Exemplo n.º 1
    virtual void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(url(), referrer(), ReloadIgnoringCacheData);
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, "_self", lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);
Exemplo n.º 2
    void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
        bool refresh = equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame.document()->url(), url());
        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(url(), referrer(), refresh ? ReloadIgnoringCacheData : UseProtocolCachePolicy);
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, "_self", lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::No, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);

Exemplo n.º 3
    virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(m_wasProcessingUserGesture ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : PossiblyProcessingUserGesture);

        // The submitForm function will find a target frame before using the redirection timer.
        // Now that the timer has fired, we need to repeat the security check which normally is done when
        // selecting a target, in case conditions have changed. Other code paths avoid this by targeting
        // without leaving a time window. If we fail the check just silently drop the form submission.
        if (!m_formState->sourceFrame()->loader()->shouldAllowNavigation(frame))
        frame->loader()->loadFrameRequest(m_frameRequest, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), m_event, m_formState, SendReferrer);
Exemplo n.º 4
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     FrameLoader* loader = frame->loader();
     if (!m_historySteps) {
         // Special case for go(0) from a frame -> reload only the frame
         loader->urlSelected(loader->url(), "", 0, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), false, SendReferrer);
     // go(i!=0) from a frame navigates into the history of the frame only,
     // in both IE and NS (but not in Mozilla). We can't easily do that.
Exemplo n.º 5
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     // The submitForm function will find a target frame before using the redirection timer.
     // Now that the timer has fired, we need to repeat the security check which normally is done when
     // selecting a target, in case conditions have changed. Other code paths avoid this by targeting
     // without leaving a time window. If we fail the check just silently drop the form submission.
     if (!m_submission->state()->sourceFrame()->loader()->shouldAllowNavigation(frame))
     FrameLoadRequest frameRequest;
     frame->loader()->loadFrameRequest(frameRequest, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), m_submission->event(), m_submission->state(), SendReferrer);
    virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        if (!m_historySteps) {
            // Special case for go(0) from a frame -> reload only the frame
            // To follow Firefox and IE's behavior, history reload can only navigate the self frame.
            frame->loader().urlSelected(frame->document()->url(), "_self", 0, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer);
        // go(i!=0) from a frame navigates into the history of the frame only,
        // in both IE and NS (but not in Mozilla). We can't easily do that.
Exemplo n.º 7
    virtual void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        // The submitForm function will find a target frame before using the redirection timer.
        // Now that the timer has fired, we need to repeat the security check which normally is done when
        // selecting a target, in case conditions have changed. Other code paths avoid this by targeting
        // without leaving a time window. If we fail the check just silently drop the form submission.
        Document* requestingDocument = m_submission->state()->sourceDocument();
        if (!requestingDocument->canNavigate(&frame))
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(requestingDocument->securityOrigin(), lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);
        frame.loader().loadFrameRequest(frameRequest, m_submission->event(), m_submission->state());
Exemplo n.º 8
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     frame->loader()->changeLocation(KURL(ParsedURLString, m_url), m_referrer, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), m_wasUserGesture, false);
Exemplo n.º 9
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     frame->loader()->changeLocation(KURL(ParsedURLString, url()), referrer(), lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), wasUserGesture(), true);
Exemplo n.º 10
 virtual void fire(Frame& frame) override
     UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
     frame.loader().changeLocation(securityOrigin(), URL(ParsedURLString, url()), referrer(), lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), true);
Exemplo n.º 11
 virtual void fire(Frame& frame) override
     UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
     bool refresh = equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame.document()->url(), URL(ParsedURLString, url()));
     frame.loader().changeLocation(securityOrigin(), URL(ParsedURLString, url()), referrer(), lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), refresh);
Exemplo n.º 12
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
     frame->loader()->changeLocation(KURL(ParsedURLString, m_url), m_referrer, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), false);
Exemplo n.º 13
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     //String oldThirdPartyId = V8IsolatedContext::getThirdPartyId();
     UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
     frame->loader()->changeLocation(m_securityOrigin.get(), KURL(ParsedURLString, m_url), m_referrer, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), false);
Exemplo n.º 14
void KonqView::openUrl( const KUrl &url, const QString & locationBarURL,
                        const QString & nameFilter, bool tempFile )
    kDebug() << "url=" << url << "locationBarURL=" << locationBarURL;


  KParts::OpenUrlArguments args;
  if ( m_pPart )
      args = m_pPart->arguments();

  KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = browserExtension();
  KParts::BrowserArguments browserArgs;
  if ( ext )
    browserArgs = ext->browserArguments();

  // Typing "Enter" again after the URL of an aborted view, triggers a reload.
  if ( m_bAborted && m_pPart && m_pPart->url() == url && !browserArgs.doPost())
    if ( !prepareReload( args, browserArgs, false /* not softReload */ ) )
    m_pPart->setArguments( args );

  kDebug() << "m_bLockedLocation=" << m_bLockedLocation << "browserArgs.lockHistory()=" << browserArgs.lockHistory();
  if ( browserArgs.lockHistory() )

  if ( !m_bLockHistory )
    // Store this new URL in the history, removing any existing forward history.
    // We do this first so that everything is ready if a part calls completed().
  } else
    m_bLockHistory = false;

  if ( m_pPart )
    m_pPart->setProperty("nameFilter", nameFilter);

  if ( m_bDisableScrolling )
    callExtensionMethod( "disableScrolling" );

  // Set location-bar URL, except for error urls, where we know the browser component
  // will set back the url with the error anyway.
  if (url.protocol() != "error")


  if ( !args.reload() )
    // Save the POST data that is necessary to open this URL
    // (so that reload can re-post it)
    m_doPost = browserArgs.doPost();
    m_postContentType = browserArgs.contentType();
    m_postData = browserArgs.postData;
    // Save the referrer
    m_pageReferrer = args.metaData()["referrer"];

  if ( tempFile ) {
      // Store the path to the tempfile. Yes, we could store a bool only,
      // but this would be more dangerous. If anything goes wrong in the code,
      // we might end up deleting a real file.
      if ( url.isLocalFile() )
          m_tempFile = url.toLocalFile();
          kWarning() << "Tempfile option is set, but URL is remote:" << url ;

  aboutToOpenURL( url, args );

  m_pPart->openUrl( url );

  updateHistoryEntry(false /* don't save location bar URL yet */);
  // add pending history entry
  KonqHistoryManager::kself()->addPending( url, locationBarURL, QString());

  kDebug() << "Current position:" << historyIndex();
Exemplo n.º 15
    void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        ResourceResponse replacementResponse(m_originDocument.url(), ASCIILiteral("text/plain"), 0, ASCIILiteral("UTF-8"));
        SubstituteData replacementData(SharedBuffer::create(), m_originDocument.url(), replacementResponse, SubstituteData::SessionHistoryVisibility::Hidden);

        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(m_originDocument.url(), emptyString(), ReloadIgnoringCacheData);
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(m_originDocument.securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);