Exemplo n.º 1
/* sort flist by specified fields, given as common-delimitted list
 * precede field name with '-' character to reverse sort order:
 *   name,user,group,uid,gid,atime,mtime,ctime,size
 * For example to sort by size in descending order, followed by name
 *   char fields[] = "size,-name"; */
int mfu_flist_sort(const char* sortfields, mfu_flist* pflist)
    if (sortfields == NULL || pflist == NULL) {
        return MFU_FAILURE;

    /* get pointer to list */
    mfu_flist flist = *pflist;

    /* start timer */
    double start_sort = MPI_Wtime();

    /* sort list */
    int rc;
    if (mfu_flist_have_detail(flist)) {
        rc = sort_files_stat(sortfields, pflist);
    else {
        rc = sort_files_readdir(sortfields, pflist);

    /* end timer */
    double end_sort = MPI_Wtime();

    /* report sort count, time, and rate */
    if (mfu_debug_level >= MFU_LOG_VERBOSE && mfu_rank == 0) {
        uint64_t all_count = mfu_flist_global_size(flist);
        double secs = end_sort - start_sort;
        double rate = 0.0;
        if (secs > 0.0) {
            rate = ((double)all_count) / secs;
        printf("Sorted %lu files in %f seconds (%f files/sec)\n",
               all_count, secs, rate

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* removes list of items, sets write bits on directories from
 * top-to-bottom, then removes items one level at a time starting
 * from the deepest */
void mfu_flist_unlink(mfu_flist flist)
    int level;

    /* wait for all tasks and start timer */
    double start_remove = MPI_Wtime();

    /* split files into separate lists by directory depth */
    int levels, minlevel;
    mfu_flist* lists;
    mfu_flist_array_by_depth(flist, &levels, &minlevel, &lists);

#if 0
    /* dive from shallow to deep, ensure all directories have write bit set */
    for (level = 0; level < levels; level++) {
        /* get list of items for this level */
        mfu_flist list = lists[level];

        /* determine whether we have details at this level */
        int detail = mfu_flist_have_detail(list);

        /* iterate over items and set write bit on directories if needed */
        uint64_t idx;
        uint64_t size = mfu_flist_size(list);
        for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
            /* check whether we have a directory */
            mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(list, idx);
            if (type == MFU_TYPE_DIR) {
                /* assume we have to set the bit */
                int set_write_bit = 1;
                if (detail) {
                    mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(list, idx);
                    if (mode & S_IWUSR) {
                        /* we have the mode of the file, and the bit is already set */
                        set_write_bit = 0;

                /* set the bit if needed */
                if (set_write_bit) {
                    const char* name = mfu_flist_file_get_name(list, idx);
                    int rc = chmod(name, S_IRWXU);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to chmod directory `%s' (errno=%d %s)",
                                  name, errno, strerror(errno)

        /* wait for all procs to finish before we start next level */

    /* now remove files starting from deepest level */
    for (level = levels - 1; level >= 0; level--) {
        double start = MPI_Wtime();

        /* get list of items for this level */
        mfu_flist list = lists[level];

        uint64_t count = 0;
        //remove_direct(list, &count);
        remove_spread(list, &count);
//        remove_map(list, &count);
//        remove_sort(list, &count);
//        remove_libcircle(list, &count);
//        TODO: remove sort w/ spread

        /* wait for all procs to finish before we start
         * with files at next level */

        double end = MPI_Wtime();

        if (mfu_debug_level >= MFU_LOG_VERBOSE) {
            uint64_t min, max, sum;
            MPI_Allreduce(&count, &min, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Allreduce(&count, &max, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Allreduce(&count, &sum, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            double rate = 0.0;
            if (end - start > 0.0) {
                rate = (double)sum / (end - start);
            double time_diff = end - start;
            if (mfu_rank == 0) {
                printf("level=%d min=%lu max=%lu sum=%lu rate=%f secs=%f\n",
                       (minlevel + level), (unsigned long)min, (unsigned long)max, (unsigned long)sum, rate, time_diff

    mfu_flist_array_free(levels, &lists);

    /* wait for all tasks and stop timer */
    double end_remove = MPI_Wtime();

    /* report remove count, time, and rate */
    if (mfu_debug_level >= MFU_LOG_VERBOSE && mfu_rank == 0) {
        uint64_t all_count = mfu_flist_global_size(flist);
        double time_diff = end_remove - start_remove;
        double rate = 0.0;
        if (time_diff > 0.0) {
            rate = ((double)all_count) / time_diff;
        printf("Removed %lu items in %f seconds (%f items/sec)\n",
               all_count, time_diff, rate

Exemplo n.º 3
/* print information about a file given the index and rank (used in print_files) */
static void print_file(mfu_flist flist, uint64_t idx)
    /* store types as strings for print_file */
    char type_str_unknown[] = "UNK";
    char type_str_dir[]     = "DIR";
    char type_str_file[]    = "REG";
    char type_str_link[]    = "LNK";

    /* get filename */
    const char* file = mfu_flist_file_get_name(flist, idx);

    if (mfu_flist_have_detail(flist)) {
        /* get mode */
        mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(flist, idx);

        //uint32_t uid = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_uid(flist, idx);
        //uint32_t gid = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_gid(flist, idx);
        uint64_t acc = mfu_flist_file_get_atime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t mod = mfu_flist_file_get_mtime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t cre = mfu_flist_file_get_ctime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, idx);
        const char* username  = mfu_flist_file_get_username(flist, idx);
        const char* groupname = mfu_flist_file_get_groupname(flist, idx);

        char access_s[30];
        char modify_s[30];
        char create_s[30];
        time_t access_t = (time_t) acc;
        time_t modify_t = (time_t) mod;
        time_t create_t = (time_t) cre;
        size_t access_rc = strftime(access_s, sizeof(access_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&access_t));
        //size_t modify_rc = strftime(modify_s, sizeof(modify_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&modify_t));
        size_t modify_rc = strftime(modify_s, sizeof(modify_s) - 1, "%b %e %Y %H:%M", localtime(&modify_t));
        size_t create_rc = strftime(create_s, sizeof(create_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&create_t));
        if (access_rc == 0 || modify_rc == 0 || create_rc == 0) {
            /* error */
            access_s[0] = '\0';
            modify_s[0] = '\0';
            create_s[0] = '\0';

        char mode_format[11];
        mfu_format_mode(mode, mode_format);

        double size_tmp;
        const char* size_units;
        mfu_format_bytes(size, &size_tmp, &size_units);

        printf("%s %s %s %7.3f %2s %s %s\n",
               mode_format, username, groupname,
               size_tmp, size_units, modify_s, file
#if 0
        printf("%s %s %s A%s M%s C%s %lu %s\n",
               mode_format, username, groupname,
               access_s, modify_s, create_s, (unsigned long)size, file
        printf("Mode=%lx(%s) UID=%d(%s) GUI=%d(%s) Access=%s Modify=%s Create=%s Size=%lu File=%s\n",
               (unsigned long)mode, mode_format, uid, username, gid, groupname,
               access_s, modify_s, create_s, (unsigned long)size, file
    else {
        /* get type */
        mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(flist, idx);
        char* type_str = type_str_unknown;
        if (type == MFU_TYPE_DIR) {
            type_str = type_str_dir;
        else if (type == MFU_TYPE_FILE) {
            type_str = type_str_file;
        else if (type == MFU_TYPE_LINK) {
            type_str = type_str_link;

        printf("Type=%s File=%s\n",
               type_str, file