Exemplo n.º 1
tf::Matrix3x3 JPCT_Math::quatToMatrix(tf::Quaternion q) {
    tf::Matrix3x3 matrix; 
    float norm = magnitudeSquared(q);
    float s = (double)norm > 0.0?2.0f / norm:0.0F;
    float xs = q.x() * s;
    float ys = q.y() * s;
    float zs = q.z() * s;
    float xx = q.x() * xs;
    float xy = q.x() * ys;
    float xz = q.x() * zs;
    float xw = q.w() * xs;
    float yy = q.y() * ys;
    float yz = q.y() * zs;
    float yw = q.w() * ys;
    float zz = q.z() * zs;
    float zw = q.w() * zs;
    matrix[0][0] = 1.0F - (yy + zz);
    matrix[1][0] = xy - zw;
    matrix[2][0] = xz + yw;
    matrix[0][1] = xy + zw;
    matrix[1][1] = 1.0F - (xx + zz);
    matrix[2][1] = yz - xw;
    matrix[0][2] = xz - yw;
    matrix[1][2] = yz + xw;
    matrix[2][2] = 1.0F - (xx + yy);

    return matrix;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Collider::collide()
    const int size = ents_.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j)
            CEntity* e1 = ents_[i];
            CEntity* e2 = ents_[j];
            CollisionCircle& c1 = e1->getCollisionCircle();
            CollisionCircle& c2 = e2->getCollisionCircle();

            float rad1 = e1->getRotation();
            float rad2 = e2->getRotation();

            tank::Vectorf pos1 = (c1.origin * -1.).rotate(rad1);
            tank::Vectorf pos2 = (c2.origin * -1.).rotate(rad2);

            pos1 += c1.pos;
            pos2 += c2.pos;

            const auto distance = pos2 - pos1;

            const auto radSum = c1.radius + c2.radius;

            if(distance.magnitudeSquared() < radSum*radSum)
                c1.colliding = c2.colliding = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
CollisionData collideWithCircle(
        PointMovement const& p,
        Circle const& c,
        float time) {
    /* Let c be the centre of the circle, and let r be its radius. Then then
     * equation for the circle is
     * |x - c|^2 = r^2
     * Let v be the velocity of the point, and let p be the position of the
     * point. Then the position of the point after time t is
     * x = p + v t.
     * Substituting that back in, the equation to be solved is:
     * |v t + p - c|^2 = r^2.
     * I.e.
     * A t^2 + B t + C = 0,
     * where
     * A = |v|^2,
     * B = 2 v . (p - c), and
     * C = |p - c|^2 - r^2.
     * We are looking for the least positive solution to this where t < time.
     * If there is only one positive solution we may ingore it as this
     * corresponds to the case when the point is inside the ball.
    float A = magnitudeSquared(p.vel);
    float B = 2 * (dot(p.vel, p.pos - c.centre));
    float C = magnitudeSquared(p.pos - c.centre) - c.radius * c.radius;
    /* If velocity is 0 don't collide with this algorithm
     * If there is at most one positive solution we don't collide.
     * If there are no solutions.
    if (A <= 0 or
        B > 0 or
        B * B - 4 * A * C < 0) {
        return {{0,0}, time};
    float t = (-B - std::sqrt(B * B - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A);
    return { unit(c.centre - (p.pos + p.vel * t)), std::min(time, t) };
Exemplo n.º 4
 const Vector2& Vector2::normalise()
     if( x != 0.0 || y != 0.0 )
         Real magSquared = magnitudeSquared();
         if( magSquared != 1.0 )
             *this *=  1.0 / fsm::sqrt(magSquared);
     return *this;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main() {
  auto a = 1;
  auto& b = a;
  b = 2;

  std::cout << a << std::endl;

  auto u = poly::Vector2d{2,3,4};
  auto v = poly::Vector2d::buildWithAngleAndMagnitude(M_PI, 1);
  auto w = 3 * (u + v) * 8;

  std::cout << w.magnitudeSquared() << std::endl;

  auto circle = poly::Circle(poly::Vector2d{100,100}, 75);
  auto rect = poly::Rectangle(poly::Vector2d{50,50}, poly::Vector2d{100,100});

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 data_type magnitude() const {
     return sqrt(magnitudeSquared());
Exemplo n.º 7
	inline_ float magnitude() const
		return sqrtf(magnitudeSquared());
Exemplo n.º 8
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  if ( argc != 2 ) {
    return 0;

  // Start the rng.
  RandomGenerator rng( 41u );
  UniformRandomSize sizeTypeRng( rng, boost::uniform_int< std::size_t >( 0,
    std::numeric_limits< std::size_t >::max() ) );

  // Parse the input file.
  std::ifstream input( argv[1] );
  std::string line;

  // The interaction database file.
  std::string xmlDatabaseFile;
  input >> xmlDatabaseFile; getline( input, line );
  InteractionDatabase myDatabase( xmlDatabaseFile );

  // Time and time step.
  double deltaTime, endTime, outputDeltaTime;
  input >> deltaTime; getline( input, line );
  input >> endTime; getline( input, line );

  // Output info.
  input >> outputDeltaTime; getline( input, line );
  std::size_t numberOfOutputBins;
  input >> numberOfOutputBins; getline( input, line );

    // Volume of the domain.
  double cellVolumeCubicMeters;
  input >> cellVolumeCubicMeters; getline( input, line );

  // Particle species, counts, and temperatures.
  std::multimap< std::string, ParticleInputSpec > particleInitialConditions;
  while ( true ) {
    std::string speciesName;
    std::size_t particleCount;
    double particleTemperature;
    Vec3 commonVelocity;
    input >> speciesName >> particleCount >> particleTemperature >> commonVelocity;
    if ( ! input.good() ) {
    } else {
      getline( input, line );

    ParticleInputSpec inputSpec = { particleCount, particleTemperature, commonVelocity };
    particleInitialConditions.insert( std::make_pair( speciesName, inputSpec ) );


  // Add all species types to the database.
  typedef std::multimap< std::string, ParticleInputSpec >::const_iterator ConstSpecIterator;
  for ( ConstSpecIterator speciesIterator = particleInitialConditions.begin();
    speciesIterator != particleInitialConditions.end();
    speciesIterator = particleInitialConditions.upper_bound( speciesIterator->first ) ) {
    myDatabase.addParticleType( speciesIterator->first );

  // Throw away all interactions except elastic reactions.
//  myDatabase.filter = boost::make_shared< chimp::interaction::filter::Elastic >();

  // Finalize the database and do housekeeping.

  // Now make up some particles. We use the same indexing as the particle database to ease bookkeeping.
  typedef std::vector< Particle > AllParticlesOfOneSpecies;
  std::vector< AllParticlesOfOneSpecies > speciesSets( myDatabase.getProps().size() );
  for ( int i = 0; i < myDatabase.getProps().size(); ++i ) {

    // Find the pertinent particle specs.
    std::string speciesName = myDatabase[i].name::value;

    for ( ConstSpecIterator speciesIterator = particleInitialConditions.lower_bound( speciesName );
      speciesIterator != particleInitialConditions.upper_bound( speciesName ); ++speciesIterator ) {

      const ParticleInputSpec& spec = speciesIterator->second;

      // Give the particles some random velocities plus the common velocity.
      for ( std::size_t particleIndex = 0; particleIndex < spec.count; ++particleIndex ) {
        Particle particle;
        particle.velocity =
          randomVelocityFromMaxwellian( rng, spec.temperatureInKelvin, myDatabase[i].mass::value );
        particle.velocity += spec.driftVelocity;
        speciesSets[i].push_back( particle );

  // Write some info for the reaction set.
  std::cout << "BEGIN INTERACTION TABLE" << std::endl;
  BOOST_FOREACH( const InteractionDatabase::Set& reactionBranches, myDatabase.getInteractions() ) {

    if ( reactionBranches.rhs.size() == 0 ) continue;

    std::cout << "  Reactions of "
      << myDatabase[ reactionBranches.lhs.A.species ].name::value << " with "
      << myDatabase[ reactionBranches.lhs.B.species ].name::value << std::endl;
    BOOST_FOREACH( const InteractionDatabase::Set::Equation& eq, reactionBranches.rhs ) {
      eq.print( std::cout << "    ", myDatabase ) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "END  INTERACTION  TABLE" << std::endl;

  // Loop over time steps.
  const double beginTime = 0.;
  for ( double time = beginTime; time < endTime; time += deltaTime ) {

    // Update particle positions, max speeds, and temperatures.
    std::vector< double > maxSpeedMetersPerSecond;
    std::vector< double > speciesTemperatures;
    std::size_t collisionCount = 0;
    std::size_t particleCount = 0;
    for ( int speciesIndex = 0; speciesIndex < speciesSets.size(); ++speciesIndex ) {
      maxSpeedMetersPerSecond.push_back( 0. );
      speciesTemperatures.push_back( 0. );
      BOOST_FOREACH( Particle& particle, speciesSets[ speciesIndex ] ) {
        // v = v + E * dt;
        // x = x + v * dt;
        double particleSpeedSquared = magnitudeSquared( particle.velocity );
        maxSpeedMetersPerSecond.back() =
          std::max( maxSpeedMetersPerSecond.back(), sqrt( particleSpeedSquared ) );
        speciesTemperatures.back() += particleSpeedSquared;
      speciesTemperatures.back() *= 0.5 * myDatabase[ speciesIndex ].mass::value; // kinetic energy
      speciesTemperatures.back() /= 1.5 * physical::constant::si::K_B * speciesSets[ speciesIndex ].size();

    if ( time == beginTime ) {
      printConsoleData( myDatabase, speciesTemperatures, 0.0, 0, particleCount, true );

    // Collide a few particles. This is done by looping over all reactions, choosing a few pairs of
    // the pertinent 2 species, and doing a null-collision algorithm on these pairs.
    BOOST_FOREACH( const InteractionDatabase::Set& reactionBranches, myDatabase.getInteractions() ) {

      if ( reactionBranches.rhs.size() == 0 ) continue;

      std::vector< std::size_t > particlesPerSpecies;
      std::vector< int > reactantIndices;
      reactantIndices.push_back( reactionBranches.lhs.A.species );
      reactantIndices.push_back( reactionBranches.lhs.B.species );
      std::size_t numberOfCollisions = 1;
      BOOST_FOREACH( const int& reactantIndex, reactantIndices ) {
        particlesPerSpecies.push_back( speciesSets[ reactantIndex ].size() );
        numberOfCollisions *= particlesPerSpecies.back();

      // Round the number of collisions based on the remainder using MC method.
      double maxRelativeSpeed = std::accumulate( maxSpeedMetersPerSecond.begin(),
        maxSpeedMetersPerSecond.end(), 0. );
      double maxSigmaSpeedProduct = reactionBranches.findMaxSigmaVProduct( maxRelativeSpeed );
      double fractionalCollisions =
        numberOfCollisions * maxSigmaSpeedProduct * deltaTime / cellVolumeCubicMeters;
      numberOfCollisions = static_cast< std::size_t >( std::floor( fractionalCollisions ) );
      double partialCollision = fractionalCollisions - numberOfCollisions;
      UniformRandomDouble remainderSelector( rng, boost::uniform_real<>( 0., 1. ) );
      if ( remainderSelector() < partialCollision ) {

      // Setup some dummy vectors to hold arguments.
      std::vector< InteractionDatabase::options::Particle > reactants( 2 );
      std::vector< const InteractionDatabase::options::Particle* > reactantPointers( 2 );
      for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
        reactantPointers[i] = &reactants[i];

      // Loop over all of the chosen collision pairs.
      for ( std::size_t collisionPair = 0; collisionPair < numberOfCollisions; ++collisionPair ) {

        // Choose the particles randomly, making sure we don't pick the same particle twice if this
        // is a like-pair collision.
        boost::array< std::size_t, 2 > particleIndex;
        particleIndex[0] = sizeTypeRng() % particlesPerSpecies[0];
        particleIndex[1] = sizeTypeRng() % particlesPerSpecies[1];
        if ( reactantIndices[0] == reactantIndices[1] ) {
          while ( particleIndex[1] == particleIndex[0] ) {
            particleIndex[1] = sizeTypeRng() % particlesPerSpecies[1];

        // Copy over the velocities.
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
          for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
            reactants[i].v[j] =
              speciesSets[ reactantIndices[i] ][ particleIndex[i] ].velocity[j];

        double relativeSpeed = magnitude( reactants[0].v - reactants[1].v );
        if ( relativeSpeed == 0.0 ) {

        // Find which branch to take using null collision method.
        std::pair< int, double > path =
          reactionBranches.calculateOutPath( maxSigmaSpeedProduct, relativeSpeed );

        // Skip it if there is no collision.
        if ( path.first < 0 ) {

        const InteractionDatabase::Set::Equation& selectedPath = reactionBranches.rhs[ path.first ];

        InteractionDatabase::Interaction::ParticleParam defaultParam;
        defaultParam.is_set = false; // because it doesn't have a default constructor yet.
        std::vector< InteractionDatabase::Interaction::ParticleParam > products( 5, defaultParam );
        selectedPath.interaction->interact( reactantPointers, products );

        // For elastic collisions, we just copy the velocities of the products.
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
          std::vector< Particle >& species = speciesSets[ reactantIndices[i] ];
          if ( products[i].is_set ) {
            // The original reactant was modified, but was not consumed.
            for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
              species[ particleIndex[i] ].velocity[j] = products[i].particle.v[j];
          } else {
            // The reactant was consumed. Remove it.
            species.erase( species.begin() + particleIndex[i] );

        // Add the new particles if there were any created.
        for ( int i = 2; i < 5; ++i ) {
          if ( products[i].is_set ) {
            Particle newParticle;
            for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
              newParticle.velocity[j] = products[i].particle.v[j];
            speciesSets[ selectedPath.products[i-2].species ].push_back( newParticle );

      } // collisionPair
    } // interaction
Exemplo n.º 9
auto project(Point<PRECISION> source, Point<PRECISION2> wall) {
	return multiply(wall, dotProduct(wall, source) / magnitudeSquared(wall));
Exemplo n.º 10
auto magnitude(Point<PRECISION> p) {
	return sqrt(magnitudeSquared(p));
 long double magnitude() const
     return sqrt(magnitudeSquared());
Exemplo n.º 12
	const T magnitude() const { return sqrt(magnitudeSquared()); }
Exemplo n.º 13
double FeatureVector::magnitude() const {
   return sqrt(magnitudeSquared());
Exemplo n.º 14
T magnitude(sf::Vector2<T> const& v) {
    return std::sqrt(magnitudeSquared(v));