Exemplo n.º 1
static void LIBUSB_CALL usb_remove_pollfd(int fd, void *opaque) {

	log_event_debug("Got told to remove libusb pollfd (handle: %d)", fd);

	event_remove_source(fd, EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void LIBUSB_CALL usb_add_pollfd(int fd, short events, void *opaque) {
	libusb_context *context = opaque;

	log_event_debug("Got told to add libusb pollfd (handle: %d, events: %d)", fd, events);

	// FIXME: need to handle libusb timeouts
	event_add_source(fd, EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB, events, usb_handle_events, context); // FIXME: handle error?
Exemplo n.º 3
int event_run_platform(Array *event_sources, bool *running, EventCleanupFunction cleanup) {
	int result = -1;
	int i;
	EventSource *event_source;
	fd_set *fd_read_set;
	fd_set *fd_write_set;
	fd_set *fd_error_set;
	int ready;
	int handled;
	uint8_t byte = 1;
	int rc;
	int event_source_count;
	uint32_t received_events;

	if (event_add_source(_usb_poll_ready_pipe.read_end,
	                     event_forward_usb_events, event_sources) < 0) {
		return -1;

	*running = true;
	_usb_poll_running = true;

	thread_create(&_usb_poll_thread, event_poll_usb_events, event_sources);


	while (*running) {
		// update SocketSet arrays
		if (event_reserve_socket_set(&_socket_read_set, // FIXME: this over-allocates
		                             event_sources->count) < 0) {
			log_error("Could not resize socket read set: %s (%d)",
			          get_errno_name(errno), errno);

			goto cleanup;

		if (event_reserve_socket_set(&_socket_write_set, // FIXME: this over-allocates
		                             event_sources->count) < 0) {
			log_error("Could not resize socket write set: %s (%d)",
			          get_errno_name(errno), errno);

			goto cleanup;

		if (event_reserve_socket_set(&_socket_error_set, // FIXME: this over-allocates
		                             event_sources->count) < 0) {
			log_error("Could not resize socket error set: %s (%d)",
			          get_errno_name(errno), errno);

			goto cleanup;

		_socket_read_set->count = 0;
		_socket_write_set->count = 0;
		_socket_error_set->count = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < event_sources->count; ++i) {
			event_source = array_get(event_sources, i);

			if (event_source->type != EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC) {

			if ((event_source->events & EVENT_READ) != 0) {
				_socket_read_set->sockets[_socket_read_set->count++] = event_source->handle;

			if ((event_source->events & EVENT_WRITE) != 0) {
				_socket_write_set->sockets[_socket_write_set->count++] = event_source->handle;

			if ((event_source->events & EVENT_PRIO) != 0) {
				log_error("Event prio is not supported");

			if ((event_source->events & EVENT_ERROR) != 0) {
				_socket_error_set->sockets[_socket_error_set->count++] = event_source->handle;

		// start to select
		log_event_debug("Starting to select on %d + %d + %d %s event source(s)",
		                _socket_read_set->count, _socket_write_set->count, _socket_error_set->count,
		                event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC, false));


		fd_read_set = event_get_socket_set_as_fd_set(_socket_read_set);
		fd_write_set = event_get_socket_set_as_fd_set(_socket_write_set);
		fd_error_set = event_get_socket_set_as_fd_set(_socket_error_set);

		ready = select(0, fd_read_set, fd_write_set, fd_error_set, NULL);

		if (_usb_poll_running) {
			log_event_debug("Sending suspend signal to USB poll thread");

			if (usbi_write(_usb_poll_suspend_pipe[1], &byte, 1) < 0) {
				log_error("Could not write to USB suspend pipe");

				_usb_poll_stuck = true;

				goto cleanup;


			if (usbi_read(_usb_poll_suspend_pipe[0], &byte, 1) < 0) {
				log_error("Could not read from USB suspend pipe");

				_usb_poll_stuck = true;

				goto cleanup;

		if (ready == SOCKET_ERROR) {
			rc = ERRNO_WINAPI_OFFSET + WSAGetLastError();


			log_error("Could not select on %s event sources: %s (%d)",
			          event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC, false),
			          get_errno_name(rc), rc);

			goto cleanup;

		// handle select result
		log_event_debug("Select returned %d %s event source(s) as ready",
		                ready, event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC, false));

		handled = 0;

		// cache event source count here to avoid looking at new event
		// sources that got added during the event handling
		event_source_count = event_sources->count;

		for (i = 0; *running && i < event_source_count && ready > handled; ++i) {
			event_source = array_get(event_sources, i);
			received_events = 0;

			if (event_source->type != EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC) {

			if (FD_ISSET(event_source->handle, fd_read_set)) {
				received_events |= EVENT_READ;

			if (FD_ISSET(event_source->handle, fd_write_set)) {
				received_events |= EVENT_WRITE;

			if (FD_ISSET(event_source->handle, fd_error_set)) {
				received_events |= EVENT_ERROR;

			if (received_events == 0) {

			event_handle_source(event_source, received_events);


		if (ready == handled) {
			log_event_debug("Handled all ready %s event sources",
			                event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC, false));
		} else if (*running) {
			log_warn("Handled only %d of %d ready %s event source(s)",
			         handled, ready,
			         event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC, false));

		// now cleanup event sources that got marked as disconnected/removed
		// during the event handling

	result = 0;

	*running = false;

	if (_usb_poll_running && !_usb_poll_stuck) {
		_usb_poll_running = false;

		log_debug("Stopping USB poll thread");

		if (usbi_write(_usb_poll_suspend_pipe[1], &byte, 1) < 0) {
			log_error("Could not write to USB suspend pipe");
		} else {


	event_remove_source(_usb_poll_ready_pipe.read_end, EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC);

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void event_forward_usb_events(void *opaque) {
	Array *event_sources = opaque;
	uint8_t byte;
	int handled = 0;
	int event_source_count;
	int i;
	int k;
	EventSource *event_source;
	struct usbi_pollfd *pollfd;


	if (pipe_read(&_usb_poll_ready_pipe, &byte, sizeof(byte)) < 0) {
		log_error("Could not read from USB ready pipe: %s (%d)",
		          get_errno_name(errno), errno);


	if (_usb_poll_pollfds.count == 0 || _usb_poll_pollfds_ready == 0) {

	// cache event source count here to avoid looking at new event
	// sources that got added during the event handling
	event_source_count = event_sources->count;

	// this loop assumes that the USB subset of the event source array and the
	// pollfd array can be matched by index. this means that the first N USB
	// items of the event source array (with N = items in pollfd array - 1) are
	// not removed or replaced during the iteration over the pollfd array.
	// because of this event_remove_source only marks event sources as removed,
	// the actual removal is done later by event_cleanup_sources
	for (i = 0, k = 1; i < event_source_count && k < _usb_poll_pollfds.count &&
	     _usb_poll_pollfds_ready > handled; ++i) {
		event_source = array_get(event_sources, i);

		if (event_source->type != EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB) {

		pollfd = array_get(&_usb_poll_pollfds, k);

		if ((int)event_source->handle != pollfd->fd) {


		if (pollfd->revents == 0) {

		event_handle_source(event_source, pollfd->revents);


	if (_usb_poll_pollfds_ready == handled) {
		log_event_debug("Handled all ready %s event sources",
		                event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB, false));
	} else {
		log_warn("Handled only %d of %d ready %s event source(s)",
		         handled, _usb_poll_pollfds_ready,
		         event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB, false));
Exemplo n.º 5
static void event_poll_usb_events(void *opaque) {
	Array *event_sources = opaque;
	int count;
	struct usbi_pollfd *pollfd;
	EventSource *event_source;
	int i;
	int k;
	int ready;
	uint8_t byte = 0;

	log_debug("Started USB poll thread");

	for (;;) {

		log_event_debug("Resumed USB poll thread");

		if (!_usb_poll_running) {
			goto cleanup;

		_usb_poll_pollfds_ready = 0;

		// update pollfd array
		count = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < event_sources->count; ++i) {
			event_source = array_get(event_sources, i);

			if (event_source->type == EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB) {

		if (count == 0) {
			goto suspend;

		++count; // add the suspend pipe

		if (array_resize(&_usb_poll_pollfds, count, NULL) < 0) {
			log_error("Could not resize USB pollfd array: %s (%d)",
			          get_errno_name(errno), errno);

			goto cleanup;

		pollfd = array_get(&_usb_poll_pollfds, 0);

		pollfd->fd = _usb_poll_suspend_pipe[0];
		pollfd->events = USBI_POLLIN;
		pollfd->revents = 0;

		for (i = 0, k = 1; i < event_sources->count; ++i) {
			event_source = array_get(event_sources, i);

			if (event_source->type != EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB) {

			pollfd = array_get(&_usb_poll_pollfds, k);

			pollfd->fd = event_source->handle;
			pollfd->events = (short)event_source->events;
			pollfd->revents = 0;


		// start to poll
		log_event_debug("Starting to poll on %d %s event source(s)",
		                _usb_poll_pollfds.count - 1,
		                event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB, false));

		ready = usbi_poll((struct usbi_pollfd *)_usb_poll_pollfds.bytes,
		                  _usb_poll_pollfds.count, -1);

		if (ready < 0) {
			if (errno_interrupted()) {
				log_debug("Poll got interrupted, retrying");

				goto retry;

			log_error("Could not poll on %s event source(s): %s (%d)",
			          event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB, false),
			          get_errno_name(errno), errno);

			goto suspend;

		if (ready == 0) {
			goto suspend;

		// handle poll result
		pollfd = array_get(&_usb_poll_pollfds, 0);

		if (pollfd->revents != 0) {
			log_event_debug("Received suspend signal");

			--ready; // remove the suspend pipe

		if (ready == 0) {
			goto suspend;

		log_event_debug("Poll returned %d %s event source(s) as ready", ready,
		                event_get_source_type_name(EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_USB, false));

		_usb_poll_pollfds_ready = ready;

		if (pipe_write(&_usb_poll_ready_pipe, &byte, sizeof(byte)) < 0) {
			log_error("Could not write to USB ready pipe: %s (%d)",
			          get_errno_name(errno), errno);

			goto cleanup;

		log_event_debug("Suspending USB poll thread");


	log_debug("Stopped USB poll thread");


	_usb_poll_running = false;