Exemplo n.º 1
lst_stringset_free(LST_StringSet *set)
  LST_String *string;

  if (!set)

  while (set->members.lh_first)
      string = set->members.lh_first;
      LIST_REMOVE(set->members.lh_first, set);

Exemplo n.º 2
/* callback for tree traversal.
 * annotates nodes to keep track of which strings
 * have leaves in its subtree.
int annotate(LST_Node *node, params_t *p)
	annotation_t *annotation;
	annotation_t *child_annotation;
	LST_Edge *edge;
	LST_Node *child;
	int i;

	/* allocate annotation for this node */
	if (node->annotation == NULL) {
		node->annotation = malloc(sizeof(annotation_t));
		assert(node->annotation != NULL);
		annotation = (annotation_t*)node->annotation;
		annotation->strings = (int*)calloc((p->tree->numstrings), sizeof(int));	
		assert(annotation->strings != NULL);
	} else {
		/* reallocate in case number of strings has changed */
		annotation = (annotation_t*)node->annotation;
		annotation->strings = realloc(annotation->strings,
					p->tree->numstrings * sizeof(int));
		assert(annotation->strings != NULL);

	/* initialize the strings annotation */
	bzero(annotation->strings, (p->tree->numstrings)*sizeof(int));

	if (lst_node_is_leaf(node)) {
		annotation->strings[lst_stree_get_string_index(p->tree->tree, node->up_edge->range.string)] = 1;
		return True;

	/* incoorporate children's annotations */
	for (edge = node->kids.lh_first; edge; edge = edge->siblings.le_next) {
		child = edge->dst_node;
		assert(child->annotation != NULL);
		child_annotation = (annotation_t*)child->annotation;
		for(i=0; i<p->tree->numstrings; i++) {
//			annotation->strings[i] = annotation->strings[i] || child_annotation->strings[i];
			annotation->strings[i] += child_annotation->strings[i];

	/* how many strings have this substring? */
	int string_count = 0;
	int occ_count = 0;
//	LST_String *s = lst_node_get_string(node, 1000);
//	printf("%s: ", lst_string_print(s));
	for(i=0; i<p->tree->numstrings; i++) {
//		printf("%d, ", annotation->strings[i]);
		if(annotation->strings[i]) {
			occ_count += annotation->strings[i];
//	printf(": %d %d\n", occ_count, string_count);

	/* if this node's substring occurs in min_occ strings,
	 * and is at least min_len long, report it.
	if (string_count >= p->min_occ) {
		int len = lst_node_get_string_length(node);
		if (len >= p->min_len) {
			/* add a dictionary mapping the strings that this
			 * substring occurred in to the number of times
			 * it occurred in each string.
			PyObject *pydict = subtree_occurrences(node,p->tree->numstrings);

			LST_String *s = lst_node_get_string(node, len);
			PyObject *pystring = 
				PyString_FromStringAndSize(s->data, s->num_items-1);

			PyDict_SetItem(p->substrings, pystring, pydict);
//			printf("%s\n", lst_string_print(s));

	return True;