/* Note the return value for this is: * meABORT - there was a major failure (i.e. couldn't open the file) * meFALSE - user quit * meTRUE - succeded * this is used by the exit function which ignore the major failures */ static int regTestSave(meRegNode *sroot, int flags) { /* if its not a file or not changed or the changes are to be discarded * then nothing to do */ if(!(sroot->mode & meREGMODE_FROOT) || !(sroot->mode & meREGMODE_CHANGE) || (sroot->mode & meREGMODE_DISCARD)) return meTRUE ; if((flags & 0x01) && !(sroot->mode & meREGMODE_AUTO)) { meUByte prompt[meBUF_SIZE_MAX] ; int ret ; meStrcpy(prompt,(sroot->value != NULL) ? sroot->value:sroot->name) ; meStrcat(prompt,": Save registry") ; if((ret = mlyesno(prompt)) == meABORT) { ctrlg(meFALSE,1) ; return meFALSE ; } if(ret == meFALSE) return meTRUE ; } return regSave(sroot,NULL,sroot->mode) ; }
int helpVariable(int f, int n) { meUByte buf[meBUF_SIZE_MAX] ; if(meGetString((meUByte *)"Help on variable", MLVARBL, 0, buf, meBUF_SIZE_MAX-10) <= 0) return false ; meStrcat(buf,"(5)") ; return findHelpItem(buf,0) ; }
static int findHelpItem(meUByte *item, int silent) { meWindow *wp ; meBuffer *bp, *hbp ; meLine *lp, *elp ; int sectLen, itemLen, ii ; meUByte *ss, cc, sect[5] ; itemLen = meStrlen(item) ; if((item[itemLen-1] == ')') && ((item[(ii=itemLen-3)] == '(') || (item[(ii=itemLen-4)] == '(') )) { sectLen = itemLen-ii-2 ; meStrcpy(sect,item+ii) ; itemLen = ii ; item[itemLen] = '\0' ; } else { sectLen = 0 ; sect[0] = '\0' ; sect[1] = '\0' ; } if((hbp=helpBufferFind()) == NULL) return meABORT ; elp = hbp->baseLine ; try_again: lp = meLineGetNext(elp) ; while(lp != elp) { if((lp->text[0] == '!') && (!sectLen || ((sect[1] == lp->text[2]) && (((sectLen == 1) && (lp->text[3] == ' ')) || (sect[2] == lp->text[3]))))) { if((cc=lp->text[1]) == ' ') { ii = meLineGetLength(lp) - 4 ; if(ii != itemLen) ii = -1 ; } else { ii = cc - '0' ; if(ii > itemLen) ii = -1 ; } if((ii > 0) && !meStrncmp(item,lp->text+4,ii)) break ; } lp = meLineGetNext(lp) ; } if(lp == elp) { meMacro *mac ; if(!meModeTest(hbp->mode,MDLOCK)) { if(helpBufferLoad(hbp) == meABORT) return meABORT ; goto try_again ; } if((getMacroTypeS(item) == TKCMD) && ((ii = decode_fncname(item,1)) >= CK_MAX) && ((mac = getMacro(ii)) != NULL) && (mac->hlp->flag & meMACRO_FILE)) { meModeClear(hbp->mode,MDVIEW) ; if(mac->fname != NULL) execFile(mac->fname,0,1) ; else execFile(mac->name,0,1) ; helpBufferReset(hbp) ; if(!(mac->hlp->flag & meMACRO_FILE)) goto try_again ; } if(!silent) mlwrite(MWABORT,(meUByte *)"[Can't find help on %s%s]",item,sect); return meABORT ; } if((wp = meWindowPopup(BhelpN,BFND_CREAT|BFND_CLEAR|WPOP_USESTR,NULL)) == NULL) return false ; if((sectLen == 0) && (lp->text[2] != ' ')) { ss = sect ; *ss++ = '(' ; *ss++ = lp->text[2] ; if(lp->text[3] != ' ') *ss++ = lp->text[3] ; *ss++ = ')' ; *ss = '\0' ; } bp = wp->buffer ; /* Add the header */ { meUByte buff[meBUF_SIZE_MAX] ; sprintf((char *)buff,"\033cD%s%s\033cA",lp->text+4,sect) ; addLineToEob(bp,buff) ; addLineToEob(bp,(meUByte *)"\n\033lsMicroEmacs\033lm[Home]\033le \033lsCommand G\033lm[Commands]\033le \033lsVariable \033lm[Variables]\033le \033lsMacro Lan\033lm[Macro-Dev]\033le \033lsGlobal G\033lm[Glossary]\033le") ; memset(buff,boxChars[BCEW],78) ; buff[78] = '\n' ; buff[79] = '\0' ; addLineToEob(bp,buff) ; } while(((lp=meLineGetNext(lp)) != elp) && (lp->text[0] == '!')) ; while((lp != elp) && ((cc=lp->text[0]) != '!')) { if(cc == '|') { if(meStrcmp(item,lp->text+1)) lp = meLineGetNext(lp) ; } else if(cc == '$') { if(lp->text[1] == 'a') { if(sect[1] == '5') { meUByte line[meBUF_SIZE_MAX], *ss ; if((ss = getval(item)) != NULL) { addLineToEob(bp,(meUByte *)"\n\n\033cEVALUE\033cA\n") ; meStrcpy(line," \"") ; meStrncpy(line+5,ss,meBUF_SIZE_MAX-13) ; line[meBUF_SIZE_MAX-2] = '\0' ; meStrcat(line,"\"") ; addLineToEob(bp,line) ; } } if(sect[1] == '2') { if((ii = decode_fncname(item,1)) >= 0) { meBind *ktp ; meUByte line[meBUF_SIZE_MAX], *ss ; addLineToEob(bp,(meUByte *)"\n\n\033cEBINDINGS\033cA\n") ; meStrcpy(line," ") ; ss = line+4 ; for(ktp = &keytab[0] ; ktp->code != ME_INVALID_KEY ; ktp++) { if(ktp->index == ii) { *ss++ = '"' ; meGetStringFromKey(ktp->code,ss); ss += meStrlen(ss) ; *ss++ = '"' ; *ss++ = ' ' ; } } if(ss == line+4) meStrcpy(ss,"none") ; else *ss = '\0' ; addLineToEob(bp,line) ; } } } } else addLineToEob(bp,lp->text) ; lp = meLineGetNext(lp) ; } /* Add the footer */ { meUByte buff[meBUF_SIZE_MAX] ; buff[0] = '\n' ; memset(buff+1,boxChars[BCEW],78) ; sprintf((char *)buff+79,"\n\033lsCopyright\033lm%s\033le",meCopyright) ; addLineToEob(bp,buff) ; } bp->dotLine = meLineGetNext(bp->baseLine); bp->dotOffset = 0 ; bp->dotLineNo = 0 ; meModeClear(bp->mode,MDEDIT) ; /* don't flag this as a change */ meModeSet(bp->mode,MDVIEW) ; /* put this buffer view mode */ resetBufferWindows(bp) ; /* Update the window */ mlerase(MWCLEXEC); /* clear the mode line */ return true ; }
void meSetupPathsAndUser(char *progname) { meUByte *ss, buff[meBUF_SIZE_MAX] ; int ii, ll, gotUserPath ; curdir = gwd(0) ; if(curdir == NULL) /* not yet initialised so mlwrite will exit */ mlwrite(MWCURSOR|MWABORT|MWWAIT,(meUByte *)"Failed to get cwd\n") ; /* setup the $progname make it an absolute path. */ if(executableLookup(progname,evalResult)) meProgName = meStrdup(evalResult) ; else { #ifdef _ME_FREE_ALL_MEMORY /* stops problems on exit */ meProgName = meStrdup(progname) ; #else meProgName = (meUByte *)progname ; #endif } #if MEOPT_BINFS /* Initialise the built-in file system. Note for speed we only check the * header. Scope the "exepath" locally so it is discarded once the * pathname is passed to the mount and we exit the braces. */ bfsdev = bfs_mount (meProgName, BFS_CHECK_HEAD); #endif if(meUserName == NULL) { if(((ss = meGetenv ("MENAME")) == NULL) || (ss[0] == '\0')) ss = "user" ; meUserName = meStrdup(ss) ; } /* get the users home directory, user path and search path */ if(((ss = meGetenv("HOME")) == NULL) || (ss[0] == '\0')) ss = "c:/" ; fileNameSetHome(ss) ; if(((ss = meGetenv ("MEUSERPATH")) != NULL) && (ss[0] != '\0')) meUserPath = meStrdup(ss) ; if(((ss = meGetenv("MEPATH")) != NULL) && (ss[0] != '\0')) { /* explicit path set by the user, don't need to look at anything else */ searchPath = meStrdup(ss) ; /* we just need to add the $user-path to the front */ if(meUserPath != NULL) { /* check that the user path is first in the search path, if not add it */ ll = meStrlen(meUserPath) ; if(meStrncmp(searchPath,meUserPath,ll) || ((searchPath[ll] != '\0') && (searchPath[ll] != mePATH_CHAR))) { /* meMalloc will exit if it fails as ME has not finished initialising */ ss = meMalloc(ll + meStrlen(searchPath) + 2) ; meStrcpy(ss,meUserPath) ; ss[ll] = mePATH_CHAR ; meStrcpy(ss+ll+1,searchPath) ; meFree(searchPath) ; searchPath = ss ; } } } else { /* construct the search-path */ /* put the $user-path first */ if((gotUserPath = (meUserPath != NULL))) meStrcpy(evalResult,meUserPath) ; else evalResult[0] = '\0' ; ll = meStrlen(evalResult) ; /* look for the ~/jasspa directory */ if(homedir != NULL) { meStrcpy(buff,homedir) ; meStrcat(buff,"jasspa") ; if(((ll = mePathAddSearchPath(ll,evalResult,buff,&gotUserPath)) > 0) && !gotUserPath) /* as this is the user's area, use this directory unless we find * a .../<$user-name>/ directory */ gotUserPath = -1 ; } /* Get the system path of the installed macros. Use $MEINSTPATH as the * MicroEmacs standard macros */ if(((ss = meGetenv ("MEINSTALLPATH")) != NULL) && (ss[0] != '\0')) { meStrcpy(buff,ss) ; ll = mePathAddSearchPath(ll,evalResult,buff,&gotUserPath) ; } /* also check for directories in the same location as the binary */ if((meProgName != NULL) && ((ss=meStrrchr(meProgName,DIR_CHAR)) != NULL)) { ii = (((size_t) ss) - ((size_t) meProgName)) ; meStrncpy(buff,meProgName,ii) ; buff[ii] = '\0' ; ll = mePathAddSearchPath(ll,evalResult,buff,&gotUserPath) ; } if(!gotUserPath && (homedir != NULL)) { /* We have not found a user path so set ~/ as the user-path * as this is the best place for macros to write to etc. */ meStrcpy(buff,homedir) ; if(ll) { ii = meStrlen(buff) ; buff[ii++] = mePATH_CHAR ; meStrcpy(buff+ii,evalResult) ; } searchPath = meStrdup(buff) ; } else if(ll > 0) searchPath = meStrdup(evalResult) ; } if(searchPath != NULL) { fileNameConvertDirChar(searchPath) ; if(meUserPath == NULL) { /* no user path yet, take the first path from the search-path, this * should be a sensible directory to use */ if((ss = meStrchr(searchPath,mePATH_CHAR)) != NULL) *ss = '\0' ; meUserPath = meStrdup(searchPath) ; if(ss != NULL) *ss = mePATH_CHAR ; } } if(meUserPath != NULL) { fileNameConvertDirChar(meUserPath) ; ll = meStrlen(meUserPath) ; if(meUserPath[ll-1] != DIR_CHAR) { meUserPath = meRealloc(meUserPath,ll+2) ; meUserPath[ll++] = DIR_CHAR ; meUserPath[ll] = '\0' ; } } }