int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { log_init(LOG_LEVEL_E, LOG_MODE_PRINT); log_v("log level is LOG_LEVEL_E version log\n"); log_d("log level is LOG_LEVEL_E debug log\n"); log_e("log level is LOG_LEVEL_E error log\n"); log_init(LOG_LEVEL_D, LOG_MODE_PRINT); log_v("log level is LOG_LEVEL_D version log\n"); log_d("log level is LOG_LEVEL_D debug log\n"); log_e("log level is LOG_LEVEL_D error log\n"); log_init(LOG_LEVEL_V, LOG_MODE_PRINT); log_v("log level is LOG_LEVEL_V version log\n"); log_d("log level is LOG_LEVEL_V debug log\n"); log_e("log level is LOG_LEVEL_V error log\n"); log_init(LOG_LEVEL_V, LOG_MODE_FILE); log_v("log level is LOG_LEVEL_V version log\n"); log_d("log level is LOG_LEVEL_V debug log\n"); log_e("log level is LOG_LEVEL_V error log\n"); return 0; }
bool Config::check_paths() { bool fail = false; if(!check_file_readable(share_path+"/extensions/test/init.lua")){ log_e(MODULE, "Static files don't seem to exist in share_path=\"%s\"", cs(share_path)); fail = true; } else if(!check_file_readable(share_path+"/client/init.lua")){ log_e(MODULE, "Static files don't seem to exist in share_path=\"%s\"", cs(share_path)); fail = true; } if(!check_file_readable(urho3d_path + "/Bin/CoreData/Shaders/GLSL/Basic.glsl")){ log_e(MODULE, "Urho3D doesn't seem to exist in urho3d_path=\"%s\"", cs(urho3d_path)); fail = true; } auto *fs = interface::getGlobalFilesystem(); fs->create_directories(cache_path); if(!check_file_writable(cache_path+"/write.test")){ log_e(MODULE, "Cannot write into cache_path=\"%s\"", cs(cache_path)); fail = true; } return !fail; }
static bool _start_network_event_task(){ if(!_network_event_group){ _network_event_group = xEventGroupCreate(); if(!_network_event_group){ log_e("Network Event Group Create Failed!"); return false; } xEventGroupSetBits(_network_event_group, WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT); } if(!_network_event_queue){ _network_event_queue = xQueueCreate(32, sizeof(system_event_t *)); if(!_network_event_queue){ log_e("Network Event Queue Create Failed!"); return false; } } if(!_network_event_task_handle){ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(_network_event_task, "network_event", 4096, NULL, ESP_TASKD_EVENT_PRIO - 1, &_network_event_task_handle, ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE); if(!_network_event_task_handle){ log_e("Network Event Task Start Failed!"); return false; } } return esp_event_loop_init(&_network_event_cb, NULL) == ESP_OK; }
bool AsyncClient::connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port){ if (_pcb){ log_w("already connected, state %d", _pcb->state); return false; } if(!_start_async_task()){ log_e("failed to start task"); return false; } ip_addr_t addr; addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4; addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = ip; tcp_pcb* pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_V4); if (!pcb){ log_e("pcb == NULL"); return false; } tcp_arg(pcb, this); tcp_err(pcb, &_tcp_error); if(_in_lwip_thread){ tcp_connect(pcb, &addr, port,(tcp_connected_fn)&_s_connected); } else { _tcp_connect(pcb, &addr, port,(tcp_connected_fn)&_s_connected); } return true; }
static int set_sdl_video_size(unsigned short int w, unsigned short int h) { if (window) SDL_DestroyWindow(window); if (!w || !h) { w = 640; h = 480; if (flags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) { SDL_DisplayMode mode; if (!SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &mode)) { w = mode.w; h = mode.h; } else log_e("SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode: %s", SDL_GetError()); } } log_i("%ux%u", w, h); window = SDL_CreateWindow("greedy", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, w, h, flags); if (!window) log_p("SDL_CreateWindow: %s", SDL_GetError()); SDL_Delay(50); return 0; }
unsigned int shader_create_shader(GLenum type, const char* source) { GLuint shader = glCreateShader(type); GLint compiled; GLint infoLen; char* buf; if (shader) { glShaderSource(shader, 1, &source, NULL); glCompileShader(shader); compiled = 0; glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled); if (!compiled) { infoLen = 0; glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLen); if (infoLen) { buf = (char*) malloc(infoLen); if (buf) { glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLen, NULL, buf); log_e("Could not compile shader type %d (%s)\n%s\n", type, buf, source); free(buf); } glDeleteShader(shader); shader = 0; } } } return shader; }
int8_t AsyncServer::_accept(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err){ tcp_accepted(_pcb); if(_connect_cb){ if (_noDelay) tcp_nagle_disable(pcb); else tcp_nagle_enable(pcb); AsyncClient *c = new AsyncClient(pcb); if(c){ _in_lwip_thread = true; c->_in_lwip_thread = true; _connect_cb(_connect_cb_arg, c); c->_in_lwip_thread = false; _in_lwip_thread = false; return ERR_OK; } } if(tcp_close(pcb) != ERR_OK){ tcp_abort(pcb); } log_e("FAIL"); return ERR_OK; }
/* @stickBreaker 11/2017 fix for ReSTART timeout, ISR */ uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(uint16_t address, uint8_t size, bool sendStop) { //use internal Wire rxBuffer, multiple requestFrom()'s may be pending, try to share rxBuffer uint32_t cnt = rxQueued; // currently queued reads, next available position in rxBuffer if(cnt < (I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH-1) && (size + cnt) <= I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH) { // any room left in rxBuffer rxQueued += size; } else { // no room to receive more! log_e("rxBuff overflow %d", cnt + size); cnt = 0; last_error = I2C_ERROR_MEMORY; flush(); return cnt; } last_error = readTransmission(address, &rxBuffer[cnt], size, sendStop, &cnt); rxIndex = 0; rxLength = cnt; if( last_error != I2C_ERROR_CONTINUE){ // not a buffered ReSTART operation // so this operation actually moved data, queuing is done. rxQueued = 0; txQueued = 0; // the SendStop=true will restart all Queueing or error condition } if(last_error != I2C_ERROR_OK){ // ReSTART on read does not return any data cnt = 0; } return cnt; }
bool TwoWire::begin(int sdaPin, int sclPin, uint32_t frequency) { if(sdaPin < 0) { // default param passed if(num == 0) { if(sda==-1) { sdaPin = SDA; //use Default Pin } else { sdaPin = sda; // reuse prior pin } } else { if(sda==-1) { log_e("no Default SDA Pin for Second Peripheral"); return false; //no Default pin for Second Peripheral } else { sdaPin = sda; // reuse prior pin } } } if(sclPin < 0) { // default param passed if(num == 0) { if(scl == -1) { sclPin = SCL; // use Default pin } else { sclPin = scl; // reuse prior pin } } else { if(scl == -1) { log_e("no Default SCL Pin for Second Peripheral"); return false; //no Default pin for Second Peripheral } else { sclPin = scl; // reuse prior pin } } } sda = sdaPin; scl = sclPin; i2c = i2cInit(num, sdaPin, sclPin, frequency); if(!i2c) { return false; } flush(); return true; }
static bool check_file_readable(const ss_ &path) { std::ifstream ifs(path); bool readable = ifs.good(); if(!readable) log_e(MODULE, "File is not readable: \"%s\"", cs(path)); return readable; }
static bool check_file_writable(const ss_ &path) { std::ofstream ofs(path); bool writable = ofs.good(); if(!writable) log_e(MODULE, "File is not writable: \"%s\"", cs(path)); return writable; }
/** * Elog demo */ static void test_elog(void) { log_a("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_e("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_w("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_i("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_d("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_v("Hello EasyLogger!"); //elog_raw("Hello EasyLogger!"); }
/** * EasyLogger demo */ void test_elog(void) { /* test log output for all level */ log_a("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_e("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_w("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_i("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_d("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_v("Hello EasyLogger!"); // elog_raw("Hello EasyLogger!"); }
void HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned long baud, uint32_t config, int8_t rxPin, int8_t txPin, bool invert, unsigned long timeout_ms) { if(0 > _uart_nr || _uart_nr > 2) { log_e("Serial number is invalid, please use 0, 1 or 2"); return; } if(_uart) { end(); } if(_uart_nr == 0 && rxPin < 0 && txPin < 0) { rxPin = 3; txPin = 1; } if(_uart_nr == 1 && rxPin < 0 && txPin < 0) { rxPin = RX1; txPin = TX1; } if(_uart_nr == 2 && rxPin < 0 && txPin < 0) { rxPin = RX2; txPin = TX2; } _uart = uartBegin(_uart_nr, baud ? baud : 9600, config, rxPin, txPin, 256, invert); if(!baud) { time_t startMillis = millis(); unsigned long detectedBaudRate = 0; while(millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms && !(detectedBaudRate = uartDetectBaudrate(_uart))) { yield(); } end(); if(detectedBaudRate) { delay(100); // Give some time... _uart = uartBegin(_uart_nr, detectedBaudRate, config, rxPin, txPin, 256, invert); } else { log_e("Could not detect baudrate. Serial data at the port must be present within the timeout for detection to be possible"); _uart = NULL; } } }
QStringList rpnoc::Profile::readXml( const QString &iUsername ) { QString oUser, oPass, oAddr, oPort; QString oUserName = iUsername.toLower(); QFile oFile("profiles/" + oUserName + "/" + oUserName + ".xml"); if( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { log_e( "Failed to open file '" + oFile.errorString() + "' for reading." ); } QXmlStreamReader oReader; oReader.setDevice( &oFile ); oReader.readNext(); while(!oReader.atEnd()){ if(oReader.isStartElement()){ if( == "personalia"){ oReader.readNext(); while(!oReader.atEnd()){ if(oReader.isEndElement()){ oReader.readNext(); } if(oReader.isStartElement()){ if( == "user"){ oUser = oReader.attributes().value("username").toString(); oReader.readNext(); }else if( == "pass"){ oPass = oReader.attributes().value("password").toString(); oReader.readNext(); }else if( == "addr"){ oAddr = oReader.attributes().value("address").toString(); oReader.readNext(); }else if( == "port"){ oPort = oReader.attributes().value("portnr").toString(); oReader.readNext(); } }else{ oReader.readNext(); } } }else{ oReader.raiseError(QObject::tr("Not a user file")); } }else{ oReader.readNext(); } } oFile.close(); QStringList oStringList; oStringList << oUser << oPass << oAddr << oPort; return oStringList; }
static int initialize_sdl() { int error = 0; if (sdl_count++) return 0; if ((error = SDL_Init(0))) { log_e("SDL_Init: %s\n.", SDL_GetError()); sdl_count = 0; } return error; }
bool AsyncClient::connect(const char* host, uint16_t port){ ip_addr_t addr; err_t err = dns_gethostbyname(host, &addr, (dns_found_callback)&_s_dns_found, this); if(err == ERR_OK) { return connect(IPAddress(addr.u_addr.ip4.addr), port); } else if(err == ERR_INPROGRESS) { _connect_port = port; return true; } log_e("error: %d", err); return false; }
void AsyncClient::_dns_found(ip_addr_t *ipaddr){ _in_lwip_thread = true; if(ipaddr){ connect(IPAddress(ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr), _connect_port); } else { log_e("dns fail"); if(_error_cb) _error_cb(_error_cb_arg, this, -55); if(_discard_cb) _discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this); } _in_lwip_thread = false; }
bool rpnoc::Profile::writeXml( const QString &iFilename, QStringList *iItem ) { QString oFileName = iFilename.toLower(); QFile oFile( oFileName ); if( ! QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text ) ) { log_e( "Failed to open file '" + iFilename + "'." + log_endl + oFile.errorString() ); return false; } QXmlStreamWriter oWriter( &oFile ); oWriter.setAutoFormatting( true ); oWriter.writeStartDocument(); oWriter.writeStartElement( "Profile" ); writeIndexEntry( &oWriter, iItem ); oWriter.writeEndDocument(); oFile.close(); if( oFile.error() ) { log_e( "Failed to close file '" + iFilename + "'." + log_endl + oFile.errorString() ); return false; } return true; }
/** * Elog demo */ static void test_elog(void) { /* output all saved log from flash */ elog_flash_output_all(); /* test log output for all level */ log_a("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_e("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_w("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_i("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_d("Hello EasyLogger!"); log_v("Hello EasyLogger!"); elog_raw("Hello EasyLogger!"); /* trigger assert. Now will run elog_user_assert_hook. All log information will save to flash. */ ELOG_ASSERT(0); }
static bool espWiFiStop(){ esp_err_t err; if(!_esp_wifi_started){ return true; } _esp_wifi_started = false; err = esp_wifi_stop(); if(err){ log_e("Could not stop WiFi! %u", err); _esp_wifi_started = true; return false; } return wifiLowLevelDeinit(); }
void AsyncServer::begin(){ if(_pcb) return; if(!_start_async_task()){ log_e("failed to start task"); return; } int8_t err; _pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_V4); if (!_pcb){ log_e("_pcb == NULL"); return; } ip_addr_t local_addr; local_addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4; local_addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = (uint32_t) _addr; err = _tcp_bind(_pcb, &local_addr, _port); if (err != ERR_OK) { _tcp_close(_pcb); log_e("bind error: %d", err); return; } static uint8_t backlog = 5; _pcb = _tcp_listen_with_backlog(_pcb, backlog); //_pcb = _tcp_listen(_pcb); if (!_pcb) { log_e("listen_pcb == NULL"); return; } tcp_arg(_pcb, (void*) this); tcp_accept(_pcb, &_s_accept); }
bool init_mutex() { if (pthread_cond_init(&file_cond, NULL)) { log_e("A condition variable for file finding was not able to initialize."); return false; } if (pthread_cond_init(&print_cond, NULL)) { log_e("A condition variable for print result was not able to initialize."); return false; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&file_mutex, NULL)) { log_e("A mutex for file finding was not able to initialize."); return false; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&print_mutex, NULL)) { log_e("A mutex for print result was not able to initialize."); return false; } return true; }
static int initialize_sdl_video() { if (initialize_sdl()) return -1; if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) { log_e("%s", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } if (get_console_fullscreen()) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); flags |= SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; } else flags &= ~SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; return 0; }
static bool wifiLowLevelInit(bool persistent){ if(!lowLevelInitDone){ tcpipInit(); wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); esp_err_t err = esp_wifi_init(&cfg); if(err){ log_e("esp_wifi_init %d", err); return false; } if(!persistent){ esp_wifi_set_storage(WIFI_STORAGE_RAM); } lowLevelInitDone = true; } return true; }
static void recover_ghosts_den(struct level *self, struct layout *layout) { int xs, ys, xd, yd; struct level_iterator iter; struct place *closest_place = NULL; unsigned int distance, min_distance = LEVEL_WIDTH + LEVEL_HEIGHT; if (!self->ghosts_home) return; place_location(self, self->ghosts_home, &xs, &ys); if (is_place_clear(layout, xs, ys)) return; log_i("recovering from non-accessible ghosts den."); initialize_level_iterator(&iter, self); while (level_iterator_has_next(&iter)) { struct place *place = level_iterator_next(&iter); place_location(self, place, &xd, &yd); distance = (xs > xd ? xs - xd : xd - xs) + (ys > yd ? ys - yd : yd - ys); if (distance && distance < min_distance) { closest_place = place; min_distance = distance; } } if (!closest_place) { log_e("could not find the closest place to ghost den."); return; } if (min_distance > ghost_den_recovery_radius) { log_w("could not find a place close enough to ghost den " "(%u > %u).", min_distance, ghost_den_recovery_radius); return; } place_location(self, closest_place, &xd, &yd); while (--min_distance) { if (xs < xd) xs += 1; else if (xs > xd) xs -= 1; else if (ys < yd) ys += 1; else if (ys > yd) ys -= 1; __get_place(self, xs, ys)->item = clone_empty(self->items); } }
/** Loads configuration string in app_config_buffer. */ static int8_t _app_config_load_microSD() { int fd; // And open it fd = cfs_open("inga.cfg", CFS_READ); // In case something goes wrong, we cannot save this file if (fd == -1) { log_e("Failed opening config file\n"); return -1; } // do nothing if modification timestamp of file is older/equal than stored #if CONF_FILE_TIMESTAMP_CHECK log_i("Checking config file timestamp...\n"); if ((cfs_fat_get_last_date(fd) <= system_config._mod_date) && (cfs_fat_get_last_time(fd) <= system_config._mod_time)) { log_i("Config file is older than stored config, will not be loaded\n"); cfs_close(fd); return -1; } #endif // update modification timestamps system_config._mod_date = cfs_fat_get_last_date(fd); system_config._mod_time = cfs_fat_get_last_time(fd); int size = cfs_read(fd, app_config_buffer, MAX_FILE_SIZE); app_config_buffer[size] = '\0'; // string null terminator log_v("actually read: %d\n", size); log_i("Loaded data from microSD card\n"); cfs_close(fd); parse_ini(app_config_buffer, &inga_conf_file); app_config_update(); return 0; }
/** * Resolve the given hostname to an IP address. * @param aHostname Name to be resolved * @param aResult IPAddress structure to store the returned IP address * @return 1 if aIPAddrString was successfully converted to an IP address, * else error code */ int WiFiGenericClass::hostByName(const char* aHostname, IPAddress& aResult) { ip_addr_t addr; aResult = static_cast<uint32_t>(0); waitStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT, 5000); clearStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT); err_t err = dns_gethostbyname(aHostname, &addr, &wifi_dns_found_callback, &aResult); if(err == ERR_OK && addr.u_addr.ip4.addr) { aResult = addr.u_addr.ip4.addr; } else if(err == ERR_INPROGRESS) { waitStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_DONE_BIT, 4000); clearStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_DONE_BIT); } setStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT); if((uint32_t)aResult == 0){ log_e("DNS Failed for %s", aHostname); } return (uint32_t)aResult != 0; }
static void crash_pad(int signum) { switch (signum) { case SIGINT: log_e(_s("interruption")); break; case SIGTERM: log_e(_s("termination request")); break; case SIGABRT: log_e(_s("aborting")); break; case SIGFPE: log_e(_s("floating point exception")); break; case SIGILL: log_e(_s("illegal instruction")); break; case SIGSEGV: log_e(_s("segmentation fault")); break; default: logf_e("caught signal #%d", signum); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
static bool espWiFiStart(bool persistent){ if(_esp_wifi_started){ return true; } if(!wifiLowLevelInit(persistent)){ return false; } esp_err_t err = esp_wifi_start(); if (err != ESP_OK) { log_e("esp_wifi_start %d", err); wifiLowLevelDeinit(); return false; } _esp_wifi_started = true; system_event_t event; event.event_id = SYSTEM_EVENT_WIFI_READY; WiFiGenericClass::_eventCallback(nullptr, &event); return true; }