Exemplo n.º 1
/* TODO: Find a bit better way, so it won't cancel the movement. */
void mapFixMovement (Map *map, double x, double y, double *xNew, double *yNew)
	int mapX, mapY;

	assert (map != NULL);
	assert (xNew != NULL && yNew != NULL);

	mapX = x + *xNew;
	if (mapX < 0 || mapX >= map->width  || mapGetField (map, mapX, y))
		*xNew = 0;

	mapY = y + *yNew;
	if (mapY < 0 || mapY >= map->height || mapGetField (map, x, mapY))
		*yNew = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
String* mapGetString(int field, FIX::FieldMap& map)

  StringField* stringField = new StringField(field);
  return mapGetField( stringField, map )->getValue();

Exemplo n.º 3
DateTime mapGetUtcTimeOnly(int field, FIX::FieldMap& map)

  UtcTimeOnlyField* utcTimeOnlyField = new UtcTimeOnlyField(field);
  return mapGetField( utcTimeOnlyField, map )->getValue();

Exemplo n.º 4
double mapGetDouble(int field, FIX::FieldMap& map)

  DoubleField* doubleField = new DoubleField(field);
  return mapGetField( doubleField, map )->getValue();

Exemplo n.º 5
int mapGetInt(int field, FIX::FieldMap& map)

  IntField* intField = new IntField(field);
  return mapGetField( intField, map )->getValue();

Exemplo n.º 6
char mapGetChar(int field, FIX::FieldMap& map)

  CharField* charField = new CharField(field);
  return mapGetField( charField, map )->getValue();

Exemplo n.º 7
bool mapGetBoolean(int field, FIX::FieldMap& map)

  BooleanField* booleanField = new BooleanField(field);
  return mapGetField( booleanField, map )->getValue();

Exemplo n.º 8
static void envRenderEnvironment (Environment env, Camera *cam)
	double xh, yh, xv, yv, xhInc, xvInc, yhInc, yvInc;
	double angle, angleInc, tan_angle;
	int col;

	angle = cam->angle + cam->fov / 2;
	angleInc = cam->fov / cam->screen->w;

	for (col = 0; col < cam->screen->w; col++)
		/* Normalize the angle value. */
		if      (angle <= 0.)       angle += 2 * M_PI;
		else if (angle > 2 * M_PI)  angle -= 2 * M_PI;

		tan_angle = tan (angle);

		/* TODO: What's up with the almost-zero decrement? */

		/* Find the first intersection with the horizontal grid. */
		/* Facing up or down? */
		if (angle < M_PI)
			yh = floor (cam->y) - 10e-8;
			yhInc = -1;
			yvInc = -fabs (tan_angle);
			yh = floor (cam->y) + 1;
			yhInc =  1;
			yvInc =  fabs (tan_angle);
		xh = cam->x + (cam->y - yh) / tan_angle;

		/* Find the first intersection with the vertical grid. */
		/* To the left or to the right? */
		if (angle > M_PI_2 && angle < M_PI_2 * 3)
			xv = floor (cam->x) - 10e-8;
			xvInc = -1;
			xhInc = -1 / fabs (tan_angle);
			xv = floor (cam->x) + 1;
			xvInc =  1;
			xhInc =  1 / fabs (tan_angle);
		yv = cam->y + (cam->x - xv) * tan_angle;

		/* FIXME: It should not pretend there's a wall behind the border. */
		/* There's a slight problem with looking back at the area with a map.
		 * We should somehow detect whether the ray will EVER hit a wall.

		/* Stop when either there's a wall or we've reached the border. */
		while (yh < env->map->height && yh >= 0
			&& xh < env->map->width  && xh >= 0
			&& !mapGetField (env->map, xh, yh))
			xh += xhInc;
			yh += yhInc;

		while (yv < env->map->height && yv >= 0
			&& xv < env->map->width  && xv >= 0
			&& !mapGetField (env->map, xv, yv))
			xv += xvInc;
			yv += yvInc;

		double distH, distV, dist, offset;
		int height, blockX, blockY, texId;

		/* Compute the distance to both intersections. */
		/* See http://www.permadi.com/tutorial/raycast/rayc8.html for optim. */
		distH = (xh - cam->x) * (xh - cam->x) + (yh - cam->y) * (yh - cam->y);
		distV = (xv - cam->x) * (xv - cam->x) + (yv - cam->y) * (yv - cam->y);

		/* Find the nearer intersection and texture offset. */
		if (distH < distV)
			dist = sqrt (distH);
			offset = fmod (xh, 1.0);
			blockX = xh;
			blockY = yh;
			dist = sqrt (distV);
			offset = fmod (yv, 1.0);
			blockX = xv;
			blockY = yv;

		/* The texture ID is one less than the number in the map array. */
		if (blockX >= 0 && blockX < env->map->width
		 && blockY >= 0 && blockY < env->map->height)
			texId = mapGetField (env->map, blockX, blockY) - 1;
			texId = 0;

		assert (texId < env->textures_len);

		/* Remove distortion. */
		/* TODO: Precompute into an array. */
		dist *= cos (angle - cam->angle);

		/* Compute the projected wall height. */
		height = cam->distance / dist;

		/* Draw the wall with a texture. */
		int i, yy, wallYStart, wallYStop;
		int texXPrecomp;
		double texYPrecomp;
		Uint32 pixel;

		texXPrecomp = offset * env->textures[texId]->w;
		texYPrecomp = (double) env->textures[texId]->h / height;

		if (height > cam->screen->h)
			wallYStart = (height - cam->screen->h) / 2;
			wallYStop  =  height - wallYStart - 1;
			wallYStart =  0;
			wallYStop  =  height;

		for (i = wallYStart; i < wallYStop; i++)
			yy = (cam->screen->h - height) / 2 + i;

			pixel = sdluGetPixel32Unsafe (env->textures[texId],
				texXPrecomp, (int) (i * texYPrecomp));

			/* Enhance the 3D effect a bit by darkening some walls. */
			if (distH < distV)
				pixel = (pixel >> 1) & 0x7F7F7F7F & ~RGB_AMASK;

			sdluPutPixel (cam->screen, col, yy,
				SDL_MapRGB (cam->screen->format,
				RGB_GETR (pixel), RGB_GETG (pixel), RGB_GETB (pixel)));

			/* Set the Z-buffer. */
			cam->zbuffer[yy * cam->screen->w + col] = dist;

		/* Draw the floor. */
		double fdist, dx, dy;
		double fdistPrecomp;
		int k = 0;

		fdistPrecomp = cam->distance * cam->z / cos (angle - cam->angle);

		for (i = (cam->screen->h + height) / 2; i < cam->screen->h; i++)
			fdist = fdistPrecomp / (i - cam->screen->h / 2);
			dx = fabs (fmod (fdist * cos (angle) + cam->x, 1.0));
			dy = fabs (fmod (fdist * sin (angle) - cam->y, 1.0));

			/* XXX: Hard-coded texture ID. */
			pixel = sdluGetPixel32Unsafe (env->textures[0],
				(int) (dx * env->textures[0]->w),
				(int) (dy * env->textures[0]->h));
			sdluPutPixel (cam->screen, col, i, SDL_MapRGB (cam->screen->format,
					RGB_GETR (pixel), RGB_GETG (pixel), RGB_GETB (pixel)));

			/* Some relatively low-cost glass effect. */
			if ((cam->renderFlags & GAME_FLAG_FLOOR_REFLECTION)
				Uint8 xr, xg, xb;
				SDL_GetRGB (sdluGetPixel (cam->screen, col, i - 2 * k),
					cam->screen->format, &xr, &xg, &xb);
				sdluPutPixelAlpha (cam->screen, col, i,
					RGB_BUILDCOLOR_A (xr, xg, xb, 128 - (int)
					((double) k / GAME_FLOOR_REFLECTION_HEIGHT * 128)));

			/* Set the Z-buffer. */
			cam->zbuffer[i * cam->screen->w + col]
				= fdist * cos (angle - cam->angle);

		/* Advance to the next ray. */
		angle -= angleInc;