Exemplo n.º 1
void mcxDiagnosticsAttractor
(  const char*          ffn_attr
,  const mclMatrix*     clus2elem
,  const mcxDumpParam   dumpParam
   {  int         n_nodes     =  clus2elem->n_range
   ;  int         n_written   =  dumpParam->n_written
   ;  mclMatrix*  mtx_Ascore  =  mclxAllocZero(n_written, n_nodes)
   ;  mcxIO*      xfOut       =  mcxIOnew(ffn_atr, "w")
   ;  dim         d           =  0

   ;  if (mcxIOopen(xfOut, RETURN_ON_FAIL) == STATUS_FAIL)
      {  mclxFree(&mtx_Ascore)
      ;  mcxIOfree(&xfOut)
      ;  return
   ;  }

   ;  for(d=0; d<n_written; d++)
      {  mclMatrix*  iterand     =  *(dumpParam->iterands+d)
      ;  mclVector*  vec_Ascore  =  NULL

      ;  if (iterands->n_cols != n_nodes || iterand->n_range != n_nodes)
         {  fprintf(stderr, "mcxDiagnosticsAttractor: dimension error\n")
         ;  mcxExit(1)
      ;  }

         vec_Ascore  =  mcxAttractivityScale(iterand)
      ;  mclvRenew((mtx_Ascore->cols+d), vec_Ascore->ivps, vec_Ascore->n_ivps)
      ;  mclvFree(&vec_Ascore)
   ;  }

      mclxbWrite(mtx_Ascore, xfOut, RETURN_ON_FAIL)
   ;  mclxFree(mtx_Ascore)
;  }
Exemplo n.º 2
static mcxstatus convertMain
(  int          argc_unused   cpl__unused
,  const char*  argv[]
   {  mclMatrix*        mx

   ;  mclxCat st

   ;  xfin  = mcxIOnew(argv[0], "r")
   ;  xfout = mcxIOnew(argv[1], "w")

   ;  mclxCatInit(&st)

   ;  if (main_mode == 'l')
      {  if (mclxCatRead(xfin, &st, catmax, NULL, NULL, 0))
         mcxDie(1, me, "failure is, if not an option, the result after all")
      ;  mclxCatWrite(xfout, &st, MCLXIO_VALUE_GETENV, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
   ;  }
      else if (main_mode == 'f')
      {  int format
      ;  mx = mclxRead(xfin, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
      ;  format = mclxIOformat(xfin)
      ;  if (!test_read)
         {  mcxIOopen(xfout, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
         ;  if (format == 'a')
            mclxbWrite(mx, xfout, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
         ;  else
            mclxaWrite(mx, xfout, MCLXIO_VALUE_GETENV, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
      ;  }
      {  mcxbits bits
         =     main_mode == 'c'
            :  main_mode == 's'
            :  0
      ;  mcxIOopen(xfout, EXIT_ON_FAIL)

      ;  if (mclxCatRead(xfin, &st, catmax, NULL, NULL, bits))
         mcxDie(1, me, "failure is, if not an option, the result after all")

      ;  mclxCatWrite(xfout, &st, MCLXIO_VALUE_NONE, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
   ;  }

      return 0
;  }
Exemplo n.º 3
int main
(  int                  argc
,  const char*          argv[]
   {  mcxIO* xfmx          =  mcxIOnew("-", "r"), *xfout = mcxIOnew("-", "w")
   ;  mclx* mx             =  NULL
   ;  mclv* mx_diag        =  NULL

   ;  mcxstatus parseStatus = STATUS_OK
   ;  mcxOption* opts, *opt
   ;  dim N_edge = 0
   ;  dim*  offsets

   ;  dim template_n_nodes = 0
   ;  mcxbool plus = FALSE

   ;  double e_min  = 1.0
   ;  double e_max  = 0.0
   ;  double skew = 0.0

   ;  double radius = 0.0
   ;  double n_sdev  = 0.5
   ;  double n_range = 2.0

   ;  double g_radius  = 0.0
   ;  double g_mean   = 0.0
   ;  double g_sdev = 0.0
   ;  double g_min  = 1.0
   ;  double g_max  = 0.0
   ;  mcxbool do_gaussian = FALSE

   ;  dim i = 0

   ;  dim N_remove  = 0
   ;  dim N_add     = 0
   ;  dim N_shuffle = 0

   ;  unsigned long random_ignore = 0

   ;  srandom(mcxSeed(2308947))
   ;  mcxOptAnchorSortById(options, sizeof(options)/sizeof(mcxOptAnchor) -1)

   ;  if
      (!(opts = mcxOptParse(options, (char**) argv, argc, 1, 0, &parseStatus)))

   ;  mcxLogLevel =
   ;  mclx_app_init(stderr)

   ;  for (opt=opts;opt->anch;opt++)
      {  mcxOptAnchor* anch = opt->anch

      ;  switch(anch->id)
         {  case MY_OPT_HELP
         :  case MY_OPT_APROPOS
         :  mcxOptApropos(stdout, me, syntax, 20, MCX_OPT_DISPLAY_SKIP, options)
         ;  return 0

            case MY_OPT_VERSION
         :  app_report_version(me)
         ;  return 0

            case MY_OPT_SKEW
         :  skew = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_GEN
         :  template_n_nodes = atoi(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_IMX
         :  mcxIOrenew(xfmx, opt->val, NULL)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_PLUS
         :  case MY_OPT_WB
         :  plus = TRUE
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_OUT
         :  mcxIOrenew(xfout, opt->val, NULL)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_E_MAX
         :  if (!strcmp(opt->val, "copy"))
            e_max = -DBL_MAX
         ;  else
            e_max = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_E_MIN
         :  e_min = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_G_MIN
         :  g_min = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_G_MAX
         :  g_max = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_G_SDEV
         :  g_sdev = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_G_MEAN
         :  g_mean = atof(opt->val)
         ;  do_gaussian = TRUE
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_G_RADIUS
         :  g_radius = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_N_RANGE
         :  n_range = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_N_SDEV
         :  n_sdev = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_N_RADIUS
         :  radius = atof(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_SHUFFLE
         :  N_shuffle = atoi(opt->val)
         ;  break

            case MY_OPT_ADD
         :  N_add = atoi(opt->val)
         ;  break
            case MY_OPT_REMOVE
         :  N_remove  = atoi(opt->val)
         ;  break
      ;  }

                                 /* hitting y% in vi tells me the size of this block */
      {  if (template_n_nodes)
         mx =  mclxAllocZero
               (  mclvCanonical(NULL, template_n_nodes, 1.0)
               ,  mclvCanonical(NULL, template_n_nodes, 1.0)
      ;  else
         mx =  mclxReadx
               (  xfmx
               ,  EXIT_ON_FAIL
               ,  MCLX_REQUIRE_GRAPH

      ;  mx_diag = mclxDiagValues(mx, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)

      ;  if (N_shuffle)
         mclxAdjustLoops(mx, mclxLoopCBremove, NULL)
      ;  else
      /* ^ apparently we always work on single arc representation (docme andsoon) */

      ;  offsets = mcxAlloc(sizeof offsets[0] * N_COLS(mx), EXIT_ON_FAIL)

      ;  N_edge = 0
      ;  for (i=0;i<N_COLS(mx);i++)
         {  offsets[i] = N_edge
         ;  N_edge += mx->cols[i].n_ivps
      ;  }

         if (N_edge < N_remove)
         {  mcxErr
            (  me
            ,  "removal count %ld exceeds edge count %ld"
            ,  (long) N_remove
            ,  (long) N_edge
         ;  N_remove = N_edge
      ;  }

         random_ignore = RAND_MAX - (N_edge ? RAND_MAX % N_edge : 0)

      ;  if (RAND_MAX / 2 < N_edge)
         mcxDie(1, me, "graph too large!")

      ;  if (N_shuffle)
         {  do_the_shuffle(mx, N_shuffle, offsets, N_edge, random_ignore)
         ;  mx_readd_diagonal(mx, mx_diag)
         ;  mclxWrite(mx, xfout, MCLXIO_VALUE_GETENV, RETURN_ON_FAIL)
         ;  exit(0)
      ;  }

      ;  if (N_remove)
         {  dim n_remove = do_remove(mx, N_remove, offsets, N_edge, random_ignore)
               /* Need to recompute N_edge and random_ignore.
                * NOTE we work with *upper* matrix; this counts graph edges.
         ;  N_edge = mclxNrofEntries(mx) - n_remove
         ;  random_ignore = RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX % N_COLS(mx))
      ;  }

         if (g_mean)
         {  if (!g_radius)
            {  if (g_sdev)
               g_radius = 2 * g_sdev
            ;  mcxWarn(me, "set radius to %.5f\n", g_radius)
         ;  }

      ;  if (N_add)
         N_edge +=   do_add
                     (  mx
                     ,  N_add  ,  N_edge
                     ,  do_gaussian ? &g_mean : NULL,  g_radius ,  g_sdev ,  g_min ,  g_max
                     ,  skew
                     ,  e_min ,  e_max

      ;  if (radius)
         {  for (i=0;i<N_COLS(mx);i++)
            {  mclp* ivp = mx->cols[i].ivps, *ivpmax = ivp + mx->cols[i].n_ivps
;if(DEBUG)fprintf(stderr, "here %d\n", (int) i)
            ;  while (ivp < ivpmax)
               {  double val = ivp->val
               ;  double r = mcxNormalCut(n_range * n_sdev, n_sdev)
               ;  double newval = val + radius * (r / (n_range * n_sdev))

               ;  if (e_min < e_max && newval >= e_min && newval <= e_max)
               ;  ivp->val = newval
               ;  ivp++
            ;  }

         mclxUnary(mx, fltxCopy, NULL)    /* remove zeroes */
      ;  mclxAddTranspose(mx, 0.0)
      ;  mx_readd_diagonal(mx, mx_diag)

      ;  if (plus)
         mclxbWrite(mx, xfout, RETURN_ON_FAIL)
      ;  else
         mclxWrite(mx, xfout, MCLXIO_VALUE_GETENV, RETURN_ON_FAIL)
   ;  }
      return 0
;  }
Exemplo n.º 4
static mcxstatus collectMain
(  int                  argc
,  const char*          argv[]
   {  aggr* collect = NULL
   ;  int a
   ;  dim i, collect_n = 0
   ;  mclTab* tab = NULL
   ;  double avg = 0.0
   ;  mclx* aggr = NULL, *mx = NULL
                                               /*  mcxHash* map = NULL */
   ;  mcxIO* xfout = mcxIOnew(out_g, "w")
   ;  mcxIOopen(xfout, EXIT_ON_FAIL)

   ;  if
      (  transform_spec
      && (!(transform = mclgTFparse(NULL, transform_spec)))
      mcxDie(1, me, "input -tf spec does not parse")

   ;  if (xftab_g)
         tab = mclTabRead(xftab_g, NULL, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
            /* map not used; perhaps someday we want to map labels to indexes?
             * in that case, we could also simply reverse the tab when reading ..
      ,  map = mclTabHash(tab)

   ;  if (!collect_g)
      mcxDie(1, me, "require one of --paste, --add-column, --add-matrix")

   ;  if (argc)
      {  if (collect_g == 'm')
         {  mcxIO* xf = mcxIOnew(argv[0], "r")
         ;  mcxIOopen(xf, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
         ;  aggr = mclxRead(xf, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
         ;  mcxIOfree(&xf)
      ;  }
         collect_n = do_a_file(&collect, argv[0], 0)
   ;  }

      if (tab && collect_n != N_TAB(tab) + (header_g ? 1 : 0))
      (  me
      ,  "tab has differing size (%lu vs %lu), continuing anyway"
      ,  (ulong) N_TAB(tab)
      ,  (ulong) (collect_n ? collect_n -1 : 0)

   ;  for (a=1;a<argc;a++)
      {  if (collect_g == 'm')
         {  mcxIO* xf = mcxIOnew(argv[a], "r")
         ;  mcxIOopen(xf, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
         ;  mx = mclxRead(xf, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
         ;  mclxAugment(aggr, mx, fltop_g)
         ;  mcxIOfree(&xf)
         ;  mclxFree(&mx)
      ;  }
         do_a_file(&collect, argv[a], collect_n)
   ;  }

      if (collect_g == 'm')
      {  if (transform)
         mclgTFexec(aggr, transform)
      ;  if (mcx_wb_g)
         mclxbWrite(aggr, xfout, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
      ;  else
         mclxWrite(aggr, xfout, MCLXIO_VALUE_GETENV, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
      ;  mcxIOclose(xfout)
      ;  exit(0)
   ;  }

   /* fimxe: dispatch on binary_g */

      for (i=0;i<collect_n;i++)
      {  const char* lb = collect[i].label

      ;  if (!i && collect[i].columns && collect_g != 'p')
         {  fprintf(xfout->fp, "%s\t%s\n", lb, collect[i].columns->str)
         ;  continue
      ;  }

         if (tab && (!header_g || i > 0))
         {  unsigned u = atoi(lb)
         ;  lb = mclTabGet(tab, u, NULL)
         ;  if (TAB_IS_NA(tab, lb))
            mcxDie(1, me, "no label found for index %ld - abort", (long) u)
      ;  }
         if (summary_g)
         avg += collect[i].val
      ;  else
         {  if (collect_g == 'p')
            fprintf(xfout->fp, "%s%s\n", lb, collect[i].columns->str)
         ;  else
            fprintf(xfout->fp, "%s\t%.8g\n", lb, collect[i].val)
      ;  }
      if (summary_g && collect_n)
      {  dim middle1 = (collect_n-1)/2, middle2 = collect_n/2
      ;  qsort(collect, collect_n, sizeof collect[0], aggr_cmp_val)
      ;  avg /= collect_n
      ;  fprintf                    /* --summary option is a bit rubbish interface-wise */
         (  xfout->fp
         ,  "%g %g %g %g\n"
         ,  collect[0].val
         ,  (collect[middle1].val + collect[middle2].val) / 2
         ,  collect[collect_n-1].val
         ,  avg
   ;  }
      return STATUS_OK
;  }