Exemplo n.º 1
static BOOL IsDemo( LPSTR lpProgram )
#ifndef _MAC
int         i;
int			fp;
char        buf[32];
#ifndef FileOpen
OFSTRUCT 	ofstruct;

#define	DEMO "xgm"
#define	PROTECT "lartsa"
#define SZPROTECT 6
#define SYSCHAR (BYTE far *)0xffff0000

#ifdef FileOpen
if ( ( fp = FileOpen( lpProgram, FO_READ ) ) == FILE_HANDLE_INVALID )
	return( 0 );	/* something is wierd */
if ( FileSeek( fp, -(long)sizeof(buf), SEEK_END ) < 0 )
	*buf = '\0';	/* goto the bottom bytes */
if ( FileRead( fp, buf, sizeof(buf) ) != sizeof(buf) )
	*buf = '\0';	/* something is wierd */
FileClose( fp );
if ( ( fp = OpenFile( lpProgram, &ofstruct, OF_READ ) ) < 0 )
	return( 0 );	/* something is wierd */
if ( _llseek( fp, -(long)sizeof(buf), SEEK_END ) < 0 )
	*buf = '\0';	/* goto the bottom bytes */
if ( _lread( fp, buf, sizeof(buf) ) != sizeof(buf) )
	*buf = '\0';	/* something is wierd */
_lclose( fp );
#endif // FileOpen

for ( i=0; i<sizeof(buf)-1; i++ )
	{ // Zap any non-ascii characters
	if ( buf[i] < 'a' || buf[i] > 'z' )
		buf[i] = '.';
buf[i] = '\0';

if ( lstrfind( buf, DEMO ) ) // Is it a crippled demo?
	return( IDS_CRIPPLED );

#endif // _MAC

return( FALSE );
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL HandleCommandLine( HWND hWindow, LPTSTR lpszCmdLine, LPINT lpPrint )
	FNAME    szFileName;
	LPTSTR   lp;
	BOOL     bPassedByClient;
	LPIMAGE  lpImageDoc;
	HWND     hWnd;
	WORD 	 wChar;

	*lpPrint = NO;
	if( !lpszCmdLine )
    	return( TRUE );

	// Check if we have "[/ | -]embedding" and a possible filename.
	// usage: PP ["[-/]embedding"] file1 file2 ...

	//dbg("full command line = '%ls'", lpszCmdLine );

	// See if the command line is being passed by a client
	bPassedByClient = NO;
	if(( lp = lstrfind( lpszCmdLine, _T("embedding") )) &&
   	   ( lp == lpszCmdLine || lp == ( MyCharNext( lpszCmdLine ))))
   	{ 	// Command line passed by a client
		//  dbg(_T("command line passed by client"));
    	bPassedByClient = YES;
    	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( MyCharNextN( lp, 9 )); 	// skip over _T("embedding")

	while( *lpszCmdLine )		// Process any files and switches on the command line
    	// Skip white space and see if we're done...
    	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( lpszCmdLine );
    	if( !( *lpszCmdLine ))	// If NULL get out

		//  dbg( _T("file='%ls' print=%d"), lpszCmdLine, *lpPrint );dbg(0);

    	// Check for any switches preceeding the file name: only /p for now
    	while( TRUE )	
			if( IsDBCSLeadByte(( BYTE )*lpszCmdLine ))
				wChar = *(( LPWORD )lpszCmdLine );
				wChar = *lpszCmdLine;

			if( wChar != _T('/'))	// if not a switch...

        	lpszCmdLine = MyCharNext( lpszCmdLine );	// Skip over the slash

        	if( !*lpszCmdLine )		// If NULL get out

			if( IsDBCSLeadByte(( BYTE )*lpszCmdLine ))
				wChar = *(( LPWORD )lpszCmdLine );
				wChar = *lpszCmdLine;

        	if( wChar == _T('p') || wChar == _T('P') )
            	*lpPrint = YES;

        	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( MyCharNext( lpszCmdLine ));

    	// Skip white space and see if we're done...
    	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( lpszCmdLine );
    	if( !( *lpszCmdLine ))		// If NULL get out

    	// Try to zap the space after a single file name
    	if(( lp = lstrfind( lpszCmdLine, _T(" ") )))
        	*lp = _T('\0'); // If we found a space, zap it

    	// Copy the full path name into szFileName
    	if( lStrChr( lpszCmdLine, _T('\\') ))
        	lstrcpy( szFileName, lpszCmdLine );
    	else				// If not a full path name...
        	GetCurrentDir( szFileName, sizeof(FNAME) );
        	FixPath( szFileName );
        	lstrcat( szFileName, lpszCmdLine );

    	// Now we're done with lpszCmdLine, so set it up for the next loop
		// If we had found a space, there might be more file names
    	if( lp )	
        	lpszCmdLine = MyCharNext( lp );
			lpszCmdLine += lstrlen( lpszCmdLine ); // Point to nothing

    	// Process szFileName

    	// Special handling of documents passed by a client
    	if ( bPassedByClient )
			CServerDoc *pDoc = PictPubApp.GetDocument(szFileName);
			if (pDoc)
            	// It's already open....
            	POSITION ViewPos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
            	CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView( ViewPos );
            	// NOTE send Message to View's Parent MDIFrame
            	SendMessage( PictPubApp.Get_hClientAstral(), WM_MDIACTIVATE, 
                	(WORD)pView->GetParentFrame()->GetSafeHwnd(), 0L );
            	lpImageDoc->fOwnedByClient = YES;
            	*szFileName = _T('\0'); // Zap it

    	// If we have a file name, open it...
    	if ( *szFileName )
			hWnd = AstralImageLoad(  0, szFileName, MAYBE, YES );
			hWnd = NULL;

    	// If the printing option was passed, print it and close it
    	if ( hWnd && *lpPrint )
         	FORWARD_WM_COMMAND(PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral(), IDM_PRINT, NULL, 0, SendMessage);
        	CloseImage( NO, NULL, NULL );
	return( TRUE );
Exemplo n.º 3
BOOL HandleCommandLine(
HWND 	hWindow,
LPSTR 	lpszCmdLine,
LPINT 	lpPrint)
FNAME szFileName;
BOOL bPassedByClient, bGotImage;
LPIMAGE lpImageDoc;
HWND hWnd;
int i;

bPaintAppActive = TRUE;

*lpPrint = NO;
if ( !lpszCmdLine )
	{ // If no command line, bring up an empty image
	SendMessage( hWindow, WM_COMMAND, IDM_NEW, 0L );
	if ( (hWnd = AstralDlgGet(IDD_MAIN)) && !IsWindowVisible( hWnd ) )
		ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOW );
	return( TRUE );

// Check if we have "[/ | -]embedding" and a possible filename.
// usage: PP ["[-/]embedding"] file1 file2 ...

// See if the command line is being passed by a client
bPassedByClient = NO;
if ( (lp = lstrfind( lpszCmdLine, "embedding" )) &&
	 (lp == lpszCmdLine || lp == (lpszCmdLine+1)) )
	{ // Command line passed by a client
	bPassedByClient = YES;
	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( lp + 9 ); // skip over "embedding"

bGotImage = NO;
while ( *lpszCmdLine )
	{ // Process any files and switches on the command line

	// Skip white space and see if we're done...
	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( lpszCmdLine );
	if ( !(*lpszCmdLine ) )
		break; // If NULL get out

	// Check for any switches preceeding the file name: only /p for now
	while ( *lpszCmdLine == '/' )
		{ // a switch...
		lpszCmdLine++; // Skip over the slash
		if ( !*lpszCmdLine )
			break; // If NULL get out
		if ( *lpszCmdLine == 'p' || *lpszCmdLine == 'P' )
			*lpPrint = YES;
		lpszCmdLine++; // Skip the option character
		lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( lpszCmdLine );

	// Skip white space and see if we're done...
	lpszCmdLine = SkipSpaces( lpszCmdLine );
	if ( !(*lpszCmdLine ) )
		break; // If NULL get out

	// Try to zap the space after a single file name
	if ( (lp = lstrfind( lpszCmdLine, " " )) )
		*lp = '\0'; // If we found a space, zap it

	// Copy the full path name into szFileName
#ifdef _MAC
	lstrcpy( szFileName, lpszCmdLine );
	if ( lstrchr( lpszCmdLine, '\\' ) )
		lstrcpy( szFileName, lpszCmdLine );
		{ // If not a full path name...
		GetCurrentDir( szFileName, sizeof(FNAME) );
		FixPath( szFileName );
		lstrcat( szFileName, lpszCmdLine );

	// Now we're done with lpszCmdLine, so set it up for the next loop
	if ( lp ) // If we had found a space, there might be more file names
			lpszCmdLine = lp + 1;
	else	lpszCmdLine += lstrlen(lpszCmdLine); // Point to nothing

	// Special handling of documents passed by a client
////if ( bPassedByClient )
////	{ // Loop through documents to see if it's already open
		for ( i=0; i<NumDocs(); i++ )
			hWnd = GetDoc(i);
			if ( !(lpImageDoc = (LPIMAGE)GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_IMAGEPTR )))
			if ( !StringsEqual( lpImageDoc->CurFile, szFileName ) )
			// It's already open....
			SendMessage( hClientAstral, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0L );
			if ( bPassedByClient )
				lpImageDoc->fOwnedByClient = YES;
			szFileName[0] = '\0'; // Zap it
			bGotImage = YES;
////	}

	// If we have a file name, open it...
	if ( *szFileName )
		if ( AstralImageLoad( NULL, szFileName, MAYBE, YES ) )
			bGotImage = YES;

	// If the printing option was passed, print it and close it
	if ( *lpPrint && lpImage )
		SendMessage(hWndAstral, WM_COMMAND, IDM_PRINT, 0L );
		CloseImage( NO, NULL );

if ( !bGotImage )
	if ( !idCurrentRoom )
	    GoRoom (hInstAstral, -1, FALSE);
		return( FALSE );
	// If no image was opened via the command line, go to the opening screen
	SendMessage( hWindow, WM_COMMAND, IDM_NEW, 0L );

if ( (hWnd = AstralDlgGet(IDD_MAIN)) && !IsWindowVisible( hWnd ) )
	ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOW );

return( TRUE );