Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: tty.c Projeto: stsrc/osdev
void terminal_moveAllUp(uint8_t li_to_cl)
	for (size_t y = 0; y < VGA_HEIGHT - li_to_cl; y++) {
		for (size_t x = 0; x < VGA_WIDTH; x++) {
			terminal_buffer[makeIndex(x, y)] = terminal_buffer[makeIndex(x, y+li_to_cl)];
			terminal_putentryat(' ', terminal_color, x, y+li_to_cl);
	terminal_row -= li_to_cl;
Exemplo n.º 2
void RemoveEntryCommand::redo()
    const QModelIndex index = makeIndex();
    m_isExpanded = m_view->isExpanded(index);
    m_entry = m_view->removeEntry(index);
Exemplo n.º 3
 bool ThresholdPressure::hasRegionBarrier(int r1 , int r2) const {
     std::pair<int,int> indexPair = makeIndex(r1,r2);
     if (m_pressureTable.find( indexPair ) == m_pressureTable.end())
         return false;
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void StableFluid3D::advectPressure(double dt)
	double xStep = width / (double)resX;
	double yStep = height / (double)resY;
	double zStep = depth / (double)resZ;

	double fOffsetsX[3] = { 0, yStep * 0.5, zStep * 0.5 };
	double fOffsetsY[3] = { xStep * 0.5, 0, zStep * 0.5 };
	double fOffsetsZ[3] = { xStep * 0.5, yStep * 0.5, 0 };

	for (int i = 0; i < resX; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < resY; ++j)
			for (int k = 0; k < resZ; ++k)
				vec3d pos;
				pos[0] = i*xStep;
				pos[1] = j*yStep;
				pos[2] = k*zStep;
				vec3d v = linearSamp(pos, velocities);
				pressure[makeIndex(i, j, k)] = linearSamp(pos - v * dt, tempPressure);
Exemplo n.º 5
void BeaconIterator::makeIndex(Beacon *beacon, bool isDFS, bool isFirst)
	if (isFirst)
		curIdx = -1;

	if (isDFS)
		// DFS. recursive
		for (size_t i = 0; i < beacon->childrenSize(); i++)
			makeIndex(beacon->childAt(i), isDFS, false/*isFirst*/);
		// BFS
		int cur = 0;
		Beacon *curBeacon;
		while(cur < (int)beaconIndex.size())
			curBeacon = beaconIndex[cur];
			for (size_t i = 0; i < curBeacon->childrenSize(); i++)
Exemplo n.º 6
void ModifyPropertyCommand::undo()

    // Save current text in m_after for redo()
    m_after = m_view->getCurrentValue(m_property);

    // Reset text to m_before
    m_view->changeValue(makeIndex(), m_property, m_before);
Exemplo n.º 7
void ModifyPropertyCommand::redo()
    // Prevent execution from within QUndoStack::push
    if (m_after.isNull())

    // Bring back text before undo
    m_view->changeValue(makeIndex(), m_property, m_after);
Exemplo n.º 8
 bool ThresholdPressure::hasThresholdPressure(int r1 , int r2) const {
     std::pair<int,int> indexPair = makeIndex(r1,r2);
     auto iter = m_pressureTable.find( indexPair );
     if (iter == m_pressureTable.end())
         return false;
     else {
         auto pair_pair = *iter;
         auto value_pair = pair_pair.second;
         return value_pair.first;
Exemplo n.º 9
void RemoveEntryCommand::undo()
    if (m_entry == 0) {
        Q_ASSERT(m_view != 0);
        const QModelIndex index = makeIndex();
        m_view->setExpanded(index, m_isExpanded);
double caplet_lmm(const Date& todaysDate_,
	const Date& settlementDate_,
	const Date& maturity_,
	Rate spot_,
	Rate strike,
	Rate Numeraire, //zero-coupon bond
	//Volatility volatility

	double correl,
	double a,
	double b,
	double c,
	double d


	//SavedSettings backup;

	const Size size = 10;

		const Real tolerance = 1e-5;
		const Real tolerance = 1e-12;

	boost::shared_ptr<IborIndex> index = makeIndex();

	boost::shared_ptr<LiborForwardModelProcess> process(new LiborForwardModelProcess(size, index));

	// set-up pricing engine
	const boost::shared_ptr<OptionletVolatilityStructure> capVolCurve = makeCapVolCurve(Settings::instance().evaluationDate());

	Array variances = LfmHullWhiteParameterization(process, capVolCurve).covariance(0.0).diagonal();

	boost::shared_ptr<LmVolatilityModel> volaModel(new LmFixedVolatilityModel(Sqrt(variances),process->fixingTimes()));

	boost::shared_ptr<LmCorrelationModel> corrModel(new LmExponentialCorrelationModel(size, correl));

	boost::shared_ptr<AffineModel> model(new LiborForwardModel(process, volaModel, corrModel));

	const Handle<YieldTermStructure> termStructure = process->index()->forwardingTermStructure();

	boost::shared_ptr<AnalyticCapFloorEngine> engine1(new AnalyticCapFloorEngine(model, termStructure));

	boost::shared_ptr<Cap> cap1(new Cap(process->cashFlows(),std::vector<Rate>(size, strike)));


	return cap1->NPV();

Exemplo n.º 11
    double ThresholdPressure::getThresholdPressure(int r1 , int r2) const {
        std::pair<int,int> indexPair = makeIndex(r1,r2);
        auto iter = m_pressureTable.find( indexPair );
        if (iter == m_pressureTable.end())
            return 0.0;
        else {
            auto pair_pair = *iter;
            auto value_pair = pair_pair.second;
            bool   valid = value_pair.first;
            double value = value_pair.second;
            if (valid)
                return value;
            else {
                std::string msg = "The THPRES value for regions " + std::to_string(r1) + " and " + std::to_string(r2) + " has not been initialized. Using 0.0";
                throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
                return 0;

Exemplo n.º 12
double StableFluid3D::linearSamp(double x, double y, double z, Vector& v) const
	x *= width / (double)resX;
	y *= height / (double)resY;
	z *= depth / (double)resZ;
	x = (x < 0 ? 0 : (x > width ? width : x));
	y = (y < 0 ? 0 : (y > height ? height : y));
	z = (z < 0 ? 0 : (z > depth ? depth : z));

	int x0 = (int)(x == width ? width - 1 : x);
	double xAlpha = x - x0;

	int y0 = (int)(y == height ? height - 1 : y);
	double yAlpha = y - y0;

	int z0 = (int)(z == depth ? depth - 1 : z);
	double zAlpha = z - z0;

	double dx = (1 - xAlpha) * v[makeIndex(x0, y0, z0)] + xAlpha * v[makeIndex(x0 + 1, y0, z0)];
	double dy = (1 - yAlpha) * v[makeIndex(x0, y0, z0)] + yAlpha * v[makeIndex(x0, y0 + 1, z0)];
	double dz = (1 - zAlpha) * v[makeIndex(x0, y0, z0)] + zAlpha * v[makeIndex(x0, y0, z0 + 1)];
	return (dx + dy + dz) / 3.0;
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: tty.c Projeto: stsrc/osdev
void terminal_putentryat(char c, uint8_t color, size_t x, size_t y) {
	const size_t index = makeIndex(x, y);
	terminal_buffer[index] = make_vgaentry(c, color);
Exemplo n.º 14
 void ThresholdPressure::addPair(int r1 , int r2 , const std::pair<bool , double>& valuePair) {
     std::pair<int,int> indexPair = makeIndex(r1,r2);
     m_pressureTable[indexPair] = valuePair;
Exemplo n.º 15
void StableFluid3D::projectVelocity(double dt)

	Vector divergence(vel.Length());
	// fill in velocities
	double dx = width / (double)resX;
	double dy = height / (double)resY;
	double dz = depth / (double)resZ;
	for (int i = 0; i < resX; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < resY; ++j)
			for (int k = 0; k < resZ; ++k)
				int index = makeIndex(i, j, k);

				double div = (tempVelocities[0][i + 1][j][k] - tempVelocities[0][i][j][k]) / dx + (tempVelocities[1][i][j + 1][k] - tempVelocities[1][i][j][k]) / dy + (tempVelocities[2][i][j][k + 1] - tempVelocities[2][i][j][k]) / dz;

				vel[index] = div;
				divergence[index] = div;

	//	vel *= density / dt;
	bool useOldPCG = false;
	if (useOldPCG)
		int k = 0;
		Vector laplacianTimesPressure(pressure.Length());
		laplacian.Multiply(pressure, laplacianTimesPressure);
		r[0] = vel - laplacianTimesPressure;
		double error = r[0].Magnitude2();
		while ((std::sqrt(error) > PCG_EPS) && (k < PCG_MAXITER))
			//cerr << "PCG iteration " << k << ", error: " << std::sqrt(error) << endl;
			ConjugateGradient(preconditioner, z[k % 2], r[k % 2], 0.0001, 500.0);

			int i1 = (k - 1) % 2;
			int i2 = k % 2;
			if (k == 1)
				p = z[0];
				double beta = (InnerProduct(r[i1], z[i1])) /
					(InnerProduct(r[i2], z[i2]));
				p *= beta;
				p += z[i1];
			Vector laplacianTimesP(p.Length());
			laplacian.Multiply(p, laplacianTimesP);
			double alpha = (InnerProduct(r[i1], z[i1])) /
				(InnerProduct(p, laplacianTimesP));
			pressure += alpha * p;
			r[i2] = r[i1] - alpha * (laplacianTimesP);
			error = r[i2].Magnitude2();
		if (std::sqrt(error) > PCG_EPS)
			std::cout << "end preconditioned conj grad " << "error: " << error << std::endl;
		p = Vector(vel.Length());
		r[0] = divergence;
		//ApplyPreconditioner(r[0], z[0]);
		double sigma = InnerProduct(r[0], z[0]);

		int k = 0;
		double error = r[0].Magnitude2();
		while (k < PCG_MAXITER)
			Vector s(vel.Length());
			s = z[0];
			int k = 0;
			laplacian.Multiply(s, z[0]);
			double rho = 1.0;
			double alpha = rho / InnerProduct(s, z[0]);
			p += alpha * s;
			r[0] -= alpha * z[0];
			error = r[0].Magnitude2();
			if (error < PCG_EPS * PCG_EPS)
				pressure = p;
			//ApplyPreconditioner(r[0], z[0]);
			double sigmaNew = InnerProduct(r[0], z[0]);
			double beta = sigmaNew / rho;
			s = z[0] + beta * s;
			sigma = sigmaNew;
		Vector laplacianTimesPressure(pressure.Length());
		laplacian.Multiply(pressure, laplacianTimesPressure);
		r[0] = vel - laplacianTimesPressure;
		error = r[0].Magnitude2();
		while ((std::sqrt(error) > PCG_EPS) && (k < PCG_MAXITER))
			//cerr << "PCG iteration " << k << ", error: " << std::sqrt(error) << endl;
			ConjugateGradient(preconditioner, z[k % 2], r[k % 2], 0.0001, 500.0);

			int i1 = (k - 1) % 2;
			int i2 = k % 2;
			if (k == 1)
				p = z[0];
				double beta = (InnerProduct(r[i1], z[i1])) /
					(InnerProduct(r[i2], z[i2]));
				p *= beta;
				p += z[i1];
			Vector laplacianTimesP(p.Length());
			laplacian.Multiply(p, laplacianTimesP);
			double alpha = (InnerProduct(r[i1], z[i1])) /
				(InnerProduct(p, laplacianTimesP));
			pressure += alpha * p;
			r[i2] = r[i1] - alpha * (laplacianTimesP);
			error = r[i2].Magnitude2();
		if (std::sqrt(error) > PCG_EPS)
			std::cout << "end preconditioned conj grad " << "error: " << error << std::endl;

	mathlib::Vector PCGr, PCGd, PCGq, PCGs;
	PCGr.Resize(resX * resY * resZ);
	PCGd.Resize(resX * resY * resZ);
	PCGq.Resize(resX * resY * resZ);
	PCGs.Resize(resX * resY * resZ);

	int iter = 0;
	PCGr = vel - laplacian * pressure;
	mathlib::ConjugateGradient(preconditioner, PCGd, PCGr);
	double deltaNew = mathlib::InnerProduct(PCGr, PCGd);
	double errBound = PCG_EPS * PCG_EPS * deltaNew;

	while ((iter < PCG_MAXITER)  && (deltaNew > errBound))
	if (!(iter % 3))
	cerr << "iteration " << iter << ", error: " << deltaNew << endl;
	PCGq = laplacian * PCGd;
	double alpha = deltaNew / (mathlib::InnerProduct(PCGd, PCGq));
	pressure += alpha * PCGd;
	if ((iter % 10) == 0)
	PCGr = vel - laplacian * pressure;
	PCGr -= alpha * PCGq;

	mathlib::ConjugateGradient(preconditioner, PCGs, PCGr);
	double deltaOld = deltaNew;
	deltaNew = mathlib::InnerProduct(PCGr, PCGs);
	double beta = deltaNew / deltaOld;
	PCGd *= beta;
	PCGd += PCGs;
	cout << "end preconditioned conj grad "<< "error: " << deltaNew << endl;
	std::cout << "dt:" << dt << "\t density:" << density << std::endl;
	//	dt = 1.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < resX; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < resY; ++j)
			for (int k = 0; k < resZ; ++k)
				int i1 = makeIndex(i, j, k);
				int i2;

				double deltaPressure;
				i2 = (i == 0 ? i1 : i1 - 1);
				velocities[0][i][j][k] = tempVelocities[0][i][j][k] - dt* 0.5 * (pressure[i1] - pressure[i2]) / dx;
				deltaPressure = pressure[i1] - pressure[i2];

				i2 = (j == 0 ? i1 : i1 - resX);
				velocities[1][i][j][k] = tempVelocities[1][i][j][k] - dt *  0.5 * (pressure[i1] - pressure[i2]) / dy;
				deltaPressure = pressure[i1] - pressure[i2];

				i2 = (k == 0 ? i1 : i1 - resY * resX);
				velocities[2][i][j][k] = tempVelocities[2][i][j][k] - dt * 0.5 * (pressure[i1] - pressure[i2]) / dz;
				deltaPressure = pressure[i1] - pressure[i2];
Exemplo n.º 16
void StableFluid3D::initPoisson()
	int n = resX * resY * resZ;

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)


	SparseMatrix hTranspose;
	SparseMatrix h;

	laplacian = SparseMatrix(n, n);
	hTranspose = SparseMatrix(n, n);
	h = SparseMatrix(n, n);
	preconditioner = SparseMatrix(n, n);


	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		ones[i] = 1;

	double rdxSqr = (resX * resX) / (width * width);
	double rdySqr = (resY * resY) / (height * height);
	double rdzSqr = (resZ * resZ) / (depth * depth);

	// initialize values for the laplacian matrix
	for (int i = 0; i < resX; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < resY; ++j)
			for (int k = 0; k < resZ; ++k)
				int row = makeIndex(i, j, k);

				int x1 = (i == (resX - 1) ? row : row + 1);
				int x2 = (i == 0 ? row : row - 1);

				int y1 = (j == (resY - 1) ? row : row + resX);
				int y2 = (j == 0 ? row : row - resX);

				int z1 = (k == (resZ - 1) ? row : row + resY * resX);
				int z2 = (k == 0 ? row : row - resY * resX);

				laplacian[row][row] += 6 * (rdxSqr + rdySqr + rdzSqr);
				laplacian[row][x1] -= rdxSqr;
				laplacian[row][x2] -= rdxSqr;
				laplacian[row][y1] -= rdySqr;
				laplacian[row][y2] -= rdySqr;
				laplacian[row][z1] -= rdzSqr;
				laplacian[row][z2] -= rdzSqr;

	// perform Cholesky preconditioning
	// decompose laplacian into H * H^T
	SparseVector::iterator iter;

	hTranspose = laplacian.Transpose();
	SparseMatrix& A = hTranspose;
	for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
		SparseVector::iterator aik(A[k]);

		if (aik.getIndex() != k)

		double divisor = std::sqrt(*aik);

		*aik = divisor;

		while (aik)
			*aik /= divisor;

		SparseVector::iterator ajk(A[k]);
		ajk.seek(k + 1);

		while (ajk)
			int j = ajk.getIndex();

			SparseVector::iterator aij(A[j]);

			while (aij && aik)
				int i = aij.getIndex();
				if (aik.getIndex() == i)
					*aij -= (*aik) * (*ajk);

				if (aij)
					i = aij.getIndex();

					while (aik && aik.getIndex() < i)

	h = hTranspose.Transpose();

	//	cerr<<"Sparsity of laplacian is " << laplacian.Sparsity() << endl;

	preconditioner = h.FastMultiplyTranspose();

	int maxIndex = resX * resY * resZ;
	//	for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; ++i)
	//		preconditioner[i][i] = 1;

	//	cerr<<"Sparsity of preconditioner is " << preconditioner.Sparsity() << endl;