Exemplo n.º 1
static int doExtensionMcp23s17 (char *progName, int pinBase, char *params)
  int spi, port ;

  if ((params = extractInt (progName, params, &spi)) == NULL)
    return FALSE ;

  if ((spi < 0) || (spi > 1))
    verbError ("%s: SPI address (%d) out of range", progName, spi) ;
    return FALSE ;

  if ((params = extractInt (progName, params, &port)) == NULL)
    return FALSE ;

  if ((port < 0) || (port > 7))
    verbError ("%s: port address (%d) out of range", progName, port) ;
    return FALSE ;

  mcp23s17Setup (pinBase, spi, port) ;

  return TRUE ;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int doModuleMcp23s17 (char *progName, int pinBase, char *params)
  int spi, port ;

// Extract the SPI address:

  if (*params != ':')
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: colon expected after pin-base number\n", progName) ;
    return FALSE ;

  ++params ;
  if (!isdigit (*params))
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: digit expected after pin-base number\n", progName) ;
    return FALSE ;

  spi = *params - '0' ;
  if ((spi < 0) || (spi > 1))
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: SPI address (%d) out of range\n", progName, spi) ;
    return FALSE ;

// Extract the port:

  if (*++params != ':')
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: colon expected after SPI address\n", progName) ;
    return FALSE ;

  ++params ;
  if (!isdigit (*params))
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: digit expected after SPI address\n", progName) ;
    return FALSE ;

  port = strtol (params, NULL, 0) ;
  if ((port < 0) || (port > 7))
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: port address (%d) out of range\n", progName, port) ;
    return FALSE ;

  mcp23s17Setup (pinBase, spi, port) ;

  return TRUE ;
Exemplo n.º 3
int piFaceSetup (const int pinBase)
  int    i ;
  struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node ;

// Create an mcp23s17 instance:

   mcp23s17Setup (pinBase + 16, 0, 0) ;

// Set the direction bits

  for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; ++i)
    pinMode (pinBase + 16 +     i, OUTPUT) ;	// Port A is the outputs
    pinMode (pinBase + 16 + 8 + i, INPUT) ;	// Port B inputs.

  node = wiringPiNewNode (pinBase, 16) ;
  node->digitalRead     = myDigitalRead ;
  node->digitalWrite    = myDigitalWrite ;
  node->pullUpDnControl = myPullUpDnControl ;

  return 0 ;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(void){
	int readCart = 1;
	uint8_t ROMmakeup;	
	uint8_t ROMspeed;
	uint8_t bankSize;
	uint8_t ROMtype;
	uint8_t ROMsize;
	uint8_t SRAMsize;
	uint8_t country;
	uint8_t license;
	uint8_t version;
	uint32_t VBLvector;
	uint32_t resetVector;
	uint32_t inverseChecksum;
	int i = 0;
	int x = 0;
	// ------------- Set Registers -----------------------------------------------------

	wiringPiSetup () ;
	mcp23s17Setup (BASE, 0, _IOControls) ;
	mcp23s17Setup (BASE+100, 0,_SNESAddressPins) ;
	mcp23s17Setup (BASE+200, 0, _SNESBankAndData) ;


# GPA0: /RD
# GPA2: /WR
# GPA3: /CS
# GPA7: /IRQ 

setIOControl(_RD + _CS + _POWER); 


char cartname[21] = "";

uint32_t headerAddr =32704;
int isLowROM = 1;
int isValid = 0;

if (compareROMchecksums(32704,1) == 1){
	printf("Checksums matched\n");
	ROMmakeup =  readOffset(headerAddr + 21,isLowROM);
	ROMspeed = getUpNibble(ROMmakeup);
	bankSize = getLowNibble(ROMmakeup);

	if (bankSize == 0){
		printf("ROM Makeup match for LoROM. Assuming this is the case!\n");
		isLowROM = 1;
		isValid = 1;
	else if (bankSize == 1){
		printf("ROM Makeup match for HiROM. Assuming this is the case!\n");
		headerAddr = 65472;
		isLowROM = 0;
		isValid = 1;
		printf("Bank Configuration Read Error\n");
 printf("Checksums did not match. Either no cart, or cart read error\n");

//#--- Debug. Manually set bank size ----------
//#isLowROM = 1

uint32_t currentAddr = headerAddr;
gotoOffset(headerAddr, isLowROM);

for (i = headerAddr; i <(headerAddr + 20); i++ )
 cartname[x++] = readOffset(i,isLowROM);
//cartname = cartname.rstrip() 

ROMmakeup =  readAddr(headerAddr + 21,isLowROM);
ROMspeed = getUpNibble(ROMmakeup);
bankSize = getLowNibble(ROMmakeup);
ROMtype   =  readAddr(headerAddr + 22,isLowROM);
ROMsize   =  getROMsize(headerAddr + 23, isLowROM);
SRAMsize  =  readAddr(headerAddr + 24,isLowROM);
country   =  readAddr(headerAddr + 25,isLowROM);
license   =  readAddr(headerAddr + 26,isLowROM);
version   =  readAddr(headerAddr + 27,isLowROM);

currentAddr = headerAddr + 28;
inverseChecksum  = readAddr(currentAddr,isLowROM);
inverseChecksum += readAddr(currentAddr+1,isLowROM) * 256;

currentAddr = headerAddr + 30;
ROMchecksum  = readAddr(currentAddr,isLowROM);
ROMchecksum += readAddr(currentAddr+1,isLowROM) * 256;

currentAddr = headerAddr + 32;
VBLvector = readAddr(currentAddr,isLowROM);
VBLvector += readAddr(currentAddr+1,isLowROM) * 256;

currentAddr = headerAddr + 34;
resetVector = readAddr(currentAddr,isLowROM);
resetVector += readAddr(currentAddr+1,isLowROM) * 256;

int16_t numberOfPages = getNumberOfPages(ROMsize,isLowROM);

printf("Game Title:         %s\n", cartname);
printf("ROM Makeup:         %d\n", ROMmakeup);
printf(" - ROM Speed:       %d\n", ROMspeed);
printf(" - Bank Size:       %d\n", bankSize);
printf("ROM Type:           %d\n", ROMtype);

if (ROMtype == 243){
	printf("\nCapcom CX4 ROM Type detected!");

printf("ROM Size:           %d  MBits\n", ROMsize);

int convertedSRAMsize = 0;
printf("SRAM Size:          Value: %d",SRAMsize);
if (convertedSRAMsize == 0)
 if (SRAMsize <= 12 && SRAMsize > 0)
  convertedSRAMsize  =  1<<(SRAMsize +3);
printf(" | %d KBits\n", convertedSRAMsize);

printf("Country:            %d\n", country);
printf( "License:            %d\n", license);
printf( "Version:            1.%d\n",version);
printf( "Inverse Checksum:   %x\n", inverseChecksum);
printf( "ROM Checksum:       %x\n", + ROMchecksum);
printf( " - Checksums xOr'ed:   %x\n", (inverseChecksum | ROMchecksum) );
printf( "\n");
printf( "VBL Vector:         %d\n", VBLvector);
printf( "Reset Vector:       %d\n", resetVector);
printf( "\n");
printf( "Number of pages:    %d\n", numberOfPages );
printf( "\n");

uint8_t *dump;
char fileName[30];
//dump = returnNULLheader()
int y = 0;
uint32_t sizeOfCartInBytes = 0;
uint32_t pageChecksum = 0;
//uint32_t totalChecksum = 0;
uint32_t currentByte = 0;
uint32_t numberOfRemainPages = 0;
uint32_t firstNumberOfPages = 0;
time_t timeStart = 0;
time_t timeEnd = 0;

if directory != "" :
 if directory[len(directory)-1] != "/":
  directory += "/"

g = open("/tmp/insertedCart",'w')*/
if (isValid == 1){

 if (readCart == 1){
  //if os.path.exists(directory + cartname + '.smc'){
  // printf("Cart has already been ripped, not ripping again!");
  // readCart = 0;
 else if (readCart == 0)  
  printf("Will not rip cart due to OPTs");
 if (readCart == 1){  
  numberOfRemainPages = 0;
  firstNumberOfPages = numberOfPages; 
  timeStart = time(NULL);
  //f = open(directory + cartname + '.smc','w')
  FILE *romfile;
  stpcpy(fileName, cartname);
  strcat(fileName, ".smc");
  romfile = fopen( fileName, "wb");
  if (isLowROM == 1){

   sizeOfCartInBytes = numberOfPages * 32768;  
   dump = calloc(sizeOfCartInBytes, sizeof(uint8_t) );
   printf("Reading %d Low ROM pages.\n", numberOfPages);

   //ROM Ripper
   ripROM(0x00, isLowROM, firstNumberOfPages, dump);
	  sizeOfCartInBytes = numberOfPages * 65536;
	  dump = calloc(sizeOfCartInBytes, sizeof(uint8_t) );
   if (numberOfPages > 64){
    numberOfRemainPages = ( numberOfPages - 64 ); //# number of pages over 64
    printf("Reading first 64 of %d Hi ROM pages.\n",  numberOfPages);
    firstNumberOfPages = 64;
    printf("Reading %d Hi ROM pages.\n", numberOfPages);
   /*dump =*/ ripROM(0xC0, isLowROM, firstNumberOfPages, dump); 

   if (numberOfRemainPages > 0){
    printf("Reading last %d of High ROM pages.\n", numberOfRemainPages);
    /*dump +=*/ ripROM(0x40, isLowROM, numberOfRemainPages, dump);

  printf("Entire Checksum:             %x\n", totalChecksum);
  printf("Header Checksum:             %x\n", ROMchecksum );

  totalChecksum = ( totalChecksum & 0xFFFF );

  printf("16-bit Generated Checksum:   %x\n", totalChecksum);

  if (totalChecksum == ROMchecksum)
   printf("--------------------------   CHECKSUMS MATCH!\n");
   printf("----------WARNING: CHECKSUMS DO NOT MATCH: %x != %x\n", totalChecksum, ROMchecksum);
  timeEnd = time(NULL);
  //print ""
  printf("Address Writes - LowByte: %d HighByte: %d | Bank Writes: %d | Data Reads: %d\n", LowByteWrites, HighByteWrites, BankWrites, DataReads);
  printf("\nIt took %d seconds to read cart\n", timeEnd - timeStart);
  printf("Size of Cart in Bytes: %d\n", sizeOfCartInBytes);

  fwrite(dump, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeOfCartInBytes, romfile); 
 /*if (readSRAM == 1){
  f = open(directory + cartname + '.srm','w')

  timeStart = time.time()
  dump = ripSRAM(convertedSRAMsize,ROMsize,isLowROM)
  timeEnd = time.time()

  print ""
  print "It took " + str(timeEnd - timeStart) + "seconds to read SRAM Data"

//#--- Clean Up & End Script ------------------------------------------------------

