Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: menu.c Projeto: naev/naev
 * @brief Menu to ask if player really wants to quit.
int menu_askQuit (void)
   /* Asked twice, quit. */
   if (menu_isOpen( MENU_ASKQUIT )) {
      return 1;

   /* Ask if should quit. */
   menu_Open( MENU_ASKQUIT );
   if (dialogue_YesNoRaw( _("Quit Naev"), _("Are you sure you want to quit Naev?") )) {
      return 1;
   menu_Close( MENU_ASKQUIT );

   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: menu.c Projeto: naev/naev
 * @brief Resizes the main menu and its background.
 * This is a one-off function that ensures the main menu's appearance
 * is consistent regardless of window resizing.
void menu_main_resize (void)
   int w, h, bgw, bgh, tw, th;
   int offset_logo, offset_wdw, freespace;
   int menu_id, bg_id;
   Widget *wgt;

   if (!menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))

   menu_id = window_get("Main Menu");
   bg_id   = window_get("BG");

   window_dimWindow( menu_id, &w, &h );
   window_dimWindow( bg_id, &bgw, &bgh );

   freespace = SCREEN_H - main_naevLogo->sh - h;
   if (freespace < 0) {
      offset_logo = SCREEN_H - main_naevLogo->sh;
      offset_wdw  = 0;
   else {
      offset_logo = -freespace/4;
      offset_wdw  = freespace/2;

   window_moveWidget( bg_id, "imgLogo",
         (bgw - main_naevLogo->sw)/2., offset_logo );

   window_dimWidget( bg_id, "txtBG", &tw, &th );

   if (tw > SCREEN_W) {
      /* RIP abstractions. X must be set manually because window_moveWidget
       * transforms negative coordinates. */
      wgt = window_getwgt( bg_id, "txtBG" );
      if (wgt)
         wgt->x = (SCREEN_W - tw) / 2;
      window_moveWidget( bg_id, "txtBG", (SCREEN_W - tw)/2, 10. );

   window_move( menu_id, -1, offset_wdw );
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: menu.c Projeto: naev/naev
 * @brief Provisional Menu for when there will be multiple editors
static void menu_editors_open( unsigned int wid, char *unused )
   (void) unused;
   int h, y;

   /*WARN("Entering function.");*/

   /* Menu already open, quit. */
   if (menu_isOpen( MENU_EDITORS )) {

   /* Close the Main Menu */

   /* Set dimensions */
   y  = 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*2;
   h  = y + 80;

   wid = window_create( "Editors", -1, -1, MENU_WIDTH + EDITORS_EXTRA_WIDTH, h );
   window_setCancel( wid, menu_editors_close );

   /* Set buttons for the editors */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH + EDITORS_EXTRA_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
      "btnUniverse", "Universe Map", uniedit_open, SDLK_u );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH + EDITORS_EXTRA_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
      "btnMapEdit", "Map Outfits", mapedit_open, SDLK_m );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH + EDITORS_EXTRA_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
      "btnMain", "Exit to Main Menu", menu_editors_close, SDLK_x );

    /* Editors menu is open. */
   menu_Open( MENU_EDITORS );

   /*WARN("Exiting function.");*/

Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Opens the information menu.
void menu_info( int window )
   int w, h;

   /* Not under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   /* Open closes when previously opened. */
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_INFO) || dialogue_isOpen()) {
      info_close( 0, NULL );

   /* Dimensions. */
   w = 600;
   h = 500;

   /* Create the window. */
   info_wid = window_create( "Info", -1, -1, w, h );
   window_setCancel( info_wid, info_close );

   /* Create tabbed window. */
   info_windows = window_addTabbedWindow( info_wid, -1, -1, -1, -1, "tabInfo",
         INFO_WINDOWS, info_names );

   /* Open the subwindows. */
   info_openMain(       info_windows[ INFO_WIN_MAIN ] );
   info_openShip(       info_windows[ INFO_WIN_SHIP ] );
   info_openWeapons(    info_windows[ INFO_WIN_WEAP ] );
   info_openCargo(      info_windows[ INFO_WIN_CARGO ] );
   info_openMissions(   info_windows[ INFO_WIN_MISN ] );
   info_openStandings(  info_windows[ INFO_WIN_STAND ] );


   /* Set active window. */
   window_tabWinSetActive( info_wid, "tabInfo", CLAMP( 0, 5, window ) );
Exemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Opens the console.
void cli_open (void)
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Lazy loading. */
   if (cli_state == NULL)
      if (cli_init())

   /* Make sure main menu isn't open. */
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))

   /* Must not be already open. */
   if (window_exists( "Lua Console" ))

   /* Create the window. */
   wid = window_create( "Lua Console", -1, -1, cli_width, cli_height );

   /* Window settings. */
   window_setAccept( wid, cli_input );
   window_setCancel( wid, window_close );
   window_handleKeys( wid, cli_keyhandler );

   /* Input box. */
   window_addInput( wid, 20, 20,
         cli_width-60-BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "inpInput", LINE_LENGTH, 1, cli_font );

   /* Buttons. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnClose", "Close", window_close );

   /* Custom console widget. */
   window_addCust( wid, 20, -40,
         cli_width-40, cli_height-80-BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "cstConsole", 0, cli_render, NULL, NULL );
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: land.c Projeto: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Makes the player take off if landed.
 *    @param delay Whether or not to have time pass as if the player landed normally.
void takeoff( int delay )
   int h;
   char *nt;
   double a, r;

   if (!landed)

   /* Clear queued takeoff. */
   land_takeoff = 0;

   /* Refuel if needed. */

   /* In case we had paused messy sounds. */

   /* ze music */

   /* to randomize the takeoff a bit */
   a = RNGF() * 2. * M_PI;
   r = RNGF() * land_planet->radius;

   /* no longer authorized to land */
   pilot_rmFlag(player.p,PILOT_LANDING); /* No longer landing. */

   /* set player to another position with random facing direction and no vel */
   player_warp( land_planet->pos.x + r * cos(a), land_planet->pos.y + r * sin(a) );
   vect_pset( &player.p->solid->vel, 0., 0. );
   player.p->solid->dir = RNGF() * 2. * M_PI;
   cam_setTargetPilot( player.p->id, 0 );

   /* heal the player */
   player.p->armour = player.p->armour_max;
   player.p->shield = player.p->shield_max;
   player.p->energy = player.p->energy_max;
   player.p->stimer = 0.;

   /* initialize the new space */
   h = player.p->nav_hyperspace;
   player.p->nav_hyperspace = h;

   /* cleanup */
   if (save_all() < 0) { /* must be before cleaning up planet */
      dialogue_alert( "Failed to save game!  You should exit and check the log to see what happened and then file a bug report!" );

   /* time goes by, triggers hook before takeoff */
   if (delay)
      ntime_inc( ntime_create( 0, 1, 0 ) ); /* 1 STP */
   nt = ntime_pretty( 0, 2 );
   player_message("\epTaking off from %s on %s.", land_planet->name, nt);

   /* Hooks and stuff. */
   land_cleanup(); /* Cleanup stuff */
   hooks_run("takeoff"); /* Must be run after cleanup since we don't want the
                            missions to think we are landed. */
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))
   events_trigger( EVENT_TRIGGER_ENTER );
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))
   player.p->ptimer = PILOT_TAKEOFF_DELAY;
   pilot_setFlag( player.p, PILOT_TAKEOFF );
   pilot_setThrust( player.p, 0. );
   pilot_setTurn( player.p, 0. );
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: menu.c Projeto: naev/naev
 * @brief Opens the main menu (titlescreen).
void menu_main (void)
   int offset_logo, offset_wdw, freespace;
   unsigned int bwid, wid;
   glTexture *tex;
   int h, y;

   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN)) {
      WARN( _("Menu main is already open.") );

   /* Clean up GUI - must be done before using SCREEN_W or SCREEN_H. */
   player_soundStop(); /* Stop sound. */

   /* Play load music. */

   /* Load background and friends. */
   tex = gl_newImage( GFX_PATH"Naev.png", 0 );
   main_naevLogo = tex;

   /* Set dimensions */
   y  = 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*5;
   h  = y + 80;
   if (conf.devmode) {
      h += BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20;
      y += BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20;

   /* Calculate Logo and window offset. */
   freespace = SCREEN_H - tex->sh - h;
   if (freespace < 0) { /* Not enough freespace, this can get ugly. */
      offset_logo = SCREEN_W - tex->sh;
      offset_wdw  = 0;
   /* Otherwise space evenly. */
   else {
      offset_logo = -freespace/4;
      offset_wdw  = freespace/2;

   /* create background image window */
   bwid = window_create( "BG", -1, -1, -1, -1 );
   window_onClose( bwid, menu_main_cleanBG );
   window_setBorder( bwid, 0 );
   window_addImage( bwid, (SCREEN_W-tex->sw)/2., offset_logo, 0, 0, "imgLogo", tex, 0 );
   window_addText( bwid, 0, 10, SCREEN_W, 30., 1, "txtBG", NULL,
         &cWhite, naev_version(1) );

   /* create menu window */
   wid = window_create( "Main Menu", -1, offset_wdw, MAIN_WIDTH, h );
   window_setCancel( wid, main_menu_promptClose );

   /* Buttons. */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnLoad", _("Load Game"), menu_main_load, SDLK_l );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnNew", _("New Game"), menu_main_new, SDLK_n );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnTutorial", _("Tutorial"), menu_main_tutorial, SDLK_t );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   if (conf.devmode) {
      window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnEditor", _("Editors"), menu_editors_open, SDLK_e );
      y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnOptions", _("Options"), menu_options_button, SDLK_o );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnCredits", _("Credits"), menu_main_credits, SDLK_c );
   y -= BUTTON_HEIGHT+20;
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnExit", _("Exit"), menu_exit, SDLK_x );

   /* Disable load button if there are no saves. */
   if (!save_hasSave())
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnLoad" );

   /* Make the background window a child of the menu. */
   window_setParent( bwid, wid );

Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: land.c Projeto: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Makes the player take off if landed.
 *    @param delay Whether or not to have time pass as if the player landed normally.
void takeoff( int delay )
   int h;
   char *nt;
   double a, r;

   if (!landed)

   /* Player's ship is not able to fly. */
   if (!player_canTakeoff()) {
      char message[512];
      pilot_reportSpaceworthy( player.p, message, sizeof(message) );
      dialogue_msg( "Ship not fit for flight", message );

      /* Check whether the player needs rescuing. */


   /* Clear queued takeoff. */
   land_takeoff = 0;

   /* Refuel if needed. */

   /* In case we had paused messy sounds. */

   /* ze music */

   /* to randomize the takeoff a bit */
   a = RNGF() * 2. * M_PI;
   r = RNGF() * land_planet->radius;

   /* no longer authorized to land */
   pilot_rmFlag(player.p,PILOT_LANDING); /* No longer landing. */

   /* set player to another position with random facing direction and no vel */
   player_warp( land_planet->pos.x + r * cos(a), land_planet->pos.y + r * sin(a) );
   vect_pset( &player.p->solid->vel, 0., 0. );
   player.p->solid->dir = RNGF() * 2. * M_PI;
   cam_setTargetPilot( player.p->id, 0 );

   /* heal the player */
   pilot_healLanded( player.p );

   /* Clear planet target. Allows for easier autonav out of the system. */
   player_targetPlanetSet( -1 );

   /* initialize the new space */
   h = player.p->nav_hyperspace;
   player.p->nav_hyperspace = h;

   /* cleanup */
   if (save_all() < 0) /* must be before cleaning up planet */
      dialogue_alert( "Failed to save game! You should exit and check the log to see what happened and then file a bug report!" );

   /* time goes by, triggers hook before takeoff */
   if (delay)
      ntime_inc( ntime_create( 0, 1, 0 ) ); /* 1 STP */
   nt = ntime_pretty( 0, 2 );
   player_message("\epTaking off from %s on %s.", land_planet->name, nt);

   /* Hooks and stuff. */
   land_cleanup(); /* Cleanup stuff */
   hooks_run("takeoff"); /* Must be run after cleanup since we don't want the
                            missions to think we are landed. */
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))
   events_trigger( EVENT_TRIGGER_ENTER );
   missions_run( MIS_AVAIL_SPACE, -1, NULL, NULL );
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))
   player.p->ptimer = PILOT_TAKEOFF_DELAY;
   pilot_setFlag( player.p, PILOT_TAKEOFF );
   pilot_setThrust( player.p, 0. );
   pilot_setTurn( player.p, 0. );