Exemplo n.º 1
void DTAR_epilogue() {
    double rel_time = DTAR_statistics.wtime_ended - \
    if (DTAR_rank == 0) {
        char starttime_str[256];
        struct tm* localstart = localtime(&(DTAR_statistics.time_started));
        strftime(starttime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S", localstart);

        char endtime_str[256];
        struct tm* localend = localtime(&(DTAR_statistics.time_ended));
        strftime(endtime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S", localend);

        /* add two 512 blocks at the end */
        DTAR_statistics.total_size += 512*2;

        /* convert bandwidth to unit */
        double agg_rate_tmp;
        double agg_rate = (double) DTAR_statistics.total_size / rel_time;
        const char* agg_rate_units;
        mfu_format_bytes(agg_rate, &agg_rate_tmp, &agg_rate_units);

        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Started:    %s", starttime_str);
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Completed:  %s", endtime_str);
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Total archive size: %" PRIu64, DTAR_statistics.total_size);
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Rate: %.3lf %s " \
                "(%.3" PRIu64 " bytes in %.3lf seconds)", \
                agg_rate_tmp, agg_rate_units, DTAR_statistics.total_size, rel_time);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void generate_pretty_size(char *out, unsigned int length, uint64_t size)
    double size_tmp;
    const char* size_units;
    char *unit;
    unsigned int unit_len;

    mfu_format_bytes(size, &size_tmp, &size_units);
    snprintf(out, length, "%.2f %s", size_tmp, size_units);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void create_default_separators(struct distribute_option *option,
                                      mfu_flist* flist,
                                      uint64_t* size,
                                      int* separators,
                                      uint64_t* global_max_file_size)
    /* get local max file size for Allreduce */
    uint64_t local_max_file_size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < *size; i++) {
        uint64_t file_size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(*flist, i);
        if (file_size > local_max_file_size) {
            local_max_file_size = file_size;

    /* get the max file size across all ranks */
    MPI_Allreduce(&local_max_file_size, global_max_file_size, 1,
                  MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /* print and convert max file size to appropriate units */
    double max_size_tmp;
    const char* max_size_units;
    mfu_format_bytes(*global_max_file_size, &max_size_tmp, &max_size_units);
    printf("Max File Size: %.3lf %s\n", max_size_tmp, max_size_units);

    /* round next_pow_2 to next multiple of 10 */
    uint64_t max_magnitude_bin = (ceil(log2(*global_max_file_size) / 10 )) * 10;

    /* get bin ranges based on max file size */
    option->separators[0] = 1;

    /* plus one is for zero count bin */
    *separators = max_magnitude_bin / 10;
    int power = 10;
    for (int i = 1; power <= max_magnitude_bin; i++) {
        option->separators[i] = pow(2, power);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void stripe_progress_fn(const uint64_t* vals, int count, int complete, int ranks, double secs)
    /* compute percentage of items removed */
    double percent = 0.0;
    if (stripe_prog_bytes_total > 0) {
        percent = 100.0 * (double)vals[0] / (double)stripe_prog_bytes_total;

    /* compute average delete rate */
    double rate  = 0.0;
    if (secs > 0) {
        rate  = (double)vals[0] / secs;

    /* compute estimated time remaining */
    double secs_remaining = -1.0;
    if (rate > 0.0) {
        secs_remaining = (double)(stripe_prog_bytes_total - vals[0]) / rate;

    /* convert bytes to units */
    double agg_size_tmp;
    const char* agg_size_units;
    mfu_format_bytes(vals[0], &agg_size_tmp, &agg_size_units);

    /* convert bandwidth to units */
    double agg_rate_tmp;
    const char* agg_rate_units;
    mfu_format_bw(rate, &agg_rate_tmp, &agg_rate_units);

    if (complete < ranks) {
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Wrote %.3lf %s (%.2f%%) in %.3lf secs (%.3lf %s) %d secs remaining ...",
            agg_size_tmp, agg_size_units, percent, secs, agg_rate_tmp, agg_rate_units, (int)secs_remaining);
    } else {
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Wrote %.3lf %s (%.2f%%) in %.3lf secs (%.3lf %s) done",
            agg_size_tmp, agg_size_units, percent, secs, agg_rate_tmp, agg_rate_units);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* print information about a file given the index and rank (used in print_files) */
static void print_file(mfu_flist flist, uint64_t idx)
    /* store types as strings for print_file */
    char type_str_unknown[] = "UNK";
    char type_str_dir[]     = "DIR";
    char type_str_file[]    = "REG";
    char type_str_link[]    = "LNK";

    /* get filename */
    const char* file = mfu_flist_file_get_name(flist, idx);

    if (mfu_flist_have_detail(flist)) {
        /* get mode */
        mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(flist, idx);

        //uint32_t uid = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_uid(flist, idx);
        //uint32_t gid = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_gid(flist, idx);
        uint64_t acc = mfu_flist_file_get_atime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t mod = mfu_flist_file_get_mtime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t cre = mfu_flist_file_get_ctime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, idx);
        const char* username  = mfu_flist_file_get_username(flist, idx);
        const char* groupname = mfu_flist_file_get_groupname(flist, idx);

        char access_s[30];
        char modify_s[30];
        char create_s[30];
        time_t access_t = (time_t) acc;
        time_t modify_t = (time_t) mod;
        time_t create_t = (time_t) cre;
        size_t access_rc = strftime(access_s, sizeof(access_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&access_t));
        //size_t modify_rc = strftime(modify_s, sizeof(modify_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&modify_t));
        size_t modify_rc = strftime(modify_s, sizeof(modify_s) - 1, "%b %e %Y %H:%M", localtime(&modify_t));
        size_t create_rc = strftime(create_s, sizeof(create_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&create_t));
        if (access_rc == 0 || modify_rc == 0 || create_rc == 0) {
            /* error */
            access_s[0] = '\0';
            modify_s[0] = '\0';
            create_s[0] = '\0';

        char mode_format[11];
        mfu_format_mode(mode, mode_format);

        double size_tmp;
        const char* size_units;
        mfu_format_bytes(size, &size_tmp, &size_units);

        printf("%s %s %s %7.3f %2s %s %s\n",
               mode_format, username, groupname,
               size_tmp, size_units, modify_s, file
#if 0
        printf("%s %s %s A%s M%s C%s %lu %s\n",
               mode_format, username, groupname,
               access_s, modify_s, create_s, (unsigned long)size, file
        printf("Mode=%lx(%s) UID=%d(%s) GUI=%d(%s) Access=%s Modify=%s Create=%s Size=%lu File=%s\n",
               (unsigned long)mode, mode_format, uid, username, gid, groupname,
               access_s, modify_s, create_s, (unsigned long)size, file
    else {
        /* get type */
        mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(flist, idx);
        char* type_str = type_str_unknown;
        if (type == MFU_TYPE_DIR) {
            type_str = type_str_dir;
        else if (type == MFU_TYPE_FILE) {
            type_str = type_str_file;
        else if (type == MFU_TYPE_LINK) {
            type_str = type_str_link;

        printf("Type=%s File=%s\n",
               type_str, file
Exemplo n.º 6
static void mfu_flist_archive_create_libcircle(mfu_flist flist, const char* archivefile, mfu_archive_options_t* opts)
    DTAR_flist = flist;
    DTAR_user_opts = *opts;

    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &DTAR_rank);

    /* TODO: stripe the archive file if on parallel file system */

    /* init statistics */
    DTAR_statistics.total_dirs  = 0;
    DTAR_statistics.total_files = 0;
    DTAR_statistics.total_links = 0;
    DTAR_statistics.total_size  = 0;
    DTAR_statistics.total_bytes_copied = 0;

    DTAR_statistics.wtime_started = MPI_Wtime();

    /* create the archive file */
    DTAR_writer.name = archivefile;
    DTAR_writer.fd_tar = open(archivefile, DTAR_writer.flags, 0664);

    /* get number of items in our portion of the list */
    DTAR_count = mfu_flist_size(DTAR_flist);

    /* allocate memory for file sizes and offsets */
    uint64_t* fsizes = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(DTAR_count * sizeof(uint64_t));
    DTAR_offsets     = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(DTAR_count * sizeof(uint64_t));

    /* compute local offsets for each item and total
     * bytes we're contributing to the archive */
    uint64_t idx;
    uint64_t offset = 0;
    for (idx = 0; idx < DTAR_count; idx++) {
        /* assume the item takes no space */
        fsizes[idx] = 0;

        /* identify item type to compute its size in the archive */
        mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(DTAR_flist, idx);
        if (type == MFU_TYPE_DIR || type == MFU_TYPE_LINK) {
            /* directories and symlinks only need the header */
            fsizes[idx] = DTAR_HDR_LENGTH;
        } else if (type == MFU_TYPE_FILE) {
            /* regular file requires a header, plus file content,
             * and things are packed into blocks of 512 bytes */
            uint64_t fsize = mfu_flist_file_get_size(DTAR_flist, idx);

            /* determine whether file size is integer multiple of 512 bytes */
            uint64_t rem = fsize % 512;
            if (rem == 0) {
                /* file content is multiple of 512 bytes, so perfect fit */
                fsizes[idx] = fsize + DTAR_HDR_LENGTH;
            } else {
                /* TODO: check and explain this math */
                fsizes[idx] = (fsize / 512 + 4) * 512;


        /* increment our local offset for this item */
        DTAR_offsets[idx] = offset;
        offset += fsizes[idx];

    /* execute scan to figure our global base offset in the archive file */
    uint64_t global_offset = 0;
    MPI_Scan(&offset, &global_offset, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    global_offset -= offset;

    /* update offsets for each of our file to their global offset */
    for (idx = 0; idx < DTAR_count; idx++) {
        DTAR_offsets[idx] += global_offset;

    /* create an archive */
    struct archive* ar = archive_write_new();


    int r = archive_write_open_fd(ar, DTAR_writer.fd_tar);
    if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) {
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "archive_write_open_fd(): %s", archive_error_string(ar));

    /* write headers for our files */
    for (idx = 0; idx < DTAR_count; idx++) {
        mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(DTAR_flist, idx);
        if (type == MFU_TYPE_FILE || type == MFU_TYPE_DIR || type == MFU_TYPE_LINK) {
            DTAR_write_header(ar, idx, DTAR_offsets[idx]);

    /* prepare libcircle */
    CIRCLE_loglevel loglevel = CIRCLE_LOG_WARN;

    /* register callbacks */

    /* run the libcircle job to copy data into archive file */

    /* compute total bytes copied */
    uint64_t archive_size = 0;
    MPI_Allreduce(&offset, &archive_size, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    DTAR_statistics.total_size = archive_size;

    DTAR_statistics.wtime_ended = MPI_Wtime();

    /* print stats */
    double rel_time = DTAR_statistics.wtime_ended - \
    if (DTAR_rank == 0) {
        char starttime_str[256];
        struct tm* localstart = localtime(&(DTAR_statistics.time_started));
        strftime(starttime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S", localstart);

        char endtime_str[256];
        struct tm* localend = localtime(&(DTAR_statistics.time_ended));
        strftime(endtime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S", localend);

        /* add two 512 blocks at the end */
        DTAR_statistics.total_size += 512 * 2;

        /* convert bandwidth to unit */
        double agg_rate_tmp;
        double agg_rate = (double) DTAR_statistics.total_size / rel_time;
        const char* agg_rate_units;
        mfu_format_bytes(agg_rate, &agg_rate_tmp, &agg_rate_units);

        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Started:    %s", starttime_str);
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Completed:  %s", endtime_str);
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Total archive size: %" PRIu64, DTAR_statistics.total_size);
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_INFO, "Rate: %.3lf %s " \
                "(%.3" PRIu64 " bytes in %.3lf seconds)", \
                agg_rate_tmp, agg_rate_units, DTAR_statistics.total_size, rel_time);

    /* clean up */

    /* close archive file */
    mfu_close(DTAR_writer.name, DTAR_writer.fd_tar);
Exemplo n.º 7
static int print_flist_distribution(int file_histogram,
                                    struct distribute_option *option,
                                    mfu_flist* pflist, int rank)
    /* file list to use */
    mfu_flist flist = *pflist;

    /* get local size for each rank, and max file sizes */
    uint64_t size = mfu_flist_size(flist);
    uint64_t global_max_file_size;

    int separators = 0;
    if (file_histogram) {
        /* create default separators */
        create_default_separators(option, &flist, &size, &separators,
    } else {
        separators = option->separator_number;

    /* allocate a count for each bin, initialize the bin counts to 0
     * it is separator + 1 because the last bin is the last separator
     * to the DISTRIBUTE_MAX */
    uint64_t* dist = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC((separators + 1) * sizeof(uint64_t));

    /* initialize the bin counts to 0 */
    for (int i = 0; i <= separators; i++) {
        dist[i] = 0;

    /* for each file, identify appropriate bin and increment its count */
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
         /* get the size of the file */
         uint64_t file_size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, i);

         /* loop through the bins and find the one the file belongs to,
          * set last bin to -1, if a bin is not found while looping through the
          * list of file size separators, then it belongs in the last bin
          * so (last file size - MAX bin) */
         int max_bin_flag = -1;
         for (int j = 0; j < separators; j++) {
             if (file_size <= option->separators[j]) {
                 /* found the bin set bin index & increment its count */

                 /* a file for this bin was found so can't belong to
                  * last bin (so set the flag) & exit the loop */
                 max_bin_flag = 1;

         /* if max_bin_flag is still -1 then the file belongs to the last bin */
         if (max_bin_flag < 0) {

    /* get the total sum across all of the bins */
    uint64_t* disttotal = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC((separators + 1) * sizeof(uint64_t));
    MPI_Allreduce(dist, disttotal, (uint64_t)separators + 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /* Print the file distribution */
    if (rank == 0) {
         /* number of files in a bin */
         uint64_t number;
         double size_tmp;
         const char* size_units;
         printf("%-27s %s\n", "Range", "Number");
         for (int i = 0; i <= separators; i++) {
             printf("%s", "[ ");
             if (i == 0) {
                 printf("%7.3lf %2s", 0.000, "B");
             } else {
                 mfu_format_bytes((uint64_t)option->separators[i - 1],
                                  &size_tmp, &size_units);
                 printf("%7.3lf %2s", size_tmp, size_units);

             printf("%s", " - ");

             if (file_histogram) {
                                 &size_tmp, &size_units);
                number = disttotal[i];
                                 &size_tmp, &size_units);
                printf("%7.3lf %2s ) %"PRIu64"\n", size_tmp,
                       size_units, number);
             } else {
                if (i == separators) {
                    number = disttotal[i];
                    printf("%10s ) %"PRIu64"\n", "MAX", number);
                } else {
                    number = disttotal[i];
                              &size_tmp, &size_units);
                    printf("%7.3lf %2s ) %"PRIu64"\n", size_tmp, size_units, number);

    /* free the memory used to hold bin counts */

    return 0;