Exemplo n.º 1
*   Function    : jacobi
*   Goal        : 
*   input parameters   : mat   : original Matrix
*   output parameters  : d     : contains the eigenvalues
*                        eig_v : contains the eigenvectors as columna
*   returnted Value    : success or error messages
extern int jacobi( Matrix* mat, Vector *d, Matrix *eig_v )
  int    j, iq, ip, i, n, nrot;
  double tresh, theta, tau, t, sm, s, h, g, c;
  Vector *b, 
         *z;       /* this vector accumulate terms */
  double **mval, **vval, **bval, **dval, **zval;
  Matrix *msave;

  if( (mat == NULL) || (d == NULL) || (eig_v == NULL) )
    { printf(" jacobi: you gave me a NULL-pointer\n");
      return( MATH_FATAL_ERROR );

  if( (MDim1(mat) != MDim2(mat)) || (VDim(d) != MDim1(mat)) ||
      (MDim1(eig_v) != MDim2(eig_v)) || (MDim1(mat) != MDim1(eig_v)) )
    { printf(" jacobi: wrong dimensions of the matrices or the vector\n");
      return( MATH_WARNING );
  msave = matrix_alloc( MDim1(mat), MDim2(mat) );
  matrix_copy( mat, msave );

  n = MDim1(msave);
  mval = msave->val;
  vval = eig_v->val;
  dval = d->val;
  b = vector_alloc( n );   bval = b->val;
  z = vector_alloc( n );   zval = z->val;

  /* Initialize */
  for( ip = 0; ip < n; ip++ )      /* initialize to the identiy matrix */
    { for( iq = 0; iq < n; iq ++ )
	MVal(vval,ip,iq) = 0.0;
      MVal(vval,ip,ip) = 1.0;
  for( ip = 0; ip < n; ip++ )              /* initialize b and d to the */
    { VVal(bval,ip) = VVal(dval,ip) = MVal(mval,ip,ip) ; /* diagonal of msave */
      VVal(zval,ip) = 0.0;
  nrot = 0;

  for( i = 0; i < 50; i++ )
      sm = 0.0;
      for( ip = 0; ip < n-1; ip++) 
	for( iq = ip+1; iq < n; iq++) sm += SYS_FABS(MVal(mval,ip,iq));

      if( sm == 0.0) 
	{ vector_free( b );
	  vector_free( z );
	  matrix_free( msave );
	  eigsort( eig_v, d );
	  return( MATH_SUCCESS );

      if (i < 4) tresh = 0.2 * sm / (n * n);
      else       tresh = 0.0;

      for( ip = 0; ip < n-1;ip++) 
	for( iq = ip+1; iq < n; iq++) 
	  { g = 100.0 * SYS_FABS( MVal(mval,ip,iq) );

	    if ( (i > 4) && 
		((double) SYS_FABS(VVal(dval,ip))+g)==(double) SYS_FABS(VVal(dval,ip)) &&
		((double) SYS_FABS(VVal(dval,iq))+g)==(double) SYS_FABS(VVal(dval,iq)) )
	      { MVal(mval,ip,iq) = 0.0;
	    else if( SYS_FABS( MVal(mval,ip,iq) ) > tresh )
	      { h = VVal(dval,iq) - VVal(dval,ip);
                if( (double) (SYS_FABS(h) + g) == (double)SYS_FABS(h)) 
		  { t = ( MVal(mval,ip,iq) ) / h;
		  {  theta = 0.5 * h / ( MVal(mval,ip,iq) );
                     t     = 1.0 / (SYS_FABS(theta) + sqrt(1.0 + theta*theta));
                     if( theta < 0.0 ) t = -t;
                c   = 1.0 / sqrt( 1 + t*t);
                s   = t * c;
                tau = s / (1.0 + c);
                h   = t * MVal(mval,ip,iq);
                VVal(zval,ip) -= h;
                VVal(zval,iq) += h;
                VVal(dval,ip) -= h;
                VVal(dval,iq) += h;
                MVal( mval,ip,iq) = 0.0;

                for (j = 0;    j < ip; j++) ROTATE( mval,j, ip,j, iq);
                for (j = ip+1; j < iq; j++) ROTATE( mval,ip,j, j, iq);
                for (j = iq+1; j < n;  j++) ROTATE( mval,ip,j, iq,j);
                for (j = 0;    j < n;  j++) ROTATE( vval,j, ip,j, iq);
      for( ip = 0; ip < n; ip++ )
	{ VVal(bval,ip) += VVal(zval,ip);
	  VVal(dval,ip)  = VVal(bval,ip);
	  VVal(zval,ip)  = 0.0;
  printf(" jacobi: to many iterations in routine\n");
  return( MATH_WARNING );
Exemplo n.º 2
matrix_type * matrix_fread_alloc(FILE * stream) {
  matrix_type * matrix = matrix_alloc(1,1);
  matrix_fread(matrix , stream);
  return matrix;
Exemplo n.º 3
matrix_type * matrix_alloc_transpose( const matrix_type * A) {
  matrix_type * B = matrix_alloc( matrix_get_columns( A ) , matrix_get_rows( A ));
  matrix_transpose( A , B );
  return B;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: stepwise.c Projeto: jokva/ert
static double stepwise_test_var( stepwise_type * stepwise , int test_var , int blocks) {
    double prediction_error = 0;

    bool_vector_iset( stepwise->active_set , test_var , true );   // Temporarily activate this variable

        int nvar                       = matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 );
        int nsample                    = matrix_get_rows( stepwise->X0 );
        int block_size                 = nsample / blocks;
        bool_vector_type * active_rows = bool_vector_alloc( nsample, true );

        /*True Cross-Validation: */
        int * randperms     = util_calloc( nsample , sizeof * randperms );
        for (int i=0; i < nsample; i++)
            randperms[i] = i;

        /* Randomly perturb ensemble indices */
        rng_shuffle_int( stepwise->rng , randperms , nsample );

        for (int iblock = 0; iblock < blocks; iblock++) {

            int validation_start = iblock * block_size;
            int validation_end   = validation_start + block_size - 1;

            if (iblock == (blocks - 1))
                validation_end = nsample - 1;

              Ensure that the active_rows vector has a block consisting of
              the interval [validation_start : validation_end] which is set to
              false, and the remaining part of the vector is set to true.
                bool_vector_set_all(active_rows, true);
                   If blocks == 1 that means all datapoint are used in the
                   regression, and then subsequently reused in the R2
                if (blocks > 1) {
                    for (int i = validation_start; i <= validation_end; i++) {
                        bool_vector_iset( active_rows , randperms[i] , false );

              Evaluate the prediction error on the validation part of the
                stepwise_estimate__( stepwise , active_rows );
                    int irow;
                    matrix_type * x_vector = matrix_alloc( 1 , nvar );
                    //matrix_type * e_vector = matrix_alloc( 1 , nvar );
                    for (irow=validation_start; irow <= validation_end; irow++) {
                        matrix_copy_row( x_vector , stepwise->X0 , 0 , randperms[irow]);
                        //matrix_copy_row( e_vector , stepwise->E0 , 0 , randperms[irow]);
                            double true_value      = matrix_iget( stepwise->Y0 , randperms[irow] , 0 );
                            double estimated_value = stepwise_eval__( stepwise , x_vector );
                            prediction_error += (true_value - estimated_value) * (true_value - estimated_value);
                            //double e_estimated_value = stepwise_eval__( stepwise , e_vector );
                            //prediction_error += e_estimated_value*e_estimated_value;

                    matrix_free( x_vector );

        free( randperms );
        bool_vector_free( active_rows );

    /*inactivate the test_var-variable after completion*/
    bool_vector_iset( stepwise->active_set , test_var , false );
    return prediction_error;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: stepwise.c Projeto: jokva/ert
static double stepwise_estimate__( stepwise_type * stepwise , bool_vector_type * active_rows) {
    matrix_type * X;
    matrix_type * E;
    matrix_type * Y;

    double y_mean    = 0;
    int nvar         = matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 );
    int nsample      = matrix_get_rows( stepwise->X0 );

    nsample = bool_vector_count_equal( active_rows , true );
    nvar = bool_vector_count_equal( stepwise->active_set , true );

    matrix_set( stepwise->beta , 0 ); // It is essential to make sure that old finite values in the beta0 vector do not hang around.

      Extracting the data used for regression, and storing them in the
      temporary local matrices X and Y. Selecting data is based both on
      which varibles are active (stepwise->active_set) and which rows
      should be used for regression, versus which should be used for
      validation (@active_rows).
    if ((nsample < matrix_get_rows( stepwise->X0 )) || (nvar < matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 ))) {
        X = matrix_alloc( nsample , nvar );
        E = matrix_alloc( nsample , nvar );
        Y = matrix_alloc( nsample , 1);

            int icol,irow;   // Running over all values.
            int arow,acol;   // Running over active values.
            arow = 0;
            for (irow = 0; irow < matrix_get_rows( stepwise->X0 ); irow++) {
                if (bool_vector_iget( active_rows , irow )) {
                    acol = 0;
                    for (icol = 0; icol < matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 ); icol++) {
                        if (bool_vector_iget( stepwise->active_set , icol )) {
                            matrix_iset( X , arow , acol , matrix_iget( stepwise->X0 , irow , icol ));
                            matrix_iset( E , arow , acol , matrix_iget( stepwise->E0 , irow , icol ));

                    matrix_iset( Y , arow , 0 , matrix_iget( stepwise->Y0 , irow , 0 ));
    } else {
        X = matrix_alloc_copy( stepwise->X0 );
        E = matrix_alloc_copy( stepwise->E0 );
        Y = matrix_alloc_copy( stepwise->Y0 );


        if (stepwise->X_mean != NULL)
            matrix_free( stepwise->X_mean);

        stepwise->X_mean = matrix_alloc( 1 , nvar );

        if (stepwise->X_norm != NULL)
            matrix_free( stepwise->X_norm);

        stepwise->X_norm = matrix_alloc( 1 , nvar );

        matrix_type * beta     = matrix_alloc( nvar , 1);           /* This is the beta vector as estimated from the OLS estimator. */

        regression_augmented_OLS( X , Y , E, beta );

           In this code block the beta/tmp_beta vector which is dense with
           fewer elements than the full model is scattered into the beta0
           vector which has full size and @nvar elements.
            int ivar,avar;
            avar = 0;
            for (ivar = 0; ivar < matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 ); ivar++) {
                if (bool_vector_iget( stepwise->active_set , ivar )) {
                    matrix_iset( stepwise->beta , ivar , 0 , matrix_iget( beta , avar , 0));

        matrix_free( beta );

    matrix_free( X );
    matrix_free( E );
    matrix_free( Y );
    return y_mean;
Exemplo n.º 6
void poly_projectforget_array(bool project,
			      bool lazy,
			      ap_manager_t* man,	
			      pk_t* po, pk_t* pa, 
			      ap_dim_t* tdim, size_t size)
  bool res;
  matrix_t* mat;
  size_t i,j;
  pk_internal_t* pk = (pk_internal_t*)man->internal;
  res = false;

  /* Get the generator systems, and possibly minimize */
  if (lazy)
    poly_obtain_F(man,pa,"of the argument");
    poly_chernikova(man,pa,"of the argument");
  if (pk->exn){
    pk->exn = AP_EXC_NONE;
    if (!pa->F){
      man->result.flag_best = man->result.flag_exact = false;
  /* if empty, return empty */
  if (!pa->F){
    man->result.flag_best = man->result.flag_exact = true;
  if (project){
    /* Project: assign the dimension to zero */
    if (po==pa){
      /* Forget the other matrices */
      if (po->C){ matrix_free(po->C); po->C = NULL; }
      if (po->satC){ satmat_free(po->satC); po->satC = NULL; }
      if (po->satF){ satmat_free(po->satF); po->satF = NULL; }
    } else {
      /* Copy the old one */
      po->F = matrix_copy(pa->F);
    mat = po->F;
    for (i=0; i<mat->nbrows; i++){
      for (j=0; j<size; j++){
    po->status = 0;
    if (!lazy){
      poly_chernikova(man,po,"of the result");
  else {
    /* Forget */
    mat = matrix_alloc(size,pa->F->nbcolumns,false);
    for (i=0; i<size; i++){
    if (po!=pa) poly_dual(po);
    if (!lazy) poly_obtain_satC(pa);
    res = poly_meet_matrix(false,lazy,man,po,pa,mat);
    if (po!=pa) poly_dual(po);
  if (res || pk->exn){
    pk->exn = AP_EXC_NONE;
    if (!po->F){
      man->result.flag_best = man->result.flag_exact = false;
  if (pk->funopt->flag_best_wanted || pk->funopt->flag_exact_wanted){
    bool real = true;
    if (pa->intdim>0){
      for (i=0; i<size; i++){
	if (tdim[i]<pa->intdim){
	  real = false;
    man->result.flag_best = man->result.flag_exact = 
  else {
    man->result.flag_best = man->result.flag_exact =
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  /* check for and handle version tag */
  int nargs = handle_version_option
              (argc, argv,
               "$Id: mri_gcut.cpp,v 1.14 2011/03/02 00:04:16 nicks Exp $",
               "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  parse_commandline(argc, argv);

  MRI *mri, *mri2, *mri3, *mri_mask=NULL;
  mri3  = MRIread(in_filename);
  if ( mri3 == NULL )
    printf("can't read file %s\nexit!\n", in_filename);
  mri   = MRISeqchangeType(mri3, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE);
  mri2  = MRISeqchangeType(mri3, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE);
  //MRI* mri4 = MRIread("gcutted.mgz");

  if (bNeedMasking == 1)
    printf("reading mask...\n");
    mri_mask = MRIread(mask_filename);
    if ( mri_mask == NULL )
      printf("can't read %s, omit -mult option!\n", mask_filename);
      if ( mri_mask->width != mri->width ||
           mri_mask->height != mri->height ||
           mri_mask->depth != mri->depth )
        printf("Two masks are of different size, omit -mult option!\n");

  int w = mri->width;
  int h = mri->height;
  int d = mri->depth;

  // -- copy of mri matrix
  unsigned char ***label;
  label = new unsigned char**[d];
  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    label[i] = new unsigned char*[h];
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
      label[i][j] = new unsigned char[w];
      for (int k = 0; k < w; k++)
        label[i][j][k] = 0;
  // -- gcut image
  int ***im_gcut;
  im_gcut = new int**[d];
  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    im_gcut[i] = new int*[h];
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
      im_gcut[i][j] = new int[w];
      for (int k = 0; k < w; k++)
        im_gcut[i][j][k] = 0;
  // -- diluted
  int ***im_diluteerode;
  im_diluteerode = new int**[d];
  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    im_diluteerode[i] = new int*[h];
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
      im_diluteerode[i][j] = new int[w];
      for (int k = 0; k < w; k++)
        im_diluteerode[i][j][k] = 0;
  //int w, h, d;
  //int x, y, z;
  double whitemean;
  if (bNeedPreprocessing == 0)
    // pre-processed: 110 intensity voxels are the WM
    if (LCC_function(mri ->slices,
                     whitemean) == 1)
      if ( whitemean < 0 )
        printf("whitemean < 0 error!\n");
      whitemean = 110;
      printf("use voxels with intensity 110 as WM mask\n");
    printf("estimating WM mask\n");
    whitemean = pre_processing(mri ->slices,
    if ( whitemean < 0 )
      printf("whitemean < 0 error!\n");
  double threshold = whitemean * _t;
  printf("threshold set to: %f*%f=%f\n", whitemean, _t, threshold);

  for (int z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++)
    for (int y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++)
      for (int x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++)
        if ( mri->slices[z][y][x] < threshold + 1 )
          mri->slices[z][y][x] = 0;
    }//end of for

  //new code
  int ***foregroundseedwt;
  int ***backgroundseedwt;
  matrix_alloc(&foregroundseedwt, d, h, w);
  matrix_alloc(&backgroundseedwt, d, h, w);

  double kval = 2.3;
  graphcut(mri->slices, label, im_gcut,
           foregroundseedwt, backgroundseedwt,
           w, h, d, kval, threshold, whitemean);
  printf("g-cut done!\npost-processing...\n");
  //printf("_test: %f\n", _test);

                  w, h, d);
  printf("post-processing done!\n");

  if (bNeedMasking == 1)//masking
    for (int z = 0 ; z < mri_mask->depth ; z++)
      for (int y = 0 ; y < mri_mask->height ; y++)
        for (int x = 0 ; x < mri_mask->width ; x++)
          if ( mri_mask->slices[z][y][x] == 0 )
            im_diluteerode[z][y][x] = 0;

  //if the output might have some problem
  int numGcut = 0, numMask = 0;
  double _ratio = 0;
  int error_Hurestic = 0;
  if (bNeedMasking == 1)//-110 and masking are both set
    for (int z = 0 ; z < mri_mask->depth ; z++)
      for (int y = 0 ; y < mri_mask->height ; y++)
        for (int x = 0 ; x < mri_mask->width ; x++)
          if ( im_diluteerode[z][y][x] != 0 )
          if ( mri_mask->slices[z][y][x] != 0 )
    _ratio = (double)numGcut / numMask;
    if (_ratio <= 0.85)
      error_Hurestic = 1;

  if (error_Hurestic == 1)
    printf("** Gcutted brain is much smaller than the mask!\n");
    printf("** Using the mask as the output instead!\n");
    //printf("** Gcutted output is written as: 'error_gcutted_sample'\n");

  for (int z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++)
    for (int y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++)
      for (int x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++)
        if (error_Hurestic == 0)
          if ( im_diluteerode[z][y][x] == 0 )
            mri2 ->slices[z][y][x] = 0;
          if ( mri_mask->slices[z][y][x] == 0 )
            mri2 ->slices[z][y][x] = 0;
          //if( im_diluteerode[z][y][x] == 0 )
          //mri ->slices[z][y][x] = 0;
    }//end of for 2
  }//end of for 1

  MRIwrite(mri2, out_filename);

  // if user supplied a filename to which to write diffs, then write-out
  // volume file containing where cuts were made (for debug)
  if (diff_filename[0] && (error_Hurestic != 1))
    MRI *mri_diff = MRISeqchangeType(mri3, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE);
    for (int z = 0 ; z < mri3->depth ; z++)
      for (int y = 0 ; y < mri3->height ; y++)
        for (int x = 0 ; x < mri3->width ; x++)
          if (mri_mask)
            mri_diff->slices[z][y][x] =
              mri2->slices[z][y][x] - mri_mask->slices[z][y][x];
            mri_diff->slices[z][y][x] =
              mri2->slices[z][y][x] - mri3->slices[z][y][x];
      }//end of for 2
    }//end of for 1
    MRIwrite(mri_diff, diff_filename);

  if (mri)
  if (mri2)
  if (mri3)
  if (mri_mask)
  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
      delete[] im_diluteerode[i][j];
      delete[] im_gcut[i][j];
      delete[] label[i][j];
    delete[] im_diluteerode[i];
    delete[] im_gcut[i];
    delete[] label[i];
  delete[] im_diluteerode;
  delete[] im_gcut;
  delete[] label;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
double graphcut(unsigned char ***image, unsigned char ***label, 
                int ***im_gcut, int ***foreSW, int ***backSW, 
                int xVol, int yVol, int zVol, 
                double kval, double threshold, double whitemean)
  //city block matrix
  int ***cityblock;
  matrix_alloc(&cityblock, zVol, yVol, xVol);

  //fore groud seed & back ground seed
  for (int z = 0; z < zVol; z++)
    for (int y = 0; y < yVol; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < xVol; x++)
        if ( label[z][y][x] == 1 )
          foreSW[z][y][x] = 4000;
        if ( image[z][y][x] <= 0 )
          backSW[z][y][x] = 4000;
        if ( image[z][y][x] > 0 )
          cityblock[z][y][x] = -1;

  do_cityblock(cityblock, zVol, yVol, xVol);

  int x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, z_start, z_end;
  decide_bound(image, threshold, 
               xVol, yVol, zVol, 
               x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, z_start, z_end);
  //new range
  int xVol_new = x_end - x_start + 1;
  int yVol_new = y_end - y_start + 1;
  int zVol_new = z_end - z_start + 1;
  //printf("x_new=%d, y_new=%d, z_new=%d", xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);

  double k = kval / (whitemean - threshold);
  //assign memory
  int length_h = (xVol_new-1)*yVol_new*zVol_new;
  int length_v = xVol_new*(yVol_new-1)*zVol_new;
  int length_t = xVol_new*yVol_new*(zVol_new-1);
  edgeW *hor = new edgeW[length_h];
  edgeW *ver = new edgeW[length_v];
  edgeW *tra = new edgeW[length_t];

  int i, j;
  int x, y, z;
  printf("calculating weights...\n");
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < length_h; j++)
    map(j, &x, &y, &z, xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);
    if ( x+1 == xVol_new )
    hor[i].edge1 = j + 1;
    hor[i].edge2 = j + 1 + 1;
    //map(hor[i].edge1-1, &x, &y, &z, xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);
    x += x_start;
    y += y_start;
    z += z_start;
    hor[i].weight = cityblock[z][y][x] > cityblock[z][y][x+1] ? 
      cityblock[z][y][x] : cityblock[z][y][x+1];
    hor[i].weight = hor[i].weight * hor[i].weight;
    if (hor[i].weight > 1 && hor[i].weight < 6)
      hor[i].weight = 6;
    if (hor[i].weight != 1 && hor[i].weight != 6 && hor[i].weight != 0)
      unsigned char value = image[z][y][x] > image[z][y][x+1] ? 
        image[z][y][x+1] : image[z][y][x];
      hor[i].weight = (int)fabs(hor[i].weight * 
                                (exp(k * (value - threshold)) - 1));
    if (hor[i].weight > 1 && hor[i].weight < 6)
      hor[i].weight = 6;
    if (hor[i].weight > 0 && hor[i].weight < 1)
      hor[i].weight = 1;
    if (hor[i].weight == 0)
      hor[i].weight = 1000;
    //foreground seed and background seed
    hor[i].fsw = foreSW[z][y][x+1];
    hor[i].bsw = backSW[z][y][x+1];

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < length_v; j++)
    map(j, &x, &y, &z, xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);
    if ( y+1 == yVol_new )
    ver[i].edge1 = j + 1;
    ver[i].edge2 = j + 1 + xVol_new;
    //map(ver[i].edge1-1, &x, &y, &z, xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);
    x += x_start;
    y += y_start;
    z += z_start;
    ver[i].weight = cityblock[z][y][x] > cityblock[z][y+1][x] ? 
      cityblock[z][y][x] : cityblock[z][y+1][x];
    ver[i].weight = ver[i].weight * ver[i].weight;
    if (ver[i].weight > 1 && ver[i].weight < 6)
      ver[i].weight = 6;
    if (ver[i].weight != 1 && ver[i].weight != 6 && ver[i].weight != 0)
      unsigned char value = image[z][y][x] > image[z][y+1][x] ? 
        image[z][y+1][x] : image[z][y][x];
      ver[i].weight = (int)fabs(ver[i].weight * 
                                (exp(k * (value - threshold)) - 1));
    if (ver[i].weight > 1 && ver[i].weight < 6)
      ver[i].weight = 6;
    if (ver[i].weight > 0 && ver[i].weight < 1)
      ver[i].weight = 1;
    if (ver[i].weight == 0)
      ver[i].weight = 1000;
    //foreground seed and background seed
    ver[i].fsw = foreSW[z][y+1][x];
    ver[i].bsw = backSW[z][y+1][x];

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < length_t; j++)
    map(j, &x, &y, &z, xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);
    if ( z+1 == zVol_new )
    tra[i].edge1 = j + 1;
    tra[i].edge2 = j + 1 + xVol_new * yVol_new;
    //map(tra[i].edge1-1, &x, &y, &z, xVol_new, yVol_new, zVol_new);
    x += x_start;
    y += y_start;
    z += z_start;
    tra[i].weight = cityblock[z][y][x] > cityblock[z+1][y][x] ? 
      cityblock[z][y][x] : cityblock[z+1][y][x];
    tra[i].weight = tra[i].weight * tra[i].weight;
    if (tra[i].weight > 1 && tra[i].weight < 6)
      tra[i].weight = 6;
    if (tra[i].weight != 1 && tra[i].weight != 6 && tra[i].weight != 0)
      unsigned char value = image[z][y][x] > image[z+1][y][x] ? 
        image[z+1][y][x] : image[z][y][x];
      tra[i].weight = (int)fabs(tra[i].weight * 
                                (exp(k * (value - threshold)) - 1));
    if (tra[i].weight > 1 && tra[i].weight < 6)
      tra[i].weight = 6;
    if (tra[i].weight > 0 && tra[i].weight < 1)
      tra[i].weight = 1;
    if (tra[i].weight == 0)
      tra[i].weight = 1000;
    //foreground seed and background seed
    tra[i].fsw = foreSW[z+1][y][x];
    tra[i].bsw = backSW[z+1][y][x];

  // -- free memory
  matrix_free(cityblock, zVol, yVol, xVol);
  matrix_free(backSW, zVol, yVol, xVol);
  matrix_free(foreSW, zVol, yVol, xVol);
  printf("doing mincut...\n");
  mincut(im_gcut, hor, ver, tra, length_h, length_v, length_t, 
         x_start, y_start, z_start, x_end, y_end, z_end);

  delete[] hor;
  delete[] ver;
  delete[] tra;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
void lars_estimate(lars_type * lars , int max_vars , double max_beta , bool verbose) {
  int nvars       = matrix_get_columns( lars->X );
  int nsample     = matrix_get_rows( lars->X );
  matrix_type * X = matrix_alloc( nsample, nvars );    // Allocate local X and Y variables
  matrix_type * Y = matrix_alloc( nsample, 1 );        // which will hold the normalized data 
  lars_estimate_init( lars , X , Y);                   // during the estimation process.
    matrix_type * G                = matrix_alloc_gram( X , true );
    matrix_type * mu               = matrix_alloc( nsample , 1 );
    matrix_type * C                = matrix_alloc( nvars , 1 );
    matrix_type * Y_mu             = matrix_alloc_copy( Y ); 
    int_vector_type * active_set   = int_vector_alloc(0,0);
    int_vector_type * inactive_set = int_vector_alloc(0,0);
    int    active_size;

    if ((max_vars <= 0) || (max_vars > nvars))
      max_vars = nvars;
      int i;
      for (i=0; i < nvars; i++)
        int_vector_iset( inactive_set , i , i );
    matrix_set( mu , 0 );

    while (true) {
      double maxC = 0;

        The first step is to calculate the correlations between the
        covariates, and the current residual. All the currently inactive
        covariates are searched; the covariate with the greatest
        correlation with (Y - mu) is selected and added to the active set.
      matrix_sub( Y_mu , Y , mu );                            // Y_mu = Y - mu 
      matrix_dgemm( C , X , Y_mu , true , false , 1.0 , 0);   // C    = X' * Y_mu
        int i;
        int max_set_index = 0;

        for (i=0; i < int_vector_size( inactive_set ); i++) {
          int    set_index = i;
          int    var_index = int_vector_iget( inactive_set , set_index );
          double value     = fabs( matrix_iget(C ,  var_index , 0) );
          if (value > maxC) {
            maxC          = value;
            max_set_index = set_index;
           Remove element corresponding to max_set_index from the
           inactive set and add it to the active set:
        int_vector_append( active_set , int_vector_idel( inactive_set , max_set_index ));
      active_size = int_vector_size( active_set );
        Now we have calculated the correlations between all the
        covariates and the current residual @Y_mu. The correlations are
        stored in the matrix @C. The value of the maximum correlation is
        stored in @maxC.
        Based on the value of @maxC we have added one new covariate to
        the model, technically by moving the index from @inactive_set to


        matrix_type * weights     = matrix_alloc( active_size , 1);
        double scale;

        /* This scope should compute and initialize the variables
           @weights and @scale. */
          matrix_type * subG        = matrix_alloc( active_size , active_size );
          matrix_type * STS         = matrix_alloc( active_size , active_size );
          matrix_type * sign_vector = matrix_alloc( active_size , 1);
          int i , j;

            STS = S' o S where 'o' is the Schur product and S is given

            [  s1   s2   s3   s4 ]  
        S = [  s1   s2   s3   s4 ]
            [  s1   s2   s3   s4 ]
            [  s1   s2   s3   s4 ]

            Where si is the sign of the correlation between (active)
            variable 'i' and Y_mu.

          for (i=0; i < active_size ; i++) {
            int     vari  = int_vector_iget( active_set , i );
            double  signi = sgn( matrix_iget( C , vari , 0));
            matrix_iset( sign_vector , i , 0 , signi );
            for (j=0; j < active_size; j++) {
              int     varj  = int_vector_iget( active_set , j );
              double  signj = sgn( matrix_iget( C , varj , 0));
              matrix_iset( STS , i , j , signi * signj );
          // Extract the elements from G corresponding to active indices and
          // copy to the matrix subG:
          for (i=0; i < active_size ; i++) {
            int ii = int_vector_iget( active_set , i );
            for (j=0; j < active_size; j++) {
              int jj = int_vector_iget( active_set , j );
              matrix_iset( subG , i , j , matrix_iget(G , ii , jj));
          // Weights 
          matrix_inplace_mul( subG , STS );  
          matrix_inv( subG );
            matrix_type * ones = matrix_alloc( active_size , 1 );
            matrix_type * GA1  = matrix_alloc( active_size , 1 );
            matrix_set( ones , 1.0 );
            matrix_matmul( GA1 , subG , ones );
            scale = 1.0 / sqrt( matrix_get_column_sum( GA1 , 0 ));
            matrix_mul( weights , GA1 , sign_vector );
            matrix_scale( weights , scale );
            matrix_free( GA1 );
            matrix_free( ones );
          matrix_free( sign_vector );
          matrix_free( subG );
          matrix_free( STS );
        /* The variables weight and scale have been calculated, proceed
           to calculate the step length @gamma. */ 
          int i;
          double  gamma;
            matrix_type * u = matrix_alloc( nsample , 1 );
            int j;

            for (i=0; i < nsample; i++) {
              double row_sum = 0;
              for (j =0; j < active_size; j++) 
                row_sum += matrix_iget( X , i , int_vector_iget( active_set , j)) * matrix_iget(weights , j , 0 );
              matrix_iset( u , i , 0 , row_sum );
            gamma = maxC / scale;
            if (active_size < matrix_get_columns( X )) {
              matrix_type * equi_corr = matrix_alloc( nvars , 1 );
              matrix_dgemm( equi_corr , X , u , true , false , 1.0 , 0);     // equi_corr = X'·u
              for (i=0; i < (nvars - active_size); i++) {
                int var_index  = int_vector_iget( inactive_set , i );
                double gamma1  = (maxC - matrix_iget(C , var_index , 0 )) / ( scale - matrix_iget( equi_corr , var_index , 0));
                double gamma2  = (maxC + matrix_iget(C , var_index , 0 )) / ( scale + matrix_iget( equi_corr , var_index , 0));
                if ((gamma1 > 0) && (gamma1 < gamma))
                  gamma = gamma1;
                if ((gamma2 > 0) && (gamma2 < gamma))
                  gamma = gamma2;
              matrix_free( equi_corr );
            /* Update the current estimated 'location' mu. */
            matrix_scale( u , gamma );
            matrix_inplace_add( mu , u );
            matrix_free( u );
             We have calculated the step length @gamma, and the @weights. Update the @beta matrix.
          for (i=0; i < active_size; i++) 
            matrix_iset( lars->beta , int_vector_iget( active_set , i ) , active_size - 1 , gamma * matrix_iget( weights , i , 0));
          if (active_size > 1) 
            for (i=0; i < nvars; i++)
              matrix_iadd( lars->beta , i , active_size - 1 , matrix_iget( lars->beta , i , active_size - 2)); 
          matrix_free( weights );
      if (active_size == max_vars)
      if (max_beta > 0) {
        double beta_norm2 = matrix_get_column_abssum( lars->beta , active_size - 1 );
        if (beta_norm2 > max_beta) {
          // We stop - we will use an interpolation between this beta estimate and
          // the previous, to ensure that the |beta| = max_beta criteria is satisfied.
          if (active_size >= 2) {
            double beta_norm1 = matrix_get_column_abssum( lars->beta , active_size - 2 );
            double s = (max_beta - beta_norm1)/(beta_norm2 - beta_norm1);
              int j;
              for (j=0; j < nvars; j++) {
                double beta1 = matrix_iget( lars->beta , j , active_size - 2 );
                double beta2 = matrix_iget( lars->beta , j , active_size - 1 );
                matrix_iset( lars->beta , j , active_size - 1 , beta1 + s*(beta2 - beta1));
    matrix_free( G );
    matrix_free( mu );
    matrix_free( C );
    matrix_free( Y_mu );
    int_vector_free( active_set );
    int_vector_free( inactive_set );
    matrix_resize( lars->beta , nvars , active_size , true );
    if (verbose) 
      matrix_pretty_fprint( lars->beta , "beta" , "%12.5f" , stdout );
    lars_select_beta( lars , active_size - 1);
  matrix_free( X );
  matrix_free( Y );
Exemplo n.º 10
void airsar_to_latlon(meta_parameters *meta,
                      double xSample, double yLine, double height,
                      double *lat, double *lon)
    if (!meta->airsar)
        asfPrintError("airsar_to_latlon() called with no airsar block!\n");

    const double a = 6378137.0;           // semi-major axis
    const double b = 6356752.3412;          // semi-minor axis
    const double e2 = 0.00669437999014;   // ellipticity
    const double e12 = 0.00673949674228;  // second eccentricity

    // we try to cache the matrices needed for the computation
    // this makes sure we don't reuse the cache incorrectly (i.e., on
    // data (=> an airsar block) which doesn't match what we cached for)
    static meta_airsar *cached_airsar_block = NULL;

    // these are the cached transformation parameters
    static matrix *m = NULL;
    static double ra=-999, o1=-999, o2=-999, o3=-999;

    if (!m)
        m = matrix_alloc(3,3); // only needs to be done once

    // if we aren't calculating with the exact same airsar block, we
    // need to recalculate the transformation block
    int recalc = !cached_airsar_block ||
        cached_airsar_block->lat_peg_point != meta->airsar->lat_peg_point ||
        cached_airsar_block->lon_peg_point != meta->airsar->lon_peg_point ||
        cached_airsar_block->head_peg_point != meta->airsar->head_peg_point;

    if (recalc) {
        // cache airsar block, so we can be sure we're not reusing
        // the stored data incorrectly
        if (cached_airsar_block)
        cached_airsar_block = meta_airsar_init();
        *cached_airsar_block = *(meta->airsar);

        asfPrintStatus("Calculating airsar transformation parameters...\n");

        // now precalculate data
        double lat_peg = meta->airsar->lat_peg_point*D2R;
        double lon_peg = meta->airsar->lon_peg_point*D2R;
        double head_peg = meta->airsar->head_peg_point*D2R;
        double re = a / sqrt(1-e2*sin(lat_peg)*sin(lat_peg));
        double rn = (a*(1-e2)) / pow(1-e2*sin(lat_peg)*sin(lat_peg), 1.5);
        ra = (re*rn) / (re*cos(head_peg)*cos(head_peg)+rn*sin(head_peg)*sin(head_peg));

        matrix *m1, *m2;
        m1 = matrix_alloc(3,3);
        m2 = matrix_alloc(3,3);

        m1->coeff[0][0] = -sin(lon_peg);
        m1->coeff[0][1] = -sin(lat_peg)*cos(lon_peg);
        m1->coeff[0][2] = cos(lat_peg)*cos(lon_peg);
        m1->coeff[1][0] = cos(lon_peg);
        m1->coeff[1][1] = -sin(lat_peg)*sin(lon_peg);
        m1->coeff[1][2] = cos(lat_peg)*sin(lon_peg);
        m1->coeff[2][0] = 0.0;
        m1->coeff[2][1] = cos(lat_peg);
        m1->coeff[2][2] = sin(lat_peg);

        m2->coeff[0][0] = 0.0;
        m2->coeff[0][1] = sin(head_peg);
        m2->coeff[0][2] = -cos(head_peg);
        m2->coeff[1][0] = 0.0;
        m2->coeff[1][1] = cos(head_peg);
        m2->coeff[1][2] = sin(head_peg);
        m2->coeff[2][0] = 1.0;
        m2->coeff[2][1] = 0.0;
        m2->coeff[2][2] = 0.0;

        o1 = re*cos(lat_peg)*cos(lon_peg)-ra*cos(lat_peg)*cos(lon_peg);
        o2 = re*cos(lat_peg)*sin(lon_peg)-ra*cos(lat_peg)*sin(lon_peg);
        o3 = re*(1-e2)*sin(lat_peg)-ra*sin(lat_peg);


    // Make sure we didn't miss anything
    assert(ra != -999 && o1 != -999 && o2 != -999 && o3 != -999);

    // Now the actual computation, using the cached matrix etc

    // convenience aliases
    double c0 = meta->airsar->cross_track_offset;
    double s0 = meta->airsar->along_track_offset;
    double ypix = meta->general->y_pixel_size;
    double xpix = meta->general->x_pixel_size;

    // radar coordinates
    double c_lat = (xSample*xpix+c0)/ra;
    double s_lon = (yLine*ypix+s0)/ra;

    //height += meta->airsar->gps_altitude;

    // radar coordinates in WGS84
    double t1 = (ra+height)*cos(c_lat)*cos(s_lon);
    double t2 = (ra+height)*cos(c_lat)*sin(s_lon);
    double t3 = (ra+height)*sin(c_lat);

    double c1 = m->coeff[0][0]*t1 + m->coeff[0][1]*t2 + m->coeff[0][2]*t3;
    double c2 = m->coeff[1][0]*t1 + m->coeff[1][1]*t2 + m->coeff[1][2]*t3;
    double c3 = m->coeff[2][0]*t1 + m->coeff[2][1]*t2 + m->coeff[2][2]*t3;

    // shift into local Cartesian coordinates
    double x = c1 + o1;// + 9.0;
    double y = c2 + o2;// - 161.0;
    double z = c3 + o3;// - 179.0;

    // local Cartesian coordinates into geographic coordinates
    double d = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
    double theta = atan2(z*a, d*b);
    *lat = R2D*atan2(z+e12*b*sin(theta)*sin(theta)*sin(theta),
    *lon = R2D*atan2(y, x);
Exemplo n.º 11
void test_create_invalid() {
  test_assert_NULL( matrix_alloc(0, 100));
  test_assert_NULL( matrix_alloc(100, 0));
  test_assert_NULL( matrix_alloc(0, 0));
  test_assert_NULL( matrix_alloc(-1, -1));
Exemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

	/* Declare vars that hold numRow and numCols values scanned from txt file */
	int numRows, numCols;

	/* Declare pointer to matrix */
	MatElement **matrix, **perm;

	/* Declare pointer to vector */
	VectorElement  *solution, *right;

	/* Declare row and column values to loop over rows / cols */
	int rowCounter, colCounter;

	/* Check to make sure there are the correct number of cmdline args */

		/* Declare FILE variable */
		FILE* inputFile;

		/* Attempt to open file provided in cmdline arg */

		/* Check to make sure file was opened properly */

			/* Alert user file was not opened properly */
			fprintf(stdout,"\nFile was not opened properly\n");
			return 2;


			/* Scan numRows and numCols from file */
			fscanf(inputFile, "%d %d", &numRows, &numCols);

			/* Check that numRows and numCols are equal */

				/* numRows and numCols dont match, alert and exit */
				fprintf(stdout, "Matrix has %d rows and %d columns, not a square matrix.\nExiting...\n", numRows, numCols);
				return 0;

			/* Call matrix_alloc to allocate memory for matrix */

			/* Call vector_alloc to allocate memory for vector */

			/* For each row, read in value for each column, in
			 * addition to permutation value at end of row */

				/* Declare variable for right hand side */
				double rightValue;

				/* Loop over cols of each row */

					/* Declare variable for value stored in amtrix */
					double matValue;

					/* Grab value for matrix at A[rowCounter][colCounter] */
					fscanf(inputFile, "%lf", &matValue);

					/* Set matrix value at [rowCount][colCount] */

				/* End for over cols */

				/* Grab the value for matrix at right[rowCounter] */
				fscanf(inputFile, "%lf", &rightValue);

				/*  Set right value at right[rowCounter] */

			/* End for over rows */

			fprintf(stdout, "Original Matrix: \n");
			matrix_print(matrix, " %g ", numRows, numCols);

			fprintf(stdout, "\nRight hand side vector:\n");
			vector_print(right, " %g ", numRows);

			fprintf(stdout, "\nPermutation Matrix: \n");
			matrix_print(perm, " %g ", numRows, numCols);

			/* make call to decomp */

			print_plu(matrix, perm, numRows);

			fprintf(stdout, "Matrix after decomposition \n");
			matrix_print(matrix, " %g ", numRows, numCols);

			fprintf(stdout, "\nPermuation after decomposition \n");
			matrix_print(perm, " %g ", numRows, numCols);

			/* make call to solve */
			linalg_LU_solve(matrix,perm,right,solution, numRows);

			vector_print(solution, " %g ", numRows);

			fprintf(stdout,"Freeing matrices\n");

			fprintf(stdout,"Freeing vectors\n");

		/* End check for valid input file */


		/* Alert user to proper usage */
		fprintf(stdout,"Usage: ./linalg <xxxx.txt>\n");
		return 1;

	/* End check for cmdline args */

	/* Program completed successfully, return 0 to user */
	return 0;
