Exemplo n.º 1
	void Button::Draw(App &app, float drawAreax, float drawAreay, int drawAreaWidth, int drawAreaHeight)
		// define a 120x50 rectangle
		/*sf::RectangleShape rectangle(sf::Vector2f(m_X(app), m_Y(app)));

		rectangle.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(m_X(app), m_Y(app)));

		// change the size to 100x100
		rectangle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(m_width, m_height));

		rectangle.setFillColor(sf::Color(64, 64, 64, 192));
		rectangle.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(192, 192, 192, 255));

		getText()->setPosition(m_X(app), m_Y(app));
Exemplo n.º 2
void icp(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_target, 
	 const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_source,
	 float* h_R, float* h_t, 
	 const registrationParameters &param)
  int Xsize, Ysize;
  boost::shared_array<float> h_X, h_Y;
  cloud2data(cloud_target, h_X, Xsize);
  cloud2data(cloud_source, h_Y, Ysize);
  // initialize paramters
  int maxIteration = param.maxIteration;

  // memory allocation
  float* h_Xx = h_X.get() + Xsize*0;
  float* h_Xy = h_X.get() + Xsize*1;
  float* h_Xz = h_X.get() + Xsize*2;
  float* h_Yx = h_Y.get() + Ysize*0;
  float* h_Yy = h_Y.get() + Ysize*1;
  float* h_Yz = h_Y.get() + Ysize*2;

  boost::shared_array<float> h_Xcorr ( new float[Ysize*3] ); // points in X corresponding to Y

  float h_S[9];
  float h_Xc[3];
  float h_Yc[3];

  findCenter(h_Y.get(), Ysize, h_Yc);

  // building flann index
  boost::shared_array<float> m_X ( new float [Xsize*3] );
  for (int i = 0; i < Xsize; i++)
    m_X[i*3 + 0] = h_Xx[i];
    m_X[i*3 + 1] = h_Xy[i];
    m_X[i*3 + 2] = h_Xz[i];
  flann::Matrix<float> mat_X(m_X.get(), Xsize, 3); // Xsize rows and 3 columns
  flann::Index< flann::L2<float> > index( mat_X, flann::KDTreeIndexParams() );

  boost::shared_array<float> m_Y ( new float [Ysize*3] );
  float* h_Xcorrx = h_Xcorr.get() + Ysize*0;
  float* h_Xcorry = h_Xcorr.get() + Ysize*1;
  float* h_Xcorrz = h_Xcorr.get() + Ysize*2;
  boost::shared_array<float> h_Ycentered ( new float [Ysize*3] );
    float* h_Ycenteredx = h_Ycentered.get() + Ysize*0;
    float* h_Ycenteredy = h_Ycentered.get() + Ysize*1;
    float* h_Ycenteredz = h_Ycentered.get() + Ysize*2;
    for(int i = 0; i < Ysize; i++){
      h_Ycenteredx[i] = h_Yx[i] - h_Yc[0];
      h_Ycenteredy[i] = h_Yy[i] - h_Yc[1];
      h_Ycenteredz[i] = h_Yz[i] - h_Yc[2];
  // ICP main loop

  for(int iter=0; iter < maxIteration; iter++){

    // find closest points

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < Ysize; i++)
      m_Y[i*3 + 0] = (h_R[0]*h_Yx[i] + h_R[1]*h_Yy[i] + h_R[2]*h_Yz[i]) + h_t[0];
      m_Y[i*3 + 1] = (h_R[3]*h_Yx[i] + h_R[4]*h_Yy[i] + h_R[5]*h_Yz[i]) + h_t[1];
      m_Y[i*3 + 2] = (h_R[6]*h_Yx[i] + h_R[7]*h_Yy[i] + h_R[8]*h_Yz[i]) + h_t[2];
    flann::Matrix<float> mat_Y(m_Y.get(), Ysize, 3); // Ysize rows and 3 columns
    std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > indices(Ysize);
    std::vector< std::vector<float> >  dists(Ysize);
		    1, // k of knn
		    flann::SearchParams() );

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i = 0; i < Ysize; i++){
      // put the closest point to Ycorr
      h_Xcorrx[i] = h_Xx[indices[i][0]];
      h_Xcorry[i] = h_Xy[indices[i][0]];
      h_Xcorrz[i] = h_Xz[indices[i][0]];
    findCenter(h_Xcorr.get(), Ysize, h_Xc);
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i = 0; i < Ysize; i++){
      // put the closest point to Ycorr
      h_Xcorrx[i] -= h_Xc[0];
      h_Xcorry[i] -= h_Xc[1];
      h_Xcorrz[i] -= h_Xc[2];

    // compute S

      //  C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C
      //  h_X^T * h_Y => S
      //  m*k     k*n    m*n
      int three = 3;
      float one = 1.0f, zero = 0.0f;
      sgemm_((char*)"t", (char*)"n", 
	     &three, &three, &Ysize, // m,n,k
	     &one, h_Xcorr.get(), &Ysize, // alpha, op(A), lda
	     h_Ycentered.get(), &Ysize,  // op(B), ldb
	     &zero, h_S, &three);  // beta, C, ldc

    // find RT from S

    findRTfromS(h_Xc, h_Yc, h_S, h_R, h_t);

#ifndef NOVIEWER
      Eigen::Matrix4f transformation;
      transformation <<
      			h_R[0], h_R[1], h_R[2], h_t[0],
			h_R[3], h_R[4], h_R[5], h_t[1],
			h_R[6], h_R[7], h_R[8], h_t[2],
			0, 0, 0, 1;
      pcl::transformPointCloud ( *param.cloud_source, *param.cloud_source_trans, transformation );
      param.viewer->updatePointCloud ( param.cloud_source_trans, *param.source_trans_color, "source trans" );

