Exemplo n.º 1
void GameView::GenerateMap()
    Vector2 mapCenter((float)m_pTilemap->getWidth() * .5f, (float)m_pTilemap->getHeight() * .5f);

    m_pStockpile = new Stockpile(this, m_pTilemap->getWidth() / 2 + 1, m_pTilemap->getHeight() / 2 - 4);

    // Spawn a bunch of trees
    for (int i = 0; i < TREE_DENSITY; ++i)
        auto center = onut::rand2f(Vector2::Zero, Vector2((float)m_pTilemap->getWidth(), (float)m_pTilemap->getHeight()));
        int count = onut::randi(2, 12);
        for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j)
            auto pos = center += onut::rand2f(Vector2(-3), Vector2(3));
            pos.x = std::round(pos.x) + .5f;
            pos.y = std::round(pos.y) + .5f;
            if (pos.x >= mapCenter.x - 3 && pos.y >= mapCenter.y - 3 &&
                pos.x <= mapCenter.x + 3 && pos.y <= mapCenter.y + 3) continue;
            if (pos.x < 1.f || pos.y < 1.f || pos.x >(float)m_pTilemap->getWidth() - 1.f || pos.y >(float)m_pTilemap->getHeight() - 1.f) continue;
            auto pTile = GetTileAt(pos);
            if (!pTile) continue;
            if (pTile->isOccupied) continue;
            pTile->isOccupied = true;
            auto pTree = new Tree(this, pos);

    // Spawn a bunch of rockz
    for (int i = 0; i < ROCK_DENSITY; ++i)
        auto center = onut::rand2f(Vector2::Zero, Vector2((float)m_pTilemap->getWidth(), (float)m_pTilemap->getHeight()));
        int count = onut::randi(2, 6);
        for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j)
            auto pos = center += onut::rand2f(Vector2(-3), Vector2(3));
            pos.x = std::round(pos.x) + .5f;
            pos.y = std::round(pos.y) + .5f;
            if (pos.x >= mapCenter.x - 3 && pos.y >= mapCenter.y - 3 &&
                pos.x <= mapCenter.x + 3 && pos.y <= mapCenter.y + 3) continue;
            if (pos.x < 1.f || pos.y < 1.f || pos.x >(float)m_pTilemap->getWidth() - 1.f || pos.y >(float)m_pTilemap->getHeight() - 1.f) continue;
            auto pTile = GetTileAt(pos);
            if (!pTile) continue;
            if (pTile->isOccupied) continue;
            pTile->isOccupied = true;
            auto pRock = new Rock(this, pos);

    for (int i = 0; i < m_pTilemap->getWidth(); ++i)
        GetTileAt(i, 0)->isOccupied = true;
        GetTileAt(0, i)->isOccupied = true;
        GetTileAt(i, m_pTilemap->getHeight() - 1)->isOccupied = true;
        GetTileAt(m_pTilemap->getWidth() - 1, i)->isOccupied = true;
void QGeoMapCircleGeometry::updateScreenPointsInvert(const QGeoMap &map)
    if (!screenDirty_)

    if (map.width() == 0 || map.height() == 0) {

    QPointF origin = map.coordinateToItemPosition(srcOrigin_, false).toPointF();

    QPainterPath ppi = srcPath_;


    // a circle requires at least 3 points;
    if (ppi.elementCount() < 3)

    // translate the path into top-left-centric coordinates
    QRectF bb = ppi.boundingRect();
    ppi.translate(-bb.left(), -bb.top());
    firstPointOffset_ = -1 * bb.topLeft();


    // calculate actual width of map on screen in pixels
    QGeoCoordinate mapCenter(0, map.cameraData().center().longitude());
    QDoubleVector2D midPoint = map.coordinateToItemPosition(mapCenter, false);
    QDoubleVector2D midPointPlusOne = QDoubleVector2D(midPoint.x() + 1.0, midPoint.y());
    QGeoCoordinate coord1 = map.itemPositionToCoordinate(midPointPlusOne, false);
    double geoDistance = coord1.longitude() - map.cameraData().center().longitude();
    if ( geoDistance < 0 )
        geoDistance += 360.0;
    double mapWidth = 360.0 / geoDistance;

    qreal leftOffset = origin.x() - (map.width()/2.0 - mapWidth/2.0) - firstPointOffset_.x();
    qreal topOffset = origin.y() - (midPoint.y() - mapWidth/2.0) - firstPointOffset_.y();
    QPainterPath ppiBorder;
    ppiBorder.moveTo(QPointF(-leftOffset, -topOffset));
    ppiBorder.lineTo(QPointF(mapWidth - leftOffset, -topOffset));
    ppiBorder.lineTo(QPointF(mapWidth - leftOffset, mapWidth - topOffset));
    ppiBorder.lineTo(QPointF(-leftOffset, mapWidth - topOffset));

    screenOutline_ = ppiBorder;

    std::vector<p2t::Point*> borderPts;

    std::vector<p2t::Point*> curPts;
    for (int i = 0; i < ppi.elementCount(); ++i) {
        const QPainterPath::Element e = ppi.elementAt(i);
        if (e.isMoveTo() || i == ppi.elementCount() - 1
                || (qAbs(e.x - curPts.front()->x) < 0.1
                    && qAbs(e.y - curPts.front()->y) < 0.1)) {
            if (curPts.size() > 2) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                    const QPainterPath::Element e2 = ppiBorder.elementAt(j);
                    borderPts.push_back(new p2t::Point(e2.x, e2.y));
                p2t::CDT *cdt = new p2t::CDT(borderPts);
                std::vector<p2t::Triangle*> tris = cdt->GetTriangles();
                screenVertices_.reserve(screenVertices_.size() + int(tris.size()));
                for (size_t i = 0; i < tris.size(); ++i) {
                    p2t::Triangle *t = tris.at(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                        p2t::Point *p = t->GetPoint(j);
                        screenVertices_ << QPointF(p->x, p->y);
                delete cdt;
            curPts.reserve(ppi.elementCount() - i);
            curPts.push_back(new p2t::Point(e.x, e.y));
        } else if (e.isLineTo()) {
            curPts.push_back(new p2t::Point(e.x, e.y));
        } else {
            qWarning("Unhandled element type in circle painterpath");

    if (curPts.size() > 0) {
        qDeleteAll(curPts.begin(), curPts.end());

    if (borderPts.size() > 0) {
        qDeleteAll(borderPts.begin(), borderPts.end());

    screenBounds_ = ppiBorder.boundingRect();
