Exemplo n.º 1
int lumberjack_connect(struct lumberjack *lumberjack) {
  /* TODO(sissel): support ipv6, if anyone ever uses that in production ;) */
  insist(lumberjack != NULL, "lumberjack must not be NULL");

  int rc;
  rc = lumberjack_tcp_connect(lumberjack);
  if (rc < 0) {
    return -1;

  rc = lumberjack_ssl_handshake(lumberjack);
  if (rc < 0) {
    flog(stdout, "ssl handshake failed");
    return -1;

  /* If we get here, tcp connect + ssl handshake has succeeded */
  lumberjack->connected = 1;

  /* Always truncate the output buffer on a new connection.
   * This prevents accidental buffer leaks from an old/dead connection 
   * into this new one. 
   * The symptom of such a leak is that, upon a new connection, 
   * the oldest non-ack'd event is not the first event seen by the receiver. 

  /* Send our window size */
  rc = lumberjack_write_window_size(lumberjack);
  if (rc < 0) {
    flog(stdout, "lumberjack_write_window_size failed: %d", rc);
    return -1;

  /* Retransmit anything currently in the ring (unacknowledged data frames) 
   * This is a no-op if there's nothing in the ring. */
  rc = lumberjack_retransmit_all(lumberjack);
  if (rc < 0) {
    flog(stdout, "lumberjack_retransmit_all failed");
    /* Retransmit failed, which means a write failed during retransmit,
     * disconnect and claim a connection failure. */
    return -1;

  insist(lumberjack->fd > 0,
         "lumberjack->fd must be > 0 after a connect, was %d", lumberjack->fd);
  insist(lumberjack->ssl != NULL,
         "lumberjack->ssl must not be NULL after a connect");
  return 0;
} /* lumberjack_connect */
Exemplo n.º 2
void *emitter(void *arg) {
  int rc;
  struct emitter_config *config = arg;
  insist(config->zmq != NULL, "zmq is NULL");
  insist(config->zmq_endpoint != NULL, "zmq_endpoint is NULL");
  insist(config->ssl_ca_path != NULL, "ssl_ca_path is NULL");
  insist(config->window_size > 0, "window_size (%d) must be positive",
  insist(config->host != NULL, "host is NULL");
  insist(config->port > 0, "port (%hd) must be positive", config->port);

  void *socket = zmq_socket(config->zmq, ZMQ_PULL);
  insist(socket != NULL, "zmq_socket() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
  int64_t hwm = 100;
  //zmq_setsockopt(socket, ZMQ_HWM, &hwm, sizeof(hwm));
  zmq_compat_set_recvhwm(socket, hwm);
  rc = zmq_bind(socket, config->zmq_endpoint);
  insist(rc != -1, "zmq_bind(%s) failed: %s", config->zmq_endpoint,

  struct timespec start;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
  //long count = 0;

  struct backoff sleeper;
  backoff_init(&sleeper, &MIN_SLEEP, &MAX_SLEEP);

  struct lumberjack *lumberjack;
  lumberjack = lumberjack_new(config->host, config->port, config->window_size);
  insist(lumberjack != NULL, "lumberjack_new failed");
  lumberjack->ring_size = config->window_size;

  if (config->ssl_ca_path != NULL) {
    rc = lumberjack_set_ssl_ca(lumberjack, config->ssl_ca_path);
    insist(rc == 0, "lumberjack_set_ssl_ca failed, is '%s' a valid ssl cert?",

  long count = 0;
  long bytes = 0;

  zmq_pollitem_t items[1];

  items[0].socket = socket;
  items[0].events = ZMQ_POLLIN;

  int can_flush = 0;
  for (;;) {
    /* Receive an event from a harvester and put it in the queue */
    zmq_msg_t message;

    rc = zmq_msg_init(&message);
    insist(rc == 0, "zmq_msg_init failed");
    rc = zmq_poll(items, 1, 1000000 /* microseconds */);

    if (rc == 0) {
      /* poll timeout. We're idle, so let's flush and back-off. */
      if (can_flush) {
        /* only flush if there's something to flush... */
        flog(stdout, "flushing since nothing came in over zmq");
        /* We flush here to keep slow feeders closer to real-time */
        rc = lumberjack_flush(lumberjack);
        can_flush = 0;
        if (rc != 0) {
          /* write failure, reconnect (which will resend) and such */

      /* Restart the loop - checking to see if there's any messages */

    /* poll successful, read a message */
    //rc = zmq_recv(socket, &message, 0);
    rc = zmq_compat_recvmsg(socket, &message, 0);
    insist(rc == 0 /*|| errno == EAGAIN */,
           "zmq_recv(%s) failed (returned %d): %s",
           config->zmq_endpoint, rc, zmq_strerror(errno));

    /* Clear the backoff timer since we received a message successfully */

    /* Write the data over lumberjack. This will handle any
     * connection/reconnection/ack issues */
    lumberjack_send_data(lumberjack, zmq_msg_data(&message),
    /* Since we sent data, let it be known that we can flush if idle */
    can_flush = 1;
    /* Stats for debugging */
    bytes += zmq_msg_size(&message);


    if (count == 10000) {
      struct timespec now;
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
      double s = (start.tv_sec + 0.0) + (start.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0);
      double n = (now.tv_sec + 0.0) + (now.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0);
      flog(stdout, "Rate: %f (bytes: %f)\n", (count + 0.0) / (n - s), (bytes + 0.0) / (n - s));
      struct rusage rusage;
      rc = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
      insist(rc == 0, "getrusage failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
      flog(stdout, "cpu user/system: %d.%06d / %d.%06d\n",
           (int)rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec, (int)rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec,
           (int)rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec, (int)rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec);
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
      bytes = 0;
      count = 0;
  } /* forever */
} /* emitter */