Exemplo n.º 1
bool ExecutionGroup::scheduleAreaWhenPossible(ExecutionSystem *graph, rcti *area)
	if (this->m_singleThreaded) {
		return scheduleChunkWhenPossible(graph, 0, 0);
	// find all chunks inside the rect
	// determine minxchunk, minychunk, maxxchunk, maxychunk where x and y are chunknumbers

	int indexx, indexy;
	int minx = max_ii(area->xmin - m_viewerBorder.xmin, 0);
	int maxx = min_ii(area->xmax - m_viewerBorder.xmin, m_viewerBorder.xmax - m_viewerBorder.xmin);
	int miny = max_ii(area->ymin - m_viewerBorder.ymin, 0);
	int maxy = min_ii(area->ymax - m_viewerBorder.ymin, m_viewerBorder.ymax - m_viewerBorder.ymin);
	int minxchunk = minx / (int)m_chunkSize;
	int maxxchunk = (maxx + (int)m_chunkSize - 1) / (int)m_chunkSize;
	int minychunk = miny / (int)m_chunkSize;
	int maxychunk = (maxy + (int)m_chunkSize - 1) / (int)m_chunkSize;
	minxchunk = max_ii(minxchunk, 0);
	minychunk = max_ii(minychunk, 0);
	maxxchunk = min_ii(maxxchunk, (int)m_numberOfXChunks);
	maxychunk = min_ii(maxychunk, (int)m_numberOfYChunks);

	bool result = true;
	for (indexx = minxchunk; indexx < maxxchunk; indexx++) {
		for (indexy = minychunk; indexy < maxychunk; indexy++) {
			if (!scheduleChunkWhenPossible(graph, indexx, indexy)) {
				result = false;

	return result;
void GaussianYBlurOperation::executePixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data)
	float color_accum[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float multiplier_accum = 0.0f;
	MemoryBuffer *inputBuffer = (MemoryBuffer *)data;
	float *buffer = inputBuffer->getBuffer();
	int bufferwidth = inputBuffer->getWidth();
	int bufferstartx = inputBuffer->getRect()->xmin;
	int bufferstarty = inputBuffer->getRect()->ymin;

	rcti &rect = *inputBuffer->getRect();
	int xmin = max_ii(x,                    rect.xmin);
	int ymin = max_ii(y - m_filtersize,     rect.ymin);
	int ymax = min_ii(y + m_filtersize + 1, rect.ymax);

	int index;
	int step = getStep();
	const int bufferIndexx = ((xmin - bufferstartx) * 4);
	for (int ny = ymin; ny < ymax; ny += step) {
		index = (ny - y) + this->m_filtersize;
		int bufferindex = bufferIndexx + ((ny - bufferstarty) * 4 * bufferwidth);
		const float multiplier = this->m_gausstab[index];
		madd_v4_v4fl(color_accum, &buffer[bufferindex], multiplier);
		multiplier_accum += multiplier;
	mul_v4_v4fl(output, color_accum, 1.0f / multiplier_accum);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* uses UI_BTYPE_ROUNDBOX button in block to get the rect */
static bool ed_preview_draw_rect(ScrArea *sa, int split, int first, rcti *rect, rcti *newrect)
	Render *re;
	RenderResult rres;
	char name[32];
	int offx = 0;
	int newx = BLI_rcti_size_x(rect);
	int newy = BLI_rcti_size_y(rect);
	bool ok = false;

	if (!split || first) sprintf(name, "Preview %p", (void *)sa);
	else sprintf(name, "SecondPreview %p", (void *)sa);

	if (split) {
		if (first) {
			offx = 0;
			newx = newx / 2;
		else {
			offx = newx / 2;
			newx = newx - newx / 2;

	/* test if something rendered ok */
	re = RE_GetRender(name);

	/* material preview only needs monoscopy (view 0) */
	RE_AcquireResultImage(re, &rres, 0);

	if (rres.rectf) {
		if (ABS(rres.rectx - newx) < 2 && ABS(rres.recty - newy) < 2) {

			newrect->xmax = max_ii(newrect->xmax, rect->xmin + rres.rectx + offx);
			newrect->ymax = max_ii(newrect->ymax, rect->ymin + rres.recty);

			if (rres.rectx && rres.recty) {
				unsigned char *rect_byte = MEM_mallocN(rres.rectx * rres.recty * sizeof(int), "ed_preview_draw_rect");
				float fx = rect->xmin + offx;
				float fy = rect->ymin;

				/* material preview only needs monoscopy (view 0) */
				if (re)
					RE_AcquiredResultGet32(re, &rres, (unsigned int *)rect_byte, 0);

				glaDrawPixelsSafe(fx, fy, rres.rectx, rres.recty, rres.rectx, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rect_byte);
				ok = 1;


	return ok;
Exemplo n.º 4
BVHTreeOverlap *BLI_bvhtree_overlap(BVHTree *tree1, BVHTree *tree2, unsigned int *result)
	int j;
	unsigned int total = 0;
	BVHTreeOverlap *overlap = NULL, *to = NULL;
	BVHOverlapData **data;
	/* check for compatibility of both trees (can't compare 14-DOP with 18-DOP) */
	if ((tree1->axis != tree2->axis) && (tree1->axis == 14 || tree2->axis == 14) && (tree1->axis == 18 || tree2->axis == 18))
		return NULL;
	/* fast check root nodes for collision before doing big splitting + traversal */
	if (!tree_overlap(tree1->nodes[tree1->totleaf], tree2->nodes[tree2->totleaf],
	                  min_axis(tree1->start_axis, tree2->start_axis),
	                  min_axis(tree1->stop_axis, tree2->stop_axis)))
		return NULL;

	data = MEM_callocN(sizeof(BVHOverlapData *) * tree1->tree_type, "BVHOverlapData_star");
	for (j = 0; j < tree1->tree_type; j++) {
		data[j] = (BVHOverlapData *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BVHOverlapData), "BVHOverlapData");
		/* init BVHOverlapData */
		data[j]->overlap = (BVHTreeOverlap *)malloc(sizeof(BVHTreeOverlap) * max_ii(tree1->totleaf, tree2->totleaf));
		data[j]->tree1 = tree1;
		data[j]->tree2 = tree2;
		data[j]->max_overlap = max_ii(tree1->totleaf, tree2->totleaf);
		data[j]->i = 0;
		data[j]->start_axis = min_axis(tree1->start_axis, tree2->start_axis);
		data[j]->stop_axis  = min_axis(tree1->stop_axis,  tree2->stop_axis);

#pragma omp parallel for private(j) schedule(static)
	for (j = 0; j < MIN2(tree1->tree_type, tree1->nodes[tree1->totleaf]->totnode); j++) {
		traverse(data[j], tree1->nodes[tree1->totleaf]->children[j], tree2->nodes[tree2->totleaf]);
	for (j = 0; j < tree1->tree_type; j++)
		total += data[j]->i;
	to = overlap = (BVHTreeOverlap *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BVHTreeOverlap) * total, "BVHTreeOverlap");
	for (j = 0; j < tree1->tree_type; j++) {
		memcpy(to, data[j]->overlap, data[j]->i * sizeof(BVHTreeOverlap));
		to += data[j]->i;
	for (j = 0; j < tree1->tree_type; j++) {
	(*result) = total;
	return overlap;
void GaussianAlphaXBlurOperation::executePixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data)
	const bool do_invert = this->m_do_subtract;
	MemoryBuffer *inputBuffer = (MemoryBuffer *)data;
	float *buffer = inputBuffer->getBuffer();
	int bufferwidth = inputBuffer->getWidth();
	int bufferstartx = inputBuffer->getRect()->xmin;
	int bufferstarty = inputBuffer->getRect()->ymin;

	rcti &rect = *inputBuffer->getRect();
	int xmin = max_ii(x - m_filtersize,     rect.xmin);
	int xmax = min_ii(x + m_filtersize + 1, rect.xmax);
	int ymin = max_ii(y,                    rect.ymin);

	/* *** this is the main part which is different to 'GaussianXBlurOperation'  *** */
	int step = getStep();
	int offsetadd = getOffsetAdd();
	int bufferindex = ((xmin - bufferstartx) * 4) + ((ymin - bufferstarty) * 4 * bufferwidth);

	/* gauss */
	float alpha_accum = 0.0f;
	float multiplier_accum = 0.0f;

	/* dilate */
	float value_max = finv_test(buffer[(x * 4) + (y * 4 * bufferwidth)], do_invert); /* init with the current color to avoid unneeded lookups */
	float distfacinv_max = 1.0f; /* 0 to 1 */

	for (int nx = xmin; nx < xmax; nx += step) {
		const int index = (nx - x) + this->m_filtersize;
		float value = finv_test(buffer[bufferindex], do_invert);
		float multiplier;

		/* gauss */
			multiplier = this->m_gausstab[index];
			alpha_accum += value * multiplier;
			multiplier_accum += multiplier;

		/* dilate - find most extreme color */
		if (value > value_max) {
			multiplier = this->m_distbuf_inv[index];
			value *= multiplier;
			if (value > value_max) {
				value_max = value;
				distfacinv_max = multiplier;
		bufferindex += offsetadd;

	/* blend between the max value and gauss blue - gives nice feather */
	const float value_blur  = alpha_accum / multiplier_accum;
	const float value_final = (value_max * distfacinv_max) + (value_blur * (1.0f - distfacinv_max));
	output[0] = finv_test(value_final, do_invert);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void render_view3d_do(RenderEngine *engine, const bContext *C)
	wmJob *wm_job;
	RenderPreview *rp;
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
	int width = ar->winx, height = ar->winy;
	int divider = 1;
	int resolution_threshold = scene->r.preview_start_resolution *

	if (CTX_wm_window(C) == NULL)
	if (!render_view3d_flag_changed(engine, C))

	wm_job = WM_jobs_get(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_wm_window(C), CTX_wm_region(C), "Render Preview",
	rp = MEM_callocN(sizeof(RenderPreview), "render preview");
	rp->job = wm_job;

	while (width * height > resolution_threshold) {
		width = max_ii(1, width / 2);
		height = max_ii(1, height / 2);
		divider *= 2;

	/* customdata for preview thread */
	rp->scene = scene;
	rp->engine = engine;
	rp->sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
	rp->ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
	rp->v3d = rp->sa->spacedata.first;
	rp->rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
	rp->bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
	rp->resolution_divider = divider;
	rp->start_resolution_divider = divider;
	rp->has_freestyle = (scene->r.mode & R_EDGE_FRS) != 0;
	copy_m4_m4(rp->viewmat, rp->rv3d->viewmat);
	/* clear info text */
	engine->text[0] = '\0';
	/* setup job */
	WM_jobs_customdata_set(wm_job, rp, render_view3d_free);
	WM_jobs_timer(wm_job, 0.1, NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_VIEW3D, NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_VIEW3D);
	WM_jobs_callbacks(wm_job, render_view3d_startjob, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	WM_jobs_start(CTX_wm_manager(C), wm_job);
	engine->flag &= ~RE_ENGINE_DO_UPDATE;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int dopesheet_view_all_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	SpaceClip *sc = CTX_wm_space_clip(C);
	ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
	View2D *v2d = &ar->v2d;
	MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc);
	MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking;
	MovieTrackingDopesheet *dopesheet = &tracking->dopesheet;
	MovieTrackingDopesheetChannel *channel;
	int frame_min = INT_MAX, frame_max = INT_MIN;

	for (channel = dopesheet->channels.first; channel; channel = channel->next) {
		frame_min = min_ii(frame_min, channel->segments[0]);
		frame_max = max_ii(frame_max, channel->segments[channel->tot_segment]);

	if (frame_min < frame_max) {
		float extra;

		v2d->cur.xmin = frame_min;
		v2d->cur.xmax = frame_max;

		/* we need an extra "buffer" factor on either side so that the endpoints are visible */
		extra = 0.01f * BLI_rctf_size_x(&v2d->cur);
		v2d->cur.xmin -= extra;
		v2d->cur.xmax += extra;


Exemplo n.º 8
static void rna_KeyingSet_active_ksPath_index_range(PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max, int *softmin, int *softmax)
	KeyingSet *ks = (KeyingSet *)ptr->data;

	*min = 0;
	*max = max_ii(0, BLI_countlist(&ks->paths) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 9
static void rna_render_slots_active_index_range(
    PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max, int *UNUSED(softmin), int *UNUSED(softmax))
  Image *image = (Image *)ptr->id.data;
  *min = 0;
  *max = max_ii(0, BLI_listbase_count(&image->renderslots) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 10
/* draw the contents of the sequencer strips view */
static void draw_seq_strips(const bContext *C, Editing *ed, ARegion *ar)
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	View2D *v2d = &ar->v2d;
	Sequence *last_seq = BKE_sequencer_active_get(scene);
	int sel = 0, j;
	float pixelx = BLI_rctf_size_x(&v2d->cur) / BLI_rcti_size_x(&v2d->mask);
	/* loop through twice, first unselected, then selected */
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
		Sequence *seq;
		int outline_tint = (j) ? -60 : -150; /* highlighting around strip edges indicating selection */
		/* loop through strips, checking for those that are visible */
		for (seq = ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq = seq->next) {
			/* boundbox and selection tests for NOT drawing the strip... */
			if ((seq->flag & SELECT) != sel) continue;
			else if (seq == last_seq) continue;
			else if (min_ii(seq->startdisp, seq->start) > v2d->cur.xmax) continue;
			else if (max_ii(seq->enddisp, seq->start + seq->len) < v2d->cur.xmin) continue;
			else if (seq->machine + 1.0f < v2d->cur.ymin) continue;
			else if (seq->machine > v2d->cur.ymax) continue;
			/* strip passed all tests unscathed... so draw it now */
			draw_seq_strip(scene, ar, seq, outline_tint, pixelx);
		/* draw selected next time round */
		sel = SELECT;
	/* draw the last selected last (i.e. 'active' in other parts of Blender), removes some overlapping error */
	if (last_seq)
		draw_seq_strip(scene, ar, last_seq, 120, pixelx);
Exemplo n.º 11
static void irradiance_pool_size_get(int visibility_size, int total_samples, int r_size[3])
  /* Compute how many irradiance samples we can store per visibility sample. */
  int irr_per_vis = (visibility_size / IRRADIANCE_SAMPLE_SIZE_X) *
                    (visibility_size / IRRADIANCE_SAMPLE_SIZE_Y);

  /* The irradiance itself take one layer, hence the +1 */
  int layer_ct = MIN2(irr_per_vis + 1, IRRADIANCE_MAX_POOL_LAYER);

  int texel_ct = (int)ceilf((float)total_samples / (float)(layer_ct - 1));
  r_size[0] = visibility_size *
              max_ii(1, min_ii(texel_ct, (IRRADIANCE_MAX_POOL_SIZE / visibility_size)));
  r_size[1] = visibility_size *
              max_ii(1, (texel_ct / (IRRADIANCE_MAX_POOL_SIZE / visibility_size)));
  r_size[2] = layer_ct;
Exemplo n.º 12
static void cloth_record_result(ClothModifierData *clmd, ImplicitSolverResult *result, int steps)
	ClothSolverResult *sres = clmd->solver_result;
	if (sres->status) { /* already initialized ? */
		/* error only makes sense for successful iterations */
		if (result->status == BPH_SOLVER_SUCCESS) {
			sres->min_error = min_ff(sres->min_error, result->error);
			sres->max_error = max_ff(sres->max_error, result->error);
			sres->avg_error += result->error / (float)steps;
		sres->min_iterations = min_ii(sres->min_iterations, result->iterations);
		sres->max_iterations = max_ii(sres->max_iterations, result->iterations);
		sres->avg_iterations += (float)result->iterations / (float)steps;
	else {
		/* error only makes sense for successful iterations */
		if (result->status == BPH_SOLVER_SUCCESS) {
			sres->min_error = sres->max_error = result->error;
			sres->avg_error += result->error / (float)steps;
		sres->min_iterations = sres->max_iterations  = result->iterations;
		sres->avg_iterations += (float)result->iterations / (float)steps;
	sres->status |= result->status;
Exemplo n.º 13
static int create_primitive_from_points(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const float (*points)[2],
                                        int num_points, char handle_type)
	ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	Mask *mask;
	MaskLayer *mask_layer;
	MaskSpline *new_spline;
	float scale, location[2], frame_size[2];
	int i, width, height;
	int size = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "size");

	ED_mask_get_size(sa, &width, &height);
	scale = (float)size / max_ii(width, height);

	/* Get location in mask space. */
	frame_size[0] = width;
	frame_size[1] = height;
	RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "location", location);
	location[0] /= width;
	location[1] /= height;
	BKE_mask_coord_from_frame(location, location, frame_size);

	/* Make it so new primitive is centered to mouse location. */
	location[0] -= 0.5f * scale;
	location[1] -= 0.5f * scale;

	mask_layer = ED_mask_layer_ensure(C);
	mask = CTX_data_edit_mask(C);

	ED_mask_select_toggle_all(mask, SEL_DESELECT);

	new_spline = BKE_mask_spline_add(mask_layer);
	new_spline->flag = MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC | SELECT;
	new_spline->tot_point = num_points;
	new_spline->points = MEM_recallocN(new_spline->points,
	                                   sizeof(MaskSplinePoint) * new_spline->tot_point);

	mask_layer->act_spline = new_spline;
	mask_layer->act_point = NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
		MaskSplinePoint *new_point = &new_spline->points[i];

		copy_v2_v2(new_point->bezt.vec[1], points[i]);
		mul_v2_fl(new_point->bezt.vec[1], scale);
		add_v2_v2(new_point->bezt.vec[1], location);

		new_point->bezt.h1 = handle_type;
		new_point->bezt.h2 = handle_type;
		BKE_mask_point_select_set(new_point, true);

	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, mask);

	/* TODO: only update this spline */
	BKE_mask_update_display(mask, CFRA);

Exemplo n.º 14
static void rna_BoidSettings_active_boid_state_index_range(PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max,
        int *UNUSED(softmin), int *UNUSED(softmax))
    BoidSettings *boids = (BoidSettings *)ptr->data;
    *min = 0;
    *max = max_ii(0, BLI_countlist(&boids->states) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void rna_BoidState_active_boid_rule_index_range(PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max,
        int *UNUSED(softmin), int *UNUSED(softmax))
    BoidState *state = (BoidState *)ptr->data;
    *min = 0;
    *max = max_ii(0, BLI_countlist(&state->rules) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 16
static void colorband_init_from_table_rgba_simple(
        ColorBand *coba,
        const float (*array)[4], const int array_len)
	/* No Re-sample, just de-duplicate. */
	const float eps = (1.0f / 255.0f) + 1e-6f;
	BLI_assert(array_len < MAXCOLORBAND);
	int stops = min_ii(MAXCOLORBAND, array_len);
	if (stops) {
		const float step_size = 1.0f / (float)max_ii(stops - 1, 1);
		int i_curr = -1;
		for (int i_step = 0; i_step < stops; i_step++) {
			if ((i_curr != -1) && compare_v4v4(&coba->data[i_curr].r, array[i_step], eps)) {
			i_curr += 1;
			copy_v4_v4(&coba->data[i_curr].r, array[i_step]);
			coba->data[i_curr].pos = i_step * step_size;
			coba->data[i_curr].cur = i_curr;
		coba->tot = i_curr + 1;
		coba->cur = 0;
	else {
		/* coba is empty, set 1 black stop */
		coba->data[0].a = 1.0f;
		coba->cur = 0;
		coba->tot = 1;
Exemplo n.º 17
static void draw_image_buffer_tiled(SpaceImage *sima, ARegion *ar, Scene *scene, Image *ima, ImBuf *ibuf, float fx, float fy, float zoomx, float zoomy)
	unsigned char *display_buffer;
	unsigned int *rect;
	int dx, dy, sx, sy, x, y;
	void *cache_handle;

	/* verify valid values, just leave this a while */
	if (ima->xrep < 1) return;
	if (ima->yrep < 1) return;

	if (ima->flag & IMA_VIEW_AS_RENDER)
		display_buffer = IMB_display_buffer_acquire(ibuf, &scene->view_settings, &scene->display_settings, &cache_handle);
		display_buffer = IMB_display_buffer_acquire(ibuf, NULL, &scene->display_settings, &cache_handle);

	if (!display_buffer)

	glPixelZoom(zoomx, zoomy);

	if (sima->curtile >= ima->xrep * ima->yrep)
		sima->curtile = ima->xrep * ima->yrep - 1;
	/* retrieve part of image buffer */
	dx = max_ii(ibuf->x / ima->xrep, 1);
	dy = max_ii(ibuf->y / ima->yrep, 1);
	sx = (sima->curtile % ima->xrep) * dx;
	sy = (sima->curtile / ima->xrep) * dy;
	rect = get_part_from_buffer((unsigned int *)display_buffer, ibuf->x, sx, sy, sx + dx, sy + dy);
	/* draw repeated */
	for (sy = 0; sy + dy <= ibuf->y; sy += dy) {
		for (sx = 0; sx + dx <= ibuf->x; sx += dx) {
			UI_view2d_view_to_region(&ar->v2d, fx + (float)sx / (float)ibuf->x, fy + (float)sy / (float)ibuf->y, &x, &y);

			glaDrawPixelsSafe(x, y, dx, dy, dx, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rect);

	glPixelZoom(1.0f, 1.0f);


Exemplo n.º 18
static void rna_Action_active_pose_marker_index_range(PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max,
        int *UNUSED(softmin), int *UNUSED(softmax))
    bAction *act = (bAction *)ptr->data;

    *min = 0;
    *max = max_ii(0, BLI_countlist(&act->markers) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 19
static int console_copy_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	SpaceConsole *sc = CTX_wm_space_console(C);

	DynStr *buf_dyn;
	char *buf_str;
	ConsoleLine *cl;
	int sel[2];
	int offset = 0;

	ConsoleLine cl_dummy = {NULL};

	if (sc->sel_start == sc->sel_end)

	console_scrollback_prompt_begin(sc, &cl_dummy);

	for (cl = sc->scrollback.first; cl; cl = cl->next) {
		offset += cl->len + 1;

	if (offset == 0) {
		console_scrollback_prompt_end(sc, &cl_dummy);

	buf_dyn = BLI_dynstr_new();
	offset -= 1;
	sel[0] = offset - sc->sel_end;
	sel[1] = offset - sc->sel_start;

	for (cl = sc->scrollback.first; cl; cl = cl->next) {
		if (sel[0] <= cl->len && sel[1] >= 0) {
			int sta = max_ii(sel[0], 0);
			int end = min_ii(sel[1], cl->len);

			if (BLI_dynstr_get_len(buf_dyn))
				BLI_dynstr_append(buf_dyn, "\n");

			BLI_dynstr_nappend(buf_dyn, cl->line + sta, end - sta);

		sel[0] -= cl->len + 1;
		sel[1] -= cl->len + 1;

	buf_str = BLI_dynstr_get_cstring(buf_dyn);

	WM_clipboard_text_set(buf_str, 0);


	console_scrollback_prompt_end(sc, &cl_dummy);

Exemplo n.º 20
static void rna_GPencil_active_layer_index_range(PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max, int *softmin, int *softmax)
	bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ptr->id.data;

	*min = 0;
	*max = max_ii(0, BLI_listbase_count(&gpd->layers) - 1);

	*softmin = *min;
	*softmax = *max;
Exemplo n.º 21
static void rna_Mask_layer_active_index_range(PointerRNA *ptr, int *min, int *max, int *softmin, int *softmax)
	Mask *mask = (Mask *)ptr->id.data;

	*min = 0;
	*max = max_ii(0, mask->masklay_tot - 1);

	*softmin = *min;
	*softmax = *max;
MINLINE void blend_color_sub_byte(unsigned char dst[4], const unsigned char src1[4], const unsigned char src2[4])
	if (src2[3] != 0) {
		/* straight sub operation */
		const int t = src2[3];
		int tmp[3];

		tmp[0] = (src1[0] * 255) - (src2[0] * t);
		tmp[1] = (src1[1] * 255) - (src2[1] * t);
		tmp[2] = (src1[2] * 255) - (src2[2] * t);

		dst[0] = (unsigned char)max_ii(divide_round_i(tmp[0], 255), 0);
		dst[1] = (unsigned char)max_ii(divide_round_i(tmp[1], 255), 0);
		dst[2] = (unsigned char)max_ii(divide_round_i(tmp[2], 255), 0);
		dst[3] = src1[3];
	else {
		/* no op */
		copy_v4_v4_uchar(dst, src1);
Exemplo n.º 23
/* draw backdrop of the sequencer strips view */
static void draw_seq_backdrop(View2D *v2d)
	int i;
	/* darker gray overlay over the view backdrop */
	UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, -20);
	glRectf(v2d->cur.xmin,  -1.0,  v2d->cur.xmax,  1.0);

	/* Alternating horizontal stripes */
	i = max_ii(1, ((int)v2d->cur.ymin) - 1);

	while (i < v2d->cur.ymax) {
		if (((int)i) & 1)
			UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, -15);
			UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, -25);
		glVertex2f(v2d->cur.xmax, i);
		glVertex2f(v2d->cur.xmin, i);
		glVertex2f(v2d->cur.xmin, i + 1);
		glVertex2f(v2d->cur.xmax, i + 1);

		i += 1.0;
	/* Darker lines separating the horizontal bands */
	i = max_ii(1, ((int)v2d->cur.ymin) - 1);
	while (i < v2d->cur.ymax) {
		glVertex2f(v2d->cur.xmax, i);
		glVertex2f(v2d->cur.xmin, i);
		i += 1.0;
MINLINE void blend_color_lighten_byte(unsigned char dst[4], const unsigned char src1[4], const unsigned char src2[4])
	if (src2[3] != 0) {
		/* straight lighten operation */
		const int t = src2[3];
		const int mt = 255 - t;
		int tmp[3];

		tmp[0] = (mt * src1[0]) + (t * max_ii(src1[0], src2[0]));
		tmp[1] = (mt * src1[1]) + (t * max_ii(src1[1], src2[1]));
		tmp[2] = (mt * src1[2]) + (t * max_ii(src1[2], src2[2]));

		dst[0] = (unsigned char)divide_round_i(tmp[0], 255);
		dst[1] = (unsigned char)divide_round_i(tmp[1], 255);
		dst[2] = (unsigned char)divide_round_i(tmp[2], 255);
		dst[3] = src1[3];
	else {
		/* no op */
		copy_v4_v4_uchar(dst, src1);
void GaussianXBlurOperation::executePixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data)
	float color_accum[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float multiplier_accum = 0.0f;
	MemoryBuffer *inputBuffer = (MemoryBuffer *)data;
	float *buffer = inputBuffer->getBuffer();
	int bufferwidth = inputBuffer->getWidth();
	int bufferstartx = inputBuffer->getRect()->xmin;
	int bufferstarty = inputBuffer->getRect()->ymin;

	rcti &rect = *inputBuffer->getRect();
	int xmin = max_ii(x - m_filtersize,     rect.xmin);
	int xmax = min_ii(x + m_filtersize + 1, rect.xmax);
	int ymin = max_ii(y,                    rect.ymin);

	int step = getStep();
	int offsetadd = getOffsetAdd();
	int bufferindex = ((xmin - bufferstartx) * 4) + ((ymin - bufferstarty) * 4 * bufferwidth);

#ifdef __SSE2__
	__m128 accum_r = _mm_load_ps(color_accum);
	for (int nx = xmin, index = (xmin - x) + this->m_filtersize; nx < xmax; nx += step, index += step) {
		__m128 reg_a = _mm_load_ps(&buffer[bufferindex]);
		reg_a = _mm_mul_ps(reg_a, this->m_gausstab_sse[index]);
		accum_r = _mm_add_ps(accum_r, reg_a);
		multiplier_accum += this->m_gausstab[index];
		bufferindex += offsetadd;
	_mm_store_ps(color_accum, accum_r);
	for (int nx = xmin, index = (xmin - x) + this->m_filtersize; nx < xmax; nx += step, index += step) {
		const float multiplier = this->m_gausstab[index];
		madd_v4_v4fl(color_accum, &buffer[bufferindex], multiplier);
		multiplier_accum += multiplier;
		bufferindex += offsetadd;
	mul_v4_v4fl(output, color_accum, 1.0f / multiplier_accum);
Exemplo n.º 26
static void console_draw_sel(const char *str, const int sel[2], const int xy[2], const int str_len_draw,
                             int cwidth, int lheight, const unsigned char bg_sel[4])
	if (sel[0] <= str_len_draw && sel[1] >= 0) {
		const int sta = txt_utf8_offset_to_column(str, max_ii(sel[0], 0));
		const int end = txt_utf8_offset_to_column(str, min_ii(sel[1], str_len_draw));


		glRecti(xy[0] + (cwidth * sta), xy[1] - 2 + lheight, xy[0] + (cwidth * end), xy[1] - 2);

MINLINE void blend_color_erase_alpha_byte(unsigned char dst[4], const unsigned char src1[4], const unsigned char src2[4])
	if (src2[3] != 0) {
		/* straight so just modify alpha channel */
		const int t = src2[3];

		dst[0] = src1[0];
		dst[1] = src1[1];
		dst[2] = src1[2];
		dst[3] = (unsigned char)max_ii(src1[3] - divide_round_i(t * src2[3], 255), 0);
	else {
		/* no op */
		copy_v4_v4_uchar(dst, src1);
Exemplo n.º 28
int BKE_render_num_threads(const RenderData *rd)
	int threads;

	/* override set from command line? */
	threads = BLI_system_num_threads_override_get();

	if (threads > 0)
		return threads;

	/* fixed number of threads specified in scene? */
	if (rd->mode & R_FIXED_THREADS)
		threads = rd->threads;
		threads = BLI_system_thread_count();
	return max_ii(threads, 1);
Exemplo n.º 29
static void console_draw_sel(const int sel[2], const int xy[2], const int str_len_draw, int cwidth, int lheight)
	if (sel[0] <= str_len_draw && sel[1] >= 0) {
		const int sta = max_ii(sel[0], 0);
		const int end = min_ii(sel[1], str_len_draw);

		glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 48);

		glRecti(xy[0] + (cwidth * sta), xy[1] - 2 + lheight, xy[0] + (cwidth * end), xy[1] - 2);

Exemplo n.º 30
static int clip_set_scene_frames_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	MovieClip *clip = CTX_data_edit_movieclip(C);
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	int clip_length;

	if (ELEM(NULL, scene, clip))

	clip_length = BKE_movieclip_get_duration(clip);

	scene->r.sfra = clip->start_frame;
	scene->r.efra = scene->r.sfra + clip_length - 1;

	scene->r.efra = max_ii(scene->r.sfra, scene->r.efra);

	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_FRAME, scene);
