Exemplo n.º 1
static void class_load_event(const char *name, jobjectID cid, int num_methods, 
                             JVMPI_Method *meths, int requested) {
    int i;
    cinfo_t *cinfo;
    if (DEBUG) {
        fprintf(stderr, "class load %s, %p, %d\n", 
                name, cid, (requested ? 1 : 0));
    if (! requested)
    cinfo = g_hash_table_lookup(classes, (gpointer) cid);
    if (! cinfo) {
        cinfo = cinfo_new(name);
        g_hash_table_insert(classes, (gpointer) cid, cinfo);
    for (i = 0; i < num_methods; ++i) {
        /* fprintf(stderr, "method %d %s %s\n", 
                meths [i].method_id,
                meths [i].method_name,
                meths [i].method_signature); */
        method_t *method;
        method = (method_t*) g_hash_table_lookup(methods, 
                (gpointer) meths [i].method_id);
        if (! method) {
            method = method_new(cinfo, meths [i].method_name,
                                meths [i].method_signature, 
                                meths [i].start_lineno);
            g_hash_table_insert(methods, (gpointer) meths [i].method_id,
    if (! requested)
Exemplo n.º 2
Object obj_get(Object self, Object k) {
    Object v;
    switch (TM_TYPE(self)) {
    case TYPE_STR: {
        DictNode* node;
        if (TM_TYPE(k) == TYPE_NUM) {
            double d = GET_NUM(k);
            int n = d;
            if (n < 0) {
                n += GET_STR_LEN(self);
            if (n >= GET_STR_LEN(self) || n < 0)
                tm_raise("String_get: index overflow ,len=%d,index=%d, str=%o",
                        GET_STR_LEN(self), n, self);
            return string_chr(0xff & GET_STR(self)[n]);
        } else if ((node = dict_get_node(GET_DICT(tm->str_proto), k)) != NULL) {
            return method_new(node->val, self);
    case TYPE_LIST:{
        DictNode* node;
        if (TM_TYPE(k) == TYPE_NUM) {
            return list_get(GET_LIST(self), GET_NUM(k));
        } else if ((node = dict_get_node(GET_DICT(tm->list_proto), k))!=NULL) {
            return method_new(node->val, self);
    case TYPE_DICT:{
        DictNode* node;
        node = dict_get_node(GET_DICT(self), k);
        if (node != NULL) {
            return node->val;
        } else if ((node = dict_get_node(GET_DICT(tm->dict_proto), k))!=NULL) {
            return method_new(node->val, self);
        return get_func_attr(GET_FUNCTION(self), k);
    case TYPE_DATA:
        return GET_DATA(self)->get(GET_DATA(self), k);
    tm_raise("keyError %o", k);
    return NONE_OBJECT;
Exemplo n.º 3
tm_obj tm_get(tm_obj self, tm_obj k){
	tm_obj v;
	switch( self.type){
		case TM_STR:{
			if( k.type == TM_NUM ){
				int n = get_num(k);		
				if (n < 0) n += get_str_len(self);	
				if( n >= get_str_len(self) || n < 0)
					tm_raise("tm_get: index overflow");
				//tm_printf("str = @, len = @, index = @\n", self,number_new(get_str_len(self)),  k);
				unsigned char c = get_str(self)[n];
                //printf("c = %d\n", c);
				return __chars__[c];
			}else if( dict_iget( get_dict(str_class), k , &v) ){
				return method_new(v, self);
		case TM_LST: {
			if( k.type == TM_NUM ){
				return list_get( self.value.list, get_num(k));
			}else if( dict_iget(get_dict(list_class), k, &v) ){
				return method_new( v, self);
		case TM_DCT:
			if( dict_iget( get_dict(self), k, &v)){
				return v;
			}else if(dict_iget(get_dict(dict_class), k, &v)){
				return method_new( v, self);
		case TM_FNC:
			if( k.type == TM_STR && strequals(get_str(k), "code")){
				return get_func( self )->code;
    // tm_printf_only_type("@", self);
	// cprintln(self);
	tm_raise("tm_get: keyError @, self = @ ", _tm_type(k), _tm_type(self) );
	return obj_none;
Exemplo n.º 4
test_output (void)
	FILE *        source;
	FILE *        header;
	Node *        node = NULL;
	Interface *   interface = NULL;
	Method *      method = NULL;
	Signal *      signal = NULL;
	Argument *    argument = NULL;
	Property *    property = NULL;
	int           ret;
	NihError *    err;

	TEST_FUNCTION ("output");
	source = tmpfile ();
	header = tmpfile ();

	/* Check that we can generate a valid source file and accompanying
	 * header file for a node in proxy mode.
	TEST_FEATURE ("with proxy");
			node = node_new (NULL, NULL);

			interface = interface_new (node, "com.netsplit.Nih.Test");
			interface->symbol = "test";
			nih_list_add (&node->interfaces, &interface->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "Poke");
			method->symbol = "poke";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "address",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "address";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "value",
						 "s", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "value";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "Peek");
			method->symbol = "peek";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "address",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "address";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "value",
						 "s", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "value";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "IsValidAddress");
			method->symbol = "is_valid_address";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "address",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "address";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			signal = signal_new (interface, "Bounce");
			signal->symbol = "bounce";
			nih_list_add (&interface->signals, &signal->entry);

			argument = argument_new (signal, "height",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "height";
			nih_list_add (&signal->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (signal, "velocity",
						 "i", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "velocity";
			nih_list_add (&signal->arguments, &argument->entry);

			signal = signal_new (interface, "Exploded");
			signal->symbol = "exploded";
			nih_list_add (&interface->signals, &signal->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "colour",
						 "s", NIH_DBUS_READWRITE);
			property->symbol = "colour";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "size",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_READ);
			property->symbol = "size";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "touch",
						 "b", NIH_DBUS_WRITE);
			property->symbol = "touch";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

			interface = interface_new (node, "com.netsplit.Nih.Foo");
			interface->symbol = "foo";
			nih_list_add (&node->interfaces, &interface->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "Bing");
			method->symbol = "bing";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			signal = signal_new (interface, "NewResult");
			signal->symbol = "new_result";
			nih_list_add (&interface->signals, &signal->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "preferences",
						 "(us)", NIH_DBUS_READWRITE);
			property->symbol = "preferences";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);


		ret = output ("test.c", fileno (source),
			      "test.h", fileno (header),
			      "my", node, FALSE);

		rewind (source);
		rewind (header);

		if (test_alloc_failed) {
			TEST_LT (ret, 0);

			err = nih_error_get ();
			TEST_EQ (err->number, ENOMEM);
			nih_free (err);

			TEST_FILE_RESET (source);
			TEST_FILE_RESET (header);

			nih_free (node);

		TEST_EQ (ret, 0);

		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (source, "test_output_proxy_standard.c");
		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (header, "test_output_proxy_standard.h");

		nih_free (node);

	/* Check that when there are no interfaces, a valid empty source
	 * and header file are generated.
	TEST_FEATURE ("with proxy but no interfaces");
			node = node_new (NULL, NULL);

		ret = output ("test.c", fileno (source),
			      "test.h", fileno (header),
			      "my", node, FALSE);

		rewind (source);
		rewind (header);

		if (test_alloc_failed) {
			TEST_LT (ret, 0);

			err = nih_error_get ();
			TEST_EQ (err->number, ENOMEM);
			nih_free (err);

			TEST_FILE_RESET (source);
			TEST_FILE_RESET (header);

			nih_free (node);

		TEST_EQ (ret, 0);

		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (source, "test_output_proxy_no_interfaces.c");
		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (header, "test_output_proxy_no_interfaces.h");

		nih_free (node);

	/* Check that we can generate a valid source file and accompanying
	 * header file for a node in object mode.
	TEST_FEATURE ("with object");
			node = node_new (NULL, NULL);

			interface = interface_new (node, "com.netsplit.Nih.Test");
			interface->symbol = "test";
			nih_list_add (&node->interfaces, &interface->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "Poke");
			method->symbol = "poke";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "address",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "address";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "value",
						 "s", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "value";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "Peek");
			method->symbol = "peek";
			method->async = TRUE;
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "address",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "address";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "value",
						 "s", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "value";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "IsValidAddress");
			method->symbol = "is_valid_address";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "address",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_IN);
			argument->symbol = "address";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (method, "is_valid",
						 "b", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "is_valid";
			nih_list_add (&method->arguments, &argument->entry);

			signal = signal_new (interface, "Bounce");
			signal->symbol = "bounce";
			nih_list_add (&interface->signals, &signal->entry);

			argument = argument_new (signal, "height",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "height";
			nih_list_add (&signal->arguments, &argument->entry);

			argument = argument_new (signal, "velocity",
						 "i", NIH_DBUS_ARG_OUT);
			argument->symbol = "velocity";
			nih_list_add (&signal->arguments, &argument->entry);

			signal = signal_new (interface, "Exploded");
			signal->symbol = "exploded";
			nih_list_add (&interface->signals, &signal->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "colour",
						 "s", NIH_DBUS_READWRITE);
			property->symbol = "colour";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "size",
						 "u", NIH_DBUS_READ);
			property->symbol = "size";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "touch",
						 "b", NIH_DBUS_WRITE);
			property->symbol = "touch";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

			interface = interface_new (node, "com.netsplit.Nih.Foo");
			interface->symbol = "foo";
			nih_list_add (&node->interfaces, &interface->entry);

			method = method_new (interface, "Bing");
			method->symbol = "bing";
			nih_list_add (&interface->methods, &method->entry);

			signal = signal_new (interface, "NewResult");
			signal->symbol = "new_result";
			nih_list_add (&interface->signals, &signal->entry);

			property = property_new (interface, "preferences",
						 "(us)", NIH_DBUS_READWRITE);
			property->symbol = "preferences";
			nih_list_add (&interface->properties, &property->entry);

		ret = output ("test.c", fileno (source),
			      "test.h", fileno (header),
			      "my", node, TRUE);

		rewind (source);
		rewind (header);

		if (test_alloc_failed) {
			TEST_LT (ret, 0);

			err = nih_error_get ();
			TEST_EQ (err->number, ENOMEM);
			nih_free (err);

			TEST_FILE_RESET (source);
			TEST_FILE_RESET (header);

			nih_free (node);

		TEST_EQ (ret, 0);

		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (source, "test_output_object_standard.c");
		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (header, "test_output_object_standard.h");

		nih_free (node);

	/* Check that when there are no interfaces, a valid empty source
	 * and header file are generated.
	TEST_FEATURE ("with object but no interfaces");
			node = node_new (NULL, NULL);

		ret = output ("test.c", fileno (source),
			      "test.h", fileno (header),
			      "my", node, TRUE);

		rewind (source);
		rewind (header);

		if (test_alloc_failed) {
			TEST_LT (ret, 0);

			err = nih_error_get ();
			TEST_EQ (err->number, ENOMEM);
			nih_free (err);

			TEST_FILE_RESET (source);
			TEST_FILE_RESET (header);

			nih_free (node);

		TEST_EQ (ret, 0);

		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (source, "test_output_object_no_interfaces.c");
		TEST_EXPECTED_FILE (header, "test_output_object_no_interfaces.h");

		nih_free (node);

	fclose (source);
	fclose (header);