Exemplo n.º 1
mdp_client_send (mdp_client_t **self_p, void *socket)
    assert (socket);
    assert (self_p);
    assert (*self_p);
    mdp_client_t *self = *self_p;

    //  If we're sending to a ROUTER, we send the address first
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
    if (zsocket_type (socket) == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        assert (self->address);
        zmsg_add (msg, self->address);
        self->address = NULL;       //  Owned by msg now
    //  Send header fields
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "");
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "MDPC01");

    //  All messages have the same structure
    zmsg_addstr (msg, self->service);
    zmsg_add (msg, self->body);
    self->body = NULL;

    //  Send the message and destroy mdp_client object
    int rc = zmsg_send (&msg, socket);
    mdp_client_destroy (self_p);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
void bpm_client_destroy (bpm_client_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);

    if (*self_p) {
        bpm_client_t *self = *self_p;

        self->acq_buf = NULL;
        mdp_client_destroy (&self->mdp_client);
        *self_p = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
mdp_client_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * mdp_client: ");

    //  Simple create/destroy test
    mdp_client_t *self = mdp_client_new ();
    assert (self);
    mdp_client_destroy (&self);

    //  Create pair of sockets we can send through
    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
    assert (ctx);

    void *output = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (output);
    zsocket_bind (output, "inproc://selftest");
    void *input = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    assert (input);
    zsocket_connect (input, "inproc://selftest");

    //  Encode/send/decode and verify each message type
    self = mdp_client_new ();
    mdp_client_service_set (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    mdp_client_body_set (self, zframe_new ("Captcha Diem", 12));
    mdp_client_send (&self, output);

    self = mdp_client_recv (input);
    assert (self);
    assert (streq (mdp_client_service (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));
    assert (zframe_streq (mdp_client_body (self), "Captcha Diem"));
    mdp_client_destroy (&self);

    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
    printf ("OK\n");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
mdp_client_t *
mdp_client_recv (void *socket)
    //  Read all frames off socket
    assert (socket);
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (socket);
    if (!msg)
        return NULL;            //  Interrupted

    //  Create and populate new mdp_client instance
    mdp_client_t *self = mdp_client_new ();
    //  If we're reading from a ROUTER socket, get address
    if (zsocket_type (socket) == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        self->address = zmsg_pop (msg);
        if (!self->address)
            goto empty;         //  Interrupted
    //  Read and check header
    zframe_t *empty_frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
    if (!empty_frame || !zframe_streq (empty_frame, ""))
        goto malformed;
    zframe_destroy (&empty_frame);

    zframe_t *protocol_frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
    if (!protocol_frame || !zframe_streq (protocol_frame, "MDPC01"))
        goto malformed;
    zframe_destroy (&protocol_frame);

    //  All messages have the same structure
    self->service = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (!self->service)
        goto malformed;
    self->body = zmsg_pop (msg);
    if (!self->body)
        goto malformed;

    //  Successful return
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
    return self;

    //  Error returns
        printf ("E: malformed message '%d'\n", self->id);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);
        mdp_client_destroy (&self);
        return (NULL);
Exemplo n.º 5
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));
    mdp_client_t *client = mdp_client_new ("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose);

    //  Send 100 sell orders
    int count;
    for (count = 0; count < 5; count++) {
        zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_pushstr (request, "8");                // volume
        zmsg_pushstr (request, "%d", count + 1000); // price
        zmsg_pushstr (request, "SELL");
        mdp_client_send (client, "NYSE", &request);

    //  Send 1 buy order.
    //  This order will match all sell orders.
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new ();
    zmsg_pushstr (request, "800");      // volume
    zmsg_pushstr (request, "2000");     // price
    zmsg_pushstr (request, "BUY");
    mdp_client_send (client, "NYSE", &request);

    //  Wait for all trading reports
    while (1) {
        char *service = NULL;
        zmsg_t *report = mdp_client_recv (client, &service);
        if (report == NULL)
        assert (zmsg_size (report) >= 2);
        zframe_t *report_type = zmsg_pop (report);
        char *report_type_str = zframe_strdup (report_type);
        zframe_t *volume = zmsg_pop (report);
        char *volume_str = zframe_strdup (volume);

        printf ("%s: %s %s shares\n", service, report_type_str, volume_str);

        free (service);
        free (report_type_str);
        free (volume_str);

    mdp_client_destroy (&client);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));
    mdp_client_t *session = mdp_client_new ("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose);

    int count;
    for (count = 0; count < 100000; count++) {
        zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_pushstr (request, "Hello world");
        zmsg_t *reply = mdp_client_send (session, "echo", &request);
        if (reply)
            zmsg_destroy (&reply);
            break;              //  Interrupt or failure
    printf ("%d requests/replies processed\n", count);
    mdp_client_destroy (&session);
    return 0;