Exemplo n.º 1
BOOL Exporter::CheckForAndExportFaceMap(Mtl* mtl, Mesh* mesh, int indentLevel)
	if (!mtl || !mesh) {
		return FALSE;
	ULONG matreq = mtl->Requirements(-1);
	// Are we using face mapping?
	if (!(matreq & MTLREQ_FACEMAP)) {
		return FALSE;
	// OK, we have a FaceMap situation here...
	for (int i=0; i<mesh->getNumFaces(); i++) {
		Point3 tv[3];
		Face* f = &mesh->faces[i];
		make_face_uv(f, tv);
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
void XsiExp::ExportMesh( INode * node, TimeValue t, int indentLevel)
	ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(t);
	if (!os.obj || os.obj->SuperClassID() != GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID)
		return; // Safety net. This shouldn't happen.
	BOOL needDel;
	TriObject * tri = GetTriObjectFromNode(node, t, needDel);
	if (!tri)
    // no tri object
  // prepare mesh
  Mesh * mesh = &tri->GetMesh();

  // object offset matrix; apply to verts
  // swap y and z; max to soft correction
  Matrix3 matrix(1);
  //  translate
  matrix.PreTranslate( Point3( node->GetObjOffsetPos().x, node->GetObjOffsetPos().z, -node->GetObjOffsetPos().y));

  // rotate
  AngAxis aa( node->GetObjOffsetRot());
  float temp = aa.axis.z;
  aa.axis.z = -aa.axis.y;
  aa.axis.y = temp;
  PreRotateMatrix(matrix, Quat( aa));

  // scale
  ScaleValue scale = node->GetObjOffsetScale();
  aa.Set( scale.q);
  temp = aa.axis.z;
  aa.axis.z = -aa.axis.y;
  aa.axis.y = temp;
  scale.q.Set( aa);
  temp = scale.s.z;
  scale.s.z = scale.s.y;
  scale.s.y = temp;
  ApplyScaling(matrix, scale);

  // apply root transform
  matrix = matrix * topMatrix;
  // only rotation for normals
  AffineParts ap;
  Matrix3 rotMatrix(1);
  decomp_affine( matrix, &ap);
  PreRotateMatrix( rotMatrix, ap.q);

  // set winding order
	int vx1 = 0, vx2 = 1, vx3 = 2;
	if (TMNegParity( node->GetNodeTM(GetStaticFrame())) != TMNegParity( matrix) )
    // negative scaling; invert winding order and normal rotation
		vx1 = 2;	vx2 = 1;	vx3 = 0;
    rotMatrix = rotMatrix * Matrix3( Point3(-1,0,0), Point3(0,-1,0), Point3(0,0,-1), Point3(0,0,0));

  // header
	TSTR indent = GetIndent(indentLevel+1);
	fprintf(pStream, "%s%s %s {\n",indent.data(), "Mesh", FixupName(node->GetName()));

  // write number of verts
  int numLoop = mesh->getNumVerts();
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%d;\n",indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write verts
	for (int i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		Point3 v = mesh->verts[i];
		float temp = v.z;
    v.z = -v.y;
    v.y = temp;
		v = matrix * v;
		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), v.x, v.y, v.z, 
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
  // write number of faces
  numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces();
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write faces
	for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t3;%d,%d,%d;%s\n",
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");

  // face materials
	Mtl * nodeMtl = node->GetMtl();
  int numMtls = !nodeMtl || !nodeMtl->NumSubMtls() ? 1 : nodeMtl->NumSubMtls();

	// write face material list header	
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\tMeshMaterialList {\n", indent.data());
  // write number of materials
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numMtls);
  // write number of faces
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write face material indices (1 for each face)
  for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
    int index = numMtls ? mesh->faces[i].getMatID() % numMtls : 0;
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");

  // write the materials
  ExportMaterial( node, indentLevel+2);

  // verts close brace
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n",indent.data());

  // write normals header
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s {\n", indent.data(), "SI_MeshNormals");
	// write number of normals
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop * 3);

  // write normals (3 for each face)
	for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		Face * f = &mesh->faces[i];
		int vert = f->getVert(vx1);

		Point3 vn = GetVertexNormal(mesh, i, mesh->getRVertPtr(vert));
    float temp = vn.z;
    vn.z = -vn.y;
    vn.y = temp;
		vn = rotMatrix * vn;
		fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;,\n", indent.data(), vn.x, vn.y, vn.z);

		vert = f->getVert(vx2);
		vn = GetVertexNormal(mesh, i, mesh->getRVertPtr(vert));
    temp = vn.z;
    vn.z = -vn.y;
    vn.y = temp;
		vn = rotMatrix * vn;
		fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;,\n", indent.data(), vn.x, vn.y, vn.z);
		vert = f->getVert(vx3);
		vn = GetVertexNormal(mesh, i, mesh->getRVertPtr(vert));
    temp = vn.z;
    vn.z = -vn.y;
    vn.y = temp;
		vn = rotMatrix * vn;
		fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), vn.x, vn.y, vn.z,
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
  // write number of faces
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write faces
  for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
	  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;3;%d,%d,%d;%s\n",
      i * 3 + vx1, i * 3 + vx2, i * 3 + vx3,
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
  // normals close brace
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n",indent.data());

	// texcoords
	if (nodeMtl && mesh && (nodeMtl->Requirements(-1) & MTLREQ_FACEMAP))
    // facemapping
    numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces() * 3;

    // write texture coords header
    fprintf(pStream, "%s\tSI_MeshTextureCoords {\n", indent.data());
    // write number of texture coords
    fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

    // write texture coords
	  for (int i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		  Point3 tv[3];
		  Face * f = &mesh->faces[i];
		  make_face_uv( f, tv);
		  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;,\n",  indent.data(), tv[0].x, tv[0].y);
		  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;,\n",  indent.data(), tv[1].x, tv[1].y);
		  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), tv[2].x, tv[2].y,
        i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
    // write number of faces
    numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces();
	  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

    // write faces
	  for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
        i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
    // texture coords close brace
	  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n", indent.data());
		numLoop = mesh->getNumTVerts();

		if (numLoop)
      // write texture coords header
  		fprintf(pStream, "%s\tSI_MeshTextureCoords {\n", indent.data());
      // write number of texture coords
  		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

      // write texture coords
			for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
				UVVert tv = mesh->tVerts[i];
				fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), tv.x, tv.y,
        i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
      // write number of faces
      numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces();
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

      // write faces
			for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
          i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
      // texture coords close brace
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n", indent.data());

	// Export color per vertex info
	if (GetIncludeVertexColors()) {
		int numCVx = mesh->numCVerts;

		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s %d\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_NUMCVERTEX, numCVx);
		if (numCVx) {
			fprintf(pStream,"%s\t%s {\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_CVERTLIST);
			for (i=0; i<numCVx; i++) {
				Point3 vc = mesh->vertCol[i];
				fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%s %d\t%s\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_VERTCOL, i, Format(vc));
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s %d\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_NUMCVFACES, mesh->getNumFaces());

			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s {\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_CFACELIST);
			for (i=0; i<mesh->getNumFaces(); i++) {
				fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%s %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
					ID_MESH_CFACE, i,
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n",indent.data());

  // Mesh close brace
	fprintf(pStream, "%s}\n",indent.data());
  // dispose of tri object
  if (needDel)
		delete tri;