Exemplo n.º 1
void run(int argc, char** argv)
    init(argc, argv);

    unsigned long long cycles;

    int *src, *dst, *temp;
    int min;

    dst = result;
    src = new int[cols];

#ifdef GEM5_WORK
    m5_work_begin(0, 0);
    m5_dumpreset_stats(0, 0);

#ifdef TIMING
    double start_time = gettime();

    for (int t = 0; t < rows-1; t++) {
        temp = src;
        src = dst;
        dst = temp;
        #pragma omp parallel for private(min)
        for(int n = 0; n < cols; n++){
            min = src[n];
            if (n > 0)
                min = MIN(min, src[n-1]);
            if (n < cols-1)
                min = MIN(min, src[n+1]);
            dst[n] = wall[t+1][n]+min;

#ifdef TIMING
    double end_time = gettime();
    printf("ROI Runtime: %f\n", end_time - start_time);

#ifdef GEM5_WORK
    m5_dumpreset_stats(0, 0);
    m5_work_end(0, 0);

#ifdef OUTPUT
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
            printf("%d ",data[i]);
    printf("\n") ;
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
            printf("%d ",dst[i]);
    printf("\n") ;

    delete [] data;
    delete [] wall;
Exemplo n.º 2
* The implementation of the particle filter using OpenMP for many frames
* @see http://openmp.org/wp/
* @note This function is designed to work with a video of several frames. In addition, it references a provided MATLAB function which takes the video, the objxy matrix and the x and y arrays as arguments and returns the likelihoods
* @param I The video to be run
* @param IszX The x dimension of the video
* @param IszY The y dimension of the video
* @param Nfr The number of frames
* @param seed The seed array used for random number generation
* @param Nparticles The number of particles to be used
void particleFilter(int * I, int IszX, int IszY, int Nfr, int * seed, int Nparticles){

	int max_size = IszX*IszY*Nfr;
	long long start = get_time();
	//original particle centroid
	double xe = roundDouble(IszY/2.0);
	double ye = roundDouble(IszX/2.0);
	//expected object locations, compared to center
	int radius = 5;
	int diameter = radius*2 - 1;
	int * disk = (int *)malloc(diameter*diameter*sizeof(int));
	strelDisk(disk, radius);
	int countOnes = 0;
	int x, y;
	for(x = 0; x < diameter; x++){
		for(y = 0; y < diameter; y++){
			if(disk[x*diameter + y] == 1)
	double * objxy = (double *)malloc(countOnes*2*sizeof(double));
	getneighbors(disk, countOnes, objxy, radius);
	long long get_neighbors = get_time();
	printf("TIME TO GET NEIGHBORS TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(start, get_neighbors));
	//initial weights are all equal (1/Nparticles)
	double * weights = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	#pragma omp parallel for shared(weights, Nparticles) private(x)
	for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
		weights[x] = 1/((double)(Nparticles));
	long long get_weights = get_time();
	printf("TIME TO GET WEIGHTSTOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(get_neighbors, get_weights));
	//initial likelihood to 0.0
	double * likelihood = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	double * arrayX = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	double * arrayY = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	double * xj = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	double * yj = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	double * CDF = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	double * u = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nparticles);
	int * ind = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*countOnes*Nparticles);
	#pragma omp parallel for shared(arrayX, arrayY, xe, ye) private(x)
	for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
		arrayX[x] = xe;
		arrayY[x] = ye;
	int k;
	printf("TIME TO SET ARRAYS TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(get_weights, get_time()));

#ifdef GEM5_WORK
	m5_work_begin(0, 0);
	m5_dumpreset_stats(0, 0);

	int indX, indY;
	for(k = 1; k < Nfr; k++){
		long long set_arrays = get_time();
		//apply motion model
		//draws sample from motion model (random walk). The only prior information
		//is that the object moves 2x as fast as in the y direction
		#pragma omp parallel for shared(arrayX, arrayY, Nparticles, seed) private(x)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			arrayX[x] += 1 + 5*randn(seed, x);
			arrayY[x] += -2 + 2*randn(seed, x);
		long long error = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO SET ERROR TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(set_arrays, error));
		//particle filter likelihood
		#pragma omp parallel for shared(likelihood, I, arrayX, arrayY, objxy, ind) private(x, y, indX, indY)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			//compute the likelihood: remember our assumption is that you know
			// foreground and the background image intensity distribution.
			// Notice that we consider here a likelihood ratio, instead of
			// p(z|x). It is possible in this case. why? a hometask for you.		
			//calc ind
			for(y = 0; y < countOnes; y++){
				indX = roundDouble(arrayX[x]) + objxy[y*2 + 1];
				indY = roundDouble(arrayY[x]) + objxy[y*2];
				ind[x*countOnes + y] = fabs(indX*IszY*Nfr + indY*Nfr + k);
				if(ind[x*countOnes + y] >= max_size)
					ind[x*countOnes + y] = 0;
			likelihood[x] = 0;
			for(y = 0; y < countOnes; y++)
				likelihood[x] += (pow((I[ind[x*countOnes + y]] - 100),2) - pow((I[ind[x*countOnes + y]]-228),2))/50.0;
			likelihood[x] = likelihood[x]/((double) countOnes);
		long long likelihood_time = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO GET LIKELIHOODS TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(error, likelihood_time));
		// update & normalize weights
		// using equation (63) of Arulampalam Tutorial
		#pragma omp parallel for shared(Nparticles, weights, likelihood) private(x)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			weights[x] = weights[x] * exp(likelihood[x]);
		long long exponential = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO GET EXP TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(likelihood_time, exponential));
		double sumWeights = 0;
		#pragma omp parallel for private(x) reduction(+:sumWeights)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			sumWeights += weights[x];
		long long sum_time = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO SUM WEIGHTS TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(exponential, sum_time));
		#pragma omp parallel for shared(sumWeights, weights) private(x)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			weights[x] = weights[x]/sumWeights;
		long long normalize = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO NORMALIZE WEIGHTS TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(sum_time, normalize));
		xe = 0;
		ye = 0;
		// estimate the object location by expected values
		#pragma omp parallel for private(x) reduction(+:xe, ye)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			xe += arrayX[x] * weights[x];
			ye += arrayY[x] * weights[x];
		long long move_time = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO MOVE OBJECT TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(normalize, move_time));
		printf("XE: %lf\n", xe);
		printf("YE: %lf\n", ye);
		double distance = sqrt( pow((double)(xe-(int)roundDouble(IszY/2.0)),2) + pow((double)(ye-(int)roundDouble(IszX/2.0)),2) );
		printf("%lf\n", distance);
		//display(hold off for now)
		//pause(hold off for now)
		CDF[0] = weights[0];
		for(x = 1; x < Nparticles; x++){
			CDF[x] = weights[x] + CDF[x-1];
		long long cum_sum = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO CALC CUM SUM TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(move_time, cum_sum));
		double u1 = (1/((double)(Nparticles)))*randu(seed, 0);
		#pragma omp parallel for shared(u, u1, Nparticles) private(x)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			u[x] = u1 + x/((double)(Nparticles));
		long long u_time = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO CALC U TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(cum_sum, u_time));
		int j, i;
		#pragma omp parallel for shared(CDF, Nparticles, xj, yj, u, arrayX, arrayY) private(i, j)
		for(j = 0; j < Nparticles; j++){
			i = findIndex(CDF, Nparticles, u[j]);
			if(i == -1)
				i = Nparticles-1;
			xj[j] = arrayX[i];
			yj[j] = arrayY[i];
		long long xyj_time = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO CALC NEW ARRAY X AND Y TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(u_time, xyj_time));
		//#pragma omp parallel for shared(weights, Nparticles) private(x)
		for(x = 0; x < Nparticles; x++){
			//reassign arrayX and arrayY
			arrayX[x] = xj[x];
			arrayY[x] = yj[x];
			weights[x] = 1/((double)(Nparticles));
		long long reset = get_time();
		printf("TIME TO RESET WEIGHTS TOOK: %f\n", elapsed_time(xyj_time, reset));

#ifdef GEM5_WORK
	m5_dumpreset_stats(0, 0);
	m5_work_end(0, 0);

Exemplo n.º 3
void EndSim(uint64_t workid, uint64_t threadid)
        //MAGIC_CMD(4 << 16);
        m5_work_end(workid, threadid);