Exemplo n.º 1
static void upload_gbuffer_uniforms(GLuint shdr, float viewport[2], mat4* view, mat4* proj)
    glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shdr, "gbuf.depth"), 0);
    glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shdr, "gbuf.normal"), 1);
    glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shdr, "gbuf.albedo"), 2);
    glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shdr, "gbuf.roughness_metallic"), 3);
    glUniform2fv(glGetUniformLocation(shdr, "u_screen"), 1, viewport);
    mat4 inv_view_proj = mat4_inverse(mat4_mul_mat4(*proj, *view));
    glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(shdr, "u_inv_view_proj"), 1, GL_FALSE, inv_view_proj.m);
Exemplo n.º 2
Util_GetMouseRay(int screenWidth, int screenHeigth, Mat4 *viewMatrix, Mat4 *projectionMatrix,
                 int mouseX, int mouseY)
    Vec4 eyeCoords;
    Vec3 mouseRay;
    /* Normalized device coords NOTE: -y becouse for SDL y = 0 is the top of the screen */
    GLfloat normalX = ( 2.0f * (GLfloat)mouseX ) / (GLfloat) screenWidth - 1.0f;
    GLfloat normalY = 1.0f - (2.0f * (GLfloat)mouseY) / (GLfloat) screenHeigth;

    /* clipCoords include 4th component */
    Vec4 clipCoords = { normalX, normalY, -1.0f, 1.0f };

    /* Remove perpective */
        Mat4 invertedProjection = mat4_inverse(projectionMatrix);
        eyeCoords = mat4_mul_vec4(&invertedProjection, &clipCoords);
        eyeCoords.z = -1.0f;
        eyeCoords.w = 0.0f;

    /* Remove view matrix*/
        Mat4 invertedViewMatrix = mat4_inverse(viewMatrix);
        Vec4 temp = mat4_mul_vec4(&invertedViewMatrix, &eyeCoords);

        mouseRay.x = temp.x;
        mouseRay.y = temp.y;
        mouseRay.z = temp.z;

        mouseRay = vec3_normalize(&mouseRay);

    /* Return the ray in world coordinates */
    return mouseRay;
Exemplo n.º 3
void render_debug(geometry *in, mat4_t model, mat4_t view, mat4_t projection)

    float mvp[16];
    mat4_multiply(projection, view, mvp);
    mat4_multiply(mvp, model , mvp);

    float normal_matrix[16];
    mat4_multiply(view, model , normal_matrix);

    mat4_inverse(normal_matrix, normal_matrix);
    mat4_transpose(normal_matrix, normal_matrix);

    glUniformMatrix4fv(in->debug_geometry.uniform.mvp_matrix, 1, GL_FALSE, mvp);

    glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, in->vertex_count * 2);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: test.cpp Projeto: yngccc/apby
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) {
      printf("option: -help -list\n");
      printf("selection: all || test_name || skip_test_name\n");
      return 0;

  uint num_test_performed = 0;
  m_scope_exit(printf("Performed %d tests\n", num_test_performed));

  m_test(math) {
    m_case(matrix) {
      mat4 m = mat4{} * mat4_identity();
      m_assert(m == mat4{});
      m = mat4_identity();
      mat4 m_inv = mat4_inverse(m);
      m_assert(m == m_inv);
Exemplo n.º 5
vec3_t vec3_unproject(vec3_t vec, mat4_t view, mat4_t proj, vec4_t viewport, vec3_t dest) {
    if (!dest) { dest = vec; }

    mat4_t m = mat4_create(NULL);
    double *v = malloc(sizeof(double) * 4);
    v[0] = (vec[0] - viewport[0]) * 2.0 / viewport[2] - 1.0;
    v[1] = (vec[1] - viewport[1]) * 2.0 / viewport[3] - 1.0;
    v[2] = 2.0 * vec[2] - 1.0;
    v[3] = 1.0;
    mat4_multiply(proj, view, m);
    if(!mat4_inverse(m, NULL)) { return NULL; }
    mat4_multiplyVec4(m, v, NULL);
    if(v[3] == 0.0) { return NULL; }

    dest[0] = v[0] / v[3];
    dest[1] = v[1] / v[3];
    dest[2] = v[2] / v[3];
    return dest;
Exemplo n.º 6
void test_mat4() {
    // Matrix
    local m = vec.Mat4.frustum(-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10)
    local m = vec.Mat4.perspective(90, 1, 1, 100)
    local m = vec.Mat4.lookAt(vec.Vec3(10, 9, 8), vec.Vec3(1, 2, 3), vec.Vec3(0, 1, 0))
    local m = vec.Mat4.ortho(-10, 100, -10, 10, -10, 10)
    local m = vec.Mat4.identity()
    local m = vec.Mat4.translate(vec.Vec3(1, 2, 3))
    local m = vec.Mat4.scale(1, 2, 3)
    local m = vec.Mat4.rotate(vec.Quat.new(1, 2, 3, 8))
    local m = vec.Mat4.perspective(90, 1, 1, 100):inverse()
    local a = vec.Mat4.translate(vec.Vec3(1, 2, 3))
    local b = vec.Mat4.perspective(90, 1, 1, 100)
    local m = a * b
    local v3 = m * vec.Vec4(1, 2, 3, 4)
    struct vec3 eye = {0, -15, 30};
    struct vec3 at = {0, 0, 0};
    struct vec3 up = {0, 1, 0};
    struct mat4 m = mat4_look(&eye, &at, &up);
    struct vec4 zero = {0, 0, 0, 1};
    struct vec4 v4 = mat4_mul_vec4(&m, &zero);
    assert(v4.x == 0);
    assert(v4.y == 0);
    assert((v4.z - (-33.541019)) < 0.00001);
    struct mat4 inv = mat4_inverse(&m);
    struct vec4 v5 = mat4_mul_vec4(&inv, &zero);
    assert(v5.x == 0);
    assert(v5.y - (-15) < 0.00001);
    assert(v5.z - (30) < 0.00001);
void update_game(Game* G)
    float delta_time = (float)get_delta_time(G->timer);
    int ii;

    _control_camera(G, delta_time);
    set_view_matrix(G->graphics, mat4_inverse(transform_get_matrix(G->camera)));

    /* Dynamic Lights */
    if(G->dynamic_lights) {
        G->sun_light.position = mat3_mul_vector(vec3_create(5,5,0), mat3_rotation_y((float)get_running_time(G->timer)*0.5f));
        G->light_transform += delta_time;
        for(ii=0;ii<NUM_LIGHTS;++ii) {
            if(ii % 2)
                G->lights[ii].position.z = sinf((G->light_transform + ii * 1.0f)/2.0f) * 10.0f;
                G->lights[ii].position.x = sinf((G->light_transform + ii * 1.0f)/2.0f) * 10.0f;

    add_light(G->graphics, G->sun_light);
    for(ii=0;ii<NUM_LIGHTS;++ii) {
        add_light(G->graphics, G->lights[ii]);
    render_scene(G->scene, G->graphics);

    G->tap_timer += delta_time;

    /* Calculate FPS */
    G->fps_time += delta_time;

    if(G->fps_time >= 1.0f) {
        G->fps = G->fps_count/G->fps_time;
        system_log("FPS: %f\n", G->fps);
        G->fps_time -= 1.0f;
        G->fps_count = 0;
        int width, height;
        float scale = 50.0f;
        float x = -G->width/2.0f;
        float y = G->height/2.0f-scale;
        char buffer[256] = {0};
        // FPS
        sprintf(buffer, "FPS: %.2f", G->fps);
        add_string(G->ui, x, y, scale, buffer);
        y -= scale;
        // Renderer
        switch(renderer_type(G->graphics)) {
        case kForward: add_string(G->ui, x, y, scale, "Forward renderer"); break;
        case kLightPrePass: add_string(G->ui, x, y, scale, "Deferred Lighting"); break;
        case kDeferred: add_string(G->ui, x, y, scale, "Deferred Shading"); break;
        default: assert(!"Invalid renderer"); break;
        y -= scale;
        // Resolution
        graphics_size(G->graphics, &width, &height);
        sprintf(buffer, "%dx%d", width, height);
        add_string(G->ui, x, y, scale, buffer);
Exemplo n.º 8
static int _llfunc_mat4_inverse(lua_State *L) {
	mat4 *m = (mat4*)userdata_get_or_die(L, 1);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
void render_update(double last_frame_time)
	static int isolevel_offset = 1;
	matrix4f model_inv_mat4;
	matrix3f model_inv_mat3;
	vector3f camera_pos;
	mat4(modelmat, 1.0f);
	last_time = last_frame_time;
	// обновляем камеру (позицию и т.п)
	// поулчаем параметры камеры
	camera_pos = camera_get_position(&camera);
	camera_get_view_matrix(&camera, viewmat);
	camera_get_projection_matrix(&camera, projectionmat);
	// обновляем вращение объекта (arcball)
	mat4_mult2(modelmat, rotmat, modelmat);
	// смещаем объект
	matrix4f translatemat;
	mat4_translate(translatemat, -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
	mat4_mult2(modelmat, modelmat, translatemat);
	// вращаем источник света
	if(light_animate) {
		light_rot_angle += light_rot_step;
		if(light_rot_angle > 360.0f) light_rot_angle = 0.0f;
	matrix4f light_mat;
	mat4_rotate_axis(light_mat, light_rot_angle, vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	new_light_position = mat4_mult_vec3(light_mat, light_position);
	// изменяем изо-уровень
	if(isolevel_animate) {
		isolevel += isolevel_step * isolevel_offset;
		if(isolevel_begin <= isolevel_end) {
			if(isolevel >= isolevel_end)
				isolevel_offset = -1;
			else if(isolevel < isolevel_begin)
				isolevel_offset = 1;
		} else {
			if(isolevel < isolevel_end)
				isolevel_offset = 1;
			else if(isolevel >= isolevel_begin)
				isolevel_offset = -1;
	mat4_inverse(model_inv_mat4, modelmat);
	mat4_submat(model_inv_mat3, 3, 3, model_inv_mat4);
	// обновляем вершинные буферы
	// устанавливаем юниформы
	glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_modelmat, 1, GL_TRUE, (const GLfloat *) modelmat);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_viewmat, 1, GL_TRUE, (const GLfloat *) viewmat);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_projectionmat, 1, GL_TRUE, (const GLfloat *) projectionmat);
	glUniformMatrix3fv(uniform_model_inv, 1, GL_TRUE, (const GLfloat *) model_inv_mat3);
	glUniform3f(uniform_light_pos, new_light_position.x, new_light_position.y, new_light_position.z);
	glUniform3f(uniform_viewer_pos, camera_pos.x, camera_pos.y, camera_pos.z);

	glUniform1f(uniform_coef_ambient, coef_ambient);
	glUniform1f(uniform_coef_diffuse, coef_diffuse);
	glUniform1f(uniform_coef_specular, coef_specular);
	glUniform1f(uniform_material_shininess, material_shininess);
	glUniform1f(uniform_coef_gamma, coef_gamma);
	glUniform3f(uniform_material_front_color, material_front_color.x, material_front_color.y, material_front_color.z);
	glUniform3f(uniform_material_back_color, material_back_color.x, material_back_color.y, material_back_color.z);
	glUniform3f(uniform_light_color, light_color.x, light_color.y, light_color.z);
	glUniform3f(uniform_light_spec_color, light_spec_color.x, light_spec_color.y, light_spec_color.z);
