Exemplo n.º 1
    inquiry_start_discovery - Begin inquiry procedure
void inquiry_start_discovery(void)
    INQUIRY_DEBUG(("INQUIRY: inquiry_start_discovery\n"));
    if (theSource->inquiry_data == NULL)
        theSource->inquiry_data = (INQUIRY_SCAN_DATA_T *) memory_create(sizeof(INQUIRY_SCAN_DATA_T));
        if (theSource->inquiry_data)
            /* set read and write indexes */
            theSource->inquiry_data->read_idx = 0;
            theSource->inquiry_data->write_idx = 0;
            theSource->inquiry_data->search_idx = 0;             
            theSource->inquiry_data->inquiry_state_timeout = 0;
            if (theSource->ps_config->ps_timers.inquiry_state_timer != TIMER_NO_TIMEOUT)
                MessageSendLater(&theSource->app_data.appTask, APP_INQUIRY_STATE_TIMEOUT, 0, D_SEC(theSource->ps_config->ps_timers.inquiry_state_timer));
    if (theSource->inquiry_data)
        /* start Bluetooth inquiry */
        ConnectionInquire(&theSource->connectionTask, INQUIRY_LAP, INQUIRY_MAX_RESPONSES, INQUIRY_TIMEOUT, (uint32)COD_MAJOR_AV);            
        /* memory should exist here issue a Panic */
Exemplo n.º 2
NetStream *net_stream_create (NetStreamOnAdd on_add,
                              NetStreamOnClose on_close, 
                              NetStreamOnRead on_read,
                              void *tag)
        NetStream *stream;

        if (!(stream = memory_create (sizeof (NetStream)))) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
                return NULL;
        if (!(stream->poll = net_poll_create (&poll_on_monitor,
                                              &poll_on_write))) {
                memory_destroy (stream);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!(stream->worker = net_stream_worker_create (stream->poll))) {
                net_poll_destroy (stream->poll);
                memory_destroy (stream);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 3);
                return NULL;
        stream->on_add = on_add;
        stream->on_close = on_close;
        stream->on_read = on_read;
        stream->poll->tag = stream;
        stream->tag = tag;
        return stream;
Exemplo n.º 3
DisplayPlugin *display_plugin_create (const char *path)
        DisplayPlugin *display_plugin;

        if (!path) {
                error (InvalidArgument);
                return NULL;
        if (!(display_plugin = memory_create (sizeof (DisplayPlugin)))) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
                return NULL;
        if (!(display_plugin->plugin = plugin_create (path))) {
                memory_destroy (display_plugin);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!(plugin_set_function (display_plugin->plugin, 
                                   (void **)&display_plugin->display_canvas, 
                                   "display_canvas"))) {
                plugin_destroy (display_plugin->plugin);
                memory_destroy (display_plugin);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 3);
                return NULL;
        if (!display_plugin->plugin->load ()) {
                plugin_destroy (display_plugin->plugin);
                memory_destroy (display_plugin);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 4);
                return NULL;
        return display_plugin;
Exemplo n.º 4
static bool tokenize_or (const char *pattern, size_t length, size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	if (!(*token)) {
		error (PatternOrMissingLeftOperand);
		return false;
	if ((*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeParenthesesClose &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeRepeat &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeRange &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeSet &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeValue) {
		error (PatternOrInvalidLeftOperand);
		return false;
	if (*i + 1 >= length) {
		error (PatternOrMissingRightOperand);
		return false;
	if (pattern[*i + 1] == ')' ||
	    pattern[*i + 1] == '|' ||
	    pattern[*i + 1] == '{' ||
	    pattern[*i + 1] == '}' ||
	    pattern[*i + 1] == ']' ||
	    pattern[*i + 1] == '>') {
		error (PatternOrInvalidRightOperand);
		return false;
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternToken)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeOr;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
static bool tokenize_range (const char *pattern, size_t length, size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	unsigned char from;
	unsigned char to;

	if (++(*i) >= length) {
		error (PatternRangeMissingFrom);
		return false;
	if (pattern[*i] == '-') {
		from = 0;
	else {
		if (!pattern_token_string_to_value (pattern, length, i, &from)) {
			error (PatternRangeInvalidFrom);
			return false;
		if (*i >= length) {
			error (PatternRangeMissingHyphen);
			return false;
		if (pattern[*i] != '-') {
			error (PatternRangeMissingHyphen);
			return false;
	if (++(*i) >= length) {
		error (PatternRangeMissingTo);
		return false;
	if (pattern[*i] == ']') {
		to = UCHAR_MAX;
	else {
		if (!pattern_token_string_to_value (pattern, length, i, &to)) {
			error (PatternRangeInvalidTo);
			return false;
		if (*i >= length) {
			error (PatternRangeMissingCloseBracket);
			return false;
		if (pattern[*i] != ']') {
			error (PatternRangeMissingCloseBracket);
			return false;
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternTokenRange)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeRange;
	((PatternTokenRange *)(*token))->from = from;
	((PatternTokenRange *)(*token))->to = to;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
static bool tokenize_set (const char *pattern, size_t length, size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	size_t values_length;
	size_t seek;
	unsigned char value;
	if (++(*i) >= length) {
		error_code (PatternSetMissingValue, 1);
		return false;
	for (seek = *i, values_length = 0; seek < length && pattern[seek] != '>'; values_length++) {
		if (!pattern_token_string_to_value (pattern, length, &seek, &value)) {
			error_code (PatternSetValueInvalid, 1);
			return false;
	if (values_length == 0) {
		error_code (PatternSetMissingValue, 2);
		return false;
	if (seek >= length) {
		error (PatternSetMissingClosingBracket);
		return false;
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternTokenSet)))) {
		error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeSet;
	if (!(((PatternTokenSet *)(*token))->values = memory_create (values_length))) {
		memory_destroy (*token);
		*token = NULL;
		error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
		return false;
	((PatternTokenSet *)(*token))->values_length = values_length;
	for (values_length = 0; pattern[*i] != '>'; values_length++) {
		(void)pattern_token_string_to_value (pattern, length, i, &value);
		((PatternTokenSet *)(*token))->values[values_length] = value;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
static bool tokenize_not (size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternToken)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeNot;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
static bool tokenize_parentheses_open (size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternToken)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeParenthesesOpen;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool net_websocket_frame_create (NetWebsocketFrame *frame)
        if (!(frame->buffer = memory_create (1024))) {
                error (FunctionCall);
                return false;
        frame->size = 1024;
        frame->length = 0;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
void client_start (size_t count, size_t _package_size, size_t _seconds)
        connections_max = count;
        package_size = _package_size;
        seconds = _seconds;
        buffer = memory_create (sizeof (char) * package_size);
        connections = memory_create (sizeof (NetClientConnection) * count);
        streams = memory_create (sizeof (NetStreamConnection *) * count);
        stream = net_stream_create (&client_stream_on_add, 
        client = net_client_create (&client_on_connect,
        (void)thread_create (&worker, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 11
Tree *tree_create ()
	Tree *tree;
	if (!(tree = memory_create (sizeof (Tree)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
        	return NULL;
	if (!(tree->nil = memory_create (sizeof (TreeNode)))) {
		memory_destroy (tree);
		error (FunctionCall);
		return NULL;
	tree->nil->level = 0;
	tree->nil->key = NULL;
    	tree->nil->value = NULL;
    	tree->nil->link[0] = tree->nil->link[1] = tree->nil;
    	tree->root = tree->nil;
	tree->count = 0;
    	return tree;
Exemplo n.º 12
TreeIterator *tree_iterator_create (Tree *tree)
	TreeIterator *iterator;

	if (!(iterator = memory_create (sizeof (TreeIterator)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return NULL;
	if (!(iterator->path = memory_create (sizeof (TreeNode *) * iterator_path_size))) {
		memory_destroy (iterator);
		error (FunctionCall);
		return NULL;
	iterator->tree = tree;
	iterator->index = 0;
	iterator->index_is_set = false;
	iterator->node = NULL;
	iterator->key = NULL;
	iterator->value = NULL;
	return iterator;
Exemplo n.º 13
computer_t *computer_create ()
	computer_t *computer = (computer_t*) malloc (sizeof (computer_t));

	computer->cpu     = cpu_create    		(computer);
	computer->memory  = memory_create 		(computer);
	computer->devices = device_list_create 	();

	graphic_card_register (computer);

	return computer;
Exemplo n.º 14
Canvas *canvas_create (Size size)
        Canvas *canvas;

        if (size.width == 0) {
                error_code (InvalidArgument, 1);
                return NULL;
        if (size.height == 0) {
                error_code (InvalidArgument, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!size_t_mul (size.width, size.height, NULL)) {
                error_code (Overflow, 1);
                return NULL;
        if (!size_t_mul (size.width * size.height, sizeof (Color), NULL)) {
                error_code (Overflow, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!(canvas = memory_create (sizeof (Canvas)))) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
                return NULL;
        if (!thread_lock_create (&canvas->lock)) {
                memory_destroy (canvas);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!(canvas->image.map = memory_create (size.width * size.height * sizeof (Color)))) {
                thread_lock_destroy (&canvas->lock);
                memory_destroy (canvas);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 3);
                return NULL;
        canvas->image.width = size.width;
        canvas->image.height = size.height;
        canvas->changed = false;
        return canvas;
Exemplo n.º 15
static TreeNode *node_create (Tree *tree, Object *key, size_t level)
	TreeNode *node;

	if (!(node = memory_create (sizeof (TreeNode)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
        	return NULL;
    	node->key = key;
    	node->level = level;
    	node->link[0] = node->link[1] = tree->nil;
    	return node;
Exemplo n.º 16
List *list_create (void)
	List *list;

	if (!(list = memory_create (sizeof (List)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return NULL;
        list->first = NULL;
        list->last = NULL;
        list->count = 0;
	return list;
Exemplo n.º 17
static bool tokenize_value (const char *pattern, size_t length, size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	unsigned char value;
	if (!pattern_token_string_to_value (pattern, length, i, &value)) {
		error (PatternValueInvalid);
		return false;
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternTokenValue)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeValue;
	((PatternTokenValue *)(*token))->value = value;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
static int
get_buffer(AVCodecContext *vcodec_ctx, AVFrame *vcodec_picture)
  VideoDecoder *vdec = (VideoDecoder *)vcodec_ctx->opaque;
  struct videodecoder_avcodec *vdm = (struct videodecoder_avcodec *)vdec->opaque;
  int width, height;
  Picture_buffer *buf;

  /* alignment */
  width  = (vcodec_ctx->width  + 15) & ~15;
  height = (vcodec_ctx->height + 15) & ~15;

  if (vcodec_ctx->pix_fmt != PIX_FMT_YUV420P ||
      width != vcodec_ctx->width || height != vcodec_ctx->height) {
    debug_message_fnc("avcodec: unsupported frame format, DR1 disabled.\n");
    vdm->vcodec_ctx->get_buffer = avcodec_default_get_buffer;
    vdm->vcodec_ctx->reget_buffer = avcodec_default_reget_buffer;
    vdm->vcodec_ctx->release_buffer = avcodec_default_release_buffer;
    return avcodec_default_get_buffer(vcodec_ctx, vcodec_picture);

  buf = &vdm->picture_buffer[vdm->picture_buffer_count];
  if (buf->base == NULL) {
    int datasize = image_bpl(vdm->p) * image_height(vdm->p);
    int size = sizeof(struct pic_buf) + datasize;
    struct pic_buf *pb;

    if ((buf->base = memory_create()) == NULL) {
      err_message_fnc("No enough memory for Memory object buf->base.\n");
      return -1;

    if ((pb = memory_alloc(buf->base, size)) == NULL) {
      err_message_fnc("Cannot allocate %d bytes.  No enough memory for pic_buf.\n", size);
      return -1;
    pb->idx = vdm->picture_buffer_count;
    pb->mem = buf->base;
    memset(pb->data, 128, datasize);

    buf->pb = pb;
    buf->linesize[0] = image_width(vdm->p);
    buf->linesize[1] = image_width(vdm->p) >> 1;
    buf->linesize[2] = image_width(vdm->p) >> 1;
Exemplo n.º 19
NetPollEvents *net_poll_events_create (void)
        NetPollEvents *events;
        struct epoll_event event = { 0 };
        if (!(events = memory_create (sizeof (NetPollEvents)))) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
                return NULL;
        events->file = -1;
        events->internal_event = -1;
        events->event_index = 0;
        events->event_count = 0;
        events->queue_got_events = false;
        if (!queue_create (&events->queue, 
                           sizeof (NetPollEvent),
                           QUEUE_SIZE_DYNAMIC)) {
                memory_destroy (events);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
                return NULL;
        if ((events->file = epoll_create1 (0)) == -1) {
                net_poll_events_destroy (events);
                error_code (SystemCall, 1);
                return NULL;
        if ((events->internal_event = eventfd (0, EFD_NONBLOCK)) == -1) {
                error_code (SystemCall, 2);
                net_poll_events_destroy (events);
                return NULL;
        event.data.ptr = &events->internal_event;
        event.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;
        if (epoll_ctl (events->file, 
                       &event) == -1) {
                net_poll_events_destroy (events);
                error_code (SystemCall, 3);
                return NULL;
        return events;
Exemplo n.º 20
ListNode *list_append (List *list, void *data)
	ListNode *node;

	if (!list) {
		error (InvalidArgument);
		return NULL;
	if (!size_t_add (list->count, 1, NULL)) {
		error (Overflow);
		return NULL;
	if (!(node = memory_create (sizeof (ListNode)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return NULL;
	node->data = data;
        return (ListNode *)list_item_append (list, (ListItem *)node);
Exemplo n.º 21
CompileProject *compile_project_create (const char *path)
	CompileProject *project = NULL;

	if (!file_path_is_valid (path)) {
		compile_print ("The path is not valid: %s\n", path);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
		return NULL;
	if (!(project = memory_create (sizeof (CompileProject)))) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
		return NULL;
	if (!(project->topological = topological_create ())) {
		compile_project_destroy (project);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 3);
		return NULL;
	if (!(project->nodes = list_create ())) {
		compile_project_destroy (project);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 4);
		return NULL;
	if (!(project->directory_to_compile = tree_create ())) {
		compile_project_destroy (project);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 5);
		return NULL;
	if (!(project->directory = directory_open (path))) {
		compile_print ("Failed to open the directory: %s\n", path);
		compile_project_destroy (project);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 6);
		return NULL;
	if (!string_begins_with (project->directory->name, "project.")) {
		compile_print ("The directory name must begin with 'project.'.\n");
		compile_project_destroy (project);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 7);
		return NULL;
	project->sorted = NULL;
	return project;
Exemplo n.º 22
NetClient *net_client_create (NetClientOnConnect on_connect, 
                              NetClientOnConnectError on_connect_error, 
                              NetClientOnError on_error,
                              void *tag)
        NetClient *client;

        signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
        if (!on_connect) {
                error_code (InvalidArgument, 1);
                return NULL;
        if (!on_connect_error) {
                error_code (InvalidArgument, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!on_error) {
                error_code (InvalidArgument, 3);
                return NULL;
        if (!(client = memory_create (sizeof (NetClient)))) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
                return NULL;
        client->on_connect = on_connect;
        client->on_connect_error = on_connect_error;
        client->on_error = on_error;
        client->tag = tag;
        if (!(client->epoll = net_client_epoll_allocate ())) {
                net_client_destroy (client);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
                return NULL;
        if (!(client->thread = thread_create (&worker, client))) {
                net_client_destroy (client);
                error_code (FunctionCall, 3);
                return NULL;
        return client;
Exemplo n.º 23
FileReader *file_reader_create (const char *path)
	FileReader *reader;
	struct stat st;

        if (!file_path_is_valid (path)) {
                error_code (FunctionCall, 1);
                return NULL;
	if (!(reader = memory_create (sizeof (FileReader)))) {
		error_code (FunctionCall, 2);
		return NULL;
	reader->file_descriptor = -1;
	if (stat (path, &st) != 0) {
		file_reader_destroy (reader);
		error_code (SystemCall, 1);
		return NULL;
	reader->size = st.st_size;
	if ((reader->file_descriptor = open (path, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) {
		file_reader_destroy (reader);
		error_code (SystemCall, 2);
		return NULL;
	if ((reader->map = (unsigned char *)mmap (NULL, 
                                                  MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_POPULATE, 
                                                  reader->file_descriptor, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) {
		file_reader_destroy (reader);
		error_code (SystemCall, 3);
		return NULL;
	return reader;
Exemplo n.º 24
bool test_poll_write_2 (Test *test)
        NetPoll *poll;
        NetServer *server;
        NetClient *client;
        NetClientConnection connect;
        size_t i;

        TITLE ();
        poll_client.closed = false;
        poll_server.closed = false;
        read_count = 0;
        CATCH (!(server = net_server_create ("", 8888,
        CATCH (!(client = net_client_create (&client_on_connect,
        CATCH (!(poll = net_poll_create (&poll_on_monitor, 

        // Allocate buffer
        CATCH (!(write_buffer = memory_create (BufferSize)));
        for (i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++) {
                write_buffer[i] = (unsigned char)i;

        // Connect client.
        connect.ip = "";
        connect.port = 8888;
        net_client_connect (client, &connect);

        // Wait for connections to be completed.
        thread_signal_wait (&client_connect_signal);
        thread_signal_wait (&server_connect_signal);

        // Poll client and server connection.
        poll_client.socket = client_socket;
        poll_server.socket = server_socket;
        CATCH (!net_poll_monitor (poll, &poll_client));
        CATCH (!net_poll_monitor (poll, &poll_server));

        // Wait for monitors to be completed.
        thread_signal_wait (&client_monitor_signal);
        thread_signal_wait (&server_monitor_signal);

        // Write and wait.
        CATCH (!net_poll_write (poll, &poll_server, write_buffer, BufferSize));
        thread_signal_wait (&client_read_signal);

        // We're done, let's close poll client.
        net_poll_close (poll, &poll_client);

        // Now wait for client and server poll to close.
        thread_signal_wait (&client_close_signal);
        thread_signal_wait (&server_close_signal);

        net_poll_destroy (poll);
        net_server_destroy (server);
        net_client_destroy (client);
        memory_destroy (write_buffer);
        CATCH (error_count () != 0);
        PASS ();
Exemplo n.º 25
static bool tokenize_repeat (const char *pattern, size_t length, size_t *i, PatternToken **token)
	unsigned long long from;
	unsigned long long to;
        size_t digits;

	if (!(*token)) {
		error (PatternRepeatMissingOperand);
		return false;
	if ((*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeParenthesesClose &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeRepeat &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeRange &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeSet &&
	    (*token)->type != PatternTokenTypeValue) {
		error (PatternRepeatInvalidOperand);
		return false;
	if (++(*i) >= length) {
		error (PatternRepeatMissingFrom);
		return false;
	if (pattern[*i] == '-') {
		from = 0;
	else {
		if (!convert_string_to_unsigned_long_long (pattern + *i, &from, &digits)) {
			error (PatternRepeatInvalidFrom);
			return false;
                *i += digits;
		if (*i >= length) {
			error (PatternRepeatMissingCloseBracket);
			return false;
		if (pattern[*i] == '}') {
			if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternTokenRepeat)))) {
				error (FunctionCall);
				return false;
			(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeRepeat;
			((PatternTokenRepeat *)(*token))->from = from;
			((PatternTokenRepeat *)(*token))->to = from;
			return true;
		if (pattern[*i] != '-') {
			error (PatternRepeatMissingHyphen);
			return false;
	if (++(*i) >= length) {
		error (PatternRepeatMissingTo);
		return false;
	if (pattern[*i] == '}') {
		to = ULLONG_MAX;
	else {
		if (!convert_string_to_unsigned_long_long (pattern + *i, &to, &digits)) {
			error (PatternRepeatInvalidTo);
			return false;
                *i += digits;
		if (*i >= length) {
			error (PatternRepeatMissingCloseBracket);
			return false;
		if (pattern[*i] != '}') {
			error (PatternRepeatMissingCloseBracket);
			return false;
	if (!(*token = memory_create (sizeof (PatternTokenRepeat)))) {
		error (FunctionCall);
		return false;
	(*token)->type = PatternTokenTypeRepeat;
	((PatternTokenRepeat *)(*token))->from = from;
	((PatternTokenRepeat *)(*token))->to = to;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: gif.c Projeto: sina-ht/enfle
/* converts giflib format image into enfle format image */
static int
gif_convert(Image *p, GIF_info *g_info, GIF_image *image)
  GIF_ct *ct;
  int i, if_animated;
  //int transparent_disposal;

#if 0
  if (image->next != NULL) {
    if ((p->next = image_create()) == NULL) {
      return 0;
    if (!gif_convert(p->next, g_info, image->next)) {
      return 0;
  } else
    p->next = NULL;

  //swidth = g_info->sd->width;
  //sheight = g_info->sd->height;

  image_left(p) = image->id->left;
  image_top(p) = image->id->top;
  image_width(p) = image->id->width;
  image_height(p) = image->id->height;

#if 0
  if (image_width(p) > swidth || image_height(p) > sheight) {
    show_message("screen (%dx%d) but image (%dx%d)\n",
		 swidth, sheight, p->width, p->height);
    swidth = image_width(p);
    sheight = image_height(p);

  p->ncolors = image->id->lct_follows ? 1 << image->id->depth : 1 << g_info->sd->depth;
  p->type = _INDEX;
  //p->delay = image->gc->delay ? image->gc->delay : 1;

  if_animated = g_info->npics > 1 ? 1 : 0;

  debug_message("GIF: %d pics animation %d\n", g_info->npics, if_animated);

#if 0
  if (image->gc->transparent) {
    p->transparent_disposal = if_animated ? _TRANSPARENT : transparent_disposal;
    p->transparent.index = image->gc->transparent_index;
  } else
    p->transparent_disposal = _DONOTHING;
  p->image_disposal = image->gc->disposal;
  p->background.index = g_info->sd->back;

  if (image->id->lct_follows)
    ct = image->id->lct;
  else if (g_info->sd->gct_follows)
    ct = g_info->sd->gct;
  else {
    fprintf(stderr, "Null color table..\n");
    ct = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < (int)p->ncolors; i++) {
    p->colormap[i][0] = ct->cell[i]->value[0];
    p->colormap[i][1] = ct->cell[i]->value[1];
    p->colormap[i][2] = ct->cell[i]->value[2];

  image_bpl(p) = image_width(p);
  if (!image_image(p))
    image_image(p) = memory_create();
  if (memory_alloc(image_image(p), image_bpl(p) * image_height(p)) == NULL)
    return 0;
  memcpy(memory_ptr(image_image(p)), image->data, image_bpl(p) * image_height(p));

  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 27
    inquiry_write_eir_data - Write devices EIR data
void inquiry_write_eir_data(const CL_DM_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE_T *data)
    /* Determine length of EIR data */
    uint16 total_eir_size = 0;
    uint16 size_uuids = 0;
    uint8 *eir = NULL;

        size_uuids += sizeof(eir_hfp_uuids);
        size_uuids += sizeof(eir_a2dp_uuids);
        size_uuids += sizeof(eir_avrcp_uuids);
    total_eir_size = EIR_BLOCK_SIZE(EIR_DATA_SIZE_FULL(data->size_local_name) + 
                    EIR_DATA_SIZE_FULL(sizeof(uint8)) + EIR_DATA_SIZE_FULL(size_uuids));
    /* Allocate space for EIR data */
    eir = (uint8 *)memory_create(total_eir_size);
    if (eir)
        uint8 *p = eir;
        /* Device Name Field */
        *p++ = EIR_DATA_SIZE(data->size_local_name);  
        memmove(p, data->local_name, data->size_local_name);
        p += data->size_local_name;
        /* Inquiry Tx Field */
        *p++ = EIR_DATA_SIZE(sizeof(int8));
        *p++ = EIR_TYPE_INQUIRY_TX;
        *p++ = theSource->inquiry_mode.inquiry_tx;
        /* UUID16 field */
        *p++ = EIR_DATA_SIZE(sizeof(eir_uuids));
        *p++ = EIR_TYPE_UUID16_COMPLETE;
            memmove(p, eir_hfp_uuids, sizeof(eir_hfp_uuids));
            p += sizeof(eir_hfp_uuids);
            memmove(p, eir_a2dp_uuids, sizeof(eir_a2dp_uuids));
            p += sizeof(eir_a2dp_uuids);
            memmove(p, eir_avrcp_uuids, sizeof(eir_avrcp_uuids));
            p += sizeof(eir_avrcp_uuids);
        /* NULL Termination */
        *p++ = 0x00; 
        /* Register and free EIR data */
        ConnectionWriteEirData(FALSE, total_eir_size, eir);
        INQUIRY_DEBUG(("INQUIRY: inquiry_write_eir_data\n"));
void memory_typicall(void) 
	AbstractMemory *mem;
	StatisticsInfo *info;
	ConfigFile *cfg;
	MemoryCell cells[8]; 
	char conf_file[] = "test_config_file.txt";
	FILE *cfg_f = NULL;
	cfg_f = fopen(conf_file, "w");
	fprintf(cfg_f, "memory_size = %d\n memory_read_time = 4\n memory_write_time = 8\n memory_width = 4\n", 16 * KiB);
	cfg = config_file_parse(conf_file, stderr);
	info = statistics_create(cfg);
	mem = memory_create(cfg, NULL, info);
	mem->ops->read(mem, 15, 1, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[0].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 4);
	mem->ops->read(mem, 13, 4, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[0].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[1].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[2].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[3].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 8);
	mem->ops->read(mem, 13, 8, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 16);
	cells[0].flags = 1;
	cells[0].value = 0xFF;
	cells[1].flags = 1;
	cells[1].value = 183;
	cells[2].flags = 0;
	mem->ops->write(mem, 1, 2, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 24);
	memset(cells, 0, sizeof(cells));
	mem->ops->read(mem, 1, 2, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[0].value, 0xFF);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[0].flags, 1);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[1].value, 183);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[1].flags, 1);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[2].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 28);
	cells[0].flags = 1;
	cells[0].value = 0;
	cells[1].flags = 1;
	cells[1].value = 73;
	cells[2].flags = 0;
	mem->ops->reveal(mem, 0, 2, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 28);
	memset(cells, 0, sizeof(cells));
	mem->ops->read(mem, 0, 4, cells);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[0].value, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[0].flags, 1);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[1].value, 73);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[1].flags, 1);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[2].value, 183);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[2].flags, 1);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(cells[3].flags, 0);
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(info->clock_counter, 32);
	// FIXME: add tests
	CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(mem->ops->free(mem), NULL);