Exemplo n.º 1
*	Function: psMin
*	Input:	int *A	Pointer to input array
*		int *P	Pointer to Prefix array
*		int *S	Pointer to Suffix array
*		int n	Size of the arrays
*	Output: void
*	Description: Runs the prefix and suffix algorthim. Also
*	sets the number of threads available to OpenMP.
*	Each Loop iteration a copy of A is made to B where the work
*	is done on. As the minArray writes to B and saves the result
*	to B[0] due to the balanced tree method.
void psMin(int *A, int *P, int *S, int n){
	int i;	
	for(i=0; i<n; i++){	
		P[i] = minArray(A, i+1); /*find prefix min*/
		S[i] = minArray(&A[i], n-i); /*find suffix min*/

Exemplo n.º 2
 shared_ptr <JSONExport::JSONObject> serializeAccessor(JSONAccessor* accessor, void *context)
     shared_ptr <JSONObject> accessorObject = shared_ptr<JSONObject>(new JSONObject());
     accessorObject->setUnsignedInt32("byteStride", (unsigned int)accessor->getByteStride());
     accessorObject->setUnsignedInt32("byteOffset", (unsigned int)accessor->getByteOffset());
     accessorObject->setUnsignedInt32("elementsPerValue", (unsigned int)accessor->getElementsPerVertexAttribute());
     accessorObject->setUnsignedInt32("count", (unsigned int)accessor->getCount());
     accessorObject->setString("elementType", JSONUtils::getStringForType(accessor->getElementType()));
     JSONBuffer* buffer = context ? (JSONBuffer*)context : accessor->getBuffer().get();
     accessorObject->setString("buffer", buffer->getID());
     const double* min = accessor->getMin();
     if (min) {
         shared_ptr <JSONExport::JSONArray> minArray(new JSONExport::JSONArray());
         accessorObject->setValue("min", minArray);
         for (size_t i = 0 ; i < accessor->getElementsPerVertexAttribute() ; i++) {
             minArray->appendValue(shared_ptr <JSONExport::JSONNumber> (new JSONExport::JSONNumber(min[i])));
     const double* max = accessor->getMax();
     if (max) {
         shared_ptr <JSONExport::JSONArray> maxArray(new JSONExport::JSONArray());
         accessorObject->setValue("max", maxArray);
         for (size_t i = 0 ; i < accessor->getElementsPerVertexAttribute() ; i++) {
             maxArray->appendValue(shared_ptr <JSONExport::JSONNumber> (new JSONExport::JSONNumber(max[i])));
     return accessorObject;
Exemplo n.º 3
void runAmazonInterview()
	int A[8] = { 3, 9, 5, 4, 1, 8, 11, 10 };

	minArray(A, 8, 5); // brute force method O(nk)
Exemplo n.º 4
    shared_ptr <GLTF::JSONObject> serializeMeshAttribute(GLTFMeshAttribute* meshAttribute, void *context)
        shared_ptr <JSONObject> meshAttributeObject = shared_ptr<JSONObject>(new JSONObject());
        meshAttributeObject->setUnsignedInt32("byteStride", (unsigned int)meshAttribute->getByteStride());
        meshAttributeObject->setUnsignedInt32("byteOffset", (unsigned int)meshAttribute->getByteOffset());
        meshAttributeObject->setUnsignedInt32("componentsPerAttribute", (unsigned int)meshAttribute->getElementsPerVertexAttribute());
        meshAttributeObject->setUnsignedInt32("count", (unsigned int)meshAttribute->getCount());
        meshAttributeObject->setString("componentType", GLTFUtils::getStringForGLType(meshAttribute->getComponentType()));
        void** buffers = (void**)context;
        GLTFBufferView *bufferView = context ? (GLTFBufferView*)buffers[0] : meshAttribute->getBufferView().get();

        meshAttributeObject->setString("bufferView", bufferView->getID());
        const double* min = meshAttribute->getMin();
        if (min) {
            shared_ptr <GLTF::JSONArray> minArray(new GLTF::JSONArray());
            meshAttributeObject->setValue("min", minArray);
            for (size_t i = 0 ; i < meshAttribute->getElementsPerVertexAttribute() ; i++) {
                minArray->appendValue(shared_ptr <GLTF::JSONNumber> (new GLTF::JSONNumber(min[i])));
        const double* max = meshAttribute->getMax();
        if (max) {
            shared_ptr <GLTF::JSONArray> maxArray(new GLTF::JSONArray());
            meshAttributeObject->setValue("max", maxArray);
            for (size_t i = 0 ; i < meshAttribute->getElementsPerVertexAttribute() ; i++) {
                maxArray->appendValue(shared_ptr <GLTF::JSONNumber> (new GLTF::JSONNumber(max[i])));
        return meshAttributeObject;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main()
  int isArray[] = {58,75,22,48}; // 假設我們會給的是一個固定的整數陣列 
  int size = sizeof(isArray) / sizeof(isArray[0]); //利用sizeof operator抓出整個陣列的大小,和陣列其中一個元素的大小,兩者相除就可以得到陣列的元素個數 
  int min = minArray(isArray,size-1); //將陣列與它的大小放進去,印出,並且要注意的是,c用索引值來找陣列中的元素,故size-1 
  return 0;			      
Exemplo n.º 6
void Analysis::collect(const Mat& feature)
	int nl = feature.rows;
    int nc = feature.cols;
    float max, min;
    pair<int, int> s;
    maxArray(feature, max, s);
    minArray(feature, min, s);
    printf("max: %f, min: %f\n", max, min, sum(feature)[0]);
Exemplo n.º 7
*	Function: psMin
*	Input:	void* args	pointer to data struct
*	Output: void*
*	Description: Runs the prefix and suffix algorthim.Main Loop
*	is parallelized and so each thread is given where is should
*	start and end its work. These values are given through the
*	void* args which is the pointer to the struct of type data
*	which contains all the information. At the end the thread
*	waits at the barrier until all the other threads who are 
*	running are done
void* psMin(void* args){
	int i;
	int *A, *P, *S, n, end, start, id;
	data *input = (data*)args;
	A = input->A;
	P = input->P;
	S = input->S;
	n = input->n;
	start = input->start;
	end = input->end;
	id = input->id;

	for(i=start; i<end; i++){
		P[i] = minArray(A, i+1);
		S[i] = minArray(&A[i], n-i);
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 8
double* Color::getHSL() const {
  double max, min, c;
  double rgb[3], * hsl = new double[3];

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    rgb[i] = (double)color[i] / 255;

  max = maxArray(rgb, 3);
  min = minArray(rgb, 3);
  c = max - min;
  if (c == 0)
    hsl[0] = 0;
  else if (max == rgb[RGB_RED]) {
    hsl[0] = (rgb[RGB_GREEN] - rgb[RGB_BLUE]) / c;
    while (hsl[0] > 6)
      hsl[0] = hsl[0] - 6;
  } else if (max == rgb[RGB_GREEN])
    hsl[0] = (rgb[RGB_BLUE] - rgb[RGB_RED]) / c + 2.0;
  else if (max == rgb[RGB_BLUE])
    hsl[0] = (rgb[RGB_RED] - rgb[RGB_GREEN]) / c + 4.0;
  hsl[0] = 60 * hsl[0];

  hsl[2] = (max + min) / 2;
  if (c == 0)
    hsl[1] = 0;
  /* this part does not work */
  //  hsl[1] = c / (1.0 - abs(2.0 * hsl[2] - 1.0));
  else if (hsl[2] < .5)
    hsl[1] = c / (max + min);
    hsl[1] = c / (2.0 - max - min);
  return hsl;
Exemplo n.º 9
void test3() {
  double s = minArray(n, a);
  printf("minArray=%lf\n", s);
Exemplo n.º 10
int minArray(int anArray[],int size)
  if(size == 0) return anArray[0];//base case:如果陣列只有一個元素,那自然最小的就是它了,並且他的索引值為0 
  return fmin(anArray[size],minArray(anArray,size-1));//調用math.h的fmin來找兩者最小,利用對anArray[size]的變動來實現遞迴