Exemplo n.º 1
lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> solve(
          const lslboost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>& A_,
          const lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T>& b_)
   //BOOST_ASSERT(A_.size() == b_.size());

   lslboost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T> A(A_);
   lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> b(b_);
   lslboost::numeric::ublas::permutation_matrix<> piv(b.size());
   lu_factorize(A, piv);
   lu_substitute(A, piv, b);
   // iterate to reduce error:
   lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> delta(b.size());
   for(unsigned i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
      noalias(delta) = prod(A_, b);
      delta -= b_;
      lu_substitute(A, piv, delta);
      b -= delta;

      T max_error = 0;

      for(unsigned i = 0; i < delta.size(); ++i)
         T err = fabs(delta[i] / b[i]);
         if(err > max_error)
            max_error = err;
      //std::cout << "Max change in LU error correction: " << max_error << std::endl;

   return b;
ParameterEstimatorImpl::Parameters ParameterEstimatorImpl::solve(const ublas::matrix<double>& A , const ublas::vector<double>& y) const
    // solve Ax = y

    ublas::matrix<double> A_factorized = A;

    ublas::permutation_matrix<size_t> pm(e_.parameterCount());
    int singular = lu_factorize(A_factorized, pm);
    if (singular)
        throw runtime_error("[ParameterEstimatorImpl::solve()] A is singular.");

    ublas::vector<double> result(y);
    lu_substitute(A_factorized, pm, result);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
    vector_type solve(const matrix_type& A,
                      const vector_type& y)
        namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;

        matrix_type A_factorized = A;
        ublas::permutation_matrix<size_t> pm(y.size());

        int singular = lu_factorize(A_factorized, pm);
        if (singular) throw std::runtime_error("[LinearSolver<LU>::solve()] A is singular.");

        vector_type result(y);
        lu_substitute(A_factorized, pm, result);

        return result;
bool LS::Regression::InvertMatrix (const ublas::matrix<double>& input, ublas::matrix<double>& inverse) 
	typedef ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pmatrix; 
	// create a working copy of the input 
	ublas::matrix<double> A(input); 
	// create a permutation matrix for the LU-factorization 
	pmatrix pm(A.size1()); 
	// perform LU-factorization 
	int res = lu_factorize(A,pm); 
	if( res != 0 )
		return false; 
	// create identity matrix of "inverse" 
	// backsubstitute to get the inverse 
	lu_substitute(A, pm, inverse); 
	return true; 
Exemplo n.º 5
void Energy::train()

    /*** linear least squares ***/
    la::matrix<double> AT = la::trans(A);
    la::matrix<double> ATA = la::prod(AT,A);
    la::vector<double> ATb = la::prod(AT,b);
    la::permutation_matrix<int> pm(ATA.size1());
    la::vector<double> c(ATb);
    lu_substitute(ATA, pm, c); 
    la::vector<double> est = la::prod(A,c);

    /*** set coeffficients  ***/
    /*  cout<<"A:\n"<<print_matrix(A)<<endl;
	cout<<"ATA - after:\n"<<print_matrix(ATA)<<endl;
    cout<<"TRAINING DONE"<<endl;
      cout<<"WARNING: Training fail, will stil write matices to octave file"<<endl;

  cout<<"Done writting to octave file"<<endl;

Exemplo n.º 6
void MSC::train()

  /*** linear least squares ***/
    la::matrix<double> AT = la::trans(A);
    la::matrix<double> ATA = la::prod(AT,A);
    la::vector<double> ATb = la::prod(AT,b);
    la::permutation_matrix<int> pm(ATA.size1());
    la::vector<double> c(ATb);
    lu_substitute(ATA, pm, c); 
    la::vector<double> est = la::prod(A,c);

    /*** set coeffficients  ***/
    cout<<"ATA - after:\n"<<print_matrix(ATA)<<endl;
    cout<<"TRAINING DONE"<<endl;
      cout<<"WARNING: Training failed! Writting matrices to octave file\n";

    ThinPlateSpline(std::vector<boost::array<WorkingType, PosDim> > positions,
        std::vector<boost::array<WorkingType, ValDim> > values)
      boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<WorkingType> L;

      refPositions = positions;

      const int numPoints((int)refPositions.size());
      const int WaLength(numPoints + PosDim + 1);

      L = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<WorkingType> (WaLength, WaLength);

      // Calculate K and store in L
      for(int i(0); i < numPoints; i++)
        L(i,i) = 0.0;
        // K is symmetrical so no point in calculating things twice
        int j(i + 1);
        for(; j < numPoints; ++j)

          L(i,j) = L(j,i) = radialbasis<WorkingType, WorkingType, PosDim>(refPositions[i], refPositions[j]);

        // construct P and store in K
        L(j,i) = L(i,j) = 1.0;
        for(int posElm(0); j < WaLength; ++posElm, ++j)
          L(j,i) = L(i,j) = positions[i][posElm];

      // O
      for(int i(numPoints); i < WaLength; i++)
        for(int j(numPoints); j < WaLength; j++)
          L(i,j) = 0.0;

      // Solve L^-1 Y = W^T

      typedef boost::numeric::ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pmatrix;

      boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<WorkingType> A(L);
      pmatrix pm(A.size1());
      int res = (int)lu_factorize(A, pm);
      if(res != 0)
        ;//TODO catch this error

      boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<WorkingType> invL(boost::numeric::ublas::identity_matrix<WorkingType>(A.size1()));
      lu_substitute(A, pm, invL);

      Wa = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<WorkingType>(WaLength, ValDim );

      boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<WorkingType> Y(WaLength, ValDim);
      int i(0);
      for(; i < numPoints; i++)
        for(int j(0); j < ValDim; ++j)
          Y(i, j) = values[i][j];

      for(; i < WaLength; i++)
        for(int j(0); j < ValDim; ++j)
          Y(i, j) = 0.0;

      Wa = prod(invL,Y);

Exemplo n.º 8
template<typename MATRIX> MATRIX expm_pad(const MATRIX &H, typename type_traits<typename MATRIX::value_type>::real_type t = 1.0, const int p = 6){
	typedef typename MATRIX::value_type value_type;
        typedef typename MATRIX::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename type_traits<value_type>::real_type real_value_type;
	assert(H.size1() == H.size2());
	assert(p >= 1);
	const size_type n = H.size1();
	const identity_matrix<value_type> I(n);
	matrix<value_type> U(n,n),H2(n,n),P(n,n),Q(n,n);
	real_value_type norm = 0.0;
// Calcuate Pade coefficients
	vector<real_value_type> c(p+1);
	for(size_type i = 0; i < (size_type) p; ++i) 
		c(i+1) = c(i) * ((p - i)/((i + 1.0) * (2.0 * p - i)));
// Calcuate the infinty norm of H, which is defined as the largest row sum of a matrix
	for(size_type i=0; i<n; ++i) {
		real_value_type temp = 0.0;
		for(size_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
			temp += std::abs(H(i, j)); 
		norm = t * std::max<real_value_type>(norm, temp);
// If norm = 0, and all H elements are not NaN or infinity but zero, 
// then U should be identity.
	if (norm == 0.0) {
		bool all_H_are_zero = true;
		for(size_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
			for(size_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
				if( H(i,j) != value_type(0.0) ) 
					all_H_are_zero = false; 
		if( all_H_are_zero == true ) return I;
// Some error happens, H has elements which are NaN or infinity. 
		std::cerr<<"Null input error in the template expm_pad.\n";
		//		std::cout << "Null INPUT : " << H <<"\n";
// Scaling, seek s such that || H*2^(-s) || < 1/2, and set scale = 2^(-s)
 	int s = 0;
	real_value_type scale = 1.0;
	if(norm > 0.5) {
		s = std::max<int>(0, static_cast<int>((log(norm) / log(2.0) + 2.0)));
		scale /= real_value_type(std::pow(2.0, s));
		U.assign((scale * t) * H); // Here U is used as temp value due to that H is const

// Horner evaluation of the irreducible fraction, see the following ref above.
// Initialise P (numerator) and Q (denominator) 
	H2.assign( prod(U, U) );
	Q.assign( c(p)*I );
	P.assign( c(p-1)*I );
	size_type odd = 1;
	for( size_type k = p - 1; k > 0; --k) {
		( odd == 1 ) ?
			( Q = ( prod(Q, H2) + c(k-1) * I ) ) :
			( P = ( prod(P, H2) + c(k-1) * I ) ) ;
		odd = 1 - odd;
	( odd == 1 ) ? ( Q = prod(Q, U) ) : ( P = prod(P, U) );
	Q -= P;
// In origine expokit package, they use lapack ZGESV to obtain inverse matrix,
// and in that ZGESV routine, it uses LU decomposition for obtaing inverse matrix.
// Since in ublas, there is no matrix inversion template, I simply use the build-in
// LU decompostion package in ublas, and back substitute by myself.

// Implement Matrix Inversion
	permutation_matrix<size_type> pm(n); 
	int res = lu_factorize(Q, pm);
	if( res != 0) {
		std::cerr << "Matrix inversion error in the template expm_pad.\n";
// H2 is not needed anymore, so it is temporary used as identity matrix for substituting.
	lu_substitute(Q, pm, H2); 
	(odd == 1) ? 
		( U.assign( -(I + real_value_type(2.0) * prod(H2, P))) ):
		( U.assign(   I + real_value_type(2.0) * prod(H2, P) ) );
// Squaring 
	for(size_type i = 0; i < (size_type) s; ++i)
		U = (prod(U,U));
	return U;