Exemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	int ret;

	srand (time (0));	/* CL: do this only once! */

	/* We must check for the config dir parameter, otherwise load_config() will behave incorrectly.
	 * load_config() must come before fe_args() because fe_args() calls gtk_init() which needs to
	 * know the language which is set in the config. The code below is copy-pasted from fe_args()
	 * for the most part. */
	if (argc >= 3)
		for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++)
			if (strcmp (argv[i], "-d") == 0)
				if (xdir)
					g_free (xdir);

				xdir = strdup (argv[i + 1]);

				if (xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
					xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] = 0;

#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0)
	g_type_init ();

	if (check_config_dir () == 0)
		if (load_config () != 0)
			load_default_config ();
	} else
		/* this is probably the first run */
		load_default_config ();
		make_config_dirs ();
		make_dcc_dirs ();

	/* we MUST do this after load_config () AND before fe_init (thus gtk_init) otherwise it will fail */
	set_locale ();

#ifdef SOCKS
	SOCKSinit (argv[0]);

	ret = fe_args (argc, argv);
	if (ret != -1)
		return ret;
#ifdef USE_DBUS
	hexchat_remote ();

	libproxy_factory = px_proxy_factory_new();

	fe_init ();

	/* This is done here because cfgfiles.c is too early in
	* the startup process to use gtk functions. */
	if (g_access (get_xdir (), W_OK) != 0)
		char buf[2048];

		g_snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf),
			_("You do not have write access to %s. Nothing from this session can be saved."),
			get_xdir ());
		fe_message (buf, FE_MSG_ERROR);

#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef __EMX__
	/* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */
	if (getuid () == 0)
		fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
			      "  create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN|FE_MSG_WAIT);
#endif /* !WIN32 */

	xchat_init ();

	fe_main ();


#ifdef WIN32
	WSACleanup ();

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	int ret;

        // BEGIN NEW CODE
        server *fake_serv;
        GIOChannel *channel;
        session *sess;
        // END NEW CODE

#ifdef WIN32
	HRESULT coinit_result;

	srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL)); /* CL: do this only once! */

	/* We must check for the config dir parameter, otherwise load_config() will behave incorrectly.
	 * load_config() must come before fe_args() because fe_args() calls gtk_init() which needs to
	 * know the language which is set in the config. The code below is copy-pasted from fe_args()
	 * for the most part. */
	if (argc >= 2)
		for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
			if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-d") == 0 || strcmp (argv[i], "--cfgdir") == 0)
				&& i + 1 < argc)
				xdir = g_strdup (argv[i + 1]);
			else if (strncmp (argv[i], "--cfgdir=", 9) == 0)
				xdir = g_strdup (argv[i] + 9);

			if (xdir != NULL)
				if (xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
					xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] = 0;

#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0)
        // RFM: Don't think we hit this
	g_type_init ();

	if (check_config_dir () == 0)
		if (load_config () != 0)
			load_default_config ();
	} else
		/* this is probably the first run */
		load_default_config ();
		make_config_dirs ();
		make_dcc_dirs ();

	/* we MUST do this after load_config () AND before fe_init (thus gtk_init) otherwise it will fail */
	// RFM: Does nothing on *NIX
        set_locale ();

        // RFM: Parses some command line crap. Not important
	ret = fe_args (argc, argv);
	if (ret != -1)
		return ret;
#ifdef USE_DBUS
	hexchat_remote ();

        // RFM: Not using
	libproxy_factory = px_proxy_factory_new();

#ifdef WIN32
	coinit_result = CoInitializeEx (NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);
	if (SUCCEEDED (coinit_result))

        // RFM: Inits some fe-text stuff
	fe_init ();

        // RFM: Pretty sure this just allows us to save chats...
	/* This is done here because cfgfiles.c is too early in
	* the startup process to use gtk functions. */
	if (g_access (get_xdir (), W_OK) != 0)
		char buf[2048];

		g_snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf),
			_("You do not have write access to %s. Nothing from this session can be saved."),
			get_xdir ());
		fe_message (buf, FE_MSG_ERROR);

        // RFM: Checks if root on *NIX 
#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef __EMX__
	/* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */
	if (getuid () == 0)
		fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
			      "  create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN|FE_MSG_WAIT);
#endif /* !WIN32 */

        // RFM: Loads a bunch of configure options
	xchat_init ();

        // BEGIN NEW CODE
        fake_serv = server_new();
        fake_serv->sok = STDIN_FILENO;
        //        fake_serv->pos = 0; //??? 
        sess = session_new(fake_serv, "fake_sess", SESS_CHANNEL, 0);
        fake_serv->server_session = sess;
        fake_serv->front_session = sess;
        channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(STDIN_FILENO);
        g_io_add_watch(channel, G_IO_IN, (GIOFunc)server_read, fake_serv);
        //g_io_add_watch(channel, G_IO_IN, (GIOFunc)io_callback, fake_serv);
        // END NEW CODE

	fe_main ();

#ifdef WIN32
	if (SUCCEEDED (coinit_result))
		CoUninitialize ();


#ifdef WIN32
	WSACleanup ();

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	int ret;

	srand (time (0));	/* CL: do this only once! */

	/* We must check for the config dir parameter, otherwise load_config() will behave incorrectly.
	 * load_config() must come before fe_args() because fe_args() calls gtk_init() which needs to
	 * know the language which is set in the config. The code below is copy-pasted from fe_args()
	 * for the most part. */
	if (argc >= 3)
		for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++)
			if (strcmp (argv[i], "-d") == 0)
				if (xdir)
					g_free (xdir);

				xdir = strdup (argv[i + 1]);

				if (xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
					xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] = 0;

#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0)
	g_type_init ();

	if (check_config_dir () == 0)
		if (load_config () != 0)
			load_default_config ();
	} else
		/* this is probably the first run */
		load_default_config ();
		make_config_dirs (); /* FIXME: if this fail display an error (?) */
		make_dcc_dirs ();

	/* we MUST do this after load_config () AND before fe_init (thus gtk_init) otherwise it will fail */
	set_locale ();

#ifdef SOCKS
	SOCKSinit (argv[0]);

	ret = fe_args (argc, argv);
	if (ret != -1)
		return ret;
#ifdef USE_DBUS
	hexchat_remote ();

	libproxy_factory = px_proxy_factory_new();

	fe_init ();

#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef __EMX__
	/* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */
	if (getuid () == 0)
		fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
			      "  create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN|FE_MSG_WAIT);
#endif /* !WIN32 */

	xchat_init ();

	fe_main ();


	if (ctx)
		_SSL_context_free (ctx);

#ifdef USE_DEBUG
	hexchat_mem_list ();

#ifdef WIN32
	WSACleanup ();

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	int ret;

#ifdef WIN32
	HRESULT coinit_result;

	srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL)); /* CL: do this only once! */

	/* We must check for the config dir parameter, otherwise load_config() will behave incorrectly.
	 * load_config() must come before fe_args() because fe_args() calls gtk_init() which needs to
	 * know the language which is set in the config. The code below is copy-pasted from fe_args()
	 * for the most part. */
	if (argc >= 2)
		for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
			if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-d") == 0 || strcmp (argv[i], "--cfgdir") == 0)
				&& i + 1 < argc)
				xdir = g_strdup (argv[i + 1]);
			else if (strncmp (argv[i], "--cfgdir=", 9) == 0)
				xdir = g_strdup (argv[i] + 9);

			if (xdir != NULL)
				if (xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
					xdir[strlen (xdir) - 1] = 0;

#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0)
	g_type_init ();

	if (check_config_dir () == 0)
		if (load_config () != 0)
			load_default_config ();
	} else
		/* this is probably the first run */
		load_default_config ();
		make_config_dirs ();
		make_dcc_dirs ();

	/* we MUST do this after load_config () AND before fe_init (thus gtk_init) otherwise it will fail */
	set_locale ();

	ret = fe_args (argc, argv);
	if (ret != -1)
		return ret;
#ifdef USE_DBUS
	hexchat_remote ();

	libproxy_factory = px_proxy_factory_new();

#ifdef WIN32
	coinit_result = CoInitializeEx (NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);
	if (SUCCEEDED (coinit_result))

	fe_init ();

	/* This is done here because cfgfiles.c is too early in
	* the startup process to use gtk functions. */
	if (g_access (get_xdir (), W_OK) != 0)
		char buf[2048];

		g_snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf),
			_("You do not have write access to %s. Nothing from this session can be saved."),
			get_xdir ());
		fe_message (buf, FE_MSG_ERROR);

#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef __EMX__
	/* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */
	if (getuid () == 0)
		fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
			      "  create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN|FE_MSG_WAIT);
#endif /* !WIN32 */

	xchat_init ();

	fe_main ();

#ifdef WIN32
	if (SUCCEEDED (coinit_result))
		CoUninitialize ();


#ifdef WIN32
	WSACleanup ();

	return 0;