List *expected_lists(int i){ switch (i){ case 0: return make_list(1, &LEFT_PAREN); case 1: case 2: return make_list(2, &LEFT_PAREN, integer_token(45, "45")); case 3: return make_list(2, double_token(34.6, "34.6"), &RIGHT_PAREN); case 4: return make_list(3, &LEFT_PAREN, identifier_token("fred", "fred"), &RIGHT_PAREN); case 5: case 6: return make_list(3, &LEFT_PAREN, identifier_token("x", "x"), &LEFT_PAREN); case 7: return make_list(1, string_token("fred")); case 8: return make_list(1, char_token('a')); case 9: return make_list(4, &LEFT_PAREN, char_token('x'), char_token('y'), &RIGHT_PAREN); } }
/* * #define * (C99 6.10.3 Macro replacement) */ static void read_define(CppContext *ctx) { Token *name = read_cpp_token(ctx); if (name->toktype != TOKTYPE_IDENT) error_cpp_ctx(ctx, "macro name must be an identifier, but got '%s'", token_to_string(name)); bool is_space = is_next_space(ctx); Token *tok = read_cpp_token(ctx); if (!is_space && tok && is_punct(tok, '(')) { read_funclike_define(ctx, name->val.str); return; } List *body = make_list(); while (tok && tok->toktype != TOKTYPE_NEWLINE) { list_push(body, tok); tok = read_cpp_token(ctx); } store_macro(ctx, name->val.str, make_obj_macro(body)); }
static value make_array(cstlist csts, fncode fn) { struct list *l; struct vector *v; uvalue size = 0, i; cstlist scan; for (scan = csts; scan; scan = scan->next) size++; /* This intermediate step is necessary as v is IMMUTABLE (so must be allocated after its contents) */ l = make_list(NULL, csts, 0, FALSE, fn); GCPRO1(l); v = alloc_vector(size); SET_IMMUTABLE(v); SET_READONLY(v); GCPOP(1); for (i = 0; i < size; i++, l = l->cdr) v->data[i] = l->car; return v; }
value make_constant(constant c) { struct obj *cst; switch (c->vclass) { case cst_string: cst = (value)alloc_string_length(c->u.string.str, c->u.string.len); cst->flags |= OBJ_READONLY | OBJ_IMMUTABLE; return cst; case cst_list: return make_list(c->u.constants); case cst_array: return make_array(c->u.constants); case cst_int: return makeint(c->u.integer); case cst_float: return (value)alloc_mudlle_float(c->u.mudlle_float); case cst_bigint: return make_bigint(c->u.bigint_str); case cst_table: return make_table(c->u.constants); case cst_symbol: return make_symbol(c->u.constpair); default: abort(); } }
VCSI_OBJECT get_localtime_list(VCSI_CONTEXT vc, VCSI_OBJECT x) { struct tm* lt; time_t tt; check_arg_type(vc,x,LNGNUM,"localtime->list"); tt = LNGN(x); lt = localtime(&tt); return make_list(vc,9,make_long(vc,lt->tm_sec), make_long(vc,lt->tm_min), make_long(vc,lt->tm_hour), make_long(vc,lt->tm_mday), make_long(vc,lt->tm_mon), make_long(vc,lt->tm_year+1900), make_long(vc,lt->tm_wday), make_long(vc,lt->tm_yday), make_long(vc,lt->tm_isdst)); }
value make_constant(constant c, bool save_location, fncode fn) { struct obj *cst; switch (c->vclass) { case cst_string: cst = (value)alloc_string(c->u.string); SET_READONLY(cst); SET_IMMUTABLE(cst); return cst; case cst_gsymbol: return make_gsymbol(c->u.string, fn); case cst_quote: return make_quote(c, save_location, fn); case cst_list: return make_list(c, c->u.constants, 1, save_location, fn); case cst_array: return make_array(c->u.constants, fn); case cst_int: return makeint(c->u.integer); case cst_float: return alloc_mudlle_float(c->u.mudlle_float); case cst_table: return make_table(c->u.constants, fn); case cst_symbol: return make_symbol(c->u.constpair, fn); default: abort(); } }
void * run_one_test(void * arg) { ln * x = make_list(1, LIST_LENGTH); int i; char *p = AO_malloc(LARGE_OBJ_SIZE); char *q; if (0 == p) { fprintf(stderr, "AO_malloc(%d) failed: This is normal without mmap\n", LARGE_OBJ_SIZE); AO_free(p); } else { p[0] = p[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE/2] = p[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE-1] = 'a'; q = AO_malloc(LARGE_OBJ_SIZE); q[0] = q[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE/2] = q[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE-1] = 'b'; if (p[0] != 'a' || p[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE/2] != 'a' || p[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE-1] != 'a') { fprintf(stderr, "First large allocation smashed\n"); abort(); } AO_free(p); if (q[0] != 'b' || q[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE/2] != 'b' || q[LARGE_OBJ_SIZE-1] != 'b') { fprintf(stderr, "Second large allocation smashed\n"); abort(); } AO_free(q); } # ifdef DEBUG_RUN_ONE_TEST x = reverse(x, 0); print_list(x); x = reverse(x, 0); print_list(x); # endif for (i = 0; i < N_REVERSALS; ++i) { x = reverse(x, 0); } check_list(x, 1, LIST_LENGTH); return 0; }
/* Matrix inverse */ SEXP R_PDGETRI(SEXP A, SEXP DESCA) { R_INIT; int IJ = 1; SEXP RET, RET_NAMES, INFO, INV; newRvec(INFO, 1, "int"); newRmat(INV, nrows(A), ncols(A), "dbl"); // Compute inverse pdinv_(DBLP(A), &IJ, &IJ, INTP(DESCA), DBLP(INV), INTP(INFO)); // Manage return RET_NAMES = make_list_names(2, "info", "A"); RET = make_list(RET_NAMES, 2, INFO, INV); R_END; return RET; }
int main() { int i; int n, k; int v; int unique; List * list = NULL; Snode * head = NULL; Qnode * qnode = NULL; list = make_list(list); printf("Enter n, k: "); scanf("%d %d", &n, &k); for (i=0; i<k; i++) { // initializing scanf("%d", &v); list = push_back(make_Qnode(v), list); head = insert_value(v, head); } unique = search_unique_value(head); if (unique!=MAX_INT) { printf("%d\n", unique); } else { printf("Nothing\n"); } for (i=0; i<n-k; i++) { scanf("%d", &v); list = push_back(make_Qnode(v), list); head = insert_value(v, head); qnode = pop_front(list); head = reduce_value(qnode->data, head); free(qnode); unique = search_unique_value(head); if (unique!=MAX_INT) { printf("%d\n", unique); } else { printf("Nothing\n"); } } //print_list(list); return 0; }
/* Solving systems of linear equations */ SEXP R_PDGESV(SEXP N, SEXP NRHS, SEXP MXLDIMS, SEXP A, SEXP DESCA, SEXP B, SEXP DESCB) { R_INIT; int IJ = 1; int * ipiv; double *A_cp; SEXP RET, RET_NAMES, INFO, B_OUT; newRvec(INFO, 1, "int"); newRmat(B_OUT, nrows(B), ncols(B), "dbl"); // Copy A and B since pdgesv writes in place A_cp = (double *) R_alloc(nrows(A)*ncols(A), sizeof(double)); //FIXME check returns... memcpy(A_cp, DBLP(A), nrows(A)*ncols(A)*sizeof(double)); memcpy(DBLP(B_OUT), DBLP(B), nrows(B)*ncols(B)*sizeof(double)); // Call pdgesv ipiv = (int *) R_alloc(INT(MXLDIMS, 0) + INT(DESCA, 5), sizeof(int)); /* ipiv = (int *) R_alloc(nrows(B) + INT(DESCA, 5), sizeof(int));*/ INT(INFO, 0) = 0; pdgesv_(INTP(N), INTP(NRHS), A_cp, &IJ, &IJ, INTP(DESCA), ipiv, DBLP(B_OUT), &IJ, &IJ, INTP(DESCB), INTP(INFO)); // Manage return RET_NAMES = make_list_names(2, "info", "B"); RET = make_list(RET_NAMES, 2, INFO, B_OUT); R_END; return RET; }
ATerm lf_list_1 ( ATerm arg0 ) { { ATerm tmp [ 1 ] ; FUNC_ENTRY ( lf_list_1sym , ATmakeAppl ( lf_list_1sym , arg0 ) ) ; { ATerm ltmp [ 1 ] ; lbl_lf_list_1 : ltmp [ 0 ] = arg0 ; ( tmp [ 0 ] = ltmp [ 0 ] ) ; { ATerm atmp01110 ; ATerm atmp0110 [ 2 ] ; ATerm atmp010 ; ATerm atmp00 [ 2 ] ; ( atmp00 [ 0 ] = tmp [ 0 ] ) ; ( atmp00 [ 1 ] = tmp [ 0 ] ) ; while ( not_empty_list ( tmp [ 0 ] ) ) { ( atmp010 = list_head ( tmp [ 0 ] ) ) ; ( tmp [ 0 ] = list_tail ( tmp [ 0 ] ) ) ; ( atmp0110 [ 0 ] = tmp [ 0 ] ) ; ( atmp0110 [ 1 ] = tmp [ 0 ] ) ; while ( not_empty_list ( tmp [ 0 ] ) ) { ( atmp01110 = list_head ( tmp [ 0 ] ) ) ; ( tmp [ 0 ] = list_tail ( tmp [ 0 ] ) ) ; if ( term_equal ( atmp010 , atmp01110 ) ) { ( arg0 = cons ( slice ( atmp00 [ 0 ] , atmp00 [ 1 ] ) , cons ( make_list ( atmp010 ) , cons ( slice ( atmp0110 [ 0 ] , atmp0110 [ 1 ] ) , tmp [ 0 ] ) ) ) ) ; goto lbl_lf_list_1 ; } ( atmp0110 [ 1 ] = list_tail ( atmp0110 [ 1 ] ) ) ; ( tmp [ 0 ] = atmp0110 [ 1 ] ) ; } ( atmp00 [ 1 ] = list_tail ( atmp00 [ 1 ] ) ) ; ( tmp [ 0 ] = atmp00 [ 1 ] ) ; } } FUNC_EXIT ( make_nf1 ( lf_list_1sym , ltmp [ 0 ] ) ) ; } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { const int seed = 1234; srand(seed); long list_size = 1000; int max_threads = omp_get_max_threads(); int num_threads = 1; int nodes_to_print = 10; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:s:t:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'p': nodes_to_print = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 's': list_size = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 't': num_threads = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; default: printf("usage: %s -p <nodes_to_print> -s <list_size> -t <num_threads>\n", argv[0]); } } omp_set_num_threads(num_threads); printf("// list_size = %ld, num_threads = %d, max_threads = %d\n", list_size, num_threads, max_threads); struct node* first = make_list(list_size); print_list(first, nodes_to_print); printf("// processing...\n"); process_list(first); print_list(first, nodes_to_print); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/* Cholesky */ SEXP R_PDPOTRF(SEXP N, SEXP A, SEXP DESCA, SEXP UPLO) { R_INIT; int IJ = 1; SEXP RET, RET_NAMES, INFO, C; newRvec(INFO, 1, "int"); newRmat(C, nrows(A), ncols(A), "dbl"); // Compute chol memcpy(DBLP(C), DBLP(A), nrows(A)*ncols(A)*sizeof(double)); INT(INFO, 0) = 0; pdpotrf_(STR(UPLO, 0), INTP(N), DBLP(C), &IJ, &IJ, INTP(DESCA), INTP(INFO)); // Manage return RET_NAMES = make_list_names(2, "info", "A"); RET = make_list(RET_NAMES, 2, INFO, C); R_END; return(RET); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { thrd_t thrd1,thrd2,thrd3,thrd4; time_t tm; srand((unsigned int)time(&tm)); curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32/*CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT*/);// without ssl //initMqcdnMap(&map); //initOSMMap(&map); initBingMap(&map); //initYahooMap(&map); //not work //initYndexMap(&map); glutInitWindowSize(veiwport[0], veiwport[1]); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE); glutCreateWindow("glutplanet"); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutMotionFunc(mousemove); glutIdleFunc(idle); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutDisplayFunc(draw); tiles = make_list(); tiles_get = make_synclist(); thrd_create(&thrd1,worker_thread,0); thrd_create(&thrd2,worker_thread,0); thrd_create(&thrd3,worker_thread,0); thrd_create(&thrd4,worker_thread,0); crd_setz(¢er,0.5,0.5,0); //double z = log2(veiwport[0]<veiwport[1]?veiwport[0]:veiwport[1] / 256.0); crd_zoomto(¢er,log2(veiwport[0]<veiwport[1]?veiwport[0]:veiwport[1] / 256.0)); make_tiles(); atexit(do_exit); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
int main() { list_t l = make_list(); char _[] = "deadbeef"; char *msg = _; for (;*msg != '\0';msg++) { insert(*msg, header(l)); } traversal(print_node, l); sep; printf("%c", find('a', l)->e); sep; insert('v', find('a', l)); traversal(print_node, l); sep; traversal(print_node, pop('e', l)); sep; destory(l); printf("%d %d", is_empty(l), is_last(header(l))); sep; return 0; }
/** Create a list of surfaces. */ list356_t* get_surfaces() { debug("get_surfaces()") ; // Spheres along the negative x, y, and z axes. list356_t* surfaces = make_list() ; surface_t* z_sphere ; for (float x=0.0; x>=-40.0; x-=3.0) { lst_add(surfaces, make_sphere(x, 0.0, 0.0f, 1.0f, &GREEN, &GREEN, &WHITE, 100.0f)) ; lst_add(surfaces, make_sphere(0.0f, x, 0.0f, .25, &PURPLE, &PURPLE, &WHITE, 100.0f)) ; lst_add(surfaces, (z_sphere = make_sphere(0.0f, 0.0f, x, .25, &PURPLE, &PURPLE, &WHITE, 100.0f))) ; z_sphere->refl_color = &LIGHT_GREY ; } // A rectangle in the y=-1 plane. surface_t* tri1 = make_triangle( (point3_t){-40, -1, 2}, (point3_t){2, -1, 2}, (point3_t){2, -1, -20}, &LIGHT_GREY, &LIGHT_GREY, &BLACK, 10.0f) ; surface_t* tri2 = make_triangle( (point3_t){-40, -1, 2}, (point3_t){2, -1, -20}, (point3_t){-40, -1, -20}, &LIGHT_GREY, &LIGHT_GREY, &BLACK, 10.0f) ; tri1->refl_color = &DARK_GREY ; tri2->refl_color = &DARK_GREY ; lst_add(surfaces, tri1) ; lst_add(surfaces, tri2) ; return surfaces ; }
static void make_list(int start_fac) { int i; if (ng < ng_max) { if (n_list >= n_list_alloc) { n_list_alloc += 100; srenew(list,n_list_alloc); } list[n_list] = ng; n_list++; for(i=start_fac; i<facNR; i++) { /* allow any power of 2, 3, 5 and 7, but only one of 11 or 13 */ if (i<4 || (decomp[4]+decomp[5]==0)) { ng*=factor[i]; decomp[i]++; make_list(i); ng/=factor[i]; decomp[i]--; } } } }
/* * Copy a structure to a heap. */ Eterm copy_struct(Eterm obj, Uint sz, Eterm** hpp, ErlOffHeap* off_heap) { char* hstart; Uint hsize; Eterm* htop; Eterm* hbot; Eterm* hp; Eterm* objp; Eterm* tp; Eterm res; Eterm elem; Eterm* tailp; Eterm* argp; Eterm* const_tuple; Eterm hdr; int i; #ifdef DEBUG Eterm org_obj = obj; Uint org_sz = sz; #endif if (IS_CONST(obj)) return obj; hp = htop = *hpp; hbot = htop + sz; hstart = (char *)htop; hsize = (char*) hbot - hstart; const_tuple = 0; /* Copy the object onto the heap */ switch (primary_tag(obj)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: argp = &res; goto L_copy_list; case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: argp = &res; goto L_copy_boxed; default: erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "%s, line %d: Internal error in copy_struct: 0x%08x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,obj); } L_copy: while (hp != htop) { obj = *hp; switch (primary_tag(obj)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_IMMED1: hp++; break; case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: objp = list_val(obj); if (in_area(objp,hstart,hsize)) { hp++; break; } argp = hp++; /* Fall through */ L_copy_list: tailp = argp; while (is_list(obj)) { objp = list_val(obj); tp = tailp; elem = *objp; if (IS_CONST(elem)) { *(hbot-2) = elem; tailp = hbot-1; hbot -= 2; } else { *htop = elem; tailp = htop+1; htop += 2; } *tp = make_list(tailp - 1); obj = *(objp+1); } switch (primary_tag(obj)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_IMMED1: *tailp = obj; goto L_copy; case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: argp = tailp; goto L_copy_boxed; default: erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "%s, line %d: Internal error in copy_struct: 0x%08x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,obj); } case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: if (in_area(boxed_val(obj),hstart,hsize)) { hp++; break; } argp = hp++; L_copy_boxed: objp = boxed_val(obj); hdr = *objp; switch (hdr & _TAG_HEADER_MASK) { case ARITYVAL_SUBTAG: { int const_flag = 1; /* assume constant tuple */ i = arityval(hdr); *argp = make_tuple(htop); tp = htop; /* tp is pointer to new arity value */ *htop++ = *objp++; /* copy arity value */ while (i--) { elem = *objp++; if (!IS_CONST(elem)) { const_flag = 0; } *htop++ = elem; } if (const_flag) { const_tuple = tp; /* this is the latest const_tuple */ } } break; case REFC_BINARY_SUBTAG: { ProcBin* pb; pb = (ProcBin *) objp; if (pb->flags) { erts_emasculate_writable_binary(pb); } i = thing_arityval(*objp) + 1; hbot -= i; tp = hbot; while (i--) { *tp++ = *objp++; } *argp = make_binary(hbot); pb = (ProcBin*) hbot; erts_refc_inc(&pb->val->refc, 2); pb->next = off_heap->mso; pb->flags = 0; off_heap->mso = pb; off_heap->overhead += pb->size / sizeof(Eterm); } break; case SUB_BINARY_SUBTAG: { ErlSubBin* sb = (ErlSubBin *) objp; Eterm real_bin = sb->orig; Uint bit_offset = sb->bitoffs; Uint bit_size = sb -> bitsize; Uint offset = sb->offs; size_t size = sb->size; Uint extra_bytes; Uint real_size; if ((bit_size + bit_offset) > 8) { extra_bytes = 2; } else if ((bit_size + bit_offset) > 0) { extra_bytes = 1; } else { extra_bytes = 0; } real_size = size+extra_bytes; objp = binary_val(real_bin); if (thing_subtag(*objp) == HEAP_BINARY_SUBTAG) { ErlHeapBin* from = (ErlHeapBin *) objp; ErlHeapBin* to; i = heap_bin_size(real_size); hbot -= i; to = (ErlHeapBin *) hbot; to->thing_word = header_heap_bin(real_size); to->size = real_size; sys_memcpy(to->data, ((byte *)from->data)+offset, real_size); } else { ProcBin* from = (ProcBin *) objp; ProcBin* to; ASSERT(thing_subtag(*objp) == REFC_BINARY_SUBTAG); if (from->flags) { erts_emasculate_writable_binary(from); } hbot -= PROC_BIN_SIZE; to = (ProcBin *) hbot; to->thing_word = HEADER_PROC_BIN; to->size = real_size; to->val = from->val; erts_refc_inc(&to->val->refc, 2); to->bytes = from->bytes + offset; to->next = off_heap->mso; to->flags = 0; off_heap->mso = to; off_heap->overhead += to->size / sizeof(Eterm); } *argp = make_binary(hbot); if (extra_bytes != 0) { ErlSubBin* res; hbot -= ERL_SUB_BIN_SIZE; res = (ErlSubBin *) hbot; res->thing_word = HEADER_SUB_BIN; res->size = size; res->bitsize = bit_size; res->bitoffs = bit_offset; res->offs = 0; res->is_writable = 0; res->orig = *argp; *argp = make_binary(hbot); } break; } break; case FUN_SUBTAG: { ErlFunThing* funp = (ErlFunThing *) objp; i = thing_arityval(hdr) + 2 + funp->num_free; tp = htop; while (i--) { *htop++ = *objp++; } #ifndef HYBRID /* FIND ME! */ funp = (ErlFunThing *) tp; funp->next = off_heap->funs; off_heap->funs = funp; erts_refc_inc(&funp->fe->refc, 2); #endif *argp = make_fun(tp); } break; case EXTERNAL_PID_SUBTAG: case EXTERNAL_PORT_SUBTAG: case EXTERNAL_REF_SUBTAG: { ExternalThing *etp = (ExternalThing *) htop; i = thing_arityval(hdr) + 1; tp = htop; while (i--) { *htop++ = *objp++; } etp->next = off_heap->externals; off_heap->externals = etp; erts_refc_inc(&etp->node->refc, 2); *argp = make_external(tp); } break; case BIN_MATCHSTATE_SUBTAG: erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "copy_struct: matchstate term not allowed"); default: i = thing_arityval(hdr)+1; hbot -= i; tp = hbot; *argp = make_boxed(hbot); while (i--) { *tp++ = *objp++; } } break; case TAG_PRIMARY_HEADER: if (header_is_thing(obj) || hp == const_tuple) { hp += header_arity(obj) + 1; } else { hp++; } break; } } #ifdef DEBUG if (htop != hbot) erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "Internal error in copy_struct() when copying %T:" " htop=%p != hbot=%p (sz=%bpu)\n", org_obj, htop, hbot, org_sz); #else if (htop > hbot) { erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "Internal error in copy_struct(): htop, hbot overrun\n"); } #endif *hpp = (Eterm *) (hstart+hsize); return res; }
int get_user( UnwrapParams *uwp ) { static char *text[] = { "Draws polygons in the 2D coordinate system of the selected texture layer.", NULL }; static char *fgopt[] = { "Use Color", "Invert Background", "Brighten", "Darken", NULL }; static char *bgopt[] = { "Use Color", "Copy Image Map", NULL }; LWPanControlDesc desc; LWValue ival = { LWT_INTEGER }, sval = { LWT_STRING }, ivecval = { LWT_VINT }; LWPanelID panel; LWControl *ctl[ 10 ], *bdr[ 2 ]; Node *root; int i, x, y, w, ph, ok; root = make_list( panf->globalFun ); if ( !root ) return 0; if( !( panel = PAN_CREATE( panf, "Unwrap" ))) { free_tree( root, 1 ); return 0; } if ( !uwp->filename[ 0 ] ) { strcpy( uwp->filename, "unwrapped" ); filename_ext( uwp->saver, uwp->filename ); uwp->bgcolor[ 0 ] = uwp->bgcolor[ 1 ] = uwp->bgcolor[ 2 ] = 255; } TEXT_CTL( panf, panel, "", text ); ctl[ 0 ] = TREE_CTL( panf, panel, "Texture Layer", 200, 200, tree_info, tree_count, tree_child ); ph = PAN_GETH( panf, panel ); ph -= CON_X( ctl[ 0 ] ); ph -= CON_H( ctl[ 0 ] ); ctl[ 1 ] = SAVE_CTL( panf, panel, "Save As", 40 ); ctl[ 2 ] = CUSTPOPUP_CTL( panf, panel, "", 150, sname, scount ); ctl[ 3 ] = INT_CTL( panf, panel, "Width" ); ctl[ 4 ] = INT_CTL( panf, panel, "Height" ); ctl[ 5 ] = BUTTON_CTL( panf, panel, "From Image Map" ); ctl[ 6 ] = WPOPUP_CTL( panf, panel, "Edges", fgopt, 150 ); ctl[ 7 ] = MINIRGB_CTL( panf, panel, "" ); ctl[ 8 ] = WPOPUP_CTL( panf, panel, "Background", bgopt, 150 ); ctl[ 9 ] = MINIRGB_CTL( panf, panel, "" ); w = CON_W( ctl[ 1 ] ); w -= CON_LW( ctl[ 1 ] ); bdr[ 0 ] = BORDER_CTL( panf, panel, "", w, 2 ); bdr[ 1 ] = BORDER_CTL( panf, panel, "", w, 2 ); x = CON_X( ctl[ 0 ] ); x += CON_W( ctl[ 0 ] ); x += CON_LW( ctl[ 8 ] ) + 8; y = CON_Y( ctl[ 0 ] ); w = CON_LW( ctl[ 1 ] ); MOVE_CON( ctl[ 1 ], x - w, y ); w = CON_LW( ctl[ 2 ] ); y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 1 ] ) + 4; MOVE_CON( ctl[ 2 ], x - w, y ); y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 2 ] ) + 6; MOVE_CON( bdr[ 0 ], x, y ); w = CON_LW( ctl[ 3 ] ); y += 6; MOVE_CON( ctl[ 3 ], x - w, y ); w = CON_X( ctl[ 3 ] ); w += CON_W( ctl[ 3 ] ); MOVE_CON( ctl[ 5 ], w + 16, y ); w = CON_LW( ctl[ 4 ] ); y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 3 ] ) + 4; MOVE_CON( ctl[ 4 ], x - w, y ); y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 2 ] ) + 6; MOVE_CON( bdr[ 1 ], x, y ); y += 6; for ( i = 6; i <= 9; i++ ) { w = CON_LW( ctl[ i ] ); MOVE_CON( ctl[ i ], x - w, y ); y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ i ] ) + 4; } y = CON_Y( ctl[ 9 ] ); y += CON_H( ctl[ 9 ] ); PAN_SETH( panf, panel, y + ph ); SET_STR( ctl[ 1 ], uwp->filename, sizeof( uwp->filename )); SET_INT( ctl[ 2 ], uwp->saver ); SET_INT( ctl[ 3 ], uwp->width ); SET_INT( ctl[ 4 ], uwp->height ); SET_INT( ctl[ 6 ], uwp->fgoptions ); SET_INT( ctl[ 8 ], uwp->bgoptions ); SETV_IVEC( ctl[ 7 ], uwp->fgcolor ); SETV_IVEC( ctl[ 9 ], uwp->bgcolor ); CON_SETEVENT( ctl[ 0 ], tree_event, root ); CON_SETEVENT( ctl[ 2 ], saver_event, ctl[ 1 ] ); CON_SETEVENT( ctl[ 5 ], sizebtn_event, ctl ); ok = panf->open( panel, PANF_BLOCKING | PANF_CANCEL ); if ( ok ) { GET_STR( ctl[ 1 ], uwp->filename, sizeof( uwp->filename )); GET_INT( ctl[ 2 ], uwp->saver ); GET_INT( ctl[ 3 ], uwp->width ); GET_INT( ctl[ 4 ], uwp->height ); GET_INT( ctl[ 6 ], uwp->fgoptions ); GET_INT( ctl[ 8 ], uwp->bgoptions ); GETV_IVEC( ctl[ 7 ], uwp->fgcolor ); GETV_IVEC( ctl[ 9 ], uwp->bgcolor ); ctl[ 0 ]->get( ctl[ 0 ], CTL_VALUE, &ival ); if ( !getsel_tree( uwp, ( Node * ) ival.ptr.ptr )) { msgf->error( "No texture layer selected", NULL ); ok = 0; } } PAN_KILL( panf, panel ); free_tree( root, 1 ); return ok; }
List *list_copy(List *list) { List *r = make_list(); for (Iter *i = list_iter(list); !iter_end(i);) list_push(r, iter_next(i)); return r; }
List *make_list1(void *e) { List *r = make_list(); list_push(r, e); return r; }
List *list_reverse(List *list) { List *r = make_list(); for (Iter *i = list_iter(list); !iter_end(i);) list_unshift(r, iter_next(i)); return r; }
void main() { list l = make_list(10); free_list(l); }
/** Create a list of surfaces. */ list356_t* get_surfaces() { list356_t* surfaces = make_list() ; // Table. point3_t vertices[8] = { {0, 0, 1}, {8, 0, 1}, {0, 8, 1}, {8, 8, 1}, {0, 0, -1}, {8, 0, -1}, {0, 8, -1}, {8, 8, -1}, } ; int indices[] = { 0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2, // top 0, 2, 6, 0, 6, 4, // left 4, 6, 7, 4, 7, 5, // bottom 1, 5, 7, 1, 7, 3, // right 2, 3, 7, 2, 7, 6, // back 0, 4, 5, 0, 5, 1 // front } ; int top_offset = 6 ; int offset = 36 ; list356_t* table_surfaces = make_list() ; for (int i=0; i<top_offset/3; ++i) { lst_add(table_surfaces, make_triangle( vertices[indices[3*i]], vertices[indices[3*i+1]], vertices[indices[3*i+2]], &RED, &RED, &WHITE, 10.0f)) ; } for (int i=top_offset/3; i<offset/3; ++i) { lst_add(table_surfaces, make_triangle( vertices[indices[3*i]], vertices[indices[3*i+1]], vertices[indices[3*i+2]], &GREEN, &GREEN, &WHITE, 10.0f)) ; } // Two purple spheres. lst_add(table_surfaces, make_sphere(6, 6, 1.75+.01, .75, &PURPLE, &PURPLE, &WHITE, 100.0f)) ; lst_add(table_surfaces, make_sphere(5, 2, 1.75+.01, .75, &PURPLE, &PURPLE, &WHITE, 100.0f)) ; // Transparent cube. point3_t cube_vertices[] = { {4, 0, 3}, {5, 0, 3}, {4, 1, 3}, {5, 1, 3}, {4, 0, 1.01}, {5, 0, 1.01}, {4, 1, 1.01}, {5, 1, 1.01}, } ; for (int i=0; i<offset/3; ++i) { surface_t* t = make_triangle( cube_vertices[indices[3*i]], cube_vertices[indices[3*i+1]], cube_vertices[indices[3*i+2]], &BLACK, &BLACK, &WHITE, 10.0f) ; t->refr_index = 1.1f ; t->atten = &GREENISH ; lst_add(surfaces, t) ; } list356_itr_t* itr = lst_iterator(table_surfaces) ; while (lst_has_next(itr)) lst_add(surfaces, lst_next(itr)) ; lst_free(table_surfaces) ; // Plane at z=-1. surface_t* plane = make_plane( (point3_t){0, 0, -1}, (point3_t){1, 0, -1}, (point3_t){1, 1, -1}, &LIGHT_GREY, &LIGHT_GREY, &BLACK, 10.0f) ; plane->refl_color = &LIGHT_GREY ; lst_add(surfaces, plane) ; return surfaces ; }
constexpr list<T, sizeof...(U) + 1> make_list(T head, U... args) { return {head, make_list(args...)}; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string WisemlScenarioCollector::generate_timestamp_xml(double timestamp) const { std::stringstream wml; std::map<string, NodeTemplate*> nodes; std::map<string, pair<LinkInfo*, bool> > links; std::multimap<double, std::string>::const_iterator ts_begin = items_.lower_bound(timestamp); std::multimap<double, std::string>::const_iterator ts_end = items_.upper_bound(timestamp); for(std::multimap<double, std::string>::const_iterator it = ts_begin; it != ts_end; ++it) { std::list<std::string> data(make_list(it->second)); list<string>::iterator dit = data.begin(); std::string datatype = dit->c_str(); if(datatype == "en") { ++dit; std::string label = dit->c_str(); wml << "\t\t<enablenode id=\"" << label << "\"/>" << std::endl; } else if(datatype == "dn") { ++dit; std::string label = dit->c_str(); wml << "\t\t<disablenode id=\"" << label << "\"/>" << std::endl; } else if(datatype == "el") { ++dit; std::string source = dit->c_str(); ++dit; std::string target = dit->c_str(); wml << "\t\t<enablelink source=\"" << source << "\"/>" << "target=\"" << target << "\"/>" << std::endl; } else if(datatype == "dl") { ++dit; std::string source = dit->c_str(); ++dit; std::string target = dit->c_str(); wml << "\t\t<disablelink source=\"" << source << "\"/>" << "target=\"" << target << "\"/>" << std::endl; } else if(datatype == "np") { ++dit; std::string label = dit->c_str(); NodeTemplate *tmp; if(nodes.find(label) != nodes.end()) { tmp = nodes.find(label)->second; } else { tmp = new NodeTemplate(); nodes.insert(pair<string, NodeTemplate*>(label, tmp)); } tmp->label = label; ++dit; tmp->posx = atof(dit->c_str()); ++dit; tmp->posy= atof(dit->c_str()); ++dit; tmp->posz = atof(dit->c_str()); Capability dummy; = "positioned"; tmp->capabilities.push_front(dummy); } else if(datatype == "nc") { ++dit; std::string label = dit->c_str(); NodeTemplate *tmp; if(nodes.find(label) != nodes.end()) { tmp = nodes.find(label)->second; } else { tmp = new NodeTemplate(); nodes.insert(pair<string, NodeTemplate*>(label, tmp)); } tmp->label = label; Capability cap; ++dit; = dit->c_str(); ++dit; cap.def_value = dit->c_str(); tmp->capabilities.push_back(cap); } /// Item syntax: lrssi;source_node;target_node;rssi_value else if(datatype == "lrssi") { ++dit; std::string src = dit->c_str(); ++dit; std::string dst = dit->c_str(); ++dit; std::string value = dit->c_str(); LinkInfo *info; if(links.find(src + dst) != links.end()) { info = links.find(src + dst)->second.first; links.find(src + dst)->second.second = true; } else { info = new LinkInfo(); links.insert(pair<string, pair<LinkInfo*, bool> >(src+dst, pair<LinkInfo*, bool>(info, true))); } info->source = src; info->target = dst; info->rssi = value; } /// Item syntax: /// lc;source_node;target_node;capability_name;capability_value else if(datatype == "lc") { ++dit; std::string src = dit->c_str(); ++dit; std::string dst = dit->c_str(); LinkInfo *info; if(links.find(src + dst) != links.end()) { info = links.find(src + dst)->second.first; } else { info = new LinkInfo(); links.insert(pair<string, pair<LinkInfo*, bool> >(src+dst, pair<LinkInfo*, bool>(info, false))); } info->source = src; info->target = dst; Capability cap; ++dit; = dit->c_str();; ++dit; cap.def_value = dit->c_str(); info->capabilities.push_back(cap); } } for(map<string, NodeTemplate*>::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { wml << "\t\t<node id=\"" << it->second->label << "\">" << std::endl; if(it->second->capabilities.front().name == "positioned") { wml << "\t\t\t<position>" << std::endl; wml << "\t\t\t\t<x>" << it->second->posx << "</x>" << std::endl; wml << "\t\t\t\t<y>" << it->second->posy << "</y>" << std::endl; wml << "\t\t\t\t<z>" << it->second->posz << "</z>" << std::endl; wml << "\t\t\t</position>" << std::endl; } for(CapList::iterator cit = it->second->capabilities.begin(); cit != it->second->capabilities.end(); ++cit) { if(cit->name != "positioned") wml << "\t\t\t<data key=\"" << cit->name << "\">" << cit->def_value << "</data>" << std::endl; } wml << "\t\t</node>" << std::endl; } for(map<string, pair<LinkInfo*,bool> >::iterator it = links.begin(); it != links.end(); ++it) { wml << "\t\t<link source=\"" << it->second.first->source << "\" " << "target=\"" << it->second.first->target << "\">" << std::endl; if(it->second.second) { wml << "\t\t\t<rssi>" << it->second.first->rssi << "</rssi>" << std::endl; } for(CapList::iterator cit = it->second.first->capabilities.begin(); cit != it->second.first->capabilities.end(); ++cit) { wml << "\t\t\t<data key=\"" << cit->name << "\">" << cit->def_value << "</data>" << std::endl; } wml << "\t\t</link>" << std::endl; } return wml.str(); }
void rg(list356_t* surfaces, point3_t* eye, point3_t* look_at) { //update eye and look_at positions point3_t eye_position = {4.0f, -4.0f, 8.0f} ; point3_t look_at_point = {4.0f, 4.0f, 1.0f} ; *eye = eye_position; *look_at = look_at_point; // Chess board. list356_t* board_surfaces = make_list() ; // All the vertices. point3_t vertices[85] ; for (int x=0; x<9; ++x) { for (int y=0; y<9; ++y) { vertices[9*y+x] = (point3_t){x, y, 1} ; } } vertices[81] = (point3_t){0, 0, -1} ; vertices[82] = (point3_t){8, 0, -1} ; vertices[83] = (point3_t){0, 8, -1} ; vertices[84] = (point3_t){8, 8, -1} ; int indices[138*3] ; int offset = 0 ; // Top of chess board. for (int x=0; x<8; ++x) { for (int y=0; y<8; ++y) { indices[offset++] = 9*y+x ; indices[offset++] = 9*y+x+1 ; indices[offset++] = 9*(y+1)+x+1 ; indices[offset++] = 9*y+x ; indices[offset++] = 9*(y+1)+x+1 ; indices[offset++] = 9*(y+1)+x ; } } int top_offset = offset ; // Sides and bottom. indices[offset++] = 81 ; indices[offset++] = 82; indices[offset++] = 8 ; indices[offset++] = 81 ; indices[offset++] = 8; indices[offset++] = 0 ; indices[offset++] = 8 ; indices[offset++] = 82 ; indices[offset++] = 84 ; indices[offset++] = 8 ; indices[offset++] = 84 ; indices[offset++] = 80 ; indices[offset++] = 72 ; indices[offset++] = 80 ; indices[offset++] = 84 ; indices[offset++] = 72 ; indices[offset++ ] = 84 ; indices[offset++] = 83 ; indices[offset++] = 0 ; indices[offset++] = 72 ; indices[offset++] = 83 ; indices[offset++] = 0 ; indices[offset++] = 83 ; indices[offset++] = 81 ; indices[offset++] = 81 ; indices[offset++] = 83 ; indices[offset++] =84 ; indices[offset++] = 81 ; indices[offset++] = 84 ; indices[offset++] = 82 ; debug("get_surfaces(): final offset = %d", offset) ; // Top as triangles. for (int i=0; i<top_offset/3; ++i) { int c = (i/2)%8 ; int r = (i/2)/8 ; int j = r+c ; color_t* color = j%2 == 0 ? &RED : &BLACK ; lst_add(board_surfaces, make_triangle( vertices[indices[3*i]], vertices[indices[3*i+1]], vertices[indices[3*i+2]], color, color, &WHITE, 10.0f)) ; } // Sides and bottom at triangles. for (int i=top_offset/3; i<offset/3; ++i) { lst_add(board_surfaces, make_triangle( vertices[indices[3*i]], vertices[indices[3*i+1]], vertices[indices[3*i+2]], &LIGHT_GREY, &LIGHT_GREY, &WHITE, 10.0f)) ; } //// "Pieces" //for (int c=0; c<8; ++c) { // for (int r=0; r<2; ++r) { // surface_t* s = make_sphere(c+.5, r+.5, 1.375+.01, .375, // &BLACK, &BLACK, &WHITE, 100.0f) ; // lst_add(board_surfaces, s) ; // } // //for (int r=6; r<8; ++r) { // // lst_add(board_surfaces, make_sphere(c+.5, r+.5, 1.25, .25, // // &WHITE, &WHITE, &WHITE, 100.0f)) ; // //} //} // Draw R manually // Define squares to place spheres on void add_sphere(c,r) { lst_add(board_surfaces, make_sphere(c+.5, r+.5, 1.75, .50, &GREEN, &GREEN, &BLACK, 150.0f)) ; }
/* Copy a message to the message area. */ Eterm copy_struct_lazy(Process *from, Eterm orig, Uint offs) { Eterm obj; Eterm dest; #ifdef INCREMENTAL int alloc_old = 0; #else int total_need = 0; #endif VERBOSE(DEBUG_MESSAGES, ("COPY START; %T is sending a message @ 0x%016x\n%T\n", from->id, orig, orig)); #ifndef INCREMENTAL copy_start: #endif MA_STACK_PUSH(src,orig); MA_STACK_PUSH(dst,&dest); MA_STACK_PUSH(offset,offs); while (ma_src_top > 0) { obj = MA_STACK_POP(src); /* copy_struct_lazy should never be called with something that * do not need to be copied. Within the loop, nothing that do * not need copying should be placed in the src-stack. */ ASSERT(!NO_COPY(obj)); switch (primary_tag(obj)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: { Eterm *hp; Eterm *objp; GlobalAlloc(from,2,hp); objp = list_val(obj); MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_list(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); /* TODO: Byt ordningen nedan så att CDR pushas först. */ if (NO_COPY(*objp)) { hp[0] = *objp; #ifdef INCREMENTAL if (ptr_within(ptr_val(*objp),inc_fromspc,inc_fromend)) INC_STORE(gray,hp,2); #endif } else { MA_STACK_PUSH(src,*objp); MA_STACK_PUSH(dst,hp); MA_STACK_PUSH(offset,0); } objp++; if (NO_COPY(*objp)) { hp[1] = *objp; #ifdef INCREMENTAL if (ptr_within(ptr_val(*objp),inc_fromspc,inc_fromend)) INC_STORE(gray,hp,2); #endif } else { MA_STACK_PUSH(src,*objp); MA_STACK_PUSH(dst,hp); MA_STACK_PUSH(offset,1); } continue; } case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: { Eterm *objp = boxed_val(obj); switch (*objp & _TAG_HEADER_MASK) { case ARITYVAL_SUBTAG: { Uint ari = arityval(*objp); Uint i; Eterm *hp; GlobalAlloc(from,ari + 1,hp); /* A GC above might invalidate the value of objp */ objp = boxed_val(obj); MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_tuple(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); *hp = *objp++; for (i = 1; i <= ari; i++) { switch (primary_tag(*objp)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: if (NO_COPY(*objp)) { hp[i] = *objp; #ifdef INCREMENTAL if (ptr_within(ptr_val(*objp), inc_fromspc,inc_fromend)) INC_STORE(gray,hp,BOXED_NEED(hp,*hp)); #endif objp++; } else { MA_STACK_PUSH(src,*objp++); MA_STACK_PUSH(dst,hp); MA_STACK_PUSH(offset,i); } break; default: hp[i] = *objp++; } } continue; } case REFC_BINARY_SUBTAG: { ProcBin *pb; Uint i = thing_arityval(*objp) + 1; Eterm *hp; GlobalAlloc(from,i,hp); /* A GC above might invalidate the value of objp */ objp = boxed_val(obj); MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_binary(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); pb = (ProcBin*) hp; while (i--) { *hp++ = *objp++; } erts_refc_inc(&pb->val->refc, 2); pb->next = erts_global_offheap.mso; erts_global_offheap.mso = pb; erts_global_offheap.overhead += pb->size / sizeof(Eterm); continue; } case FUN_SUBTAG: { ErlFunThing *funp = (ErlFunThing*) objp; Uint i = thing_arityval(*objp) + 1; Uint j = i + 1 + funp->num_free; Uint k = i; Eterm *hp, *hp_start; GlobalAlloc(from,j,hp); /* A GC above might invalidate the value of objp */ objp = boxed_val(obj); hp_start = hp; MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_fun(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); funp = (ErlFunThing*) hp; while (i--) { *hp++ = *objp++; } #ifndef HYBRID // FIND ME! funp->next = erts_global_offheap.funs; erts_global_offheap.funs = funp; erts_refc_inc(&funp->fe->refc, 2); #endif for (i = k; i < j; i++) { switch (primary_tag(*objp)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: if (NO_COPY(*objp)) { #ifdef INCREMENTAL if (ptr_within(ptr_val(*objp), inc_fromspc,inc_fromend)) INC_STORE(gray,hp,BOXED_NEED(hp,*hp)); #endif *hp++ = *objp++; } else { MA_STACK_PUSH(src,*objp++); MA_STACK_PUSH(dst,hp_start); MA_STACK_PUSH(offset,i); hp++; } break; default: *hp++ = *objp++; } } continue; } case EXTERNAL_PID_SUBTAG: case EXTERNAL_PORT_SUBTAG: case EXTERNAL_REF_SUBTAG: { ExternalThing *etp; Uint i = thing_arityval(*objp) + 1; Eterm *hp; GlobalAlloc(from,i,hp); /* A GC above might invalidate the value of objp */ objp = boxed_val(obj); MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_external(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); etp = (ExternalThing*) hp; while (i--) { *hp++ = *objp++; } etp->next = erts_global_offheap.externals; erts_global_offheap.externals = etp; erts_refc_inc(&etp->node->refc, 2); continue; } case SUB_BINARY_SUBTAG: { ErlSubBin *sb = (ErlSubBin *) objp; Eterm *hp; Eterm res_binary; Eterm real_bin = sb->orig; Uint bit_offset = sb->bitoffs; Uint bit_size = sb -> bitsize; Uint sub_offset = sb->offs; size_t size = sb->size; Uint extra_bytes; Uint real_size; Uint sub_binary_heapneed; if ((bit_size + bit_offset) > 8) { extra_bytes = 2; sub_binary_heapneed = ERL_SUB_BIN_SIZE; } else if ((bit_size + bit_offset) > 0) { extra_bytes = 1; sub_binary_heapneed = ERL_SUB_BIN_SIZE; } else { extra_bytes = 0; sub_binary_heapneed = 0; } real_size = size+extra_bytes; objp = binary_val(real_bin); if (thing_subtag(*objp) == HEAP_BINARY_SUBTAG) { ErlHeapBin *from_bin; ErlHeapBin *to_bin; Uint i = heap_bin_size(real_size); GlobalAlloc(from,i+sub_binary_heapneed,hp); from_bin = (ErlHeapBin *) objp; to_bin = (ErlHeapBin *) hp; to_bin->thing_word = header_heap_bin(real_size); to_bin->size = real_size; sys_memcpy(to_bin->data, ((byte *)from_bin->data) + sub_offset, real_size); res_binary = make_binary(to_bin); hp += i; } else { ProcBin *from_bin; ProcBin *to_bin; ASSERT(thing_subtag(*objp) == REFC_BINARY_SUBTAG); from_bin = (ProcBin *) objp; erts_refc_inc(&from_bin->val->refc, 2); GlobalAlloc(from,PROC_BIN_SIZE+sub_binary_heapneed,hp); to_bin = (ProcBin *) hp; to_bin->thing_word = HEADER_PROC_BIN; to_bin->size = real_size; to_bin->val = from_bin->val; to_bin->bytes = from_bin->bytes + sub_offset; to_bin->next = erts_global_offheap.mso; erts_global_offheap.mso = to_bin; erts_global_offheap.overhead += to_bin->size / sizeof(Eterm); res_binary=make_binary(to_bin); hp += PROC_BIN_SIZE; } if (extra_bytes != 0) { ErlSubBin* res; res = (ErlSubBin *) hp; res->thing_word = HEADER_SUB_BIN; res->size = size; res->bitsize = bit_size; res->bitoffs = bit_offset; res->offs = 0; res->is_writable = 0; res->orig = res_binary; res_binary = make_binary(hp); } MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),res_binary); MA_STACK_POP(dst); continue; } case BIN_MATCHSTATE_SUBTAG: erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "copy_struct_lazy: matchstate term not allowed"); default: { Uint size = thing_arityval(*objp) + 1; Eterm *hp; GlobalAlloc(from,size,hp); /* A GC above might invalidate the value of objp */ objp = boxed_val(obj); MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_boxed(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); while (size--) { *hp++ = *objp++; } continue; } } continue; } case TAG_PRIMARY_HEADER: ASSERT((obj & _TAG_HEADER_MASK) == ARITYVAL_SUBTAG); { Eterm *objp = &obj; Uint ari = arityval(obj); Uint i; Eterm *hp; GlobalAlloc(from,ari + 1,hp); MA_STACK_UPDATE(dst,MA_STACK_POP(offset),make_tuple(hp)); MA_STACK_POP(dst); *hp = *objp++; for (i = 1; i <= ari; i++) { switch (primary_tag(*objp)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: if (NO_COPY(*objp)) { #ifdef INCREMENTAL if (ptr_within(ptr_val(*objp),inc_fromspc,inc_fromend)) INC_STORE(gray,hp,ari + 1); #endif hp[i] = *objp++; } else { MA_STACK_PUSH(src,*objp++); MA_STACK_PUSH(dst,hp); MA_STACK_PUSH(offset,i); } break; default: hp[i] = *objp++; } } continue; } default: erl_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "%s, line %d: Internal error in copy_struct_lazy: 0x%08x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,obj); } } VERBOSE(DEBUG_MESSAGES, ("Copy allocated @ 0x%08lx:\n%T\n", (unsigned long)ptr_val(dest),dest)); ma_gc_flags &= ~GC_CYCLE_START; ASSERT(eq(orig, dest)); ASSERT(ma_src_top == 0); ASSERT(ma_dst_top == 0); ASSERT(ma_offset_top == 0); return dest; }
/** Build the maze by removing walls according to Prim's algorithm. * * @param maze a maze with all walls present. */ static void build_prim(maze_t* maze) { // MST edges and cells. If (a, b) in mst_edges, then (b, a) not in // mst_edges. (a, b) in mst_edges iff a, b both in mst_cells. list356_t* mst_edges = make_list() ; list356_t* mst_cells = make_list() ; // The frontier. This is the collection of edges between cells in the MST // and cells not in the MST. If (a, b) in frontier, then a in mst_cells // and b not in mst_cells. list356_t* frontier = make_list() ; // Choose two adjacent cells at random to put into the MST, then // populate the frontier accordinately. For simplicitly, choose a // cell in the interior of the maze, then randomly choose a direction // for the other cell. cell_t* start = get_cell(maze, random_limit(1, maze->nrows-1), random_limit(1, maze->ncols-1)); unsigned char direction = 1 << random_limit(0, 4) ; cell_t* next = get_neighbor(maze, start, direction) ; /* debug("Removing (%d, %d) - (%d, %d).\n", start->r, start->c, next->r, next->c) ; */ remove_wall(maze, start, direction) ; edge_t init_edge = (edge_t){start, next} ; lst_add(mst_edges, &init_edge) ; lst_add(mst_cells, start) ; lst_add(mst_cells, next) ; for (int d=0; d<4; ++d) { if (directions[d] != direction && is_cell(maze, start, directions[d])) { cell_t* c = get_neighbor(maze, start, directions[d]) ; edge_t* e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t)) ; e->a = start ; e->b = c ; lst_add(frontier, e) ; } } for (int d=0; d<4; ++d) { if (directions[d] != opposite(direction) && is_cell(maze, next, directions[d])) { cell_t* c = get_neighbor(maze, next, directions[d]) ; edge_t* e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t)) ; e->a = next ; e->b = c ; lst_add(frontier, e) ; } } // As long as we don't have all the cells in the MST, choose an // edge in the frontier at random. Put the edge in the MST // and compute the new edges to add to the frontier. while (lst_size(mst_cells) < (maze->nrows)*(maze->ncols)) { int p = random_limit(0, lst_size(frontier)) ; edge_t* edge = lst_get(frontier, p) ; cell_t* old_cell = edge->a ; cell_t* new_cell = edge->b ; /* debug("Removing (%d, %d) - (%d, %d).\n", old_cell->r, old_cell->c, new_cell->r, new_cell->c) ; */ remove_wall(maze, old_cell, get_direction(old_cell, new_cell)) ; lst_add(mst_edges, edge) ; lst_add(mst_cells, new_cell) ; for (int d=0; d<4; ++d) { unsigned char dir = directions[d] ; if (is_cell(maze, new_cell, dir)) { cell_t* adj_cell = get_neighbor(maze, new_cell, dir) ; edge_t* edge2 = malloc(sizeof(edge_t)) ; edge2->a = new_cell ; edge2->b = adj_cell ; if (lst_contains(mst_cells, adj_cell, cell_cmp)) { lst_remove(frontier, edge2, edge_cmp) ; if (adj_cell != old_cell) free(edge2) ; } else { lst_add(frontier, edge2) ; } } } } }
void main() { // Test construction of a pair // Test car pair *a = cons(42, NULL); printf("\nExpected: 42 ==> %d\n", car(a)); // Test cdr pair *b = cons(42, cons(43, NULL)); pair *c = cdr(b); printf("\nExpected: 43 ==> %d\n", car(c)); // Test empty pair *d = NULL; printf("\nExpected: 1 ==> %d\n", emptyp(d)); // Test length pair *e = cons(42, cons(43, cons(44, NULL))); printf("\nExpected: 3 ==> %d\n", length(e)); // Test list printf("\nExpected: (1 2 3) ==> "); print_list(list(1, 2, 3, NULL)); // Test make_list printf("\nExpected: (42 42 42) ==> "); print_list(make_list(3, 42)); // Test iota printf("\nExpected: (0 1 2) ==> "); print_list(iota(3)); // Test reverse pair * g = list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, NULL); printf("\nExpected: (1 2 3 4 5) ==> "); print_list(g); printf("\nExpected: (5 4 3 2 1) ==> "); print_list(reverse(g)); // Test print_list printf("\nExpected: (1 2 3) ==> "); print_list(list(1, 2, 3, NULL)); // Test drop printf("\nExpected: (4 5) ==> "); print_list(drop(g, 3)); // Test take printf("\nExpected: (1 2 3) ==> "); print_list(take(g, 3)); // Test list_ref printf("\nExpected: 4 ==> %d\n", list_ref(g, 3)); // Test map pair *h = map(g, dub); printf("\nExpected: (2 4 6 8 10) ==> "); print_list(h); // Test filter pair *i = filter(g, even); printf("\nExpected: (2 4) ==> "); print_list(i); // Test member printf("\nExpected: (3 4 5) ==> "); print_list(member(g, 3)); }