); } } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Game selected is " << _currentGame->Name(); }
void UIParse::init(wstring str) {; infile.imbue(locale(".936")); }
/* SUPER ROUTES */ void mMain::s_locale(){ tr.setLocale(locale()); rewrite(route.get("1","/")); }
void UIParse::load_the_txt(wstring filename) { infile.close();; infile.imbue(locale(".936")); }
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::OptionsDialog), model(0), mapper(0), fRestartWarningDisplayed_Proxy(false), fRestartWarningDisplayed_Lang(false), fProxyIpValid(true) { ui->setupUi(this); /* Network elements init */ #ifndef USE_UPNP ui->mapPortUpnp->setEnabled(false); #endif ui->socksVersion->setEnabled(false); ui->socksVersion->addItem("5", 5); ui->socksVersion->addItem("4", 4); ui->socksVersion->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->proxyIp->setEnabled(false); ui->proxyPort->setEnabled(false); ui->proxyPort->setValidator(new QIntValidator(0, 65535, this)); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->socksVersion, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->proxyIp, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->proxyPort, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); ui->proxyIp->installEventFilter(this); /* Window elements init */ #ifdef Q_WS_MAC ui->tabWindow->setVisible(false); #endif /* Display elements init */ QDir translations(":translations"); ui->lang->addItem(QString("(") + tr("default") + QString(")"), QVariant("")); foreach(const QString &langStr, translations.entryList()) { QLocale locale(langStr); /** check if the locale name consists of 2 parts (language_country) */ if(langStr.contains("_")) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 /** display language strings as "native language - native country (locale name)", e.g. "Deutsch - Deutschland (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(locale.nativeLanguageName() + QString(" - ") + locale.nativeCountryName() + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #else /** display language strings as "language - country (locale name)", e.g. "German - Germany (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()) + QString(" - ") + QLocale::countryToString( + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #endif } else { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 /** display language strings as "native language (locale name)", e.g. "Deutsch (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(locale.nativeLanguageName() + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #else /** display language strings as "language (locale name)", e.g. "German (de)" */ ui->lang->addItem(QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()) + QString(" (") + langStr + QString(")"), QVariant(langStr)); #endif } } ui->unit->setModel(new BitcoinUnits(this)); connect(ui->connectSocks, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(showRestartWarning_Proxy())); connect(ui->lang, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(showRestartWarning_Lang())); /* Widget-to-option mapper */ mapper = new MonitoredDataMapper(this); mapper->setSubmitPolicy(QDataWidgetMapper::ManualSubmit); mapper->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); /* enable save buttons when data modified */ connect(mapper, SIGNAL(viewModified()), this, SLOT(enableSaveButtons())); /* disable save buttons when new data loaded */ connect(mapper, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(disableSaveButtons())); /* disable/enable save buttons when proxy IP is invalid/valid */ connect(this, SIGNAL(proxyIpValid(bool)), this, SLOT(setSaveButtonState(bool))); }
int main() { ifstream file("test.txt"); if (!file.is_open()) { std::cout << "could not find test.txt" << std::endl; return -2; } int tests = 0; int passed = 0; int line_number = 0; std::locale locale(std::locale::classic(), new ctype); nrex n; std::cout << "==================" << std::endl; while (!file.eof()) { string line; std::getline(file, line); line_number++; if (line.length() == 0 || == '#') { continue; } isstream stream(line); stream.imbue(locale); string pattern; stream >> pattern; tests++; std::cout << "Line " << line_number << std::endl; int captures = 0; stream >> captures; n.compile(pattern.c_str()); if (n.capture_size() != captures) { std::cout << " FAILED (Compile)" << std::endl; continue; } if (captures == 0) { std::cout << " OK" << std::endl; passed++; continue; } string text; stream >> text; if (text.length() == 1 && == '#') { text.clear(); } nrex_result* results = new nrex_result[captures]; bool found = n.match(text.c_str(), results); bool failed = false; int position; stream >> position; if ((position >= 0) != found || (found && position != results[0].start)) { failed = true; std::cout << " Mismatched starting positions. Expected: "; std::cout << position << " Got: " << results[0].start << std::endl; } for (int i = 0; i < captures; i++) { string result; stream >> result; if (result.length() == 1 && == '#') { result.clear(); } std::string capture; if (results[i].length != 0) { capture = text.substr(results[i].start, results[i].length); } if (capture != result) { failed = true; std::cout << " Mismatched results. Expected: '" << result; std::cout << "'' Got: '" << capture << "'" << std::endl; } } if (!failed) { std::cout << " OK" << std::endl; passed++; } else { std::cout << " FAILED (Tests)" << std::endl; } delete[] results; } std::cout << "==================" << std::endl; std::cout << "Tests: " << tests << std::endl; std::cout << "Successes: " << passed << std::endl; std::cout << "Failed: " << tests - passed << std::endl; if (tests != passed) { return -1; } return 0; }