Exemplo n.º 1
** Escapes a string for use within an SQL statement.
** Returns a string with the escaped string.
static int conn_escape (lua_State *L) {
	conn_data *conn = getconnection (L);
	size_t len;
	const char *from = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &len);
	int error;
	int ret = 1;
	luaL_Buffer b;
#if defined(luaL_buffinitsize)
	char *to = luaL_buffinitsize (L, &b, 2*len+1);
	char *to;
	luaL_buffinit (L, &b);
	to = luaL_prepbuffer (&b);
	len = PQescapeStringConn (conn->pg_conn, to, from, len, &error);
	if (error == 0) { /* success ! */
#if defined(luaL_pushresultsize)
		luaL_pushresultsize (&b, len);
		luaL_addsize (&b, len);
		luaL_pushresult (&b);
	} else {
		ret = luasql_failmsg (L, "cannot escape string. PostgreSQL: ", PQerrorMessage (conn->pg_conn));
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int l_transliterate(lua_State *L) {
	size_t len;
	int i;
	const char *str = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len);
	luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);
	char key[2] = { 0, 0 };
	luaL_Buffer buf;
	char *p = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &buf, len);
	const char * const buf_start = p;

	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		key[0] = str[i];
		lua_getfield(L, 2, key);
		if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
			if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) {
				int b = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
				if (b == 0) /* false */ {
				} else {
					luaL_error(L, "Error: expected false as boolean value in transliterate table");
			} else if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
				const char *v = lua_tostring(L, -1);
				*p++ = *v;
			} else {
				luaL_error(L, "Error: expected boolean or string values in transliterate table");
		} else {
			*p++ = str[i];
		lua_pop(L, 1);

	luaL_pushresultsize(&buf, p - buf_start);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int fs_getCurrentPath(lua_State* L) {
    luaL_Buffer currentpath;
    size_t len = minfs_current_working_directory_len();
    luaL_buffinitsize(L, &currentpath, len);
    len = minfs_current_working_directory(currentpath.b, len);
    luaL_pushresultsize(&currentpath, len);
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int str_reverse (lua_State *L) {
  size_t l, i;
  luaL_Buffer b;
  const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l);
  char *p = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, l);
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
    p[i] = s[l - i - 1];
  luaL_pushresultsize(&b, l);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int fs_canonical(lua_State* L) {
    const char* filepath = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
    luaL_Buffer canonpath;
    size_t len = 1024;
    luaL_buffinitsize(L, &canonpath, len);
    len = minfs_canonical_path(filepath, canonpath.b, len);
    luaL_pushresultsize(&canonpath, len);
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int str_upper (lua_State *L) {
  size_t l;
  size_t i;
  luaL_Buffer b;
  const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l);
  char *p = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, l);
  for (i=0; i<l; i++)
    p[i] = toupper(uchar(s[i]));
  luaL_pushresultsize(&b, l);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int
_common_encode(lua_State *L, EncodeFunc_t encode) {
	size_t len;
	const char *str = lua64_tolstring(L, 1, &len);
	size_t dlen = base64_encode_length(len);
	luaL_Buffer b;
	char *dst = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, dlen);
	encode(str, len, dst);
	luaL_pushresultsize(&b, dlen);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int
_scheme_encode(lua_State *L) {
	struct base64_scheme *sch = lua64_touserdata(L, 1);
	size_t len;
	const char *str = lua64_tolstring(L, 2, &len);
	size_t dlen = base64_encode_length(len);
	luaL_Buffer b;
	char *dst = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, dlen);
	base64_scheme_encode(sch, str, len, dst);
	luaL_pushresultsize(&b, dlen);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
static int str_char (lua_State *L) {
  int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of arguments */
  int i;
  luaL_Buffer b;
  char *p = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, n);
  for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
    int c = luaL_checkint(L, i);
    luaL_argcheck(L, uchar(c) == c, i, "value out of range");
    p[i - 1] = uchar(c);
  luaL_pushresultsize(&b, n);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
static int fs_pathRoot(lua_State* L) {
    size_t len, newlen;
    const char* filepath = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len);
    luaL_Buffer buffer;
    luaL_buffinitsize(L, &buffer, len);

    newlen = minfs_path_parent(filepath, buffer.b, len);
    if (FS_FAILED(newlen)) {
    } else {
        luaL_pushresultsize(&buffer, newlen);
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* return the escaped string and the error message */
static int l_mysqlclient_escape(lua_State* l)
    MYSQL* conn;
    const char* content;
    char* buf;
    luaL_Buffer lbuf;
    unsigned long len;

    conn = luaL_testudata(l, 1, MySQLLib);
    if (!conn) {
        lua_pushstring(l, "argument #1 is not a mysql client.");
        return 2;

    if (!lua_isstring(l, 2)) {
        int type = lua_type(l, 2);
        lua_pushfstring(l, "argument #2 expects a sql string, but given a %s.",
                        lua_typename(l, type));
        return 2;

    content = lua_tolstring(l, 2, &len);
    if (len == 0) {
        lua_pushstring(l, "");
        return 2;

    buf = luaL_buffinitsize(l, &lbuf, len * 2 + 1);
    if (!buf) {
        lua_pushstring(l, "allocating buffer failed.");
        return 2;

    len = mysql_real_escape_string(conn, buf, content, len);
    if (len == (unsigned long)(-1)) {
        luaL_addstring(&lbuf, mysql_error(conn));
    } else {
        luaL_pushresultsize(&lbuf, len);

    return 2;
Exemplo n.º 12
static int
_common_decode(lua_State *L, DecodeFunc_t decode) {
	size_t len;
	const char *str = lua64_tolstring(L, 1, &len);
	size_t tlen = base64_decode_length(len);
	luaL_Buffer b;
	char *dst = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, tlen);
	size_t dlen;
	if (decode(str, len, dst, &dlen) < 0) {
	} else {
		luaL_pushresultsize(&b, dlen);
	return 2;
Exemplo n.º 13
static int
_scheme_decode(lua_State *L) {
	struct base64_scheme *sch = lua64_touserdata(L, 1);
	size_t len;
	const char *str = lua64_tolstring(L, 2, &len);
	size_t tlen = base64_decode_length(len);
	luaL_Buffer b;
	char *dst = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, tlen);
	size_t dlen;
	if (base64_scheme_decode(sch, str, len, dst, &dlen) < 0) {
	} else {
		luaL_pushresultsize(&b, dlen);
	return 2;
Exemplo n.º 14
static int fs_pathWithoutExt(lua_State* L) {
    size_t len, newlen;
    const char* filepath = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len);
    luaL_Buffer buffer;
    luaL_buffinitsize(L, &buffer, len);

    if (!minfs_is_file(filepath)) {
        return 1;

    newlen = minfs_path_without_ext(filepath, buffer.b, len);
    if (FS_FAILED(newlen)) {
    } else {
        luaL_pushresultsize(&buffer, newlen);
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 15
static int str_rep (lua_State *L) {
  size_t l, lsep;
  const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l);
  int n = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
  const char *sep = luaL_optlstring(L, 3, "", &lsep);
  if (n <= 0) lua_pushliteral(L, "");
  else if (l + lsep < l || l + lsep >= MAXSIZE / n)  /* may overflow? */
    return luaL_error(L, "resulting string too large");
  else {
    size_t totallen = n * l + (n - 1) * lsep;
    luaL_Buffer b;
    char *p = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &b, totallen);
    while (n-- > 1) {  /* first n-1 copies (followed by separator) */
      memcpy(p, s, l * sizeof(char)); p += l;
      memcpy(p, sep, lsep * sizeof(char)); p += lsep;
    memcpy(p, s, l * sizeof(char));  /* last copy (not followed by separator) */
    luaL_pushresultsize(&b, totallen);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 16
static int l_transliterate(lua_State *L)
  int i, ssize, rsize = 0;
  luaL_Buffer buffer;
  char *buf;
  const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &ssize);

  lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
  lua_getfield(L, 2, TABLE_INDEX);
  luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TTABLE);
  buf = luaL_buffinitsize(L, &buffer, ssize);

  for (i = 0; i < ssize; ++i)
    char chr = s[i];
    while (lua_next(L, 3) != 0)
      luaL_checktype(L, -2, LUA_TSTRING);
      const char *key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
      if (*key == chr)
        if (lua_isstring(L, -1))
          chr = *lua_tostring(L, -1);
        else if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1))
          chr = 0;
        lua_pop(L, 1);
      lua_pop(L, 1);
    if (chr != 0) buf[rsize++] = chr;
    if (lua_gettop(L) > 3) lua_pop(L, 1);

  luaL_pushresultsize(&buffer, rsize);

  return 1;