Exemplo n.º 1
	virtual Local<Value> getResult() {
		v8::Local<v8::Object> result = Nan::New<v8::Object>();
		for (list<memcached_result_st*>::iterator ii = results.begin(); ii != results.end(); ii++) {
			memcached_result_st* current = *ii;
			v8::Local<v8::Object> element = Nan::New<v8::Object>();
			element->Set(Nan::New("key").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New(memcached_result_key_value(current)).ToLocalChecked());
			element->Set(Nan::New("value").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New(memcached_result_value(current)).ToLocalChecked());
			element->Set(Nan::New("cas").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New(getStringFromUInt64(memcached_result_cas(current))).ToLocalChecked());

			result->Set(Nan::New(memcached_result_key_value(current)).ToLocalChecked(), element);

		return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
  memcached_return rc;

  const char *key = "caskey";
  size_t key_len = strlen(key);
  const char* keys[2] = { (char *)key, NULL };
  size_t key_lens[2] = { key_len, 0 };

  memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SUPPORT_CAS, 1);
    memcached_set(memc, key, key_len, "cas test", 8, 0, 0xdeadbeefU),
    cut_message("memcached set failed."));

    uint64_t cas;
    memcached_result_st *results;
    memcached_result_st results_obj;

    results = memcached_result_create(memc, &results_obj);
      memcached_mget(memc, keys, key_lens, 1),
      cut_message("memcached mget failed."));
    results = memcached_fetch_result(memc, &results_obj, &rc);
                        cut_message("memcached fetch result failed."));

    cas = memcached_result_cas(results);
    cut_assert_operator(cas, !=, 0,
                        cut_message("memcached cas value is non-zero."));

      memcached_cas(memc, key, key_len, "cas changed", 12, 0, 0, cas),
      cut_message("memcached cas failed."));

      memcached_cas(memc, key, key_len, "cas changed", 12, 0, 0, cas),
      cut_message("memcached cas value is same."));

Exemplo n.º 3
  memcached_return rc;

  const char *key = "caskey";
  size_t key_len = strlen(key);
  char* keys[2] = { (char *)key, NULL };
  size_t key_lens[2] = { key_len, 0 };

  memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SUPPORT_CAS, 1);
  rc = memcached_set(memc, key, key_len, "cas test", 8, 0, 0xdeadbeefU);
  cut_set_message("memcached set failed.");
  cut_assert_equal_int(MEMCACHED_SUCCESS, rc);

    uint64_t cas;
    memcached_result_st *results;
    memcached_result_st results_obj;

    results = memcached_result_create(memc, &results_obj);
    rc = memcached_mget(memc, keys, key_lens, 1);
    cut_set_message("memcached mget failed.");
    cut_assert_equal_int(MEMCACHED_SUCCESS, rc);
    results = memcached_fetch_result(memc, &results_obj, &rc);

    cas = memcached_result_cas(results);
    cut_set_message("memcached cas value is non-zero.");
    cut_assert_operator_int(cas, !=, 0);

    rc = memcached_cas(memc, key, key_len, "cas changed", 12, 0, 0, cas);
    cut_set_message("memcached cas failed.");
    cut_assert_equal_int(MEMCACHED_SUCCESS, rc);

    rc = memcached_cas(memc, key, key_len, "cas changed", 12, 0, 0, cas);
    cut_set_message("memcached cas value is same.");
    /* TODO: fix rc after libmemcached fix */
    cut_assert_equal_int(MEMCACHED_PROTOCOL_ERROR, rc);
    /* cut_assert_equal_int(MEMCACHED_DATA_EXISTS, rc); */

Exemplo n.º 4
  /// Retrieve the AoR data for a given SIP URI, creating it if there isn't
  /// any already, and returning NULL if we can't get a connection.
  AoR* MemcachedStore::get_aor_data(const std::string& aor_id)
                                    ///< the SIP URI
    memcached_return_t rc;
    MemcachedAoR* aor_data = NULL;

    // Try to get a connection
    struct timespec wait_time;
    wait_time.tv_sec = 0;
    wait_time.tv_nsec = 100 * 1000 * 1000;
    memcached_st* st = memcached_pool_fetch(_pool, &wait_time, &rc);

    if (st != NULL)
      // Got one: use it.
      const char* key_ptr = aor_id.data();
      const size_t key_len = aor_id.length();
      rc = memcached_mget(st, &key_ptr, &key_len, 1);
      if (memcached_success(rc))
        memcached_result_st result;
        memcached_result_create(st, &result);
        memcached_fetch_result(st, &result, &rc);

        if (memcached_success(rc))
          aor_data = deserialize_aor(std::string(memcached_result_value(&result), memcached_result_length(&result)));
          int now = time(NULL);
          expire_bindings(aor_data, now);
          // AoR does not exist, so create it.
          aor_data = new MemcachedAoR();
      memcached_pool_release(_pool, st);

    return (AoR*)aor_data;
Exemplo n.º 5
memcached_return_t BaseMemcachedStore::get_from_replica(memcached_st* replica,
                                                        const char* key_ptr,
                                                        const size_t key_len,
                                                        std::string& data,
                                                        uint64_t& cas)
  memcached_return_t rc = MEMCACHED_ERROR;
  cas = 0;

  // We must use memcached_mget because memcached_get does not retrieve CAS
  // values.
  rc = memcached_mget(replica, &key_ptr, &key_len, 1);

  if (memcached_success(rc))
    // memcached_mget command was successful, so retrieve the result.
    TRC_DEBUG("Fetch result");
    memcached_result_st result;
    memcached_result_create(replica, &result);
    memcached_fetch_result(replica, &result, &rc);

    if (memcached_success(rc))
      // Found a record, so exit the read loop.
      TRC_DEBUG("Found record on replica");

      // Copy the record into a string. std::string::assign copies its
      // arguments when used with a char*, so we can free the result
      // afterwards.
      cas = memcached_result_cas(&result);


  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 6
/// Retrieve the data for a given namespace and key.
Store::Status MemcachedStore::get_data(const std::string& table,
                                       const std::string& key,
                                       std::string& data,
                                       uint64_t& cas,
                                       SAS::TrailId trail)
  Store::Status status = Store::Status::OK;

  // Construct the fully qualified key.
  std::string fqkey = table + "\\\\" + key;
  const char* key_ptr = fqkey.data();
  const size_t key_len = fqkey.length();

  const std::vector<memcached_st*>& replicas = get_replicas(fqkey, Op::READ);

  if (trail != 0)
    SAS::Event start(trail, SASEvent::MEMCACHED_GET_START, 0);

  LOG_DEBUG("%d read replicas for key %s", replicas.size(), fqkey.c_str());

  // Read from all replicas until we get a positive result.
  memcached_return_t rc = MEMCACHED_ERROR;
  bool active_not_found = false;
  size_t failed_replicas = 0;
  size_t ii;
  // If we only have one replica, we should try it twice -
  // libmemcached won't notice a dropped TCP connection until it tries
  // to make a request on it, and will fail the request then
  // reconnect, so the second attempt could still work.
  size_t attempts = (replicas.size() == 1) ? 2 : replicas.size();

  for (ii = 0; ii < attempts; ++ii)
    size_t replica_idx;
    if ((replicas.size() == 1) && (ii == 1))
        // This is a legitimate error, not a server failure, so we
        // shouldn't retry.
      replica_idx = 0;
      LOG_WARNING("Failed to read from sole memcached replica: retrying once");
      replica_idx = ii;
    // We must use memcached_mget because memcached_get does not retrieve CAS
    // values.
    LOG_DEBUG("Attempt to read from replica %d (connection %p)", replica_idx, replicas[replica_idx]);
    rc = memcached_mget(replicas[replica_idx], &key_ptr, &key_len, 1);

    if (memcached_success(rc))
      // memcached_mget command was successful, so retrieve the result.
      LOG_DEBUG("Fetch result");
      memcached_result_st result;
      memcached_result_create(replicas[replica_idx], &result);
      memcached_fetch_result(replicas[replica_idx], &result, &rc);

      if (memcached_success(rc))
        // Found a record, so exit the read loop.
        LOG_DEBUG("Found record on replica %d", replica_idx);
        data.assign(memcached_result_value(&result), memcached_result_length(&result));
        cas = (active_not_found) ? 0 : memcached_result_cas(&result);

        // std::string::assign copies its arguments when used with a
        // char*, so this is safe.
        // Free the result and continue the read loop.

      // Failed to find a record on an active replica.  Flag this so if we do
      // find data on a later replica we can reset the cas value returned to
      // zero to ensure a subsequent write will succeed.
      LOG_DEBUG("Read for %s on replica %d returned NOTFOUND", fqkey.c_str(), replica_idx);
      active_not_found = true;
      // Error from this node, so consider it inactive.
      LOG_DEBUG("Read for %s on replica %d returned error %d (%s)",
                fqkey.c_str(), replica_idx, rc, memcached_strerror(replicas[replica_idx], rc));

  if (memcached_success(rc))
    if (trail != 0)
      SAS::Event got_data(trail, SASEvent::MEMCACHED_GET_SUCCESS, 0);
    // Return the data and CAS value.  The CAS value is either set to the CAS
    // value from the result, or zero if an earlier active replica returned
    // NOT_FOUND.  This ensures that a subsequent set operation will succeed
    // on the earlier active replica.
    LOG_DEBUG("Read %d bytes from table %s key %s, CAS = %ld",
              data.length(), table.c_str(), key.c_str(), cas);

  else if (failed_replicas < replicas.size())
    // At least one replica returned NOT_FOUND.
    if (trail != 0)
      SAS::Event not_found(trail, SASEvent::MEMCACHED_GET_NOT_FOUND, 0);

    LOG_DEBUG("At least one replica returned not found, so return NOT_FOUND");
    status = Store::Status::NOT_FOUND;
    // All replicas returned an error, so log the error and return the
    // failure.
    if (trail != 0)
      SAS::Event err(trail, SASEvent::MEMCACHED_GET_ERROR, 0);

    LOG_ERROR("Failed to read data for %s from %d replicas",
              fqkey.c_str(), replicas.size());
    status = Store::Status::ERROR;

  return status;
Exemplo n.º 7
static VALUE mc_get(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
  memcached_st *mc;
  VALUE cas, keys, results, key, result;
  VALUE scalar_key = Qnil;
  memcached_return status;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, memcached_st, mc);
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &keys, &cas);
  memcached_behavior_set(mc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SUPPORT_CAS, RTEST(cas) ? 1 : 0);

  if (RTEST(cas) && TYPE(keys) != T_ARRAY) {
    scalar_key = keys;
    keys = rb_ary_new4(1, &keys);

  if (TYPE(keys) != T_ARRAY) {
    char*    str;
    size_t   len;
    uint32_t flags;

    key = use_binary(mc) ? keys : escape_key(keys, NULL);
    str = memcached_get(mc, RSTRING_PTR(key), RSTRING_LEN(key), &len, &flags, &status);
    if (str == NULL) return Qnil;

    if (status == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) {
      result = rb_hash_new();
      rb_hash_aset(result, sym_value, rb_str_new(str, len));
      rb_hash_aset(result, sym_flags, INT2NUM(flags));
      return result;
    } else {
      printf("Memcache read error: %s %u\n", memcached_strerror(mc, status), status);
      return Qnil;
  } else {
    memcached_result_st* mc_result;
    size_t       num_keys, i;
    const char** key_strings;
    size_t*      key_lengths;
    bool         escaped;

    results = rb_hash_new();
    num_keys = RARRAY_LEN(keys);
    if (num_keys == 0) return results;

    key_strings = (const char**) malloc(num_keys * sizeof(char *));
    key_lengths = (size_t *) malloc(num_keys * sizeof(size_t));
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
      key = RARRAY_PTR(keys)[i];
      if (!use_binary(mc)) key = escape_key(key, &escaped);

      key_lengths[i] = RSTRING_LEN(key);
      key_strings[i] = RSTRING_PTR(key);

    memcached_mget(mc, key_strings, key_lengths, num_keys);

    while ((mc_result = memcached_fetch_result(mc, NULL, &status))) {
      if (escaped) {
        key = unescape_key(memcached_result_key_value(mc_result), memcached_result_key_length(mc_result));
      } else {
        key = rb_str_new(memcached_result_key_value(mc_result), memcached_result_key_length(mc_result));

      if (status == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) {
        result = rb_hash_new();
        rb_hash_aset(result, sym_value, rb_str_new(memcached_result_value(mc_result),
        rb_hash_aset(result, sym_flags, INT2NUM(memcached_result_flags(mc_result)));
        if (RTEST(cas)) rb_hash_aset(result, sym_cas, ULL2NUM(memcached_result_cas(mc_result)));
        rb_hash_aset(results, key, result);
      } else {
        printf("Memcache read error: %s %u\n", memcached_strerror(mc, status), status);
    if (!NIL_P(scalar_key)) return rb_hash_aref(results, scalar_key);
    return results;