void OperThreadWin::StopThread() { MutexLock lock( &operMutex ); if ( !tNode ) { threadId = -1; return; } MutexLock lockNode( &tNode->mutex ); tNode->stopped = true; tNode->data = 0; if ( !this->cbExecuted ) //!!! { tNode->cbRet = -1; tNode->cbCond.Signal(); // на всякий случай, вдруг сигнал о каллбаке послан, но сообщение еще до окна не дошло } tNode->win = 0; tNode->prev = 0; if ( operStopList ) { operStopList->prev = tNode; } tNode->next = operStopList; operStopList = tNode; tNode = 0; threadId = -1; }
void OperThreadWin::SetStopFlag() { if ( tNode ) { MutexLock lockNode( &tNode->mutex ); tNode->stopped = true; } }
static void reConnectAnnotation(IDnum * currentPreNodeID, Annotation * annot, Coordinate * currentPosition, IDnum sequenceIndex, PreGraph * preGraph, PreMarker ** previous) { IDnum nextPreNodeID = getStartID(annot); #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif *previous = addPreMarker_pg(preGraph, nextPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, currentPosition, *previous); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif while (*currentPreNodeID != getFinishID(annot)) { nextPreNodeID = (*currentPreNodeID) + 1; #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif *previous = addPreMarker_pg(preGraph, nextPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, currentPosition, *previous); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif *currentPreNodeID = nextPreNodeID; } }
void* __123___OperThread( void* param ) { if ( !param ) { return nullptr; } clPtr<OperThreadParam> pTp( ( OperThreadParam* )param ); // release the reference added before thread start pTp->DecRefCount(); try { pTp->RunFunc(); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf( stderr, "__123___OperThread(): exception in OperThread!!!\n" ); } MutexLock lock( &operMutex ); MutexLock lockNode( &pTp->node->mutex ); if ( pTp->node->stopped ) { if ( pTp->node->prev ) { pTp->node->prev->next = pTp->node->next; } else { operStopList = pTp->node->next; } if ( pTp->node->next ) { pTp->node->next->prev = pTp->node->prev; } } else { ASSERT( pTp->node->win ); } if ( pTp->node->win ) { // reset pointer to the Node in corresponding ThreadWin since we are going to delete it pTp->node->win->tNode = nullptr; } pTp->node->stopped = true; //!!! lockNode.Unlock(); //!!! #ifdef _DEBUG printf( "stop: %s\n", pTp->node->threadInfo.data( ) ); #endif delete( pTp->node ); pTp->node = nullptr; return nullptr; }
static void createPreMarkers(RoadMapArray * rdmaps, PreGraph * preGraph, IDnum * chains) { IDnum sequenceIndex; IDnum referenceCount = rdmaps->referenceCount; #ifndef _OPENMP Annotation *annot = rdmaps->annotations; #endif #ifdef _OPENMP int threads = omp_get_max_threads(); if (threads > 8) threads = 8; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads) #endif for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= referenceCount; sequenceIndex++) { #ifdef _OPENMP Annotation *annot = getAnnotationInArray(rdmaps->annotations, annotationOffset[sequenceIndex - 1]); #endif RoadMap *rdmap; Coordinate currentPosition, currentInternalPosition; IDnum currentPreNodeID, nextInternalPreNodeID; IDnum annotIndex, lastAnnotIndex; PreMarker * previous; if (sequenceIndex % 1000000 == 0) velvetLog("Connecting %li / %li\n", (long) sequenceIndex, (long) sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)); rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); annotIndex = 0; lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); nextInternalPreNodeID = chooseNextInternalPreNode (chains[sequenceIndex] - 1, sequenceIndex, preGraph, chains); previous = NULL; currentPosition = 0; currentInternalPosition = 0; currentPreNodeID = 0; // Recursion up to last annotation while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex || nextInternalPreNodeID != 0) { if (annotIndex == lastAnnotIndex || (nextInternalPreNodeID != 0 && currentInternalPosition < getPosition(annot))) { #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(nextInternalPreNodeID); #endif previous = addPreMarker_pg(preGraph, nextInternalPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, ¤tPosition, previous); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(nextInternalPreNodeID); #endif currentPreNodeID = nextInternalPreNodeID; nextInternalPreNodeID = chooseNextInternalPreNode (currentPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, preGraph, chains); currentInternalPosition += getPreNodeLength_pg(currentPreNodeID, preGraph); } else { reConnectAnnotation(¤tPreNodeID, annot, ¤tPosition, sequenceIndex, preGraph, &previous); annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); annotIndex++; } } } }
static void threadSequenceThroughGraph(TightString * tString, KmerOccurenceTable * kmerTable, Graph * graph, IDnum seqID, Category category, boolean readTracking, boolean double_strand, ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate referenceMappingCount, IDnum refCount, Annotation * annotations, IDnum annotationCount, boolean second_in_pair) { Kmer word; Kmer antiWord; Coordinate readNucleotideIndex; Coordinate kmerIndex; KmerOccurence *kmerOccurence; int wordLength = getWordLength(graph); PassageMarkerI marker = NULL_IDX; PassageMarkerI previousMarker = NULL_IDX; Node *node = NULL; Node *previousNode = NULL; Coordinate coord = 0; Coordinate previousCoord = 0; Nucleotide nucleotide; boolean reversed; IDnum refID; Coordinate refCoord = 0; ReferenceMapping * refMap; Annotation * annotation = annotations; Coordinate index = 0; Coordinate uniqueIndex = 0; Coordinate annotIndex = 0; IDnum annotCount = 0; SmallNodeList * nodePile = NULL; // Neglect any string shorter than WORDLENGTH : if (getLength(tString) < wordLength) return; clearKmer(&word); clearKmer(&antiWord); // Fill in the initial word : for (readNucleotideIndex = 0; readNucleotideIndex < wordLength - 1; readNucleotideIndex++) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } } // Go through sequence while (readNucleotideIndex < getLength(tString)) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex++, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } // Update annotation if necessary if (annotCount < annotationCount && annotIndex == getAnnotationLength(annotation)) { annotation = getNextAnnotation(annotation); annotCount++; annotIndex = 0; } // Search for reference mapping if (category == REFERENCE) { if (referenceMappings) refMap = findReferenceMapping(seqID, index, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount); else refMap = NULL; if (refMap) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, refMap->nodeID); if (refMap->nodeID > 0) { coord = refMap->nodeStart + (index - refMap->referenceStart); } else { coord = getNodeLength(node) - refMap->nodeStart - refMap->length + (index - refMap->referenceStart); } } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // Search for reference-based mapping else if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation) && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) <= refCount && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) >= -refCount) { refID = getAnnotSequenceID(annotation); if (refID > 0) refCoord = getStart(annotation) + annotIndex; else refCoord = getStart(annotation) - annotIndex; refMap = findReferenceMapping(refID, refCoord, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount); // If success if (refMap) { if (refID > 0) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, refMap->nodeID); if (refMap->nodeID > 0) { coord = refMap->nodeStart + (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart); } else { coord = getNodeLength(node) - refMap->nodeStart - refMap->length + (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart); } } else { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -refMap->nodeID); if (refMap->nodeID > 0) { coord = getNodeLength(node) - refMap->nodeStart - (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart) - 1; } else { coord = refMap->nodeStart + refMap->length - (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart) - 1; } } } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // Search in table else { reversed = false; if (double_strand) { if (compareKmers(&word, &antiWord) <= 0) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } else { if (!second_in_pair) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } if (kmerOccurence) { if (!reversed) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); coord = getKmerOccurencePosition(kmerOccurence); } else { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); coord = getNodeLength(node) - getKmerOccurencePosition(kmerOccurence) - 1; } } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // Increment positions if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation)) annotIndex++; else uniqueIndex++; // Fill in graph if (node) { #ifdef OPENMP lockNode(node); #endif kmerIndex = readNucleotideIndex - wordLength; if (previousNode == node && previousCoord == coord - 1) { if (category / 2 >= CATEGORIES) { setPassageMarkerFinish(marker, kmerIndex + 1); setFinishOffset(marker, getNodeLength(node) - coord - 1); } else { #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT incrementVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); #else incrementVirtualCoverage(node, 1); #endif } #ifdef OPENMP unLockNode(node); #endif } else { if (category / 2 >= CATEGORIES) { marker = newPassageMarker(seqID, kmerIndex, kmerIndex + 1, coord, getNodeLength (node) - coord - 1); transposePassageMarker(marker, node); connectPassageMarkers (previousMarker, marker, graph); previousMarker = marker; } else { if (readTracking) { if (!isNodeMemorized(node, nodePile)) { addReadStart(node, seqID, coord, graph, kmerIndex); memorizeNode(node, &nodePile); } else { blurLastShortReadMarker (node, graph); } } #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT incrementVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); #else incrementVirtualCoverage(node, 1); #endif } #ifdef OPENMP lockTwoNodes(node, previousNode); #endif createArc(previousNode, node, graph); #ifdef OPENMP unLockTwoNodes(node, previousNode); #endif } previousNode = node; previousCoord = coord; } index++; } if (readTracking && category / 2 < CATEGORIES) unMemorizeNodes(&nodePile); }
static void ghostThreadSequenceThroughGraph(TightString * tString, KmerOccurenceTable * kmerTable, Graph * graph, IDnum seqID, Category category, boolean readTracking, boolean double_strand, ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate referenceMappingCount, IDnum refCount, Annotation * annotations, IDnum annotationCount, boolean second_in_pair) { Kmer word; Kmer antiWord; Coordinate readNucleotideIndex; KmerOccurence *kmerOccurence; int wordLength = getWordLength(graph); Nucleotide nucleotide; IDnum refID; Coordinate refCoord; ReferenceMapping * refMap = NULL; Coordinate uniqueIndex = 0; Coordinate annotIndex = 0; IDnum annotCount = 0; boolean reversed; SmallNodeList * nodePile = NULL; Annotation * annotation = annotations; Node *node; Node *previousNode = NULL; // Neglect any read which will not be short paired if ((!readTracking && category % 2 == 0) || category / 2 >= CATEGORIES) return; // Neglect any string shorter than WORDLENGTH : if (getLength(tString) < wordLength) return; // Verify that all short reads are reasonnably short if (getLength(tString) > USHRT_MAX) { velvetLog("Short read of length %lli, longer than limit %i\n", (long long) getLength(tString), SHRT_MAX); velvetLog("You should better declare this sequence as long, because it genuinely is!\n"); exit(1); } clearKmer(&word); clearKmer(&antiWord); // Fill in the initial word : for (readNucleotideIndex = 0; readNucleotideIndex < wordLength - 1; readNucleotideIndex++) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } } // Go through sequence while (readNucleotideIndex < getLength(tString)) { // Shift word: nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex++, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } // Update annotation if necessary if (annotCount < annotationCount && annotIndex == getAnnotationLength(annotation)) { annotation = getNextAnnotation(annotation); annotCount++; annotIndex = 0; } // Search for reference mapping if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation) && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) <= refCount && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) >= -refCount) { refID = getAnnotSequenceID(annotation); if (refID > 0) refCoord = getStart(annotation) + annotIndex; else refCoord = getStart(annotation) - annotIndex; refMap = findReferenceMapping(refID, refCoord, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount); // If success if (refMap) { if (refID > 0) node = getNodeInGraph(graph, refMap->nodeID); else node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -refMap->nodeID); } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // if not.. look in table else { reversed = false; if (double_strand) { if (compareKmers(&word, &antiWord) <= 0) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } else { if (!second_in_pair) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } if (kmerOccurence) { if (!reversed) node = getNodeInGraph(graph, getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); else node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation)) annotIndex++; else uniqueIndex++; previousNode = node; // Fill in graph if (node && !isNodeMemorized(node, nodePile)) { #ifdef OPENMP lockNode(node); #endif incrementReadStartCount(node, graph); #ifdef OPENMP unLockNode(node); #endif memorizeNode(node, &nodePile); } } unMemorizeNodes(&nodePile); }