Exemplo n.º 1
set_oauthhelper_dll(){ // Called by get_pJWTAssertion() interations:

	int retVal = 0; // used for return from oauth_load_privatekey().

	// *** No need to change the rest of this file:
	lr_param_sprintf("pTimeExpire","%d",time(0)); // create initial seed where (now 10-digit) 1379510581 is for Sep. 18, 2013 at 7:24AM MT.
	lr_load_dll("oauthhelper.dll"); // Written by [email protected].
		// TODO: 20. In Run-time Settings > Miscellaneous, set to run as "Process" rather than "Thread".
		// TODO: 21. Specify in vugen.dat file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\LoadRunner\dat" to load DLL globally for use by all Vuser scripts.
			// file mdrv.dat 
			// [HTTP] section 
			// WINNT_DLLS=kernel32.dll,vtclient.dll,user32.dll

		// TODO: 22. If loading from the script’s directory, specify the DLL is listed in the Controller’s Design View -> Details -> More -> Files.
		// If errors are only from Controller, copy the DLL to the same directory on all Load Generator machines.

	// Using values obtained from Google APIs Console for Project X Client ID associated with {GoogleAPIServiceEmail}:
	retVal = oauth_load_privatekey(lr_eval_string("{pServicePrivateKeyFile}"),"notasecret"); // Done only once.
	if( retVal != 0 ){
 		if( retVal == -1 ){
			lr_error_message(">> oauth_load_privatekey Failed to open p12 file, file not found, path incorrect.");
 		}else if( retVal == -2 ){
			lr_error_message(">> oauth_load_privatekey Error reading the PKCS#12 file, file permissions.");
 		}else if( retVal == -3 ){
			lr_error_message(">> oauth_load_privatekey Error parsing the PKCS#12 file, invalid certificate or invalid password.");
 		}else if( retVal == -4 ){
			lr_error_message(">> oauth_load_privatekey Key not set.");
			lr_error_message(">> oauth_load_privatekey retVal=%d.",retVal);

	return retVal;
} // set_oauthhelper_dll()
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Gets the process ID of the mmdrv.exe process that is running the VuGen script that called
 * this function.
 * @return    This function returns the process ID of the calling process.
 * Example code:
 *     // Print the vuser's process ID
 *     int vuser_pid; vuser_pid = wi_get_vuser_pid();
 *     lr_output_message("vuser_pid: %d", vuser_pid);
 * Note: This function only works on Windows.
 * From lr-libc.
int wi_get_vuser_pid() {
    int rc=LR_PASS; // return code
    int pid=0; // the process id (usually 4 digits)
    static int is_msvcrt_dll_loaded = FALSE; // A static variable inside a function keeps its value between
                                   // invocations. The FALSE value is assigned only on the first
                                   // invocation.
    char* dll_name = "MSVCRT.DLL"; // This DLL contains the _getpid() function. It is a standard
                                   // Windows DLL, usually found in C:\WINDOWS\system32.
                                   // Note: on Windows platforms, if you do not specify a path,
                                   // lr_load_dll searches for the DLL using the standard sequence
                                   // used by the C++ function, LoadLibrary.

    // Only load the DLL the first time this function is called:
    if (is_msvcrt_dll_loaded == FALSE) {
        rc = lr_load_dll(dll_name);
        if (rc != 0) {
            lr_error_message("Error loading %s.", dll_name);
        is_msvcrt_dll_loaded = TRUE;

    pid = _getpid();

    return pid;
} // wi_get_vuser_pid
Exemplo n.º 3
	int rc=LR_PASS;
    static int is_kernel32_dll_loaded = FALSE; // A static C variable inside a function retains its value between invocations.
                                 // The FALSE value is assigned only on the first invocation.


	char* dll_name = "KERNEL32.DLL"; // In C:/Windows/System32 that comes with Windows.
			// Its File Description: "Windows NT BASE API Client DLL".

	if (is_kernel32_dll_loaded == FALSE) {
        rc = lr_load_dll(dll_name);
        if (rc == 0) {
			is_kernel32_dll_loaded = TRUE;
			is_kernel32_dll_loaded = FALSE;
            lr_error_message(">> Error loading %s.", dll_name);
            // lr_abort();

	#endif // USING_WINDOWS

	return rc;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Gets the process ID of the mmdrv.exe process running the VuGen script calling this function.
 * @return    This function returns the process ID of the calling process.
 * Example code:
 *     // Print the vuser's process ID
 *     int vuser_pid; vuser_pid = wi_get_vuser_pid();
 *     lr_output_message("vuser_pid: %d", vuser_pid);
 * Note: This function only works on Windows.
 * From lr-libc.
int wi_get_vuser_pid() {
    int rc=LR_PASS; // return code
    int pid=0; // the process id (usually 4 digits)
    static int is_msvcrt_dll_loaded = FALSE; // A static variable inside a function keeps its value between
                                   // invocations. The FALSE value is assigned only on the first
                                   // invocation.
    char* dll_name = "MSVCRT.DLL"; // This DLL contains the _getpid() function. It is a standard
                                   // Windows DLL, usually found in C:\WINDOWS\system32.
                                   // On Windows platforms, if a path is not specified,
                                   // lr_load_dll searches for the DLL using the standard sequence.


    // Only load the DLL the first time this function is called:
    if (is_msvcrt_dll_loaded == FALSE) {
        rc = lr_load_dll(dll_name);
        if (rc == 0) {
	        is_msvcrt_dll_loaded = TRUE;
		    pid = _getpid();
	        is_msvcrt_dll_loaded = FALSE;
		    lr_error_message(">> Error loading %s to get WIN32 pid in wi_get_vuser_pid.", dll_name);
            // lr_abort();

	#endif // USING_WINDOWS

	return pid;
} // wi_get_vuser_pid
Exemplo n.º 5

	char chQuery[128];

	MYSQL *Mconn; 



	lr_save_datetime("%H:%M:%S", TIME_NOW, "sTime"); 

	sprintf(chQuery, "insert into test.sample_writes (sqTransactionName, sqResult, sqResponseTime, sqTime) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s');",

	lr_mysql_query(Mconn, chQuery);


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
	int rc = 0;

    MYSQL *db_connection; 
    MYSQL_RES *query_result; 
    MYSQL_ROW result_row; 
    char *server = "localhost";
    char *user = "******";
    char *password = "******"; 
    char *database = "LRDB";
    int port = 3306; // default MySQL port

	//static char *server_options[] = { "mysql_test", "--defaults-file=my.cnf" };
	//int num_elements = sizeof(server_options)/ sizeof(char *);
    lr_whoami(&vuser_id, &vuser_group, &scid);
	lr_message( "Group: %s, vuser id: %d, scenario id %d", vuser_group, vuser_id, scid);

	if (vuser_id == -1) {
		vuser_id = 1;

	rc = lr_load_dll("C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.0\\lib\\opt\\libmysql.dll");
    // You should be able to find the MySQL DLL somewhere in your MySQL install directory.
    if (rc != 0) {
        lr_error_message("Could not load libmysql.dll");
    // Allocate and initialise a new MySQL object
    db_connection = mysql_init(NULL);
    if (db_connection == NULL) {
        lr_error_message("Insufficient memory");
        return -1;

	  // Connect to the database
    if (mysql_real_connect(db_connection, server, user, password, database, port, NULL, 0) == NULL) {
		lr_error_message("error on connect: %s\n", mysql_error(db_connection));
		return -1;

    if (mysql_query(db_connection, "SELECT * FROM LATLogin;")!= 0) {
		lr_error_message("error on query: %s\n", mysql_error(db_connection));
		return -1;

	if ((query_result = mysql_store_result(db_connection)) == NULL) {
		lr_error_message("error on store: %s\n", mysql_error(db_connection));
		return -1;

    while (result_row = mysql_fetch_row(query_result)) {
		lr_output_message("%s - %s", result_row[0]);

    // Free the MySQL object created by mysql_init

	return 0;